just experimenting.
This was like 3 steps. besides resizing which doesnt count.

oh snap, when captain america throws his mighty shield!

i dunno why, i just had to throw this in there
because it cracks me up!
but anyways, its real easy to create the shield... its just a couple of circles on top of each other with a star in the middle.
when you look around, you see how effective the most basic shapes are in representing major companies in their logos. places like Target, Best Buy, GM, Toyota, Mitsubishi. Very simple, using basic shapes or just lettering for the most part.
but sometimes simplicity is the best, because its right to the point. people dont have time to think. people dont want to think. they just want to do what feels good. something they see in certain designs triggers pleasure centers in your brain. like when looking at a naked woman. its all purely visual. you're like mesmerized, as they say
put two shields together and you got a pair of verticle bewbz.

Then i just changed the colors, added radial gradients and draw some lines to form a skullish looking thing.
and thus captain kus was born from the ashes of los angeles...

This was like 3 steps. besides resizing which doesnt count.

oh snap, when captain america throws his mighty shield!

i dunno why, i just had to throw this in there
because it cracks me up!
but anyways, its real easy to create the shield... its just a couple of circles on top of each other with a star in the middle.
when you look around, you see how effective the most basic shapes are in representing major companies in their logos. places like Target, Best Buy, GM, Toyota, Mitsubishi. Very simple, using basic shapes or just lettering for the most part.
but sometimes simplicity is the best, because its right to the point. people dont have time to think. people dont want to think. they just want to do what feels good. something they see in certain designs triggers pleasure centers in your brain. like when looking at a naked woman. its all purely visual. you're like mesmerized, as they say
put two shields together and you got a pair of verticle bewbz.

Then i just changed the colors, added radial gradients and draw some lines to form a skullish looking thing.
and thus captain kus was born from the ashes of los angeles...