On the defense of the original spark, worlds meet with sex and violence
A child remembers the everything first, then slowly the life and lives past
The everything tickles again against the lost and forgotten dreams
A child again one becomes beginning to shine, as the lost attack the unknown
Metamorphosis of a child into an adult child
when wonder of the world is transfixed into wonder of the wild
Metamorphosis of a man into an impassioned beast
when spirit calls wild into the release
Metamorphosis of pain into a pleasure
when body blends with an infinite beyond measure
Metamorphosis of a child into an adult child
when wonder of the world is transfixed into wonder of the wild
Metamorphosis of a man into an impassioned beast
when spirit calls wild into the release
Metamorphosis of pain into a pleasure
when body blends with an infinite beyond measure
As a foot well placed,
.. a hand slowly glides past and through another, electric intent, spark
Eye focused, the entirety of the world comes in fast, full vivid contemplation.
Rising sinewed, claws furreled, fangs gripped too large for my mouth.
..a smile, as a all too familiar feeling grips
Scintillation in the air,
.silver, lavender, bleed and bend, sharpen the senses
..the closely held lightning coil sending tendrils out into the wanton
earth storms ready to be cleansed, renewed, awaken, alive,..embraces
as an answer to a childs cry
Grief stricken refusal to live in any of the little lost love moments, chooser of the slain
Walks ancient instinct as a mother and child reunion
Nectar of life
Skin, progenerative god flesh, ..lightening, imbibing the wonton earth
Never again this pain, sorrow, consumption,
life reduced to commodity.never again, as this killer killer instinct
Seized fast, mere darkness flashes fly, talons and claws reside deep within puncturing a mistaken predator
..strike in multitudes
Ravages the source of rage
All quite, insects sing, the symphony grows to greet the newly dissolving food.
..never again
New life to earth crawl
This child walks away. Again a child gives rest to the beast always within
to summon through thee.
Metamorphosis in birth the cocoons of flesh, my anchor of life set free a beast of wonder to protect and keep thee.
May I ask your opinion? This piece is written in what I am calling introspective verse. The words are visual, choppy, and out of order, slowing the habitual reading pace. Each word, an idea in itself, is collided against another to amplify ambiguity. Like an inkblot or Rorschach, I think of it as painting with words to make a half picture, which cognitively speaking, makes the reader consciously or unconsciously, fill in the blanks, making each readers reaction different, thus introspective.
I hope to provoke a reaction, trigger an emotional response; hopefully the work inspires someone else to write, so they will share their thoughts, poetry or art. I am interested in mental triggers in the unconscious and practice hypnotherapy and deep dive trance. I am trying to create a trance into memory, then a return to source, which breaks loose new and undiscovered mental states. Is this writing/poem effective at achieving that effect? I know this is an experiment and I wonder if you would be so kind as to offer an opinion.
Effective, annoying, inspiring, just plain whack? Yes or no and/or any comments or suggestions will be appreciated.
I am putting together a Writers Guild, if you would like to join and see other tasty tidbits from the crew. It is a writer workshop style forum, with feedback and critique emphasis.
Because all of you have been an inspiration and hears to carrying the torch; much love.
A child remembers the everything first, then slowly the life and lives past
The everything tickles again against the lost and forgotten dreams
A child again one becomes beginning to shine, as the lost attack the unknown
Metamorphosis of a child into an adult child
when wonder of the world is transfixed into wonder of the wild
Metamorphosis of a man into an impassioned beast
when spirit calls wild into the release
Metamorphosis of pain into a pleasure
when body blends with an infinite beyond measure

Metamorphosis of a child into an adult child
when wonder of the world is transfixed into wonder of the wild
Metamorphosis of a man into an impassioned beast
when spirit calls wild into the release
Metamorphosis of pain into a pleasure
when body blends with an infinite beyond measure
As a foot well placed,
.. a hand slowly glides past and through another, electric intent, spark
Eye focused, the entirety of the world comes in fast, full vivid contemplation.
Rising sinewed, claws furreled, fangs gripped too large for my mouth.
..a smile, as a all too familiar feeling grips
Scintillation in the air,
.silver, lavender, bleed and bend, sharpen the senses
..the closely held lightning coil sending tendrils out into the wanton
earth storms ready to be cleansed, renewed, awaken, alive,..embraces
as an answer to a childs cry
Grief stricken refusal to live in any of the little lost love moments, chooser of the slain
Walks ancient instinct as a mother and child reunion
Nectar of life
Skin, progenerative god flesh, ..lightening, imbibing the wonton earth
Never again this pain, sorrow, consumption,
life reduced to commodity.never again, as this killer killer instinct
Seized fast, mere darkness flashes fly, talons and claws reside deep within puncturing a mistaken predator
..strike in multitudes
Ravages the source of rage
All quite, insects sing, the symphony grows to greet the newly dissolving food.
..never again
New life to earth crawl
This child walks away. Again a child gives rest to the beast always within
to summon through thee.
Metamorphosis in birth the cocoons of flesh, my anchor of life set free a beast of wonder to protect and keep thee.

I hope to provoke a reaction, trigger an emotional response; hopefully the work inspires someone else to write, so they will share their thoughts, poetry or art. I am interested in mental triggers in the unconscious and practice hypnotherapy and deep dive trance. I am trying to create a trance into memory, then a return to source, which breaks loose new and undiscovered mental states. Is this writing/poem effective at achieving that effect? I know this is an experiment and I wonder if you would be so kind as to offer an opinion.
Effective, annoying, inspiring, just plain whack? Yes or no and/or any comments or suggestions will be appreciated.
I am putting together a Writers Guild, if you would like to join and see other tasty tidbits from the crew. It is a writer workshop style forum, with feedback and critique emphasis.
Because all of you have been an inspiration and hears to carrying the torch; much love.


I am back. I am really tired though. I mailed a bunch of my stuff to myself today... poor man's copyright... so pretty soon I will be ready to share some more of my work!