(A little note before reading, this blog was done days ago. Had issues with uploading/publishing this blog. But I want to thank @kiley for helping me out on sorting out the issue. So sorry this #pinkweek blog is belated but I’m sure yous will enjoy it. As I’ll enjoy a much needed beer to relax now after dealing with the little issue that’s now fixed. Anyway enjoy the blog peeps!! 😊👍🏻)
Hey hey hey, wasa wasa what’s up Fury Family!! 😎🤘🏻
Hope yous are all having a good week. Welcome to the final of my #pinkweek blogs for yous lovely ppl here on SG. Hope yous all like my past ones, if yous missed out. No sweat, got you covered. Their down below if you want to check it out:
Totally optional but in case yous missed out.
So this one is all about friendship. And I’m lucky that I made a bunch of good friends on here over the years. And continue to do so. I just blog for fun you know. I never expect my blogs to be on the front page or have a big following. But I have a few blogs on Front Page and my followers continues to grow. Would be more if I blog often, especially with my FSS blogs. But they take a lot of work & free time which I don’t have much of. And when I was doing it often, I burned myself out you know. Cause I put my all into those blogs. Love being dedicated to publishing the best blogs I can. As well supporting the models as much as I can. Think a lot will agree that I am a dedicated person. Always want to do better and give it my 100%.
Think that’s why so many models are good friends with me cause I know I see their nudes & sex work. But I do my best to not creep them out, feel comfortable about it around me and I don’t treat them like shit really lol, yeah plain & simple. They can say no and I really don’t mind. I hate to force them to do something they don’t want to do you know. Always up to them but we still chat if they want to. That’s the thing, if models don’t want to chat and say no to me. Zero drama here. Sucks but I understand. Since they haven’t met me IRL or chat to me that much. So I don’t take it to heart. I only stop interacting if they’re rude to me, insult me or try to make me uncomfortable when I say please stop. I have my limits too. Depends really you know. Cause I know I’m not going to please everyone, that’s a fact to everyone. You can’t get along with everyone. Everybody’s different. But I’m always easygoing and kind in general so I know I’ll please most than ones that are not. It depends really. I try not to analyse that much. I just be me lol. But there’s always room on the Fury Train…seriously we have food. Like my Pulled Pork I did on my BBQ Smoker:
Yeah pretty cool eh. Also not sorry vegans. 😂😉👍🏻 jk!
It was so awesome. Love low & slow BBQ. So hints why I’m usually not active. Usually cooking. Also I don’t like being my phone too much you know. Enjoying the offline life. But I love blogging on here. But I love the SG connections I have from over the years. So I’m going to feature them now.
Btw this is both my SGBesties & SGs I love to meet IRL. So yeah I’ll be talking about them. Similar to my FSS blog series, so enjoy:
======================================================================Fury’s #SGBesties
Starting of with @fla here, who is someone I catch up with regularly. We always chatting away and she is definitely a IRL friend. We have the same interests and she’s also understands where I come from, as am I with her. So we have each other’s backs and I’m always grateful to her. Definitely love to meet @fla I’m sure we’ll have a banter. Also I’m her unofficial English teacher so there’s that haha. 😂😉👍🏻
One of my best friends. Good old @julha is easily one of my #SGBesties like @fla above and I know she gets me 100%. People like her is why I’m still here on SG. A true pure hearted person. Nothing but love for her. Zero judgement from her at all. I’m usually anxious but with her, none due to her being such a kind soul. I mean we always got each other’s backs. She is a good mate. And of course her friends are my likes like @fla above. As well as @luluvalotta @dawud @diandra & so forth. She’s one of the best. Nothing but hugs, kisses, food and Persona 5 talk when we meet lol.
Basically all I said about @julha & @fla can be said about @joymermaid here. Hints why @joymermaid @fla and @julha are my pic cover for this blog. They all got my back 100% like I have with them too. If we were all nearby, we definitely will hangout IRL and that’s a fact. Sure I support sex workers/alt models, buy their content and enjoy it. But I rather have IRL connections any day you know. All we talk about is in general stuff. Tbh it’s usually about my food lol. I talking about my cooking and that. But nerdy stuff too. Which I do with @joymermaid here as well as everyone I talk to. But yeah Joy is a Joy lol, pun intended. 😊
Speaking of people who get me. Here’s @sophiestonem here and we’ve got each other’s backs for a while. Always a favourite of mine & we’ve become good friends over time. I’m always grateful for her for open up her DM to talk to when I was going thru my tough patches with my mental health. Was posting about it since I’m not shy about my feelings, thoughts & frustratings you know. But she was there, up for a chat and we became good online friends since. She’s a cool lass and I’m forever grateful to her. 😊👍🏻
Even though it’s been a while (sounding like a Staind song there lol) but I enjoy my chats with @braaa I’m sure we’ll get along IRL too. Always a favourite of mine. I don’t to keep repeating myself since my opinions & views on my #SGBesties is the same really. But I consider @braaa a friend. And I hope she is doing well!
One of my long time online friends. My Elf Queen @rubyalexia lol. Yeah we always get along and have been since she started modelling back in early 2017. Along with @nolajean (Another mate of mine) etc. She’s one of the best and never judges me. Always nice and kind. Unless I become a sub in her dungeon then I’m a loyal pet to my Elf Mistress Goddess in her goal for world domination mwaahaha. 😂😉 But yeah she’s a cool lass, nothing but love for her. Always kind to me and I am with her. She is my Elf Queen!! 🧝🏻♀️🤘🏻
My fellow horror movie fanatic. Always enjoy my interactions with @hex over the years as online friends. Love supporting her work here on here, her page and just chatting away to her about films & music. I mean anyone who’s a Korn fan is a friend of mine lol. But yeah @hex is great. Definitely love to meet her IRL! 😎🤘🏻
Yeah I still keep in touch with @dannikadaisy always lovely to talk to and a fellow foodie as well. Yeah I usually chat about my food with everyone that chats to me you know. @dannikadaisy is beautiful in and out. Would happily meet her and have a food tour with. With drinks as well, gotta have drinks eh lol! 😊👍🏻
I know she isn’t as active. Busy lass like a lot of the models from here. But @tink is another one I have nothing but great interactions with. Nothing but love for her. I do hope she is well and doing well. Always supporting her and chat to her whenever she wants you. That’s the thing, I don’t force it. Up to themselves. That’s why I don’t give them grief over late replies or anything like that you know. I know models like @tink have lives and probably love the offline life you know. I’m always the person that just resumes the conversation whenever they’re able. Maybe a week, a month or a year. But yeah I’m happy to resume and I’m sure @tink is the same cause we always have great interactions like I said. Apart my calendar collection after all haha. 😉👍🏻
Speaking of my calendar collection. One of my favourites @keshia be cool to meet her, Elite and @tripodski in Newcastle. Probably having a Blue Moon. As @tripodski will say I have chosen…wisely. Yeah @keshia is a sweetheart. Other one that I don’t talk to daily but resume our great interactions when available you know. @keshia works so hard, it shows you know. Like a lot of popular Alt Models/Cosplay models. Yeah I say we are friends. Tbh peeps I consider every model I support on SG a mate. Just how I roll you know. But yeah @keshia is cool, more of her the better! 😊👍🏻
One of my long time friends on here. @blaizee is one of the best. I think she is one of the few models I actually help turn pink from my support. I think my blogs featuring her paid off. Sometimes I feel like I do you know. I mean I get some of the best feedbacks. And I’m proud of my support to @blaizee who is just awesome. Definitely a IRL friend and we keep in touch. She’s doing well. So I’m happy that we met (well online wise lol) and keep in touch!
She is one of my favourite SG photographers and model too. Nothing but love and appreciation for @thimeow who is hard working and just talented. Super nice too. Nothing but great convos between me & @thimeow and I’m sure it’ll continue. She is awesome and happy to call her a friend! 😊👍🏻
Always keep in touch with @akiramai here. Usually chat often and it’s always awesome. Nothing but love for her. I know she is very busy but always finds the time to chat to good old me you know. And yeah we just chat in general. Catching up. Such a kind soul. Love to met her one day too, have a face to face chat and a banter cause I’m witty lol. But yeah she is awesome like the other models above and below. My Aussie Queen lol. 😊👍🏻
One of my main #SGBesties 100%. She’s been a great friend to me for a couple of years now since her debut really. Always love @rare such a caring and wonderful person. Another one that always resumes chats where we left off cause we are busy bees lol. Me being busy with my cooking and her with her travelling, seeing the world, hiking and making TikTok videos lol. But yeah Sasha rocks. 😎🤘🏻
Here is someone who is just on front page with another rightful SOTD. Also it was her birthday so a birthday gift to her from SG. This pic is from her SOTD that @penny shot. Do check it out but let’s be honest yous already have. I mean @marlene is a SG legend. Also a very good friend I keep in touch. Always nothing but love to @marlene she is brilliant! 😊👍🏻
Let’s be honest, @olgakulaga is everyone’s friend. And in Evanescence’s words, I’m everybody’s fool lol jk. But like the Fury #SGBesties above, she is brilliant and get along always. We don’t talk daily but we always resume where we left off. Busybodys the both of us lol. But yeah she is just awesome. Get reminders from my other SG brutha @inkedodie who usually does blogs about her. My opinion is the same as his. Just a kind soul and definitely need more of her on SG. More the merrier as I always say! 😊
A friend with an award winning smile. Yep it is @juliju and she is definitely one of my good friends I made here. Always so supportive to me. I always notice. I just sometimes don’t say it, either I forget to say or I’m too shy to say lol. But I always say to her & others in this blog. She is just beautiful in & out. Like her smile. Well she’s my Smile Queen but also a good friend. 😊👍🏻
She may not be active but I usually keep in touch with the beautiful @ivygehenna she says hi and treat KungFury well or else lol jk. But she is always such a good soul and chatting to her is always awesome. Just a cool lass. And it’s always a good banter between us. She is truly wonderful, like her music taste. Which is mine. Loud, proud and metal! 😎🤘🏻
Speaking of fellow metalheads. She’s one of my longest friends here on SG. That is the lovely @ravenna who is a #SGBestie like the others. I’m quite lucky tbh. A lot of my favourite models become friends and usually chat away. Love chatting to @ravenna on just nerdy stuff as well as music cause our music taste is the same. I was surprised she loves bands like Katatonia, etc. Just makes her cooler. I’m always thankful she keeps in touch as I am the same with her too. Super nice lass and proud to call her a friend. 😎🤘🏻
I feel like I am repeating myself in this blog am I lol. But yeah @infernum is like the ones above and below. Awesome, cool and sexy…just like me lol. 😂😉👍🏻 But she is great and love catching up with her when we can. So much in common, like our love for Horror films and outdoor activities. Always a great chat and catch up with her. @infernum is beautiful in and out, what can I say.
At this point. Yous probably going “good god Kevin how many are you friends with” well too damn many lol. I can’t help being nice, just who I am. @nerwen is pretty much the same as me. Always kind and easy to get along with. Love chatting to her and supporting her. One of the best. Nothing but love for @nerwen a true #SGBestie 😊👍🏻
Finally a SG from my native country of Scotland that I am mates with. That is @laikaa who we keep in touch. Just an awesome lass. Also I’ll just repeat on what I said in previous picks above. But I’m grateful to those who keep in touch like @laikaa so I appreciate it. 😊👍🏻
Yeah nothing but love for @mimo and we do have great chats. She is a shy soul but we always have great chats and someone I consider a friend. See I’m repeating myself lol. Her and all the SG models in this blog are friends of Fury. Just like you (pointing at you reading this atm). Again it’s why this blog is big. I’m too friendly lol. Also pick this pic cause Judy from Cyberpunk 2077 is my girlfriend in the game when I played & complete it not long ago. @mimo cosplays are always fantastic, like the woman herself. 😊👍🏻
Here is another one with the same music taste. That is the lovely @flareon who is just chilling out with her drink. Deserves it like a surgeon. Well she is a qualified surgeon doctor now..I think. Been a while since we chatted since of course busy with that. We always have great conversations and I’m sure we’ll have more. She’s awesome, just like yous are! 😉😊👍🏻
Close to the end. Here is @sammiii who is another friend I made from my support. My fellow mental health warrior and @sammiii is a warrior. Beautiful in & out. Love catching up with her. Also shoutout to @brizelll & @asxna too as well, but I haven’t talk to them in a long while and I hope they’re doing ok. Same with @sammiii but I know she’s busy with being a mum and taking care of her mental health. I always got her back in the world of Alt Modelling like all the models I support. SG and Hopefuls alike.
Last but not least @jasminelouise another one who is a long time online friend of mine. Been supporting her even before I joined SG. Just as nerdy as me haha. So no wonder we get along. But she’s always a nice & kind soul. Like the all the others above. They’re all #SGBesties of mine. And yeah I hope they all like their entries in this blog. Which is very likely, their mates! 😊👍🏻======================================================================The Conclusion
Haha yeah I love Inbetweeners, miss when comedy shows and films were great. Maybe it’s just me. Bit off topic but I love to chat about everything nerdy lol.
So that are my SG Pink Model who are Fury’s #SGBesties & ones I love to meet IRL. Have a drink, go for a walk, chat away, enjoy my bantering since my sense of humour is thru the roof (well I am Scottish after all, we usually joke & are witty bastards lol) and buy them a drink.
I mean I have made a lot of friends on SG. So it was hard to feature them all. Love to include @gnomi @blizzard @chroi (Who is missed, she is doing well btw) @alenagzhel @aemelia @alexislust @headshot @zyggdrasilp @svetlanna @babu @amra and so many others. But I don’t want to make this blog too long you know and besides I’ll be repeating myself over and over again how awesome they are. Also I would include @truthfairy @victoriaboness @helainked @valo @pastrypeach and so on too but it’s #pinkweek & of course their hopefuls. Even though I personally hate labels. They’re all equal in my books. Their #SGBesties too. As well as fellow members @kaptaine @fredhincanada @inkedodie @metalfreak @cerebus666 @sdawg74 @skisby @gawjusdaniel1992 @diddy_dave_uk @romous117 @xheartswornx @magusjoe @leighgabriel @justones @adam_bovary @arroezze and so on, as I call them my brothers in arms. Since I was a fan of the Brother In Arms video games from back years ago. Wish we had another one tbh.
Of course my photographer #SGBesties are @tripodski of course as well as @msilveira @chinaski @valo @niallpatterson and many others. All great people I tagged in this blog. And I’m happy I got a large group of #SGBesties from my time on here and it continues to grow. Well we’ll see what happens, I’m just being my plain old self.
Hope yous all enjoyed my #pinkweek blogs, like this one. And hope yous all had a good week. Celebrating #pinkweek in your own way.
So thank yous all for taking up your time in reading my blog. Means a lot. Took me a while since I was busy. My cooking is heavily on demand from my family haha. I know my folks, sister, brother in law and my two oldest nephews love my Pulled Pork. First time I did a low & slow smoke and I am definitely going to use my BBQ smoker a lot more.
Yeah life is good on my end. Things are good. Got my Foo Fighters gig next month. Upcoming projects on my BBQ Smoker, maybe a Beef Brisket or Ribs next. See what happens. I’m just enjoying the quiet and easygoing life you know. I will write up more blogs. May just do Blog Homework blogs. Be more community focused you know. Seriously FSS blogs do take a long time to make. Also tbh I hate to do the same blog. Gets samey and boring you know. I love to do different blogs. Like my Fury’s Kitchen blogs. Which is me writing up a recipe for yous to cook up yourselves you know. As well as any Q&A blogs. Tbh the Q&A blogs are the ones I enjoy writing up the most. Same with any cosplay, watchlist, etc blogs I do. It’s more myself you know. Anyway those are ideas I have and just what I want to write blog wise.
Like this blog. I really enjoyed writing up this one. Cause the online friends I’ve made means a lot to me and I’m sure it is with them too. So once again thank yous for reading this blog peeps. Yous are the best!!
Til the next blog I’ll write up. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and of course speaking of funny films, this gif to finish it! 😉👍🏻