I've just recieved the finished set from CDO and I say, with everything, this is going to be the GREATEST set!
"Der Prinz de Blauen Rosen" ("The Prince Of Blue Roses") is an homage to my muse/goddess/inspiration/life coach, Grace Jones, based on her nickname, "The Queen Of Gay Discos", as well as two my favorite, Grace Jones quotes:
Ive always been a rebel. I never do things the way theyre supposed to be done. Either I go in the opposite direction or I create a new direction for myself, regardless of what the rules are or what society says.
Men are terrified of me. I can easily step into the mans shoe, and that puts the man in a position where he has to become the female. Thats what sets off the tension. But my image is supposed to frighten men

And one more:
"Der Prinz de Blauen Rosen" ("The Prince Of Blue Roses") is an homage to my muse/goddess/inspiration/life coach, Grace Jones, based on her nickname, "The Queen Of Gay Discos", as well as two my favorite, Grace Jones quotes:
Ive always been a rebel. I never do things the way theyre supposed to be done. Either I go in the opposite direction or I create a new direction for myself, regardless of what the rules are or what society says.
Men are terrified of me. I can easily step into the mans shoe, and that puts the man in a position where he has to become the female. Thats what sets off the tension. But my image is supposed to frighten men

And one more:
Has crusty fran on his t-shirt and accepts your shallenge.
I definitely feel like an asshole too! Our battle will be in memory of the charred piece of his brain with a single word on loop between the dying synapses. The word is twice.