HIYA!!!! I've been waiting for something to come in the mail before I posted a new blog, and I'm really glad I did. So, without further ado:
THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH EVERYONE!!!!!!!! It's been an eventful couple of weeks, sooo!!!! *crackles knuckles* Let's get down to it!!!
First---a great gift from my boyfriend:
I'd actually love to see a series of pictures like these. For Hopefuls and SG's.
BUT!!!! Let's get down to business!!!
Again, everyone, thank you so much. It was BEYOND an honor. Just BEYOND an honor. I cannot thank you all enough and I love you.
OF COURSE---with the good, comes the bad, naturally. And the asshole comments on facebook were ridiculous. So, after being trashed for "not having tattoos", my "messy" hair, the fact that I'm black, and a plethora of things that "didn't make me an SG", I decided to just cut to the chase and post a little reply:
BAM. I felt pretty damn good about that. You don't like me because I'm not super tatted? Suck my left nut. You don't think I'm SG material because I'm black? Fuck you. Fuck you AND your third nipple!
Oh, but it got EVEN better. So, basically, a good friend from high school gave me some serious props and congratulations. Tell me why this one, random bitch, who I didn't get along with IN HIGH SCHOOL (FIVE YEARS AGO) decided to put me on full blast and publicly post all of my doings in high school on facebook. So, basically, here was my response to her:
I have a little message, personal, and straight from the heart, on my One Year Anniversary of moving to California, for those of you (mainly high school friends) who may or may not have seen a few Trolololol comments when one of my good friends from high school (A real sweetheart), shared a picture of me from SG, and posted congratulations and how proud he was of me, and whatnot. Well, remember that to notoriety can be a wee bit of a troubling thing. I'd already seen on the troll, racist, and ignorant comments on the photo posted by SuicideGirls themselves, praising me and congratulating me, and what can I say?
Haters are gonna hate. It's an honor, really. But THIS little blast of the past---and out of nowhere mind you---served to remind me that some people just NEVER grow up and NEVER really graduate high school. And so, just to be a cunt (because let's face it, it was a cunty thing to do) someone decided to air out all of my dirty laundry from high school, and put me on FULL BLAST. Again. For how I was in high school. FIVE YEARS AGO. Of, but of course, I couldn't see it because she blocked me so one of my friends sent me a message with all of her comments. She's a little gem, isn't she? So, not only are you STUCK in the past, but you're a coward because you know I wouldn't be able to see what you said about me. Way to be brave, honey.
Now, everyone who remembers the good old days of high school (at least while we were there) remembers there was a time when me and a now VERY, VERY good friend of mine were at each others throats and our fights had torn apart our social circle very well during senior year. It the DEFINITION of high school drama. We made The Mean Girls look like saints. We were the Hatfields and the Macoys, we were Thor and Loki, we were every rivalry you can imagine. So what happened? Well, we didn't talk for over a year, maybe longer, and then, when we had become more mature, realizing there is more than just HIGH SCHOOL BULLSHIT to deal with, and that we are ADULTS now, we reconciled, apologized for our parts in what ended our friendship...AND WE MADE UP. WE ARE FRIENDS AGAIN. So....tell me why, you, random third person who pops up outta the woodwork, are still VERY hung up on who I was in high school? So, when someone offers me congratulations, you wanna spam the hell out of what's supposed to be a nice post by posting ALL OF EVERYTHING I DID IN HIGH SCHOOL? I haven't even TALKED to you in five going on SIX years since graduation. What makes you think I am the SAME. EXACT. PERSON I was in high school?
But you wanna put me on blast? Fine. Go for it. Let everyone know. I'll admit it. In high school, I was a little cunt, I was selfish, and I was a terrible bitch...and I MADE my share of mistakes. But hey, at least I can admit that. And you know what? My friends who suffered that through me and are STILL friends with me, despite my little quirks? They KNOW me. They know the REAL me and they still love me. Still are my friends. My REAL friends. They are the REAL friends that KNEW what was going on in my life. STUCK BY MY. I AM NOT EVEN ASHAMED TO ADMIT THAT BECAUSE I KNOW THAT LITTLE HELLRAISER I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL ISN'T WHO I AM NOW. (But I'm still a hellraiser and proud, and believe me, I still have my quirks. I am NO saint, lady.)
But like you were SO much more perfect. Really. And you're just making yourself look DUMB. But you know what, one of us has to be the adult and I don't like playing with immature children who have no right, and apparently, is low enough to dredge up my past, and POST IT ON FACEBOOK like we are still in high school. Wow. Way to grow up, honey.
Way to grow up and just pull a complete and total cunt move because you haven't advanced in life and you are STILL hung up on something that happened, again, in HIGH SCHOOL. And if you have, become a better person---though, the evidence suggest otherwise, in your words, "I wish you the best."
So, just to close this out, I'm basically gonna add a comment a very nice girl (not gonna name her to start anymore drama) posted to this chick: "In my opinion... (name omitted) you're a low self esteem jealous twat. Your rude comments prove that. Just letting you know.... you're making yourself look like a fool. Who cares how someone was back in high school. Everyone had/has problems through out their school years. Everyone deals with problems differently. Grow up. (Clearly you need too. Since you're still referring back to your high school years.) There is nothing wrong with living your dreams, no matter what that dream may be. Jealousy is a wasted emotion, I hope one day you can "overcome" your self hate an learn to love yourself."
Enjoy being stuck in high school for the past five or six years. And while you're at it, enjoy my past. You can have it. I don't live there anymore. And California, thanks for the awesome year, and what better way to mark this day than an invite to shoot with Urban Ink Magazine today. Cannot express my excitement!!!!!! Thank you, California. It's been a great year. Here's to several more. CHEERS! <3
And that was the end of that! Seriously, who cares? I'm still sleeping well at night and youre still emo, stuck in the sticks, and basically nothing. So, please, keep hating on me, bitch, because at the end f the day:
So, in closing:
And later, I went to celebrate me going on the front page!!! Of course, that was less than peaceful. We had a huge argument unrelated to SG, and about me moving out, and something else that I genuinely don't remember since it's been a while now. After the great makeup sex, we went to a special park, wandered around, and fed ducks, because thats what couples do after hot and torrid makeup sex.
And as I was telling the lovely Kyoko, I've managed to get him to do something fun with me: Join a pole-dancing class. He's not amused, but I sure as hell am, so I agreed he only had to do ONE class with me, hahaha. It's still gonna be fun to watch him do it! But, I'll be a full-time pole-dance student, so I'm excited! Pictures whenever it happens.
And the day after my set went live was my one-year anniversary of living here in California. I couldn't have spent it better because me and Milloux were invited to shoot for Urban Ink Magazine. Can't wait to see the results of THAT, but here's a little something that you pervs and pervettes have been dying for, thanks to a little perving on the amazing Tita's part:
And just WAIT until you see the professional, finished products! Took a coupla dirty poloroids for shits and giggles too:
Oh, and one more:
Cannot WAIT to see the finished ones!!!! Yee!!! (And there may have been a nekkid picture with me, Milloux and Tita as well... ) After that, me and Mill hit up Islands. It was my first time there, so me and Mill settled in for some great food, and great conversation including nerding out about anime, Harvest Moon vs Animal Crossing, Tyga's girlfriend's HUUUUUUUUUGE ass, and how once, when I was in second grade, my "first love" whispered to me how he was gonna "rock my world" (TRUE story) and Mill had said, "What?! How does that even work! He only has a nub for a penis!!" And I was laughing the ENTIRE time. I was laughing so hard I was crying lol! So, yeah, after that, we coasted on home along the highway to the sounds of the lovely Lana Del Rey. It was like an amazing dream that night. I loved it, and I celebrated being here in Cali for a year the right way!!!! Here's to another couple great years here. Cheers.
~In Other News!!!!!~
As far as school plans go, I'm enrolled in a nice junior college, and I only plan on going long enough to get the credits that I need, so that's that. As far as work goes, my counselor at school hooked me up with a temp agency, so I got to interview for that on Monday, so wish me luck! I wouldn't mind temping for right now anyway.
My boyfriend and I bought two tickets to Hawaii, so we'll be hitting up the sand and the surf, and so help me if he cancels on me, I'll kill him. But, it's Hawaii---I seriously doubt he will.
And speaking of the dude, he finally got a day off from work, so we decided to finally go out on a date and enjoy ourselves. I prepared like crazy since he only gets one day a week. So, I did a bit of spoiling myself for the occasion:
Got my nails done--
Got my hair done, and got my eyebrows done. All of it was painful. But worth it. I was feeling sexy and confident and really on top of things. And then we took a couple of pictures together outside before we left. This fool can get on my worst nerves at time, but I still love him.
And then it was off to the mall for a little fun time. We hit up my favorite resturant, Olive Garden, and he hated that the server that I had last time (I go by myself sometimes to relax/spoil myself) was our server because the dude is delish haha. But, I got my favorite dish (edible)---Seafood Portifino and my favorite, very alcholic drink, a Frozen Tiramisu.
And WHILE we were there, interestingly enough, we witnessed a proposal! It was so sweet! We all cheered and toasted to them, and that of course--awkwardly--brought upon a talk about marriage in between us. Hm....well, anyway, let's work on getting through the first year atleast lol. ANYWAY, after that, we went up to the mall where we realized they were having a farmer's market. We wandered around and then I realized they had:
A PETTING ZOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the goats started eating my shirt and everyone found it HYlarious. But not as funny as this guy:
A duck who looks like Beethoven!!! LOOK AT THAT AFRO!!!!! I couldn't stop laughing!!!! So, after he managed to drag me away from the petting zoo, we found a stand selling incense--and decided to buy some because they had some awesome-ass names:
Then we headed inside the mall for a bit of shopping. I manage to...um...well..."acquire" a lovely pair of sunglasses.
And then we went into Forever 21 and I found a great hat (that I didn't steal). But he thought I looked completely unrecognizable--like I was a celeb going in cognito lol. So, we made a gif with his paparazzi pictures:
And I bought a few more things:
And a special thanks to whoever sent me these awesome shoes from my wish list!!!
And after that, we headed on home for the day. It was a really great date that day---enjoyed myself immensely.
Let's take a minute to clarify something:
ARE THE SAME PERSON. It's actually been annoying me IMMENSELY that people can't tell that I'm the same exact person in Apollo---just with shorter hair. And it's no secret: the long hair were extensions. And I'm never getting them again because if I have that much trouble with long hair, I'd rather it be my own, so I'm working on growing out my hair---for me, though. But seriously!!! It's not hard to tell I'm the same person! I just have shorter hair (and I'm actually happier with it).
As for Comic Con: I'm not going. No badge for me this year. Next year though!
It was really a great shoot and Dwam is amazing to see in action!
AND SPEAKING OF SHOOTING: Yesterday, I went to DeCota's place where she was holding a shootfest. I didn't go to shoot....
But I DID go to perv and help coordinate sets, and had to make this to express my excitement:
I PERVED ALL THE SETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our guest photographer was the very talented and sweet maka7957, and in charge of hair and makeup was his beautiful lady, our very own MinMin!
And the ladies in attendance being shot were:
The Adorable and SO sweet Beezle
The ever-so-sassy and charming Minks:
And last, but CERTAINLY not least, the sexy and boss-a-licious mistress of the house, DeCota!!!
And even though she didn't shoot, who could forget about the sweet Muerta?!
(making fast friends with DeCota's dog, Nugget! SUCH a cutie!!!)
(And of course, more group perving on Minks and DeCota)
Seriously, three shoots in four hours? Please give it up to Maka!!! <3 Thanks again, dude! You're seriously awesome and it was amazing meeting you! So much fun spending the day and evening with these awesome babes, sharing cheese, wine, crackers, joy, gossip, and friendship! PLEASE let's make these ladies PINK!!!!!
And a super special thanks to all the ladies who turned up, especially Minks who I adore like no other for giving me a ride home and taking me grocery shopping along the way! Thank you dearest! Love ya, babe! And after that whole day of excitement, as soon as I got home, I made some dinner:
Fried porkchops:
Butter and Herb noodles:
And Hawaiian Bread!
SUCH a great night!
~~And in MORE SG related news~~~
RYKER IS COMING TO TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those of you who want to kick it with us, lemme know! She'll be here from June 29th-July 1st so message her or me! And we're gonna shake up LA quite a bit!
As for my part, things are great! I found out I was SuicideGirl of the day, and that was a pleasant surprise, I've been hanging out with great friends, and life is good. I will say that a few people have been like, "Oh, you're gonna forget all about the Hopefuls" and such, but that's not true. I'll never forget about the Hopefuls or the SG's and the people who made one of my biggest dreams come true.
So, thank you so much, everyone. I really, truly do appreciate you guys sticking with me for the past year and a half.
You all rock.
And now, time to end this with something amazing from MuffDiver!!!
I was IMMENSELY flattered!!!!! Thank you! Well, that's all from me, folks! Here's a list of my summer priorities:
*Replay all the Pokemon games while waiting for Pokemon White-2 to come out
*Finish my novel
*Enjoy life
And please, people, don't forget to take your meds:
Love you all!
Facebook Fan Page
Tumblr---Kurosune-hime's Hedonism
Follow me on that Twitter thingy
Follow me on instagram @kurosunesuicide!
*Again, like I said, a LOT of things in June never quite followed through. I couldn't get into my Com. College, and that fell through. I DID however, get to shoot some fun stuff with Milloux, I saw Tita again, and there was a lot of horsing around and having fun in June, which of course, included a great date day with my dude.
*AND ON JUNE 19th, MILLOUX BECAME A STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*The end of June left me in a slump about my relationship and the severe lack of sex in my life, and unfortunately, I lost my uncle on my mother's side (NOT the pervo uncle) to Lung Cancer. It hurt so much because he was a positive role model in my life. Rest in Paradise, uncle.
*JULY 2012 IS UPON US!!! And for some reason, I thought it'd be a great idea to adopt a dog. So, my dude and I adopted a pitbull from the kennel and took care of it until we both realized we worked too much, and eventually, gave him to a friend who is taking wonderful care of him.
*Tensions were getting higher and higher with my fucking roommates and I was ready to start killing people and bashing heads. I hit a really low point in early July:
I guess to bring everyone up to speed, yesterday---or rather, two days ago---I had a serious case of depression. I felt like I was a terrible human; a terrible woman, and a terrible girlfriend. Now, my guy may be a dunce, but he works hard and I mean, harder than most guys I've ever been with. He's a chef now. Proud of him. Me, on the other hand, can't keep a job longer than it seems like a month. I felt like, "God, why are you even with me? What do I have to offer except advice, love, and sex?" I can support him, it seems, every single way except for financially. Or rather, I can't help with my end of the rent, which is only 200, because I can't keep a job, and because when I DO get one, I'm picky about it. No offense, but I'd NEVER want to work in fast food, and the only job I feel like I'd be happy working with is either one that involves being a receptionist, working with animals, writing, or working with children. So, I'm also being selective when it comes to work, only because I know ME.
If I don't like it, I'm not going to DO it, so there's no point in trying to find a half-par job I'm not going to enjoy. Yeah, that's me being selfish and immature, but so what? I'm trying to live to be happy. Plain and simple.
And then trying to get into school, and I've been fighting with my dude......I just hate it right now. It feels so difficult, but I'm not going to let myself get any worse.
Oh, and to explain that ice cream thing, one of my roommates, the nasty, sexist, racist, and ignorant motherfucker cousin of my boyfriend, is a total glutton and selfish and decided to me the favor and eat ALL of my ice cream while I was gone over the weekend. Fucking prick. Correction: FUCKING SPOILED ASS PRICK. God, I hate him. And there's a strict rule here: "IF IT HAS A NAME ON IT AND IT'S NOT YOURS, DON'T FUCKING TOUCH IT". And of course, both of my ice creams had my name on it. Asshole. So, I went to the store, while defusing with Siriuss, and bought two more tubs. Basically, I put these in a bag with a PHYSICAL sign that said, "DO. NOT. FUCKING. EAT. THESE."
GOD I hate those people, even now. Still hate them. Meanwhile:
*Still trying to figure out a job. At this point, I'm working for a temp agency, doing what I can, and trying to make ends meet as best as possible. Still not having any sex, so SOMEONE from SG gets me a vibrator!!!! Thank you so much, I never figured out who you were! (Also, can you send me a new one? Six months of CONSTANT use and it's officially died on me lmfao)
*Mid-july, after coming back from Vegas for my dude's dad's wedding, which was lovely, but the drama afterwards.... UGH. I ended up losing my first temp agency job. I hated it anyway, so fuck them. That was a HUGE blow, because I was planning on MOVING OUT, away from my boyfriend and all of this insanity. Sigh.
*Thankfully, after that, July wasn't as eventful, and it was kind of quiet.
*AND NOW IT's AUGUST 2012!!!!!!!!!!
*I was EXTREMELY sick during the first week of August with what was either the flu, or the plague. Still, kind of an unactive month, you know? Started working with a new Temp Agency, and was working a new assignment for a time, and meanwhile, hanging out with a gaggle of great SG's as well.
That wild night included: Suicidegirls, pool party, lasertag, was repeatedly accused of fraternizing with our (FINE) Asian rivals by Milloux (lmao, was not),guitarist from Marilyn Manson, Hamburger Mary's, INSANELY BAD SERVICE,delicious Hawaiian Burger, drag queens, ass-shaking contest, drinking, handsome strangers, Rainbow Room, beautiful chick with wild hair, shaved sides, and cheetah print, lots of friendly rocker/stoners,decided to call it a night, changed minds when we saw an INSANE UNREAL SENSORY OVERLOAD HIPPY/BURNER PARTY BUS WITH A LIVE BAND THAT PLAYS ROCK VERSIONS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC, staying on the bus, drove all over California, made new friends, fell in love many times with various people, had my knowledge of classical music tested, surprised the band, won a great CD, kept getting asked for pictures of our blacklight warpaint makeup from lasertag from random riders who thought we were apart of the whole bus exibit, crashed on the bus going everywhere until near dawn, finally got off, staggered with Milloux back to car, drove to house, knocked out, woke up and discovered an amazing backyard with fresh pomegranate, avacado, lemon and orange trees...stuff.
*August was mainly waiting for the Florida Shootfest to hurry up and GET here!!!!!!!!! And various dates around the city with my dude.
*The CLIMAX of August was on the 28th. I got my nipples pierced and I screamed like a motherfucking BANSHEE. But I love em! I never imagined I'd get my nips pierced, but I figured, why not? So, I just got them done on pure whim.
Most painful whim ever, but...
That brings August to a close!
*NOW IT'S SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!
*I bleached my hair for the first time since high school.
*Biggest event of September was in fact: GOING TO THE FLORIDA SHOOTFEST AND MEETING ALL OF THOSE BABES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEK! I love all you babes and I miss you SO much! Seriously, that was a GREAT weekend, and I'm so happy to have made some serious, best friends for life.
~I shot a multi with Yesenia
~I shot with the GREATEST gal, Waikiki
~Was in my first group multi
~Shot with DylanBorgman
~Spent the greatest week of my life with some of the greatest ladies I'll NEVER forget and love forever!
*After I got back from Florida, I got to meet and hang out with even more awesome babes, and we all went hiking!
*AND NOW IT'S OCTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Waikiki finished my set and it was all submitted! Pearl Lioness gets ready to go up in December!!!!
*I started getting more active on instagram and started submitting sundies:
*And I was very much looking forward to the upcoming events:
~Partying Halloween
~Starting NaNoWriMo on November 1st
~Helping out at the Long Beach Comic Con Booth from the 3-4th of November
~Traveling to Kansas City to celebrate my Great(est) Grandmother's 100th Birthday from the 9-13th
~Starting CNA (Certified Nursing's Assistant) on November 19th!!!
*I had made the decision to go to nursing school, so I could move back to Chicago, get my mom out of the nursing home, and become her full-time caretaker. I enrolled, and all that was left was to wait for school to start.
*Halloween came and went, and I was supposed to GoGo dance a club suicide event, but some things happened. Ugh. At the very least, I got to hang out with some amazing gals that night! I also went as one of my favorite Japanese legends: The Kuchisake-Onna. The split-mouthed woman.
*IT IS NOW NOVEMBER 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!
*October came and went in a blur, and brought with it a plethora of events in November!
*One of the bigger ones included starting my very first NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)---a contest where you have thirty days to write 50,000 words.
*And of course, working my very first Long Beach Comic Con Booth, bleaching my hair, and going to Kansas City to celebrate my great grandmother turn 100 years old!!!
Just to clarify, there's been a rumor I bleached my hair platinum/white blonde. I'd just like to say these rumors are 150%...
YUP! That's right, I'm SUPER blonde now, and I am loving it. Sorry I've been MIA for a moment, SG! Life has been wonderfully busy, and I've been enjoying every, little bit of it! Let's go about things in a (probably unlikely!) order of business!
*Long Beach Comic Con 2012
*Bleached my hair
*Kansas City
*NEW Set Date for "Pearl Lioness"!
I UPDATED MY WISHLIST!!! I'm in the market for a new laptop, EXACTLY the same as my old one which has officially bitten the dust. Rest in peace, baby girl. You gave me light in the dark, spent the past three years helping me write, and just were awesome...
And talk about inconvient timing!!! It's NANOWRIMO!!!!! I had to rescue my story off my old laptop!!!!!!
SO!!! Who wants to buy me a cheap laptop for my birthday/Christmas/Kwanzaa/Just Because???
WISHLIST TOO!!! It's never too early for Christmas, Kwanzaa, or Birthday Gifts!!!
SO! Let's get down to business---(TO DEFEAT *SMASH SMASH* THE HUNS).
~FIRST! Long beach Comic Con! I got to work my very first booth there! If you weren't there, allow me to rub into your nose the gaggle of hot bebs that you missed:
...Yeah, I'd be kicking me too, if I were you. The convention was a TOTAL blast! Got to meet fans, meet new people. have fun, goof off, and spaz out together (me and Severen) were especially good at that hahaha!
And now, Le photo dump for Long Beach Comic Con 2012:
It was a great time, with great girls, and so much fun. Shortly after LBCC2012, (like literally, three days later), I flew out to Kansas City to celebrate my Great Grandmother turning 100 years old! ONE HUNDRED. And even better is that her sister, my Great Aunt, is 98, so I'll be back out there to celebrate her birthday as well! My father's side of the family (IE: The Brusters and the McCraneys) are known for their longevity, their historical contributions, and overall, just being amazing.
Case in point: When interracial dating was illegal (once upon a time), my cousin (or uncle, can't remember which) had gone to jail for dating a white woman. So what does my family do? Literally BREAK HIM OUT OF JAIL and up and move to another city completely. I'm sorry, but that to me is just TOO fucking awesome!
Moreover, I got to see my younger sister who I hadn't seen in FOREVER. She's a PROUD Marine who served in the Afghanistan war, and it was great to see her given it was Veteren's Day weekend!
The most amazing part about all of this (aside from seeing my family again) was that the president and his wife--Ie, Barack and Michelle Obama SENT HER A BIRTHDAY LETTER, commemorating her on on turning 100 years old, and that's what I'm going to use to kick off the photodump for Kansas City, MO!
Aaaaannnd that's the end of the KC Photodump! BUT! Before I get too far away from the subject, here's some trivia! Remember the woman in the all gray picture of the family? Remember how I said she looks like someone RATHER familiar...? Ready?
And then some of you saw the picture of her on instagram as well:
...Give up? The Proof is in the DNA, dontcha think?
PS: This isn't my mother, or my grandmother, or my aunt---this is my cousin from my father's side. What's crazy is that she told me she'd never had any children of her own, nor did anyone in our family look like her. Suddenly, I'm born, and people are telling us, "Oh, you look just like your cousin Twyla" or, "Wow, Twyla wait until you meet Ricky's daughter---she's your twin!". And they were absolutely right.
And here she is, over fifty-something years later with yours truly:
I love my family. I really do.
And that's all for all of the adventure pictures! Not much else to report on! OH! I LIED!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION:
If you haven't noticed, the queue has been pushed back a bit! No worries! My new set, "Pearl Lioness", shot by the amazingly talented (and downright fucking awesome Waikiki goes into MR:
NOVEMBER 24th, 2012 @ 1PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be sure to check it out! Anyway, that's all for now! Here's one more silly picture of me in a special gift that was waiting for me when I got home from Kansas City:
*So, in short, November was a GREAT month. I finished NaNoWriMo (YAY!!!), survived Black Friday and came away with a lovely new Laptop, and got the three-year birth control implant that goes in your arm.
There was SO much that happened this month. BIG things. Mainly:
*I started school!!!!
And I'm very happy with myself. I'm learning quickly, and I'm enjoying my classes.
I figured if the world is ending tomorrow (WHICH IT'S NOT ), then might as well update my blog and make it a rather happy one! I've got SOOOOOO many things to share with you guys, and a lot has happened in the past few weeks, so let's get on it, starting in chronological order:
~Started nursing school
~Met Pesky and Slamm
~Partied hardy with Milloux, Pesky, and Slamm
~PESKY WENT PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~SG New Year's Resolution---(VIDEO!!!)
~WISHLIST!!! (Shameless plug!)
~SPECIAL surprise
So, let's begin! Needless to say, I was originally having a rough go at nursing school. Wasn't sure of my classmates, and whatnot, and because I'm the "cutthroat bitch" of the class, I can't STAND lazy people in my class, or people who don't make an effort to learn. When it comes to my academics, I have SUCH a terrible superiority complex. I have to be the best at EVERYTHING, my pride takes a hit if I get a 97% instead of a 100%, and I focus so hard on my tests, that if I'm not the FIRST one done with it, I'll get pissy at the person who finished before me lol!
What can I say? I'm just very competitive when it comes to my classes.
BUT! I have been enjoying it immensely, with the exception of a few setbacks here and there, but so far, no complaints! Also, met my future husband too:
TOTAL babe, right? Always makes me laugh. Also, what do you guys think of me in scrubs?
We completed our second week today, and THANK GOD for that, because I was about to start scalping people. Ugh. I've NEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER been a morning person, so getting up at 6am everyday has really been taking it's toll on me, you know? It's like my tolerance for bullshit is even LOWER, and my drive to succeed has me even more fearsome, and competitive, and bitchy, but meh, right?
So, usually during demonstrations, I'm the one who lays in the bed and tries to grab so zzz's and sleep lol.
And earlier this week, we found out where we'll be taking our clinicals when we get back after winter break and whatnot. Turns out we'll be working in a sub-acute facility, which means we'll be in a long-term care facility, for people who have a lot of medical problems. It only hurts my heart because there are a lot of children in the care facility too, and it really hurts to see little toddlers with tubes, and tracs down their throats, and especially with the elderly as well. BUT! Gotta be strong, you know?
(Definitely won't lie--I'm probably gonna bust into fucking tears. I'm a very emotional person haha)
But, yeah! So far, so good! Once I'm done with the CNA program, I can officially start HHA (Home Health Aide) and RNA (Restorative Nursing Aide), which are the ones I want the most, so I can get my certificates and move on back to Chicago to help my mum!
Apparently, there's a WHOLE NOTHER song and dance to get my certificates transferred to Illinois, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I've been starting to really think and plan hard for the impending months, so as long as I keep a record and journal, and make sure to really get shit done, all's well that ends well!
Today, we completed our second week with a test (that got pushed back by a day, but was enough to send me into fits when I couldn't take it yesterday). I got a 97% on my first mock state board exam!!!!!!
I missed two questions, and GOD DAMN it was a hard pill to swallow, especially because I wasn't the one who scored 100% (Trying to be little miss perfect and all), but I got over that shit in a fucking HURRY when we were told there would be NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, sleep, how I have missed thee so much! I'm going to enjoy the HELL outta my winter vacation by sleeping, sleeping, SLEEPING!!!!!
But! For what it's worth, I'm enjoying nursing school like you wouldn't believe, in between the hiccups and all! Can't wait to be done in February!
Pesky and Slamm came into town!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for the first time in what feels like for-freaking-ever, I got to hang out with mah ladylove Milloux! There was SOOOOOOOO much insanity. From Absinthe (and poor Pesky having to watch me throw up half my intestinal track in Mill's toliet---UGH), to cosplaying in Little Tokyo, to standing on a roof in the middle of the Hollywood Hills, absurds amount of Doritos Tacos, creepy grinches at the local farmer's markert, and the whole shebang! Seriously, fucking awesome ladies who I love and miss!
(PS: Totally stole like 2/4 of these pictures from Slamm's blog lol! )
SUCH A WEEKEND OF WIN! But moreso because....
~Next order of business~
FUCKING PESKY WENT PINK!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Milly called me and told me a few days ago, and I was in the middle of class, and I bust out crying, I was so happy!!! SUCH A GREAT CHOICE, SG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called her and was TOO stoked about the news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUCH A BABE!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU. GO. GIRL. I love you, miss you, and am SUPER fucking proud of you!!!!
Got to submit my little ole New Year's Resolution video for SG!
SO looking forward to the amount of tattoos I'll be getting this year! And all of the awesome SG events, and girls I'll met, and just...such a great year, I know it!
Aaaaaand speaking of how you AWESOME peeps can help me accomplish my last two resolutions...
I'd REEEEEEALLLLY love a Sega Genesis with the Lion King and Pocahontas games, pweeese? *PUPPY DOG LOOK*
Okay, enough shameless plugging! Here's some randomness before I close out the blog with a leeeeeeetle something special!
And now....
I think we ALL KNOW the damn world is NOT gonna end tomorrow, but that being said, everyone be safe, be responsible, and seriously, DON'T do anything you're gonna regret in 2013!
Love you all, and thanks again for the love on PEARL LIONESS!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
And here it is, December 2012. I've come pretty damn far.
So, as you all can see, this has been a pretty damn good year, dontcha think? Now, as I bring this blog to a close, I just wanna take a moment to thank everyone for going through just about everything life had to throw at me. I've grown SO much as a person. And all of the memories...oh, God, I'm blessed.
As for what to expect in 2013?
Well, things have changed a bit. I'm going to finish nursing school, and then in April, me, and Milloux, are moving to Maui for six months. So, I WON'T be going straight back to Chicago, not until October. To be honest, when she asked me to go with her, I thought she was joking. And then when she told me she was serious, it made me think a LOT. I felt so guilty for choosing to go with her, but at the same time, it's NOT like I'm NOT going back for my mother.
Better believe THAT SHIT IS HAPPENING. Just a bit later than expected. So, right now, my biggest resolutions:
*Finishing nursing school
*Get a job and save up for the move in April
*After I'm done in Maui, go on and get my mother once and for all. I don't know what I'll experience in Maui, but I'm looking forward to it, and especially getting back to Chicago and seeing my mum. I'll be six months late, but at least we'll be able to be together for Christmas, and I'll have more of my shit together, I pray.
Siiiiigh. But, it's already decided. Maui. Life experiences. Then going back to take care of my mother. It will happen, and I'm excited for 2013.
Upcoming events:
*Tattoo appointment in TWO WEEKS!!!! EEEEEE!!! SO STOKED!!!!
and of course:
*My birthday AND the Vegas Shootfest in February!
There's a LOT happening in 2013 and I'm excited to take it all on.
So, without further ado...Thank you, 2012. I've learned, I've lived, I've loved. Let's do it all again in 2013.
Everyone, stay safe, take care, and best blessings in 2013!
Kurosune Suicide