First blog of May! Some events that have been happening/will be happening!
1) I ordered my cosplay and my badge for ANIME EXPO 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) Once said cosplay gets here, I'll be modeling for Cosplay Deviants and will be joining my gal Vivid as one of the Cosplay Deviants! I'm really excited!
3) Not gonna ruin the surprise for you guys, but I'll give you a hint as to what my cosplays are going to be:
*Zombies and swords
And that's all I'm gonna say, haha!
4) I've been working out like a beast to get ready for the cosplay/summer season, and I plan on keeping it that way, especially because I'm whipping myself back into the best shape I can. I've recently started a new workout regimine, and I got a gym membership, so I'm there every, single day except for Weds which is my rest day. Here are the results so far:

And please ignore the derpy look on my face.
Meanwhile, I've taken a break from bleaching my hair, but I'm still keeping it short and shaved, much to the ire of a few people, but whatever. Just like my tattoos, their opinions NEVER crossed my minds when I started shaving my head, so they can kindly fuck off. 
5) I've got a job working for the Jace Hall Show!!! I'm a writer which makes me EXCEPTIONALLY happy, especially because I am their FIRST FEMALE writer ever, so I'm even more stoked! And you can read all of the articles I've written so far here! Moreover, they are going to start having me appear on their ACTUAL television show which I'm even more excited about!
6) I've been apartment hunting for my mum and I. She wants to move to California, but it was so last minute, and because I don't make that much money, I can't get her out here for right now. Maui is definitely on hold (atleast for me), because now that I have this job, I can't leave.
But it's okay! One day! Meanwhile, I've gone ahead and put in an application to rent a room down near USC's campus. This house is SO HUGE. It makes NO sense, but it's so beautiful! I really hope I get the room!!!
It's only 400$ a month for the first three summer months, and if I want to stay longer, which I will, the rent will go up about 200$, and since I've been job hunting more like a madwoman, hopefully I'll land something in nursing again soon! But yeah, I REALLY hope I get this place. That way, I can build up/save up for an apartment with my mum and afford to fly her out here and whatnot. It's really hard to find a moderately inexpensive apartment that caters to handicap elders that ISN'T a nursing home, and fuck that, she's never going back in one once she's with me. I bloody hate nursing homes.
7) Last order of business! THIS comes out on May 17th:

It was shot by Dwam over a year ago in 2012, so I'm more than excited to have it go up! Hopefully it does well! And now, I'm off to the gym! Love you guys!
Instagram: @Kurosunesuicide
My articles on the Jace Hall Show
Facebook page!
Twitter thing
1) I ordered my cosplay and my badge for ANIME EXPO 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) Once said cosplay gets here, I'll be modeling for Cosplay Deviants and will be joining my gal Vivid as one of the Cosplay Deviants! I'm really excited!
3) Not gonna ruin the surprise for you guys, but I'll give you a hint as to what my cosplays are going to be:
*Zombies and swords
And that's all I'm gonna say, haha!
4) I've been working out like a beast to get ready for the cosplay/summer season, and I plan on keeping it that way, especially because I'm whipping myself back into the best shape I can. I've recently started a new workout regimine, and I got a gym membership, so I'm there every, single day except for Weds which is my rest day. Here are the results so far:

And please ignore the derpy look on my face.

5) I've got a job working for the Jace Hall Show!!! I'm a writer which makes me EXCEPTIONALLY happy, especially because I am their FIRST FEMALE writer ever, so I'm even more stoked! And you can read all of the articles I've written so far here! Moreover, they are going to start having me appear on their ACTUAL television show which I'm even more excited about!
6) I've been apartment hunting for my mum and I. She wants to move to California, but it was so last minute, and because I don't make that much money, I can't get her out here for right now. Maui is definitely on hold (atleast for me), because now that I have this job, I can't leave.

It's only 400$ a month for the first three summer months, and if I want to stay longer, which I will, the rent will go up about 200$, and since I've been job hunting more like a madwoman, hopefully I'll land something in nursing again soon! But yeah, I REALLY hope I get this place. That way, I can build up/save up for an apartment with my mum and afford to fly her out here and whatnot. It's really hard to find a moderately inexpensive apartment that caters to handicap elders that ISN'T a nursing home, and fuck that, she's never going back in one once she's with me. I bloody hate nursing homes.

7) Last order of business! THIS comes out on May 17th:

It was shot by Dwam over a year ago in 2012, so I'm more than excited to have it go up! Hopefully it does well! And now, I'm off to the gym! Love you guys!
Instagram: @Kurosunesuicide
My articles on the Jace Hall Show
Facebook page!
Twitter thing
Hello pretty 

Absolutely Beautiful