I took the time to write this... So READ IT!!!
Crazy thing happened yesterday. I checked my e-mail and I had a notice from MySpace telling me I had a message from someone named Kaile. Little back story... Kaile was the name of the first love of my life. You know her... she's the one that burned all of your senses and all other girls you meet the rest of your life, weather you date them or not, are scrutinized against, like it or not. And in her case she pretty much destroyed me because she made the bar very high indeed and made it so that I could only date extremely special gals. So when I hear (or in this case, read) that name, I immediately think of her. But I quickly realized, "no way. I haven't spoken to her in over 15 years. Likely some sex/spam-bot." But I looked and the message was pretty bot-like.
<paraphrasing> "Hey you! How's tricks? Kaile" My mouse was literally over the delete button when I realized that's the greeting I always used with her. I clicked on her profile and sure enough... she looked me up, couldn't find me, then looked up my brother and found my profile on his friends list.
Two things here. She's married now, has two kids and lives in FLA. Nothing's going to happen, but it's nice to know we mutually still think about each other from time to time and the impression stayed with us.
Secondly, if she said "I'm getting a divorce. Come take me and my little ones away" I would on a plane faster than you could say "Johnny, you're a fool!"
We've been exchanging e-mails pretty frequently already, but it's mostly since-last-we-met type stuff. But most people go their whole lives womdering what ever happened to their first love. I'm happy to say, as of yesterday, I'm not one of them... which is pretty cool.
That and looking at Film schools in Vancouver and Seattle, getting really excited about chasing a dream, and the news that they are pretty sure they got all of the cancer have really lifted my spirits lately.
Then something like what happened last night happens and goes and fucks it all up... but that's another story. Happy thoughts.

Crazy thing happened yesterday. I checked my e-mail and I had a notice from MySpace telling me I had a message from someone named Kaile. Little back story... Kaile was the name of the first love of my life. You know her... she's the one that burned all of your senses and all other girls you meet the rest of your life, weather you date them or not, are scrutinized against, like it or not. And in her case she pretty much destroyed me because she made the bar very high indeed and made it so that I could only date extremely special gals. So when I hear (or in this case, read) that name, I immediately think of her. But I quickly realized, "no way. I haven't spoken to her in over 15 years. Likely some sex/spam-bot." But I looked and the message was pretty bot-like.
<paraphrasing> "Hey you! How's tricks? Kaile" My mouse was literally over the delete button when I realized that's the greeting I always used with her. I clicked on her profile and sure enough... she looked me up, couldn't find me, then looked up my brother and found my profile on his friends list.
Two things here. She's married now, has two kids and lives in FLA. Nothing's going to happen, but it's nice to know we mutually still think about each other from time to time and the impression stayed with us.
Secondly, if she said "I'm getting a divorce. Come take me and my little ones away" I would on a plane faster than you could say "Johnny, you're a fool!"
We've been exchanging e-mails pretty frequently already, but it's mostly since-last-we-met type stuff. But most people go their whole lives womdering what ever happened to their first love. I'm happy to say, as of yesterday, I'm not one of them... which is pretty cool.
That and looking at Film schools in Vancouver and Seattle, getting really excited about chasing a dream, and the news that they are pretty sure they got all of the cancer have really lifted my spirits lately.
Then something like what happened last night happens and goes and fucks it all up... but that's another story. Happy thoughts.
hey do you work normal hours or do you have some flexibility? if you get bored, you could trek down into town and lunch with me or something...
like that? i acknowledge that i'm being a lousy friend, then put the onus back on you. it's a girl thing, and i'm really good at it
i'm calling you tomorrow.
consider this fair warning.