Hello my loves!
Have I mentioned lately how amazing life could be? It's been a crazy roller coaster of a year already & I feel truly blessed to have overcome my obstacles with my head high. I recently got kicked out of my formal home which was a bit of a shock seeing I was living with what I thought was a close friend of mine but HEY! sometimes you see people for who they really are and he showed me that his "girlfriend" (which dumped him a week after my move out date) was obviously more important than my feelings or well being period.
SO, I was left to figure out a living situation very quickly ... I'm 21 years old and I have been doing this since I was sixteen when I couldn't take my parents abuse and drug use around me anymore..so as sad as it sounds i've been used to people who "LOVE" me leaving me in the streets.. BUT they never tear me apart or down..
I got a job in less than a day stayed with a friend for a couple of days and then proceded to rent an apartment with all my CALIFORNIA savings which hurt because i was sooo STOKED to meet Milloux , Kurosune & moon & shoot in the place I see as my future home</3
I decided to start my savings all over though and maybe in the next two months I'll be able to save enough to go anyways but now living alone put a heavy strain on me financially so its a BIG maybe.
ON other brighter news!
I've shot my second set which to tell you guys the honest truth is like my first set but on steroids! Its amazing and breath taking and the day I hit the front page you will all get to see a little preview of it so keep you're eyes peeled for MARCH 14th, 2013! amazing things will be happening on this date seeing as I pronounced it " Official KUSH day" Please smoke in my name and Trust you're dreams will come true

Also, I took my FRONT pics and sent them off so i should be hearing back from them soon about being on an issue or not! keep you're fingers crossed for me as i would LOVE and feel so honored to be on this MAG.
& with that i will leave you with some outtakes of that shoot so ya'll could perv on me a little.
The love of my life Sif will be on MR MARCH 16th! so you all better go and give some love before you get a 4 foot tall dominican coming after you!

& now my FRONT shoot.

FOLLOW & Like:
VINE: Kush Suicide
& if you're feeling like sending me some awesome stuff here's
My Wishlist!
Why do you have to live so far away? 

Looks like you had a blast at Hell City.... awesome! Hope all is well with you. we gotta catch up again sometime soon.