Got this sea shanty in my head.
Sixty men all lost at sea
all of them drunk except for me.
Twas I whose left to brave the storm
with nothing inside to keep me warm.
Yo ho yo ho
Where ever the trade winds blow we go
Yo ho yo ho
Where ever the four winds blow!
And to finish it off: Batman as a Pirate
"Sweetheart, you get old. I get distinguished."
Sixty men all lost at sea
all of them drunk except for me.
Twas I whose left to brave the storm
with nothing inside to keep me warm.
Yo ho yo ho
Where ever the trade winds blow we go
Yo ho yo ho
Where ever the four winds blow!
And to finish it off: Batman as a Pirate
"Sweetheart, you get old. I get distinguished."
your art or a comic?
Private Eye