Thanks for reading m blogs and for your good wishes! Much appreaciated.
Can I just say, your sleve is stunning. I never took such a close look at it before that picture above. I realy love the negative space when the pattern has been deliberaely broken and how the non-traditional elements have been worked into what looks, at first glance, to be a very traditional japanese/yakusa style design.
It's worth saying too: you're terribly beautiful, by the way, so keep up the efforts on the set front! Best of luck.
Can I just say, your sleve is stunning. I never took such a close look at it before that picture above. I realy love the negative space when the pattern has been deliberaely broken and how the non-traditional elements have been worked into what looks, at first glance, to be a very traditional japanese/yakusa style design.
It's worth saying too: you're terribly beautiful, by the way, so keep up the efforts on the set front! Best of luck.