My art clearly show what's been on my mind lately. And I'm taking a course on sexualitystudies (queertheory & gay rights mainly) at uni as well, so my life is filled with--- you know, sex. I guess there could be worse things to rant about.
I've been dedicated to SG lately. I didn't know there was so much stuff swirling around on the site! It's like going on a treasurehunt. I'm exploring the groups, old pictures, and members. Watch out, soon I'm on YOUR profile! No seriously, soon I am. I love the multiple girl sets, why aren't they featured anymore? And Jimi's set was a breath of fresh air. And I love the Hopeful's group. It's filled with energy and activity, and the girls are so sweet. It would be so good to see Valkyrie or Brody go pink, those girls wants it so bad. And NekoKoneko and creativename! I just know those girls will be official SG's.
I'll be sending in my set on monday, if everything goes as planned. I'm kinda itching all over becuase I have to wait, I'm a terribly impatient person. I want to know if it's accepted or rejcted NOW! Wah. Now I have ants in my pants.
Going to an interwiew with a newspaper today concerning my fanzine-stuff and a script I participated in. I hope it goes well.
I saw this and, since you're the only current valdal I know, I had to show it to you.