Second thing: Have you guys seen the @suicidegirls instagram? Lookie at who's booty is one of the featured #sundies, and be sure to follow me as well @kurosunesuicide!
Third thing: I updated my Amazon Wishlist, and Christmas and my Birthday are right around the corner!!!, as well as my SG profile, since it needed some tweaking!
I know it sounds really cheesy, but anyone who sorts the gifts out by Highest to Low Priorties will see I am such a simple girl when it comes to things like this haha!
I really, REALLY, REALLY would love someone forever if they got me:
*The Arizona drink Packs
*Sega Genesis
*And the Lion King and Pocohontas Games!
Preeeease??? With sugar on top? Maybe me on top?

And shameless wishlisting aside!
Now begins my very first hangover post. EVER. Leave it to the love of my life Milloux to take me to an awesome Christmas party last night, as my sorta last hurrah before I begin...
I know it's a little drastic to call it my "sorta last hurrah", but socially, my life is gonna be dead for a while, only because I'm studying three different medical fields in the span of roughly two months, and given I suck at science and math, I'm REALLY going to have to apply myself, so I promise if you guys haven't heard from me in a month, send a search party. I'm probably gonna be buried under mountains of homework!
ALSO: I know everyone saw the announcement about how I'd been accepted to the Japanese language school I'd applied for months ago, located in Tokyo. Well, I've already decided I'm not going. California will always be here; as will Japan. A few girls I talked to really helped me when I was having doubts, and the truth is, my mother comes first. Period. Case closed. I can always attend that school in my later years.
I mean, psh. I'm going to be 24 in February! I'd HARDLY call that old, and I've barely begun to live.
...And you know what? I have the girls of the SGFLSHOOTFEST to thank for this, really. Those specific ladies who listened to me talk about how I wanted to change my life, and help my mom, and their encouragement to do it, and the strike of lightning at discovering my new school when I got back....I'm just really happy right now.
OHHHHH!!! AND SPEAKING OF SHOOTFESTS!!! Guess who's gonna be at the first shootfest of the year in Los Vegas?
THIS CHICK!!! And guess when it is? My BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!!!! Eeee!!! A great group of babes will be in Vegas from February 1st-3rd, and since my birthday is the 3rd, and Bradley, one of the ladies putting together this shootfest along with Alicee, has her birthday February 13th (AQUARIUS POWER!!!), we're gonna celebrate both of our birthdays there!!! I'm planning on getting a ginormous cake!
But, before I digress----Back to school! Even HAPPIER about the fact the tuition thing worked itself out. My daddy-o called me to let me know he put the first week's tuition in my bank account, right? So, I go and check, and HOLY SHIT there are three week's of tuition in there, and that is NO SMALL CHANGE. I fell into tears, lol.
So, tomorrow starts a pretty big, and new chapter in my life, and I'm more than excited to take it on! RAWR! BEAST MODE!!!!
But, before I stray too far, I'm pretty happy to say I've never been so happy to be hungover in my entire life. That Christmas party Milloux and I went to last night? BALLS TO THE WALLS INSANE. Long story short, and from what I can piece together last night, I:
*Ended up seeing that older guy I'd been seeing (Read: Having sexy time with) when I'd first moved out here. I knew he was going to be there (and with his new girlfriend), so I liquored up plenty before having MIlly pick me up for this event.
*And guess what? Despite my EXTREME state of drunkenness (and I'm pretty sure I hit a new plateau of wasted, especially for me---Goddamn evil egg nog and hot cocoa spiked drinks!!!) I was a TOTAL lady! His new girlfriend is a sweetheart, and I wanted to give her a hug! And yes, I was exceptionally civil towards him as well! Why wouldn't I be? I'm not cunty like that, and believe it or not, I have an innane talent to be actual friends with my exes new girlfriends/current boyfriends' exes, or, friends with my exes' exes haha. I'm just not a spiteful person.
*Somewhere in between knocking back more egg nog and hot cocoa than I really should have been, I got SO plastered I ended up taking over as bartender! AT THIS MANSION HOUSE OF WHOM THE PEOPLE I DID NOT KNOW. And people are just like, "Make me this, make me that!" and I'm so fucked up, I'm like, "OKAY! HERE! What's your poison! Next!!!" I felt guilty they tried to tip me since I wasn't working there, so, I denied all tips they tried to offer hahaha!
And then there was this total babe named Raphael. I wanted to sit on his face.
But all face-sitting aside, adding on to that list of innebriated madness:
*There was a widescreen tv with plenty of holiday porn playing for the guests (and I got a good view of it all since the bar was right in front of it hahaha)
*I tried to eat one of the decorations shaped like candy, but it turned out to be PURE PLASTIC, bleh.
*And finally, the car ride home, which took a lotta work on my end just to get to the car itself. Eventually I just took off my heels and said "Fuck it". It was amazing how I hadn't even fallen and busted my ass the entire time I was there, given I was staggering around as drunk as a poet on payday.
*Actually getting INSIDE my apartment was another feat in itself. I was literally skipping barefoot through the hallways and singing the goddamn Pokemon theme song.
*Once I got to my apartment, fishing my key out of my pocket, and putting it into the lock took roughly around twenty minutes, and then when I finally DID enter my abode at almost 5:30 in the morning, I was tripping over stuff, YELLING at myself to "SHUSH" because everyone was trying to sleep, and then when I finally managed to drag myself into bed, my dick boyfriend told me to "Shut the fuck up and go to sleep".
*I about suffocated him in his sleep with a pillow. Asshole. I ALWAYS tolerate his stupid ass when he comes home drunk, which he does WAY MORE OFTEN than I do. Asshole. God, I cannot WAIT for March. Way to fucking buzzkill me, right?
*I woke up a few hours later with THE WORST HANGOVER ever....and STILL wearing THIS hat.
Who's HAT IS THIS?!?!?!? And I don't even remember putting it on, even though I'm obviously wearing it at the bar! Oh, but the funniest part about this is that so far, everytime I just get BEYOND fucked up with Milloux, I end up stealing someone's hat. Case in point: Coachella. Totally stole someone's Jose Cuervo cowboy hat. I'm just gonna have a COLLECTION of stolen hats!
Oh well, hahaha!
But I basically spent the day trying to recover, and eating Easy Mac and BBQ chicken wings, and drinking arizona and sleeping as much as I could. I'm really not trying to feel like HELL on wheels before tomorrow morning lol, because again, I NEVER get hungover, because I never go all out. So, right now, I am just like, "UUUUGHHH".
But GOD, so worth it!
And now, to leave you guys with some randomness before I close out what could be my last blog, at least for the next few weeks!
Been practicing my future housewaifu skills when it comes to domestic shit lol. Been cooking a lot lately, and had to sew a button.
And looking forward to the day where little ole hopeless romantic me finds the right man for me, so we can settle down and have some awesome kids together (just not anytime soon, haha), and I can have some bonding time like this with my little girl.
Though, I'd love to have a son too! And speaking of tattoos, I'm working on a couple dozen pieces come 2013, with my next project being my sleeve dedication to my mum! And now, to really finish off the blog with a bit more randomness:
I FINALLY got a chance to watch the movie "Lady Snowblood", which as you know, the titular character, is seriously one of my all time influences and heroines.
Based off of the manga by the same name, of which I own, and have to say, it's my FAVORITE manga, hands down, given I've read it so many times I could quote every, single character in my sleep.
And if you are familiar with Lady Snowblood, then you should know that THIS series inspired none other than Quentin Tarantino's "KIll Bill", ANOTHER HUGE favorite of mine. He literally sited this manga as his inspiration for the "Kill Bill" series, and if you read the manga, and then watch the movie, you will see SO. MANY. SIMILARITIES. Meiko Kaji, who stared in "Lady Snowblood" as the lead role, would later sing the two main songs featured in "Kill Bill", with Lucy Liu, wearing the same, pristine-white kimono as "O-Ren", and wearing the same hairstyle, both as an homage to Lady Snowblood, and with the ending of the first Kill Bill movie, during the battle with The Bride and O-Ren, ending almost EXACTLY like the end of Lady Snowblood.
Seriously, one of the greatest series I've ever come across, and I highly suggest it!!! And moving on!
And that's it for now! Oh: Wait----
I love you all so much! Take care, everyone! Wish me luck! Kisses to all the misses, and pitched tents for all the gents~~~
And be sure to follow me on instagram @Kurosunesuicide!