Had a sweet day the other day. Started out with going to the gym with the gf and ended with shaking Chris Titus's had after his stand up show at the funnybone. Got him to sign his 1st seasion dvd for my mom. and by better half had him sign a his love is evol dvd to us. goodtimes.
More Blogs
Thursday Oct 22, 2009
soooo frustrated with peoples shameless greed. Every place i look it… -
Monday Oct 19, 2009
Had a sweet day the other day. Started out with going to the gym wit… -
Tuesday Oct 13, 2009
Fuck me missed never ending pasta by ONE DAY. grrrrr. life goes on. … -
Monday Oct 12, 2009
Gona go see a movie with my girl and get some never ending pasta at t… -
Thursday Oct 08, 2009
So the Flip camera thing is all ready broke. I guess they only give … -
Tuesday Oct 06, 2009
Good day today. Got a flip video camera for no joke 1 cent. Some fuc… -
Monday Oct 05, 2009
A friend showed me what is now my new fav. burger join. its five guys… -
Sunday Oct 04, 2009
bbbbboooooorrrrreeeeeddd. cant sleep. found a very funny video. So i… -
Saturday Oct 03, 2009
Im gona have to punch my neighbor in the kidneys next time he brings … -
Friday Oct 02, 2009
fixing jaxbuxs computer today. So he can once again join the interwe…