I finally started my sleeve, as a dedication to my mum, from the hairstyle she used to sport (it always reminded me of Cleopatra growing up), her love of nature, being a sassy, classy dame (hence the pin-up look) with the power to knock men off their feet with a single glance, and of course, to this day, Chicago's #1 legendary Prima Donna ballerina. (Love you, Mum!)
I chose a Geisha (and stressed that she be black, obviously), and wanted this done in the Japanese style mainly because the word "geisha" means "Artist", and that's my mother in every sense of the word. It's not done yet, but soon! Maybe two more sessions or so and we should have a masterpiece! This took about two hours or so.

Can't wait to finish it. In other news, I got some news the other day that sent me into a fit of screaming, raging, and absolutely frantic hysteria:
Ahem. Moment's over. Shifting gears, I started the P90-X Insanity program. I've hit the two week mark, but I started seeing results after a few days:
I plan on being in top condition in time for the Vegas Shootfest in February, as well as when Milly and I move to Maui! This program is intense and continues to beat the shit out of me. (I think I'm mainly excited about Maui for all of the surfing and hot men.) But first! Gotta finishing nursing school. And speaking of:
There's just two more weeks left until I'm finished with nursing school. It went by SO quick!!!!!
Right now, we're doing clinicals, in a Sub-Acute facility, and that means working with people who have tubes, traches, and etc, and are severely brain damaged due to an accident, stroke, or whatever means, and aren't able to do anything for themselves, even eat, hence the feeding tubes. A good 90% are bedridden, and they can't even talk and are completely unaware of what's going on. It's kind of painful seeing people like this, and the things I've seen will haunt me for the rest of my days, but the experience is invaluable, will look great on a resume, and I guess in a way I'm lucky, because the other class got to do a regular nursing home (I kind of would have preferred to do that too), but que seras seras. I'll be working with an RNA (Restorative nursing assistant) so that I can have that experience on my resume as well.
Right after the AWESOME BALLS TO THE WALLS SG VEGAS SHOOTFEST/ME AND BRADLEY'S BIRTHDAY PARTY IN FEBRUARY, I have to take my State Board Exam. When I pass (not if), I'll become an official CNA! WHOOT!!!! I'm excited/terrified.
In other news, I have an afro:
Yeah, that big ball of curls and fuzz happens to me by head. Normally, I prefer to relax my hair. And for those lost in translation, it's NOT a perm. White people/Asians get Perms to make their hair curly. Black people get Relaxers which does the same thing a perm does, in the chemically altering sense, only the result is straight hair.
But, with me bleaching my hair, and black hair being EXTREMELY fragile, I decided to skip the relaxer this time around, and just shave off the damaged stuff, and bleach my hair again, so what you are seeing is my natural (in the unaltered sense) hair with my curly roots. I'm digging it so far.
I just wanna thank whoever got me this book!!!!!! I was so surprised when it arrived in the mail. I have wanted this book for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's called "Pink Box: A Look into Japan's Sex Clubs". It shows us the word of Host and Hostess clubs (the REAL adult ones, not the Ouran type), fetish bars, adult maid cafes..Seriously, whoever got me this book, I LOVE you!!!!
And moving on, I've been cooking a bit:
Honey-baked/glazed spare ribs with a cayenne pepper kick to em:
And now, time to close out this blog until next time, everyone. I probably won't be updating for a minute, so until then:
A guy who graduated from NIU, near me and Amarena's neck of the woods, made an incredible video. It's too deep for words.
Annnd that's really it! Not much else to say, except thanks for the love on Pearl Lioness! It's slowly but surely nearing 1000 comments, and I absolutely refuse to give up on it!
Love you all!
Kisses to all the misses and pitched tents for all the gents:
~Kurosune Suicide~
WISHLIST!!!! My birthday is just around the corner!!! Hint hint!!!
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