thanks for all the kind words of late...... especially to one belle and the kick ass couple and my old pal chiquita...... they know who they are...... the words mean alot..... but it is time i start doing things to deserve them..... a meeting has been scheduled and maybe a bit of yakking and some fun pills might help start this engine again..... i have been putting it off for years..... and now, it is painfully obvious that i need to remedy my situation..... so to all my friends (real and digital) and family..... i'm ready to change and wish i would have taken the step so long ago to enact this..... i have realized the signs and feelings for too long and ignored them, hoping i could help myself or that they would just go away..... bad move, kurtz..... but i have taken matters into my own hands and will lay them at the feet of others to see if i can sort this mess..... so cheers, to the long, hard road ahead.....
good luck, bro
you're quite welcome. and yes i know, my dolls are horrifying. but i always hated dolls until i saw those. and i thought "now THOSE are dolls!"