I normally dont have Anything going on that needs to be shared with the world. But last sunday was a little different. My friend was having some problems with his car and i had to follow him to the repair shop. I couldn't do it till i got off work so it was about 11 at night when we started to get moving. He drove it to the gas station when it decided that it didnt feel like living anymore. I pushed it back a few blocks to his house. Keep in mind that this is all happing just off of broad street in downtown. Once we got to his parking lot his spot was taken up. So as we are about to try to push it 3 block to where my car is a huge very strong black guy in his underwear come form his apt. and offers help. "Pants or no we would love the help." is what i said to him and just as i was thinking about how its great people who dont know each other are willing to help out, and how good it is that the community can do something good I hear screaming followed by the sound of snuffling feet and punches landing. About 13feet away from us two guys started brawling. After looking at each other for a sec me and underwear man sigh and try to break up the fight. mostly him i was fake holding the other guy back. As i was doing so not only did i realize that he wasnt really trying now but the two men were feuding lovers. We pushed the car into a spot that opened up after it was all settled. At that point me and the helpfull man were still bent over pushing the car into the spot when his roommate pops out asking if we still needed her help. I stood up and said hello. She didnt know i was there and was suppriesed to see me. She was even more supprised to see a half naked giant guy pop up next to me. She just said " Fuck I must have just missed the party!" pritty much one of the strangest things thats happened to me in awhile. Anyway just thought i would share.
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