I'm just going to say this right now: I owe everyone a sincere apology. I really do.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
.....Because this blog is full of nothing but babies, kitties, and cute.
I can't believe tomorrow will be exactly one week since I became a foster mum, and began taking care of two little girls. Everyone who has congratulated me, and thanked me, and supported me, and ESPECIALLY to the SG mommies replied to my frantic texts and phone calls when I had no idea what I was doing...
Thank you so much. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I really do. People keep saying I'm an "angel" and things like that, but really, I am NO angel, haha. I'm the furthest thing from it. But it feels so good to make an impact in these girls' lives. It's definitely been a trying week, since again, I'm not a mother, and there was a LOT of getting used to when it came to the 4am crying, the constant energy, the absolute REFUSAL to go to bed, the dirty diapers, and yes, the making of loud noises for no apparent reason(s). Really, this has been an experience I'll NEVER forget. And to be honest, I think, after this, and once I'm more established, I'd like to continue to foster children until I'm ready for a family of my own.
BUT! Before we get to all of the cute, I just wanted to say something very important:
There seems to be a rumor circulating that I am making this story up for GOD knows what reason. To those of you tainting this momentous occasion in my life with your negativity and cynicism, piss off and shame on you.
And that's all I'm gonna say, because this klassy broad has a blog full of happy to show and share with everyone!
I will say, that despite our back and forth issues, my boyfriend and I have been handling this really well. I hate to say it (sorta, lol) but seeing him handle the kids, and literally accepting this responsibility that was waiting for him when he walked in the door....makes me fall a bit more in love with the fool.
He works during the day, until close to midnight, so I'm here with the kiddos and kittens, playing "single mum", with help from my boyfriend's older sister, and yes, his brother (the one responsible for the three kittens we now have tearing around the house, brought home, ironically, on the same day I brought the girls home), and both who are good with the kids. And my guy is especially gentle with them. So, it's been nice to have this little family of ours, as wayward as it may be, even if it's for a short time.

(THESE little jerk kittens, as soon as I turned my back to put the oldest one down, ravaged the table and finished off the rest of her dinner before I even knew what happened. And look at em...content as ever. Jerks. The one on the bottom (and the ringleader) is my new kitten. I originally named her Cloud, but I settled on "(O)Tora" which is Japanese for "Tiger".)

(Tora attacking my best bra she somehow smuggled from the laundry


And today, with it being my guy's day off, we all went out together as a family. People were mistaking the children for ours left and right hahaha
We went to a place called Coco's for a little mealtime, and then decided to take the girls to Baby's R Us for a little bit of spoiling. 

(He really is handsome, and he looks great with a baby.)

(And me, being the biggest Lion King fan ever, lost my total mind when I saw they had a Lion King baby's room on display. I am SOOOOOO getting this the day I have children of my own. It'll either be that, or a custom-made baby Pokemon theme.)

Of course....this was my favorite part of the entire trip. I found a "The Hungry Little Catapiller" (one of my FAVORITE books from childhood) Jack-In-The-Box. I was definitely more excited than she was, haha!
Seriously, you have no idea how excited I was.
Buuuuut, yeah. That's it for now. Really, this past week has taught me a LOT. And it definitely took some getting used to being a mum, but I have a lot of help, love, and support from my family and especially you guys.
There's no doubt about it, though...I'm going to be positively heartbroken when they leave.
Yeah, it's hard with early mornings, and constant screaming and crying, and just...for everything it's worth, I really love having the girls here. I know I can't adopt them---I'm not in a good place to, and it's just not my time to be a full-time mother, but it's definitely going to hurt. The oldest one gave me a kiss on the cheek today after I had to yell at her for (once again), jumping on my laptop, and I actually began crying, thinking, "Oh, God. I'm going to miss them so much."
So, I'm just going to enjoy the time left I have with these girls to the fullest. Because if this experience has taight me anything, it's that one day, I really do want to have a little family of my own.
But for now...this is pretty good, too.

.....Because this blog is full of nothing but babies, kitties, and cute.

Thank you so much. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I really do. People keep saying I'm an "angel" and things like that, but really, I am NO angel, haha. I'm the furthest thing from it. But it feels so good to make an impact in these girls' lives. It's definitely been a trying week, since again, I'm not a mother, and there was a LOT of getting used to when it came to the 4am crying, the constant energy, the absolute REFUSAL to go to bed, the dirty diapers, and yes, the making of loud noises for no apparent reason(s). Really, this has been an experience I'll NEVER forget. And to be honest, I think, after this, and once I'm more established, I'd like to continue to foster children until I'm ready for a family of my own.

BUT! Before we get to all of the cute, I just wanted to say something very important:
There seems to be a rumor circulating that I am making this story up for GOD knows what reason. To those of you tainting this momentous occasion in my life with your negativity and cynicism, piss off and shame on you.
And that's all I'm gonna say, because this klassy broad has a blog full of happy to show and share with everyone!
I will say, that despite our back and forth issues, my boyfriend and I have been handling this really well. I hate to say it (sorta, lol) but seeing him handle the kids, and literally accepting this responsibility that was waiting for him when he walked in the door....makes me fall a bit more in love with the fool.
He works during the day, until close to midnight, so I'm here with the kiddos and kittens, playing "single mum", with help from my boyfriend's older sister, and yes, his brother (the one responsible for the three kittens we now have tearing around the house, brought home, ironically, on the same day I brought the girls home), and both who are good with the kids. And my guy is especially gentle with them. So, it's been nice to have this little family of ours, as wayward as it may be, even if it's for a short time.

(THESE little jerk kittens, as soon as I turned my back to put the oldest one down, ravaged the table and finished off the rest of her dinner before I even knew what happened. And look at em...content as ever. Jerks. The one on the bottom (and the ringleader) is my new kitten. I originally named her Cloud, but I settled on "(O)Tora" which is Japanese for "Tiger".)

(Tora attacking my best bra she somehow smuggled from the laundry

And today, with it being my guy's day off, we all went out together as a family. People were mistaking the children for ours left and right hahaha

(He really is handsome, and he looks great with a baby.)

(And me, being the biggest Lion King fan ever, lost my total mind when I saw they had a Lion King baby's room on display. I am SOOOOOO getting this the day I have children of my own. It'll either be that, or a custom-made baby Pokemon theme.)

Of course....this was my favorite part of the entire trip. I found a "The Hungry Little Catapiller" (one of my FAVORITE books from childhood) Jack-In-The-Box. I was definitely more excited than she was, haha!

Seriously, you have no idea how excited I was.

Buuuuut, yeah. That's it for now. Really, this past week has taught me a LOT. And it definitely took some getting used to being a mum, but I have a lot of help, love, and support from my family and especially you guys.
There's no doubt about it, though...I'm going to be positively heartbroken when they leave.

So, I'm just going to enjoy the time left I have with these girls to the fullest. Because if this experience has taight me anything, it's that one day, I really do want to have a little family of my own.
But for now...this is pretty good, too.

Thank you dear. I'm So happy to be back!
thank you