Diablo 3 makes me sad face. SG make me well again
Wife + Food + vodka + ( free time x relaxation) = happiness
So far the plan for fires in the back yard is going well. its been a long time sence a weekly friends meeting, i think it was dnd a year ago.
fuck yeah it is. as soon as i get some shit in my apartment for people to sit on, i'll have people over. but no fires. unless we light my place up.
so today at work a guy stole a laptop and someone tried to whore them selfs out to a random person in the parking lot. Too bad it was the chief of police. Strange day.
Well the wedding went great. Best friend is moving back to columbus and its getting warmer out side. Happy with the way things are going.
Yay for surviving the wedding. Wait til you have to survive your own.
Oh it was my wedding. Kinda didnt make that clear. But it felt more like a party. I dont think that ive been to one where as many people have stayed the whole time and then some.
I normally dont have Anything going on that needs to be shared with the world. But last sunday was a little different. My friend was having some problems with his car and i had to follow him to the repair shop. I couldn't do it till i got off work so it was about 11 at night when we started to get moving. He drove...
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I think that this is the 1st bad review of COD2 ive seen. Just wish it could have come form a walking punch line. This is also a great video to show how not to hit. really tho its a good thing he didnt throw a good punch i think he would have broken his pinky knuckle. it just lolzs
I think that this is the 1st bad review of COD2 ive seen. Just wish it could have come form a walking punch line. This is also a great video to show how not to hit. really tho its a good thing he didnt throw a good punch i think he would have broken his pinky knuckle. it just lolzs
well... nothing happening is the norm anyhow.. lol
I really hope that this display goes up again i would love to see it when i go see my mom.Nazi gingerbreadmen
God damn. its soo easy when you are alone. as soon as you let someone elce into your life they find a way to make your life a ton harder. The ups are higher and the downs make you want to see the whole world burn. FUCK i went from complately happy to wanting to call shit off. Now im stuck with confused as hell...
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thanks for reading =]
Don't worry, he knows. He might ignore how lost i can be, but that's deliberate.
Because I hope I'll never intentionally let something destroy our relationship.
Boobies or not!
Because I hope I'll never intentionally let something destroy our relationship.
Boobies or not!