puke puke puke puke puke puke puke
i am sick too!

thank you for the commetn! kiss
Big into Samurai films, huh?? My brother's engaged to a hot Japanese girl. Anyways I'm new and local so I thought I'd say hey.
puke puke puke puke puke puke puke
"Sick of this life... not that you care...I'm not the only one...with whom this feeling I share..."

I am still here from the Hurricane. Not much property damage. Dubya is still a cockroach. Behind on everything. robot
The reason I removed you is because your an SG Collector. All the girls on your list are SGs.
Hurricane Hell skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown
Sharing a computer eats it. Mine is down so I am "coexisting" with someone's. None too cool. Sorry if I haven't updated or said hi. Just screwed and blued at the moment. Hopefully back to normal in a bit................ robot
So I have been busy as hell. Sorry if I haven't posted to you recently. Trying my damndest. I will catch up soon. smile put up my pic. Not the best but it'll have to do for now.
Soon............. robot robot
thaaaaanks wink
what a koinkydink.. I own several buttons. This may just work tongue
Thank you! smile
I am probably sounding like a broken record but I will vent anyway. Have to redo most of my profile shit. Deleted. I guess i hit the wrong key or something. I keep trying to put a picture of my mug in the profile section. Resizing,dying computer programs and bullshit. Netflix is losing my discs in the mail. Enough. mad Next enrty will be cheerier. Good...
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You suck and cannot spell "entry".
Great I just deleted a bunch of profile shit. FUCK!!!!!!!!! mad robot
You can take my dog for a walk when I have to go on holiday and stuff! Thanks for the nice comment on my set smile
What a past few days. robot Started out on Thursday night, in New Orleans, at TwiRoPa which is a huge warehouse in the port area of the city that has been converted into a place to catch a buzz and some good fucking music. I missed interpol when they came. frown But not the Thursday show. biggrin skull 3 Inches of Blood started it off and blew the place...
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hey thanks so much for the comment whoooo!
Neck hurts. Head hurts. Busy weekend. Back to life on Monday. skull
Go Vikings!!!