So I am exploring Adobe Illustrator. I feel like a kid when I'm drawing. Just putting random shit on the paper and having fun.
Illustrator makes it real simple. Now I don't have to worry about having straight lines, or coloring inside the lines, or having the correct color, or being able to do complex shapes in a matter of seconds.
It originally started out as a hand, I just laid out random squares to represent the joints. But it started to look like a castle. But then I just added the horizontal lines for no reason, because I thought it needed something going horizontal since everything else had been a veritcal rectangle.
I just add random colors, there are thousands of combinations.
It's a lot of fun to explore what looks good to you. Besides, what is good or bad? I think if you add some bright colors and nice shapes it looks fine. A little balance helps. A some sort of idea.
But I usually start off just randomly. Choose a random Illustrator tool, color, shape, effect, and go from there.
It's really nice to just be able to create things out of nothing. It is a primordial feeling and it gives you a bit of what God intended for people to do.
I think what aliens are trying to tell us with crop circles is that art is a universal form of communication, and creating art creates positive energy in the universe and within yourself. Your creative "juices" and psychic energy really come out when you CREATE out of nothingness. Like how the universe came from nothing.
Whether you believe in God or not, it's just a concept, an idea.
That's why originality and uniqueness is so rare. Even though everything I do is based on something else done previously, I still try and create from nothing, although it is not really from "nothing, but a combination of Adobe Illustrator (doing much of the work), previous artists who have inspired me doing all of there work, but more importantly just random people doing art for the fun of it.
I am doing art, but I don't consider myself an artist. I don't spend much time on this stuff. 15 or 30 minutes at most.
I feel like a kid in elementary school. Doing a coloring book. It's fun and it passes the time. But I am not doing it as a profession and I am not dedicating enough into it. Because there's people out there that spend all day doing this stuff. That is what I consider artists. People who dedicate themselves to it.
Anyways. It's fun, I wouldn't mind exploring it further. But it's fun, and you need to do things that are fun.
It's just weird that you can take a blank piece of paper and create stories and images and ideas. And different people interpret it different ways.
I added the triangles for symbology! And more horse testicles means more iron!

so i was looking at it, and i think it would look better as the hand, as i originally intended it to be. and it is too wide. i am going to chop off the edges and move the stuff around so that it is more square and compact.

Illustrator is fun because its like a coloring book, but you can move the stuff around and change the colors.
Illustrator makes it real simple. Now I don't have to worry about having straight lines, or coloring inside the lines, or having the correct color, or being able to do complex shapes in a matter of seconds.
It originally started out as a hand, I just laid out random squares to represent the joints. But it started to look like a castle. But then I just added the horizontal lines for no reason, because I thought it needed something going horizontal since everything else had been a veritcal rectangle.
I just add random colors, there are thousands of combinations.
It's a lot of fun to explore what looks good to you. Besides, what is good or bad? I think if you add some bright colors and nice shapes it looks fine. A little balance helps. A some sort of idea.
But I usually start off just randomly. Choose a random Illustrator tool, color, shape, effect, and go from there.
It's really nice to just be able to create things out of nothing. It is a primordial feeling and it gives you a bit of what God intended for people to do.
I think what aliens are trying to tell us with crop circles is that art is a universal form of communication, and creating art creates positive energy in the universe and within yourself. Your creative "juices" and psychic energy really come out when you CREATE out of nothingness. Like how the universe came from nothing.
Whether you believe in God or not, it's just a concept, an idea.
That's why originality and uniqueness is so rare. Even though everything I do is based on something else done previously, I still try and create from nothing, although it is not really from "nothing, but a combination of Adobe Illustrator (doing much of the work), previous artists who have inspired me doing all of there work, but more importantly just random people doing art for the fun of it.
I am doing art, but I don't consider myself an artist. I don't spend much time on this stuff. 15 or 30 minutes at most.
I feel like a kid in elementary school. Doing a coloring book. It's fun and it passes the time. But I am not doing it as a profession and I am not dedicating enough into it. Because there's people out there that spend all day doing this stuff. That is what I consider artists. People who dedicate themselves to it.
Anyways. It's fun, I wouldn't mind exploring it further. But it's fun, and you need to do things that are fun.
It's just weird that you can take a blank piece of paper and create stories and images and ideas. And different people interpret it different ways.
I added the triangles for symbology! And more horse testicles means more iron!

so i was looking at it, and i think it would look better as the hand, as i originally intended it to be. and it is too wide. i am going to chop off the edges and move the stuff around so that it is more square and compact.

Illustrator is fun because its like a coloring book, but you can move the stuff around and change the colors.