Sometimes I have explosive outbursts of anger. They manifest themselves in verbal barrages in my room.
I've never hit anyone (since elementary school when I was more like Nelson, but really other people were Nelson'ing me and I just did it back better) but like I was saying I don't hit anyone, especially not people smaller than me or women.
When I do get verbal, I am usually talking to myself. If on the rare occassion I decide to pick a fight with someone it will be someone larger.
I mean it's almost impossible to find people smaller than me. I'm about 5'6 and a thin 125.
I feel like I live in a foreign country. Like I'm in a warzone.
It is strange when I get to talk to normal people once in a while. Then I forget about where I live and all the stupid ghetto ass people around me.
I swear to God that the cops I talked to tonight were the most normal people I have talked to. Including some people at the Ron Paul rallies. The Ron Paul people are kind of weird like me but they think IM the weird one but the jokes on them, I think THEYRE the weird ones, ha Ha!
But I don't want to be racist but... wtf... I don't get it. I grew up around multiculturalism all my life. I mean I am a mixed race. Even if I were one or the other, I would still be the only white or asian anywhere around here. And whereever I go I'm the only one.
And when I go to school, a white or asian face is very rare. And the fact is, for whatever reason, I had always tried my hardest to make friends with the blacks and hispanics.
And all they would ever do is treat me like the biggest nerd and outcast. Of course a lot of it was racial, but there were a lot of other reasons too. Because you'll see them go out of their way sometimes to start making friends with a lot of asians to show how NOT racist they are. LoL.
All of a sudden every asian (but me) gets treated like royalty.
Jealousy and bitterness aside, being in contact, if even briefly, with some hot pieces of ass, who actually TALKED to me, really makes my day.
It's rough.
Imagine if you guys had to go a few days without seeing your loved ones or friends. Then imagine you just don't have any.
The only people I ever tried to be friends with only bad mouthed me and told everyone how much they hated me and how much they don't want to be around me.
It was and is not paranoia.
Well, try being away from your loved ones, no cell phone no nothing. Then imagine that one day as forever. That you don't have anyone, and if you try, everyone goes nuts and calls the police.
But that's just because I live in a scum ghetto full of foreigners.
The fact was it was white people that came to my door. One of them was asian but she is very white.
You guys can say whatever you want. This is my life and my experience and it's the truth to me.
I would do anything to live around white people, or even asians. And I mean the white asians, those are japanese, chinese, then korean, in that order. Although koreans can be much like filipinos, who are a lot like vietnamese who, well are more vicious than the blacks and mexicans.
But anyways. If you aren't dumb or blind, or non-white, or brainwashed by the media to think that it's ok for people to act like animals.
Maybe you've been fooled into thinking that you're RACIST if you tell the truth about other people. Open your eyes. Ever been to a ghetto?
None of the ghettos were ghettos until the whites moved out. The places were nice. Then little by little houses get filled up with tons of people with no jobs and all their cousins and relatives and friends staying there and coming by all the time, and all of their friends.
Take the opposite example. The Japanese were given the worst land possible in Los Angeles, right next to Skid Row. And they took garbage and turned it into the most desirable land in Los Angeles, right next to Skid Row. And now all the Koreans and white people come in and try to take over.
The fact is, Asia is even better than America. Asians are smarter than Americans.
Asians dominate in math. I am half white and used to consider myself American.
You can say anything you want. You don't live where I live. You don't see the true side of people.
The hatefulness you see in me is nothing compared to what I experience on a daily basis.
You have no idea. And the horde is only growing, fed off of food stamps, welfare, SSI, insurance fraud, scams, and mostly drugs and other criminal activity. Whatever you can think of, they do it.
And it's an invasion, and they don't even need to fire one shot. America just laid down.
You laid down to the liberal media.
I swear to GOD it is not a joke. You fuckers have laid down to a bunch of idiots telling you you're RACIST and that you have to do whatever they say or else you're RACIST, so you have to let the blacks and mexicans do whatever they want.
That's why the whites around here FLED in droves. All you idiot liberals, your parents are racists for a reason. They fucking FLED this ghetto ass area that used to be ALL white.
NOBODY wants to live around here. If you do it's garbage. And if you do you have to have ALOT of cops protecting all the rich white kids who want to pretend to be ghetto.
That's the funniest part. All the rich kids who move into a "mixed" neighborhood and pretend like it's the same as a real ghetto.
Why did all the smart people move away? The only people left are ghetto ass scum, or just plain stupid, or maybe just got stuck thinking that people from other countries are the same as white people.
They aren't. White people have been civilized for many thousands of years. So have asians. This can't be said for the other cultures.
Or maybe it CAN be said. But they cannot function inside America. America is shit now.
I know there are a lot of smart people in every culture. And that's what USED to make America great. But instead of just letting in the best and the brightest. We let anyone in.
And now it is what it is. People in America have become so stupid and lead by the media that they refuse to see that the notion of equality is not necessarily true.
Even though God gives all men (and women) the rights to self governance and determination, that means I have every right to try and stop unevolved and evil elements into what used to be a great country.
The realities of life say that there is not enough to go around.
The fact is that it is going to be either you or me. The fact is I would rather be oppressed by whites and asians than mexicans or blacks or any other race.
Your idea might be different. Maybe you think all races can just get along. You live in an idealized society, probably in a college or upper to middle class work environment.
Well wherever you are won't last long. Maybe you never knew what America used to be like. Or maybe or still live someplace where America still exists.
It won't for long. The best and brightest are leaving. At least the Americans. That's not counting the asian kids, but they'll probably leave too when they realize that unless you have a huge majority, that your neighborhood is not as safe as a white neighborhood.
Or put it this way. Maybe in a mexican neighborhood all the mexicans are safe, but you aren't safe unless you're mexican.
That can be true in a black neighborhood, a lot blacks live in a terrible ghetto and don't even know. Same with mexicans and any central or south american. They may in general look out for each other.
Well for me, it has never been that way. I've always been hated on and punked by everyone. And I still get teased, like it's ok to do that.
So that doesn't happen when I'm in a white or asian city. They are civilized and normal.
You can call me racist or crazy. Like I said, you're either blind, stupid, a drug addict who needs them to get their drugs, or a nice person who is easily manipulated by bad people.
The world is full of extremely evil and bad people. And all those bad people learned that ACTING nice is how to get their way.
Everyone lies. Open your eyes. You know the truth.
Some people can get along. I fucking tried my hardest. I have made friends with many people from different races and cultures. Sure the smartest ones are cool. But even the smartest ones had a certain animosity.
Nobody else feels what I feel. My experiences are definitely unique to myself.
But the point being, if these people are capable of doing this to me, they are capable of doing this to anyone.
People are so dumb. People hang out with some really awful people. They think just because that person only does stuff to other people, that they don't do it to you.
But you need to realize, that people who talk shit about other people talk shit about everyone.
They play the same tricks with everyone. Like my boss. Every person he'll go "I don't think that person's working out." to try and get everyone to talk shit.
It's all very Machiavellian and theres so few honest, nice people out there.
And I used to consider myself nice, but I know I can't because of the things I type. But I swear to GOD, I tried so hard.
There is no redeeming value in these people. They get along fine with each other (HA, thats why they run here like rats) so why not let them stay together.
Let civilized people continue progressing into space. Fuck this ghetto ass liberal bullshit.
You gave up everything your ancestors fought to create.
I don't really care, America is bullshit. Sure it is evil, it's done a lot of bad things. But God does a lot of bad things too. It's for a greater good.
I would rather live under the ideal of what America was supposed to be based on the Constitution than what America is today. But I would still live in the America of today than anywhere south of the border or in the majority of other countries.
I'm sure there are some nice countries in some parts of the world, especially in Europe and Asia. And there are nice little places all around the world, but they are insolated and protected. And even then some countries are still garbage.
America used to be a safe country. There is no disputing that it is completely a racial thing. You have to lock your doors.
And the fact is, it's a culture. It starts from one culture but it SPREADS to everyone else. So now Americans act the same and are no longer Americans but facist mexicans.
btw, the mexicans and nazis were working in conjunction during WW2. Why do you think all the Nazis escaped to central and south America.
Anyways. Call me a racist. Hate on me all you want. I don't care. Some of you will agree with me. Most of you will hate me and completely ignore everything I write. Especially if you're one of the people I am talking about.
But some of you will wake up, I hope. Although most likely I lose more friends.
I'm sorry to people I hurt. I'm sure there are lots of great people in other countries. But I'm sorry, you made my country your enemy. You blame my country America for everything bad. And you all hate this country but all pretend like you don't.
That's the worst part. The lying. Sure Americans lie too. I guess we all lie!
But I live in this country and it used to be good. Until the whites moved away. That's just how it is.
And even when I am in these "integrated" areas, all the groups of friends are segregated. Once in a while you see a group of people integrated. But usually it's forced. Or even if they are together, race is always an issue.
People of different races, or if theres more than one of the other, the one person who isnt the other race gets treated weird. No matter how hard they try. It's always different.
People are stupid. Most people CANT get along and they shouldnt have to.
People are different. The mexicans are so different than Americans. They think different. Stuff that is illegal and wrong to a white American is the opposite to the mexicans and vice versa.
To them selling drugs and being in gangs is good. Tagging on walls is ok, not a big deal.
And it's racist to target them! Anyways.
I could go on forever. But make sure to lock your doors. It didn't used to be like that when it was just whites America.
I'm not even full white but I see that this country used to be what I would like to live in.
Everybody does. But you guys ruined it. You brought all your bad habits from your country.
See, I'm different. I'm Japanese and Polish. My dad actually looks very Jewish. Either way, my people are as civilized as you can get.
. Fuck you barbarians.
I've never hit anyone (since elementary school when I was more like Nelson, but really other people were Nelson'ing me and I just did it back better) but like I was saying I don't hit anyone, especially not people smaller than me or women.
When I do get verbal, I am usually talking to myself. If on the rare occassion I decide to pick a fight with someone it will be someone larger.
I mean it's almost impossible to find people smaller than me. I'm about 5'6 and a thin 125.
I feel like I live in a foreign country. Like I'm in a warzone.
It is strange when I get to talk to normal people once in a while. Then I forget about where I live and all the stupid ghetto ass people around me.
I swear to God that the cops I talked to tonight were the most normal people I have talked to. Including some people at the Ron Paul rallies. The Ron Paul people are kind of weird like me but they think IM the weird one but the jokes on them, I think THEYRE the weird ones, ha Ha!
But I don't want to be racist but... wtf... I don't get it. I grew up around multiculturalism all my life. I mean I am a mixed race. Even if I were one or the other, I would still be the only white or asian anywhere around here. And whereever I go I'm the only one.
And when I go to school, a white or asian face is very rare. And the fact is, for whatever reason, I had always tried my hardest to make friends with the blacks and hispanics.
And all they would ever do is treat me like the biggest nerd and outcast. Of course a lot of it was racial, but there were a lot of other reasons too. Because you'll see them go out of their way sometimes to start making friends with a lot of asians to show how NOT racist they are. LoL.
All of a sudden every asian (but me) gets treated like royalty.
Jealousy and bitterness aside, being in contact, if even briefly, with some hot pieces of ass, who actually TALKED to me, really makes my day.

It's rough.
Imagine if you guys had to go a few days without seeing your loved ones or friends. Then imagine you just don't have any.
The only people I ever tried to be friends with only bad mouthed me and told everyone how much they hated me and how much they don't want to be around me.
It was and is not paranoia.
Well, try being away from your loved ones, no cell phone no nothing. Then imagine that one day as forever. That you don't have anyone, and if you try, everyone goes nuts and calls the police.
But that's just because I live in a scum ghetto full of foreigners.
The fact was it was white people that came to my door. One of them was asian but she is very white.
You guys can say whatever you want. This is my life and my experience and it's the truth to me.
I would do anything to live around white people, or even asians. And I mean the white asians, those are japanese, chinese, then korean, in that order. Although koreans can be much like filipinos, who are a lot like vietnamese who, well are more vicious than the blacks and mexicans.
But anyways. If you aren't dumb or blind, or non-white, or brainwashed by the media to think that it's ok for people to act like animals.
Maybe you've been fooled into thinking that you're RACIST if you tell the truth about other people. Open your eyes. Ever been to a ghetto?
None of the ghettos were ghettos until the whites moved out. The places were nice. Then little by little houses get filled up with tons of people with no jobs and all their cousins and relatives and friends staying there and coming by all the time, and all of their friends.
Take the opposite example. The Japanese were given the worst land possible in Los Angeles, right next to Skid Row. And they took garbage and turned it into the most desirable land in Los Angeles, right next to Skid Row. And now all the Koreans and white people come in and try to take over.
The fact is, Asia is even better than America. Asians are smarter than Americans.
Asians dominate in math. I am half white and used to consider myself American.
You can say anything you want. You don't live where I live. You don't see the true side of people.
The hatefulness you see in me is nothing compared to what I experience on a daily basis.
You have no idea. And the horde is only growing, fed off of food stamps, welfare, SSI, insurance fraud, scams, and mostly drugs and other criminal activity. Whatever you can think of, they do it.
And it's an invasion, and they don't even need to fire one shot. America just laid down.
You laid down to the liberal media.
I swear to GOD it is not a joke. You fuckers have laid down to a bunch of idiots telling you you're RACIST and that you have to do whatever they say or else you're RACIST, so you have to let the blacks and mexicans do whatever they want.
That's why the whites around here FLED in droves. All you idiot liberals, your parents are racists for a reason. They fucking FLED this ghetto ass area that used to be ALL white.
NOBODY wants to live around here. If you do it's garbage. And if you do you have to have ALOT of cops protecting all the rich white kids who want to pretend to be ghetto.
That's the funniest part. All the rich kids who move into a "mixed" neighborhood and pretend like it's the same as a real ghetto.
Why did all the smart people move away? The only people left are ghetto ass scum, or just plain stupid, or maybe just got stuck thinking that people from other countries are the same as white people.
They aren't. White people have been civilized for many thousands of years. So have asians. This can't be said for the other cultures.
Or maybe it CAN be said. But they cannot function inside America. America is shit now.
I know there are a lot of smart people in every culture. And that's what USED to make America great. But instead of just letting in the best and the brightest. We let anyone in.
And now it is what it is. People in America have become so stupid and lead by the media that they refuse to see that the notion of equality is not necessarily true.
Even though God gives all men (and women) the rights to self governance and determination, that means I have every right to try and stop unevolved and evil elements into what used to be a great country.
The realities of life say that there is not enough to go around.
The fact is that it is going to be either you or me. The fact is I would rather be oppressed by whites and asians than mexicans or blacks or any other race.
Your idea might be different. Maybe you think all races can just get along. You live in an idealized society, probably in a college or upper to middle class work environment.
Well wherever you are won't last long. Maybe you never knew what America used to be like. Or maybe or still live someplace where America still exists.
It won't for long. The best and brightest are leaving. At least the Americans. That's not counting the asian kids, but they'll probably leave too when they realize that unless you have a huge majority, that your neighborhood is not as safe as a white neighborhood.
Or put it this way. Maybe in a mexican neighborhood all the mexicans are safe, but you aren't safe unless you're mexican.
That can be true in a black neighborhood, a lot blacks live in a terrible ghetto and don't even know. Same with mexicans and any central or south american. They may in general look out for each other.
Well for me, it has never been that way. I've always been hated on and punked by everyone. And I still get teased, like it's ok to do that.
So that doesn't happen when I'm in a white or asian city. They are civilized and normal.
You can call me racist or crazy. Like I said, you're either blind, stupid, a drug addict who needs them to get their drugs, or a nice person who is easily manipulated by bad people.
The world is full of extremely evil and bad people. And all those bad people learned that ACTING nice is how to get their way.
Everyone lies. Open your eyes. You know the truth.
Some people can get along. I fucking tried my hardest. I have made friends with many people from different races and cultures. Sure the smartest ones are cool. But even the smartest ones had a certain animosity.
Nobody else feels what I feel. My experiences are definitely unique to myself.
But the point being, if these people are capable of doing this to me, they are capable of doing this to anyone.
People are so dumb. People hang out with some really awful people. They think just because that person only does stuff to other people, that they don't do it to you.
But you need to realize, that people who talk shit about other people talk shit about everyone.
They play the same tricks with everyone. Like my boss. Every person he'll go "I don't think that person's working out." to try and get everyone to talk shit.
It's all very Machiavellian and theres so few honest, nice people out there.
And I used to consider myself nice, but I know I can't because of the things I type. But I swear to GOD, I tried so hard.
There is no redeeming value in these people. They get along fine with each other (HA, thats why they run here like rats) so why not let them stay together.
Let civilized people continue progressing into space. Fuck this ghetto ass liberal bullshit.
You gave up everything your ancestors fought to create.
I don't really care, America is bullshit. Sure it is evil, it's done a lot of bad things. But God does a lot of bad things too. It's for a greater good.
I would rather live under the ideal of what America was supposed to be based on the Constitution than what America is today. But I would still live in the America of today than anywhere south of the border or in the majority of other countries.
I'm sure there are some nice countries in some parts of the world, especially in Europe and Asia. And there are nice little places all around the world, but they are insolated and protected. And even then some countries are still garbage.
America used to be a safe country. There is no disputing that it is completely a racial thing. You have to lock your doors.
And the fact is, it's a culture. It starts from one culture but it SPREADS to everyone else. So now Americans act the same and are no longer Americans but facist mexicans.
btw, the mexicans and nazis were working in conjunction during WW2. Why do you think all the Nazis escaped to central and south America.
Anyways. Call me a racist. Hate on me all you want. I don't care. Some of you will agree with me. Most of you will hate me and completely ignore everything I write. Especially if you're one of the people I am talking about.
But some of you will wake up, I hope. Although most likely I lose more friends.
I'm sorry to people I hurt. I'm sure there are lots of great people in other countries. But I'm sorry, you made my country your enemy. You blame my country America for everything bad. And you all hate this country but all pretend like you don't.
That's the worst part. The lying. Sure Americans lie too. I guess we all lie!
But I live in this country and it used to be good. Until the whites moved away. That's just how it is.
And even when I am in these "integrated" areas, all the groups of friends are segregated. Once in a while you see a group of people integrated. But usually it's forced. Or even if they are together, race is always an issue.
People of different races, or if theres more than one of the other, the one person who isnt the other race gets treated weird. No matter how hard they try. It's always different.
People are stupid. Most people CANT get along and they shouldnt have to.
People are different. The mexicans are so different than Americans. They think different. Stuff that is illegal and wrong to a white American is the opposite to the mexicans and vice versa.
To them selling drugs and being in gangs is good. Tagging on walls is ok, not a big deal.
And it's racist to target them! Anyways.
I could go on forever. But make sure to lock your doors. It didn't used to be like that when it was just whites America.
I'm not even full white but I see that this country used to be what I would like to live in.
Everybody does. But you guys ruined it. You brought all your bad habits from your country.
See, I'm different. I'm Japanese and Polish. My dad actually looks very Jewish. Either way, my people are as civilized as you can get.