Just got done moving to a new apt. where my girlfriend and i can have some privacy. Thanks to a few friends we were able to move with out any problems. We moved behind a golf course its a woodsy quite place. i really like it so far.
More Blogs
Thursday Oct 22, 2009
soooo frustrated with peoples shameless greed. Every place i look it… -
Monday Oct 19, 2009
Had a sweet day the other day. Started out with going to the gym wit… -
Tuesday Oct 13, 2009
Fuck me missed never ending pasta by ONE DAY. grrrrr. life goes on. … -
Monday Oct 12, 2009
Gona go see a movie with my girl and get some never ending pasta at t… -
Thursday Oct 08, 2009
So the Flip camera thing is all ready broke. I guess they only give … -
Tuesday Oct 06, 2009
Good day today. Got a flip video camera for no joke 1 cent. Some fuc… -
Monday Oct 05, 2009
A friend showed me what is now my new fav. burger join. its five guys… -
Sunday Oct 04, 2009
bbbbboooooorrrrreeeeeddd. cant sleep. found a very funny video. So i… -
Saturday Oct 03, 2009
Im gona have to punch my neighbor in the kidneys next time he brings … -
Friday Oct 02, 2009
fixing jaxbuxs computer today. So he can once again join the interwe…