So I just added my picture,
its a bit out of date.
I know I look like yuppie scum but hey what can I do *shrug* I am yuppie scum......
I work for Condenast,
Live in Manhatten (lower east side),
and make more $ then my father.
But dont get me wrong,
I still think pirced/tattooed
chix are sexy as hell !
think of it this way
I could be trying to fuck things up from the inside.
*Gives the Devil Horns*
its a bit out of date.
I know I look like yuppie scum but hey what can I do *shrug* I am yuppie scum......
I work for Condenast,
Live in Manhatten (lower east side),
and make more $ then my father.
But dont get me wrong,
I still think pirced/tattooed
chix are sexy as hell !
think of it this way
I could be trying to fuck things up from the inside.

crew for the warm welcome,
I got the opportunity to meet a lot of great folks
at the burlesque show as well as the after party.
I look forward to adding to my friends list as I get to know
all the active members of sgny.
See ya at the next party !
-Kupoking- :