and that was this year. I am excited because I am closing on my first home in a few days. I tried to get it to happen in time for my birthday, but no luck.
On a political note: I am so tired of the state of political debate in this country today. The new trend is to change the nature of the argument instead of debate the issue (you want a secure border? you are a racist. you would appreciate the muslim community to build their mosque not so close to the site of a terrorist attack, you are trouncing on the constitution). The best example, or blueprint, for this as it were is perfectly illustrated in the funny but educational film "Thank You for Smoking". Specificaly the father/son discussion on how to debate chocolate vs. vanilla. It is textbook for what is happening lately in the media and in anywhere in the U.S. for that matter. It's just so divisive and for no other reason than to distract from real solutions to the huge issues facing this country.
PLEASE don't respond with any arguments, I am so bone weary of talking about it because invariably its never about a solution its always about the smokescreen issue. I dont want to change anyone's mind about anything, but just be honest with yourself about what the real issue and not the knee-jerk assault you are bombarded with daily by news outlets.
A secure border is ultimately about collecting tax revenue for social services. period. If you want to go to disneyland, you pay admission. i do.
the mosque issue is about sensitivity and fostering understanding, not the first ammendment. if you are in a diner having a meal and there is a screaming baby at the table next to you, you have the RIGHT to turn to them and tell the parents to shut that baby up, but is that the best solution? maybe move to a different table away from the screaming baby or is there another reason you want to be at THAT table. Yes, you have the RIGHT to sit where you want to sit, but who is the asshole in that situation? you are. and the follow up argument is usually "why should i have to change my seat because of a baby? make the baby go to another table. BECAUSE ITS A BABY JERK!
but the news media would have you believe its about racism or religious persection. But as Americans, we are better than that.
ugh...and hear I started by saying I didn't want to talk about
my soul is threadbare lately
Have a great time!
Awww, thanks a lot for your comment, I'm happy to hear from you!