Imagine for a moment:
The beginning,
Crawling forth from the Fertile Crescent (Mediterranean basin, ancient enough no one can take credit), the human species roamed the earth searching for food, resource, and home. It is a marvel of adaptation humans became the surroundings. The air, water, sun, and soil shaped the masks we wear blended adapted to each corner of our world.
Our senses sharpened to survival and the protection of our clan, tribe, and family. We protected our own and prospered. We made tools, art, words, song, and began to master survival.
As the various tribes reunited, they had taken a different mask. Are they one of us? Like me and mine to protect, love, make song, and dwell together. So much time had passed and mythology had been created that we no longer see through the masks of our own making; the same that we earned through the earth, ensuring survival.
The same basic thought pattern forming cliques in high school or any group divisiveness.
Us verses them
Race, religion, shortness, tallness, fatness, skinniness, whatever are all easy descriptives to discriminate, reject and be grounds for not being of our clan, tribe, family, and/or friend. Cyrano de Bergeracs nose was easy to make fun. It was obvious. You cant choose the skin you were born, gender, or parents (i.e. genetics), although science has done some things surprising. But you get the point.
Science has mapped the human genome and has found no appreciable or specific genetic racial classifications. (Nova 2002, I have the tapes if you want them referenced, really good series, by the way) You have the same probability of sharing similar genetic code with someone of a different race as you do with your own. I look for the day race is not used as a descriptive, but ethnicity is used as the little census bubbles become more specific. I am Scottish, Cherokee, French, Dutch, and that is only the ethnicities I am aware. Each of use possesses an ancient genetic lineage, which has served humanity well throughout survival.
The challenge for our time, as we converge into a global people (and its happening), is to look beyond the mask. Beyond any-ism, and into the essence of life, and then decide if is someone you want as a member of your tribe, clan, family, or group of friends. Ironically, on a race topic we cant see each other; we only have the revealing passion of language.
Standing in the flame is the hearts call to passion. Either intensity or memory cause the faint of heart to flee. Broaden the breast of desire and the flame encompasses the world in which you live. Love first your anchor upon which you stand, love second the world you seek to create, love always, as the gravity of your life can become the bedrock of another. The moth dies in the flame, the animal drawn to heat, runs in the fear of consumption. Do not love less, love more. Just leave space for oxygen, and the breath of your beloved will tickle your ear with relaxed whispers, as the two as one blend wills to create a common dream. The emptiness will never go away, and a love that seeks to fill itself, will always be empty, as the holes in the heart spill as a sieve. Look into the night sky and cherish the dark empty spaces that give the womb to the stars, galaxies, and worlds. Without the void, space does not exist. Seek comfort in the space to continually create, as the womb of life overflowing in to the rivers of life. This will be the spring, which feed the waters of life, enough to quench the fires of love, feeding you both to drink.
The law of the Jungle states, You either produce food, or you are food.
Hey did a soap box just slide through here?!?! Thank you for your indulgence.
Adding a few thoughts trickling toward the end, Im honored to be included.
By the way, assholes are important parts of the body. Imagine not having one.
Diversity is not to be feared; it makes life interesting. Tattoos, fashion, diversity is the plumage we choose. All the pretty colors as the roots of an earthen lineage.
Why are you here and what do you want? might be a good place to begin.
. Peace pieces .
The beginning,
Crawling forth from the Fertile Crescent (Mediterranean basin, ancient enough no one can take credit), the human species roamed the earth searching for food, resource, and home. It is a marvel of adaptation humans became the surroundings. The air, water, sun, and soil shaped the masks we wear blended adapted to each corner of our world.
Our senses sharpened to survival and the protection of our clan, tribe, and family. We protected our own and prospered. We made tools, art, words, song, and began to master survival.
As the various tribes reunited, they had taken a different mask. Are they one of us? Like me and mine to protect, love, make song, and dwell together. So much time had passed and mythology had been created that we no longer see through the masks of our own making; the same that we earned through the earth, ensuring survival.
The same basic thought pattern forming cliques in high school or any group divisiveness.
Us verses them
Race, religion, shortness, tallness, fatness, skinniness, whatever are all easy descriptives to discriminate, reject and be grounds for not being of our clan, tribe, family, and/or friend. Cyrano de Bergeracs nose was easy to make fun. It was obvious. You cant choose the skin you were born, gender, or parents (i.e. genetics), although science has done some things surprising. But you get the point.
Science has mapped the human genome and has found no appreciable or specific genetic racial classifications. (Nova 2002, I have the tapes if you want them referenced, really good series, by the way) You have the same probability of sharing similar genetic code with someone of a different race as you do with your own. I look for the day race is not used as a descriptive, but ethnicity is used as the little census bubbles become more specific. I am Scottish, Cherokee, French, Dutch, and that is only the ethnicities I am aware. Each of use possesses an ancient genetic lineage, which has served humanity well throughout survival.
The challenge for our time, as we converge into a global people (and its happening), is to look beyond the mask. Beyond any-ism, and into the essence of life, and then decide if is someone you want as a member of your tribe, clan, family, or group of friends. Ironically, on a race topic we cant see each other; we only have the revealing passion of language.
Standing in the flame is the hearts call to passion. Either intensity or memory cause the faint of heart to flee. Broaden the breast of desire and the flame encompasses the world in which you live. Love first your anchor upon which you stand, love second the world you seek to create, love always, as the gravity of your life can become the bedrock of another. The moth dies in the flame, the animal drawn to heat, runs in the fear of consumption. Do not love less, love more. Just leave space for oxygen, and the breath of your beloved will tickle your ear with relaxed whispers, as the two as one blend wills to create a common dream. The emptiness will never go away, and a love that seeks to fill itself, will always be empty, as the holes in the heart spill as a sieve. Look into the night sky and cherish the dark empty spaces that give the womb to the stars, galaxies, and worlds. Without the void, space does not exist. Seek comfort in the space to continually create, as the womb of life overflowing in to the rivers of life. This will be the spring, which feed the waters of life, enough to quench the fires of love, feeding you both to drink.
The law of the Jungle states, You either produce food, or you are food.
Hey did a soap box just slide through here?!?! Thank you for your indulgence.
Adding a few thoughts trickling toward the end, Im honored to be included.
By the way, assholes are important parts of the body. Imagine not having one.
Diversity is not to be feared; it makes life interesting. Tattoos, fashion, diversity is the plumage we choose. All the pretty colors as the roots of an earthen lineage.
Why are you here and what do you want? might be a good place to begin.
. Peace pieces .
