Hey, SG! Just wanted to spit out a quick blog! I seriously cannot believe it's been an entire year since I went Pink! Thanks guys, for all of the constant love and continuous encouragement! Thanks to the photographers willing to take a risk with shooting me, short hair and all! And thanks to all of the amazing people I've met, and sisterfriends I'll always continue to love for all of my life! 
And thank you for all of the love on my newest set: And After She Hath Fallen Please be sure to give it lotsa more love!
Also: This came in the mail off of my wishlist and I hit the bloody ceiling screaming with pure joy:

Just wanted to give you guys an update! First order of business: I MOVED!!!!!! Milloux was awesome to let me crash at her place since I've moved to California (in what will be two years in June!!!), and it's always been my real home. But, finally, I've found a reasonable place to live that's perfect for my budget (aka, a struggling writer/jobless nurse)! My mum was originally supposed to move out here with me, but that fell through mainly because the one, amazing place we managed to find (that was handicap accessable and in a good neighborhood and met all of my mother's special needs) wanted the full month's rent as a deposit in THREE DAYS. Yeah...NO ONE has that kind of money lying around, especially not me. So, while I was super bummed about it, I managed (with some serious peptalk from my best loves), to pull myself up out of the serious depression I'd fallen into, and start looking at things differently.
Finally, I decided it would be easier to rent a room, so I searched high and low for a nice place, and I FOUND IT! Seriously, I went to pay the deposit yesterday, and ended up moving in that same day (yesterday)!

It comes fully furnished with my favorite thing in the entire world: A door that locks, and a BED. Seriously, you don't know how many of the simple things you take for granted until you've had to go a year and some change without em. I mean I CANNOT STRESS how excited I am to have a BED and a DOOR. It's nice to have a room-room again, but that doesn't mean I'm not grateful for having a roof over my head in spite of not having those things prior.
I slept like a rock last night.
My new room is in this ENORMOUS house located right next to USC's campus (of which I kept calling CSU and confusing people, lololol, it's so obvious I'm not from here), and the neighborhood is absolutely lovely. I mean it's really beautiful, and it's close to the store, AND the train/bus lines, AAAAAND there are campus security guards at all times of the night, which makes it even better since I'll sometimes come home late at night from work/taping at the Jace Hall Show, which is a HUGE plus.

AND, my landlord just got THE CUTEST newest "tenants"--

These two are the only surviving pups of a little that the landlord's sister had. Ladies and gentlemen, my newest (hard-headed) roommates, Domino (the black one who looks like a little shag carpet and easily my new love
) and Shogi, his rowdy bully of a sister. It's so funny that they are siblings but look nothing alike. The best part is that I'm the only one out of the (human, lol) tenants to actually get where the name "Shogi" came from. My landlord absolutely LOVED that. (PS: Shogi is Japanese "chess").
But, yeah! That's the skinny on my new place. As far as past events, me, the lovely Hopeful, Pax_, and my best gal and future Hopeful, Jack, marched in the Los Angeles SlutWalk. For those who don't know, the SlutWalk is a protest against victim-shaming, and Sexual Assault and Rape. It was started when the Representative for a Canadian police said in regards to a rape victim, "Well, maybe she shouldn't have been dressed like such a slut". Since then, the SlutWalk has become a movement across THE WORLD, where women (and men!) from all over will march and protest against sexual assault and rape, and will come out wearing revealing clothes (or even being fully dressed), to protest that HOW I DRESS IS NOT AN INVITATION.
So......with Jack right by my side, we marched the SlutWalk topless save for pasties right up and down the Venice Boardwalk. I wrote, "STILL NOT ASKING FOR IT" on my torso. It was the first time she and I have EVER done something so bold! But SO exciting and amazing.

And a few days later after that, I hung out with my dude (yeah, we're back together, and things are SOOOOO much better---and the sex? EXPLOSIVE just the way it should be) and we went around Little Tokyo....AND I managed to get him to cosplay with me. We took pictures and were basically goofy together.

(If you recognize the schoolgirl uniform, it's because Pesky was in town, she wore that same exact one!)
And he surprised me with the ultimate gift for a booknerd such as myself: A brand new trip to a place in Los Angeles I'd NEVER been to, much less even knew existed: A place called The Last Bookstore. It was BEYOND orgasmic.

Afterwards, we went around LA taking pictures. My dude is going into the photography business for himself with a buddy of his. They make an INCREDIBLE combo, but today it was just him and I in a well-deserved, little one-on-one time.

Afterwards, we went to my favorite little haunt in Little Tokyo and I proceeded to get totally trashed off something called, "Tokyo Berry" or something. I mean I got REALLY drunk, if you missed Milloux's tweet:

Aaaaand, let's certainly not forget the impromptu, hot car sex he and I had.
I am absolutely contented. Something about wild car sex in a place where you can easily get caught is just oh so exciting.
BUT! That aside, that's really all of the news I have to share, lol! Hope things have been well with you guys, and again, thanks for all of the love on my newest set!
I'm off to finish up tomorrow's article for The Jace Hall Show. I am seriously doing BIG THINGS with these guys and I cannot stress how happy I am to be a PAID writer! Moreover, I'm going in to the HQ tomorrow, because we begin filming our brand new TV show! WHOOT! I'M GONNA BE ON THE TELLY/STREAMING LIVE, TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES JUST ABOUT EVERY WEEK!!!!!!!! I'll be sure to link you guys to it, promise!
MOREOVER: I GET TO ATTEND MOTHERFUCKING E3 FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!!!!!! Seriously, I about cried in the boardroom when they told me I was coming with them. For a gamer, this is the CLOSEST I'll ever get to Heaven on Earth!!!!
And...I'll be sure to see all you nerds at Anime Expo 2013, riiiiiiight? I'm returning the cosplay scene with a vengence and I'm BEYOND stoked, especially to shoot for Cosplay Deviants! Special thanks to my love Vivid for the awesome recommendation! <3
My cosplay will be here VERY SOON! Eeeee!!!
Kiss kiss, everyone!
Instagram: @Kurosunesuicide
My articles on the Jace Hall Show
Facebook page!
Twitter thing

And thank you for all of the love on my newest set: And After She Hath Fallen Please be sure to give it lotsa more love!
Also: This came in the mail off of my wishlist and I hit the bloody ceiling screaming with pure joy:

Just wanted to give you guys an update! First order of business: I MOVED!!!!!! Milloux was awesome to let me crash at her place since I've moved to California (in what will be two years in June!!!), and it's always been my real home. But, finally, I've found a reasonable place to live that's perfect for my budget (aka, a struggling writer/jobless nurse)! My mum was originally supposed to move out here with me, but that fell through mainly because the one, amazing place we managed to find (that was handicap accessable and in a good neighborhood and met all of my mother's special needs) wanted the full month's rent as a deposit in THREE DAYS. Yeah...NO ONE has that kind of money lying around, especially not me. So, while I was super bummed about it, I managed (with some serious peptalk from my best loves), to pull myself up out of the serious depression I'd fallen into, and start looking at things differently.
Finally, I decided it would be easier to rent a room, so I searched high and low for a nice place, and I FOUND IT! Seriously, I went to pay the deposit yesterday, and ended up moving in that same day (yesterday)!

It comes fully furnished with my favorite thing in the entire world: A door that locks, and a BED. Seriously, you don't know how many of the simple things you take for granted until you've had to go a year and some change without em. I mean I CANNOT STRESS how excited I am to have a BED and a DOOR. It's nice to have a room-room again, but that doesn't mean I'm not grateful for having a roof over my head in spite of not having those things prior.
I slept like a rock last night.
My new room is in this ENORMOUS house located right next to USC's campus (of which I kept calling CSU and confusing people, lololol, it's so obvious I'm not from here), and the neighborhood is absolutely lovely. I mean it's really beautiful, and it's close to the store, AND the train/bus lines, AAAAAND there are campus security guards at all times of the night, which makes it even better since I'll sometimes come home late at night from work/taping at the Jace Hall Show, which is a HUGE plus.

AND, my landlord just got THE CUTEST newest "tenants"--

These two are the only surviving pups of a little that the landlord's sister had. Ladies and gentlemen, my newest (hard-headed) roommates, Domino (the black one who looks like a little shag carpet and easily my new love

But, yeah! That's the skinny on my new place. As far as past events, me, the lovely Hopeful, Pax_, and my best gal and future Hopeful, Jack, marched in the Los Angeles SlutWalk. For those who don't know, the SlutWalk is a protest against victim-shaming, and Sexual Assault and Rape. It was started when the Representative for a Canadian police said in regards to a rape victim, "Well, maybe she shouldn't have been dressed like such a slut". Since then, the SlutWalk has become a movement across THE WORLD, where women (and men!) from all over will march and protest against sexual assault and rape, and will come out wearing revealing clothes (or even being fully dressed), to protest that HOW I DRESS IS NOT AN INVITATION.
So......with Jack right by my side, we marched the SlutWalk topless save for pasties right up and down the Venice Boardwalk. I wrote, "STILL NOT ASKING FOR IT" on my torso. It was the first time she and I have EVER done something so bold! But SO exciting and amazing.

And a few days later after that, I hung out with my dude (yeah, we're back together, and things are SOOOOO much better---and the sex? EXPLOSIVE just the way it should be) and we went around Little Tokyo....AND I managed to get him to cosplay with me. We took pictures and were basically goofy together.

(If you recognize the schoolgirl uniform, it's because Pesky was in town, she wore that same exact one!)
And he surprised me with the ultimate gift for a booknerd such as myself: A brand new trip to a place in Los Angeles I'd NEVER been to, much less even knew existed: A place called The Last Bookstore. It was BEYOND orgasmic.

Afterwards, we went around LA taking pictures. My dude is going into the photography business for himself with a buddy of his. They make an INCREDIBLE combo, but today it was just him and I in a well-deserved, little one-on-one time.

Afterwards, we went to my favorite little haunt in Little Tokyo and I proceeded to get totally trashed off something called, "Tokyo Berry" or something. I mean I got REALLY drunk, if you missed Milloux's tweet:

Aaaaand, let's certainly not forget the impromptu, hot car sex he and I had.

BUT! That aside, that's really all of the news I have to share, lol! Hope things have been well with you guys, and again, thanks for all of the love on my newest set!

I'm off to finish up tomorrow's article for The Jace Hall Show. I am seriously doing BIG THINGS with these guys and I cannot stress how happy I am to be a PAID writer! Moreover, I'm going in to the HQ tomorrow, because we begin filming our brand new TV show! WHOOT! I'M GONNA BE ON THE TELLY/STREAMING LIVE, TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES JUST ABOUT EVERY WEEK!!!!!!!! I'll be sure to link you guys to it, promise!
MOREOVER: I GET TO ATTEND MOTHERFUCKING E3 FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!!!!!!! Seriously, I about cried in the boardroom when they told me I was coming with them. For a gamer, this is the CLOSEST I'll ever get to Heaven on Earth!!!!
And...I'll be sure to see all you nerds at Anime Expo 2013, riiiiiiight? I'm returning the cosplay scene with a vengence and I'm BEYOND stoked, especially to shoot for Cosplay Deviants! Special thanks to my love Vivid for the awesome recommendation! <3
My cosplay will be here VERY SOON! Eeeee!!!
Kiss kiss, everyone!
Instagram: @Kurosunesuicide
My articles on the Jace Hall Show
Facebook page!
Twitter thing
Love your new sets, you're such a babe! Your blog made me smile