everyone who hasnt let me know if ya read the limo story
So Im on my way home from work tonight, im sitting at a light getting ready to turn left, this car full of college guys (driving obviously a parent bought audi 4 door) roll down their window to try to give me shit. I roll my window down pretty much talk to them like retards, and it prompts the driver of the audi to try to "show off" his stock stereo. I laugh and turn up my stereo (stock deck, but i've got 2 12" roxford subs) they then try to mock my stereo (since showing their off didn't work) So the light turns green they go straight and I take a few back roads to cut them off a few blocks away, after succeeding they try to flash their brights at me and "chase" me to further "show off" their "parents paid for" audi. Don't get me wrong, I dont have the suped up version of my car, but I have put atleast an upgraded air filter on it. So after toying with these guys (stopping at stop signs and tearing away from em.. hitting my brakes to let em catch up.. and repeating) I pull on the straightaway that leads to my turn for my house, I nail the gas, hit bout 100+ on a little side street and watch as the guys try to follow and give up at about 75. What jackasses, trying to start shit with a carful of guys against me, try to show off and fail that hard. /that/ many times. Some people just fail at life.

So Im on my way home from work tonight, im sitting at a light getting ready to turn left, this car full of college guys (driving obviously a parent bought audi 4 door) roll down their window to try to give me shit. I roll my window down pretty much talk to them like retards, and it prompts the driver of the audi to try to "show off" his stock stereo. I laugh and turn up my stereo (stock deck, but i've got 2 12" roxford subs) they then try to mock my stereo (since showing their off didn't work) So the light turns green they go straight and I take a few back roads to cut them off a few blocks away, after succeeding they try to flash their brights at me and "chase" me to further "show off" their "parents paid for" audi. Don't get me wrong, I dont have the suped up version of my car, but I have put atleast an upgraded air filter on it. So after toying with these guys (stopping at stop signs and tearing away from em.. hitting my brakes to let em catch up.. and repeating) I pull on the straightaway that leads to my turn for my house, I nail the gas, hit bout 100+ on a little side street and watch as the guys try to follow and give up at about 75. What jackasses, trying to start shit with a carful of guys against me, try to show off and fail that hard. /that/ many times. Some people just fail at life.
Vote For Guild Tabbard
I blame the undead. They're the reason there are stupid people running around everywhere. Stupid undead.