Had a sweet day the other day. Started out with going to the gym with the gf and ended with shaking Chris Titus's had after his stand up show at the funnybone. Got him to sign his 1st seasion dvd for my mom. and by better half had him sign a his love is evol dvd to us. goodtimes.
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 30, 2009
Had a great day just hanging out with my GF when all the sudden a dre… -
Sunday Sep 27, 2009
My girlfriend is back after being gone for about a week. Makes me v… -
Friday Sep 25, 2009
I Just watched the series finally of king of the hill. Im really sad… -
Tuesday Sep 08, 2009
NEW RAMMSTEIN ALBUM!!!!! Here is the link to the tease. Rammste… -
Monday Sep 07, 2009
Disney acquired Marvel Comics for $4 billion. what the hell? I really… -
Saturday Aug 29, 2009
Payday finally. Dont have to stress about money as much. Although lo… -
Saturday Aug 29, 2009
Payday finally. Dont have to stress about money as much. Although lo… -
Tuesday Aug 11, 2009
-Bitching alert- Damn banks for taking more money from you when yo… -
Friday Aug 07, 2009
A girl asked me if i was single today at work. 1st time thats ever h… -
Tuesday Aug 04, 2009
Just got done moving to a new apt. where my girlfriend and i can have…