i made a quick edit of a day or two in my stupid life.

i know my teeth are gross and im ugly
Interesting video out of Long Beach. Share the wealth, I always say.

This is a good one on a cure for cancer that we never hear about. Trust your doctors though. They went to school!

oh and you wrote another blog?! i just commented on the one before wink
just got my power back finally. gave me lots of time to think
wb in the world of the people with energy and internet biggrin

and sure, you love your cats!!!!!! i have the proof!

omg you crazy capper tongue

Supposedly this is the first song MoTown ever released. No wonder I like it so much.
So I spent money on stuff finally but I'm too lazy to use it now.

These are the times I wonder if smoking too much weed gives me too much of an excuse to just sit around and not do anything.

At least I got some stuff done today. I finished my cover letter and have an interview/audition for some extra work. I have to...
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I was able to force myself to go hiking. I only went about half way and then came back. I just wanted to get a little workout in, sweat some, get the blood flowing, and get my appetite and intestines ready for Thanksgobbly Day.

Since it has been raining a lot in Los Angeles, especially in the pre-dawn hours, the dirt and hills were very...
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i try my best to just sleep until monday. but i need weed to do that, and i am running oooout.


I really don't get it. I am feeling a little better. But I am really very out of it.

I went biking and hiking and felt great, then my job never called me and I always get depressed when I have to...
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im having a shit week. i was riding high with a job, and now its like i have to wait til see if there is even any more work.

i should be looking for other work but im so depressed.

ive been reading things on motivation and i cant let small failures like this get me down. but fuck it was going good.

fuuck. i...
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