When I was a kid, I thought I was going to grow up to be a ninja. I'm 34 years old and am still not a ninja.

Just thought you all should know. I'm not a ninja.

If you're not a ninja then who was that?

Damn, there he goes again!

And... my journal makes a bit more sense if you read the one before it. Or if you could hear us through the walls in between two entries... eeek
that makes 2 of us.
I can't begin to tell you how much better my life is now than a year ago. After a gut-wrenching year, I've managed to pick myself up, dust myself off and remember what I am. I'm a fucking survivor. And this time, I'm not going back down.

I picked up a '49 Ford. Her name's Mae Belle. She's mean. She's trouble. Like I like all...
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is that my wife? oh wait...i'm cool. i'm cool.

but watch it tough guy... skull
Thanks for the nice comment on my new set!
Come to Ghost Train this Tuesday you bastards! Chicks get free drinks till 10 and Chris Barber is f'ing great!

what, you wanted me to post that you helped us put the bed together? and have people get those ideas? sheesh.... kiss

don't forget, zoo sunday when you get back, and sophie's party saturday after.
I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.
OK, this new format thing. It's... well... pretty. But how the fuck do you view other people's journals? I don't get it at all.

So if you're in Colorado, I've been named host for Ghost Train Tuesdays @ the Oriental Theater. It's a Rockabilly/Honkey-Tonk night with some Burlesque and Vaudeville thrown in for good measure. There are some F'n great drink specials and contests. It...
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congrats on that hosting gig!

ps: i can't find your phone number.
Fuck Casablanca! Fuck The Godfather! Road House is the Greatest movie EVER!!! If you disagree, that's fine. You are just wrong!

Oh, c'mon. Give it up. Clearly, Striptease is the greatest movie ever. tongue Sheesh, some people and their taste in movies, I dunno...

Luckily, your taste in dessert redeems you. And your charming dinner conversation puts you over the top. kiss

Damn good to see you babe. Would stay up closer here if we could. Don't suppose you need live in help? wink
i hear no mention of boondock saints? or hudson hawk? but then again i'm gay for lawrence of arabia...tre cimenagraphic!
In memory of Russell Enloe...

This is a long one, but hang in there...
Some may remember my post http://suicidegirls.com/update/edit1211069/ , but the friend in question was a gentleman by the name of Russell. I always respected Russell, he was a entrepreneur (Owner of Crown Merc and American Aces) who didn't compromise his vision and an all-around great guy. His ex and I never got...
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mmm. harsh.

you are a good man, johnny.
Goodbye Sanford (my much beloved cat). 10 long and unsteady years you've been with me through thick and thin, with barely a complaint. That's more than I can say for friends and lovers. You'll never know how much I'll miss everything about you.


I took the time to write this... So READ IT!!! smile
Crazy thing happened yesterday. I checked my e-mail and I had a notice from MySpace telling me I had a message from someone named Kaile. Little back story... Kaile was the name of the first love of my life. You know her... she's the one that burned all of your senses and all other girls...
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i swear i'm gonna call you back... really...

hey do you work normal hours or do you have some flexibility? if you get bored, you could trek down into town and lunch with me or something...

like that? i acknowledge that i'm being a lousy friend, then put the onus back on you. it's a girl thing, and i'm really good at it wink
would it kill ya to update? tongue

i'm calling you tomorrow.

consider this fair warning.
I'm off to Seattle/Vancouver today.

Things I miss about Seattle:
The water
The rain
The alcohol (Seattle has a way better drinking life than Denver. Sorry Denver)
Very few, but certain people
The coffee
The parks
My doll
The scenery
the bums
the diversity and culture

Things I don't miss:
Backstabbers and two-faced gissiping fuck-heads

Over-all though, the reason's I'm going have very little to...
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hope you are having a good time up there.....!
Go see th' Legendary Shack Shakers first chance you get. They're currently opening for the Reverand... Straight ahead, visceral rock and roll. Best band I've seen in ages.

So I wanna hear some opinions. I was recently asked out by a gal I've known for awhile now. She's very attractive, clever and sweet. But there's a catch... she recently broke up with an aquaintance of...
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damn, that's always a bit of a bind. i'd say it's all riding on how close you are to him... is there a friendship there it would matter to lose kind of a thing...

alternately, could you just say something to him to diffuse (defuse?) the situation?
hah, my ex has been hanging with an old friend of mine, it's kinda weird but what can you do?

that's a tuff spot, i think Sam's got the right take on it!