Spooky, creepy, dark stuff; paranormal; occult; and lots more! Some threads not for the faint of heart! NO SET PROMOTION TOLERATED AT ALL. THAT IS AN INSTANT BAN! DON'T MESSAGE ME IF YOU WERE BLOCKED BECAUSE THAT IS MOST LIKELY WHY. If anyone gets blocked for any other reason, I …
alternative medicine & healing
A forum to discuss the more esoteric modalities of health and healing - i.e. Acupuncture, Herbology, Naturopathy, Reiki, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Qi Gong, Tai Qi, etc. Also, a place for the holistic to come together and just discuss natural remedies to everyday problems.
A group for vegans and vegetarians. No meatcrashers. Talk about food, recipes, events, ethics, activism, animal rights, science, nutrition, books, advice, lifestyle - anything you want, as long as it's relevant to vegetarians and vegans. IMPORTANT: Hitler was not a vegetarian. Please do not post it because we've heard it …
This group is for survivors and their supporters! Must have a profile and profile photo, blog, and comments to join. Men and women are welcome.
Got a juicy story you want to share about your latest sexual encounter? Do you just want to live vicariously through the filthy dirty smutty sex lives of others? Maybe you need a little supplement to all the sexy sets on the site- maybe personal accounts just really get you …
A place to explore the many wonderful aspects of the gothic culture. From art to literature, music to film, fashion to photography, this place will explore these subjects and the artists within them.
Philosophy, religion, and all things related! Do not come trolling, or you will find yourself banned from the group.
Have something you don't want, or want something you don't have? This is SG's own market to buy, sell and trade! Etsy & Ebay sellers, too! [URL=http://suicidegirls.com/groups/The+Swap+Meet/topics/43135/]Please read this thread BEORE posting your own topic![/URL] [URL=http://suicidegirls.com/groups/The+Swap+Meet/topics/134290/]Post OLD TOPICS here to be deleted![/URL] ------------------------------------------------------------- Have an Etsy, Artfire, or Folksy shop …
All things related to historical and modern mysteries, mythical creatures, and cryptozoology!