shiraz and oly..... fuel for the soul that has been forgotten..... my dog loves me and you do not..... but i am still hopeful..... tomorrow is day one of non-smoking..... i'll tell you about it in the morn over a cigarette and coffee...... rockstar drummer friend comes into town this weekend..... much fun to be had, many memories to be lost.... seriously contemplating getting off my ass and doing something..... check in tomorrow for details...... i might be here too.....
Why didn't the Nazis contribute more to music and if they did where are the recordings?
I don't think ancient demons could handle what we've done to the atmosphere with pollution. So if you are a villain, I would leave the conjuring of ancient devil gods to the teenage stoners. You can't take chance these days.
When I die I wanna end up like Ghost Rider
When I die I wanna hear Ghost Rider by Suicide
I wanna own the Swiss Miss pudding company