Sorry I've been lost! I know this is unacceptable seeing as I truly love blogging about this crazy life I live! & use to do it all the time, so I truly Apologize.
A lot has gone on since my last post so I'll start by getting business out of the way Still hoping that FRONT will get back to me, Applied to a couple more magazine's, Did the open casting for InkedMag in Hell City! Shot a TV show called Master Of The Mix, Also did a Music Video for big time rapper T-pain & YoungCash LOL I love networking and these video's always are extremely funny scenarios like midgets trowing money at strippers twice his size. Finally, went to Sunny California Shot & met the best soul in this whole wide world you might call her Milloux but to me she's my sweet Maria guadalupe garcia de los terrenos true mexican soul mate & Kurosune who won over my heart and felt immediately like an older sister! she's so cute! I'm a terribly nervous person so when I meet people who I could strip down and just be myself with things get crazy! so I extended my flight & met even more beautiful ladies!
experience the craziest times i've ever had in my life at the dessert for Coachella with Misfitt & Maria guadalupe and on my last day hiked my first mountain ever with hopeful hardknox!
I had the most amazing time ever nothing could replace those memories we built and the crazy adventures we went through haha!
Well, hope you didn't think my advetures were done, did you? coz of corse I went to Hell City and I'm starting the rule what happens in Hell City stays THERE! muahaha so all you get is a wonderfully long photo dump! enjoy


May 8th, will be when "In Ruins" hits Member Review so keep you're eyes peeled for this little number Its such an important set for me because I really wanted to prove that I could wear my hair however the fuck I want (in this case no beauty products/hair products whatsoever) Straight/Curly/ Fried whatever it is ..& show members, people & haters in general that I am still beautiful ...this one was for me<3
If you'd like to see my daily - Insta : Kush_Suicide
My crazy side - Vine: Kush Suicide
My blog:
If you wanna feel generous summer's coming and I'd love and instax cam, I will send this handsome woman or sir with nakey signed instax & prints!Do it!