His name was Carmine. He was Don of a powerful mafia, though I won't say which one. After dinner one night, he got down on his knee and told me: "Baby, with the right woman, there's nothing stopping me from heading straight to the top. You're a gorgeous dame, with a smart head on your shoulders, and I've always promised myself that when I find a woman like you, I was gonna drown in her furs, and choke her with diamonds and pearls." But when someone offed my darling two days after our wedding, I swore revenge. I found his enemies, one by one, and did to them just what my darling did to me: Choked them with pearls. ...Though, I did so in the more literal sense. Wearing the jewelry given to me by my dead lover, Don Carmine, and taking his place in the mafia world, I ascended to power, became known as Don(na) Perla Leonessa---"The Pearl Lioness".

My brand new set (which I decided would have a mafia feel to it because I've always associated pearls with the mafia (because I'm a hardcore old Gangster Movie Junkie (IE, The GodFather, GoodFellas, Scarface, etc...) ) finally has a date! It goes up December 24th (Christmas Eve)! So, I'm very excited about that!
In other news: check this out! I'm SuicideGirl Gamer of the Week! I did an interview and I LOVED the way it came out!!!
Also: WRITERS! Have any of you ever heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)? It's basically a contest where you are supposed to write a 50,000 word novel in the span of 30 Days in November! I've entered the contest, and I figured, "Why not? Might as well?" So here's hoping I can churn out a great novel in just 30 days! OH, AND I start a full-time, month-long, CNA Program in November.
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. You guys can check out my author page here! I haven't started a new novel yet (since the rules clearly state you CANNOT start writing before November 1st), but when I get mine up, this is where you guys will be able to read mine, as well as all of the other entries! Wish me luck!
Lastly: I went grocery shopping today and splurged on over one hundred dollars of PURE junk food. Yes, my diet is wholly unhealthy and I am A-OKAY with that because I am definitely on no diet hahaha. LOVE food!

And this isn't even all of the food. I came home with:
*Two six-pack boxes of White Castles
*Two boxes of cream chipped beef
*A six pack of Cream Soda
*Sixteen cans of Arizona Fruit Juice (Watermelon and Strawberry Kiwi---very addicted)
*Twelve boxes of cereal (Six Berry Berry Kix, and Six Rice Crispy Treat Cereals)
*One quart of Vanilla Bean ice cream
*A giant bag of BBQ chicken wings
*Two boxes of Strawberry/Creamcheese Toaster Strudels
*Two family sized bags of Ruffles potato chips
*A ten pack of Redenbaucher's butter-flavored popcorn
*Eight boxes of SpongeBob shaped Mac and Cheese
*Two twelve-pack boxes of Gushers
*Two six pack boxes of Easy Mac
*Two pounds of pork chops.
Yup. I eat like a fucking PIG. One of my friends was like, "HOW DO YOU EAT LIKE A FUCKING COLLEGE FRATBOY AND NOT GAIN ANY FUCKING WEIGHT?!?!" And she's right. I'm a size zero and weigh 114lbs (I've actually lost weight since movie to Cali and it's certainly not by lack of trying because my diet is absolutely atrocious), so I just told her it's good genetics, a fast metabolism, and a LOT of hula hooping and dancing. I LOATHE diets. I hate salads, and I basically hate anything healthy. Trust me, you try and take food away from me and you WILL lose an arm or two. RAWR
I also about nearly had a stroke in the grocery store when I discovered THESE:

HOLY FUCKING SHIT I ABOUT JIZZED IN MY PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THESE ARE MY CHILDHOOD CEREALS RIGHT HERE!!!! Ones that I thought had gone outta stock over TEN years ago, but they brought them back! (Thank you, suispud1 for warning me to check the expiration dates, though! These are brand new! SO EXCITED!!!) I went overboard and bought six of each because I was SO excited. Then I called my mom and my sister and started crying into the phone about how happy I was.
Pretty sure the people of Walmart thought I had lost my MIND.
~Kisses to all of the misses, and pitched tents for all the gents!~

My brand new set (which I decided would have a mafia feel to it because I've always associated pearls with the mafia (because I'm a hardcore old Gangster Movie Junkie (IE, The GodFather, GoodFellas, Scarface, etc...) ) finally has a date! It goes up December 24th (Christmas Eve)! So, I'm very excited about that!
In other news: check this out! I'm SuicideGirl Gamer of the Week! I did an interview and I LOVED the way it came out!!!
Also: WRITERS! Have any of you ever heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)? It's basically a contest where you are supposed to write a 50,000 word novel in the span of 30 Days in November! I've entered the contest, and I figured, "Why not? Might as well?" So here's hoping I can churn out a great novel in just 30 days! OH, AND I start a full-time, month-long, CNA Program in November.
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. You guys can check out my author page here! I haven't started a new novel yet (since the rules clearly state you CANNOT start writing before November 1st), but when I get mine up, this is where you guys will be able to read mine, as well as all of the other entries! Wish me luck!
Lastly: I went grocery shopping today and splurged on over one hundred dollars of PURE junk food. Yes, my diet is wholly unhealthy and I am A-OKAY with that because I am definitely on no diet hahaha. LOVE food!

And this isn't even all of the food. I came home with:
*Two six-pack boxes of White Castles
*Two boxes of cream chipped beef
*A six pack of Cream Soda
*Sixteen cans of Arizona Fruit Juice (Watermelon and Strawberry Kiwi---very addicted)
*Twelve boxes of cereal (Six Berry Berry Kix, and Six Rice Crispy Treat Cereals)
*One quart of Vanilla Bean ice cream
*A giant bag of BBQ chicken wings
*Two boxes of Strawberry/Creamcheese Toaster Strudels
*Two family sized bags of Ruffles potato chips
*A ten pack of Redenbaucher's butter-flavored popcorn
*Eight boxes of SpongeBob shaped Mac and Cheese
*Two twelve-pack boxes of Gushers
*Two six pack boxes of Easy Mac
*Two pounds of pork chops.
Yup. I eat like a fucking PIG. One of my friends was like, "HOW DO YOU EAT LIKE A FUCKING COLLEGE FRATBOY AND NOT GAIN ANY FUCKING WEIGHT?!?!" And she's right. I'm a size zero and weigh 114lbs (I've actually lost weight since movie to Cali and it's certainly not by lack of trying because my diet is absolutely atrocious), so I just told her it's good genetics, a fast metabolism, and a LOT of hula hooping and dancing. I LOATHE diets. I hate salads, and I basically hate anything healthy. Trust me, you try and take food away from me and you WILL lose an arm or two. RAWR

I also about nearly had a stroke in the grocery store when I discovered THESE:

HOLY FUCKING SHIT I ABOUT JIZZED IN MY PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THESE ARE MY CHILDHOOD CEREALS RIGHT HERE!!!! Ones that I thought had gone outta stock over TEN years ago, but they brought them back! (Thank you, suispud1 for warning me to check the expiration dates, though! These are brand new! SO EXCITED!!!) I went overboard and bought six of each because I was SO excited. Then I called my mom and my sister and started crying into the phone about how happy I was.
Pretty sure the people of Walmart thought I had lost my MIND.
~Kisses to all of the misses, and pitched tents for all the gents!~
can't wait for that set!

I can't wait to see your set!!!!! And you are too cute!!!!