Hello SG land!
I've been getting over the shitty Flu so excuse me for my lack of update. Since i'm finally feeling better I decided it was time for a lovely blog!
So, all i've been practically been doing is indulging in hot soup, chocolate and long nights of "Dexter " followed by long days of "GIRLS" If you didn't know these two Tv shows and clicked those links i'm sorry for fucking up your sleeping schedule but thankful I exposed you to greatness.
I haven't been completely useless though my Virgo self will never let me rest if I'm not up by 9:00 am doing something so I scheduled all my shoots for this upcoming week with some amazing Miami Photographers! one of them Luis Muos he's simply a genius and i'm one lucky gal to be shooting with him you can also check out his stuff on Instagram @ Iamluismunos & the other is also Nikmartinezzz on insta and he's beyond amazing and i can't wait to shoot with him either! Like I mentioned in my blog before I've been lucky enough to be contacted back by people like Creep Street & FRONT MAG. I also found out that One of my close friends Igor is trying to get a job for Whistle Magzine & I was honored when he asked me to be his model for his article on women experiencing intense orgasm because of tube socks! haha If you're already interested keep you're eye out for an update if it gets printed on the next issue. So, you see not completely useless next time your feeling lazy ask yourself what would Kush_ do?! LOL
So you see today I might not have the most photo fun filled blog but I promise to come back with an amazing set, lots of beautiful pics and hey who know's maybe I'll finally get graced by the Beautiful SG angels and get pink!! Its alright to dream right?! haha
Since I will re-shooting my Front mag pics i'll give you my favorite shots from my mini Hobbit set<3

This QUEUED Is crazy & these gals need your love more than ever so please support!










also look out for these foxy ladies coming up in MR!








Finally I saved the best for last!
My wonderful friend Treuntas drew this beautiful picture of me and i have to commend him for doing such a great job! I love it!! thank you!

If you wanna keep up with me follow me on
Insta: Kushxhale
or on Tumblr
I've been getting over the shitty Flu so excuse me for my lack of update. Since i'm finally feeling better I decided it was time for a lovely blog!
So, all i've been practically been doing is indulging in hot soup, chocolate and long nights of "Dexter " followed by long days of "GIRLS" If you didn't know these two Tv shows and clicked those links i'm sorry for fucking up your sleeping schedule but thankful I exposed you to greatness.
I haven't been completely useless though my Virgo self will never let me rest if I'm not up by 9:00 am doing something so I scheduled all my shoots for this upcoming week with some amazing Miami Photographers! one of them Luis Muos he's simply a genius and i'm one lucky gal to be shooting with him you can also check out his stuff on Instagram @ Iamluismunos & the other is also Nikmartinezzz on insta and he's beyond amazing and i can't wait to shoot with him either! Like I mentioned in my blog before I've been lucky enough to be contacted back by people like Creep Street & FRONT MAG. I also found out that One of my close friends Igor is trying to get a job for Whistle Magzine & I was honored when he asked me to be his model for his article on women experiencing intense orgasm because of tube socks! haha If you're already interested keep you're eye out for an update if it gets printed on the next issue. So, you see not completely useless next time your feeling lazy ask yourself what would Kush_ do?! LOL
So you see today I might not have the most photo fun filled blog but I promise to come back with an amazing set, lots of beautiful pics and hey who know's maybe I'll finally get graced by the Beautiful SG angels and get pink!! Its alright to dream right?! haha
Since I will re-shooting my Front mag pics i'll give you my favorite shots from my mini Hobbit set<3
Also, I'm hoping Mirror Pong gets bought but you could help me by showing it some more love I'd love you forever, hehe & i love getting stuff in the mail! so if your feeling generous here's my Wish List!
I also got tatted a couple days ago check it out

This QUEUED Is crazy & these gals need your love more than ever so please support!










also look out for these foxy ladies coming up in MR!








Finally I saved the best for last!
My wonderful friend Treuntas drew this beautiful picture of me and i have to commend him for doing such a great job! I love it!! thank you!

If you wanna keep up with me follow me on
Insta: Kushxhale
or on Tumblr

Congrats on the pinkness hot mama!! <3 <3
It was only a matter of time. Wink! Congrats beautiful!