(A special intro of me rewriting the lyrics to Pink Floyd's The Wall)
🎶We need more SOTDs on SG🎶
🎶We need more hopefuls turning pink🎶
🎶Hope HQ makes it rain SOTDs this year🎶
🎶Fury please write more blogs🎶 🎶HEY FURY PLEASE WRITE MORE BLOGS🎶
🎶All in all we are the Fury Family!🎶 🎶All in all we are the Fury Family!🎶
🎶We need more love to the models of SG🎶
🎶We need hopefuls to turn pink more🎶
🎶Everyone should thank @joymermaid for another year of Fury🎶
Model: @julha
Photography by @fla
She's going to be the first one to feature since she is one of my #SGBesties but a long time favourite of mine. Been supporting Julha for a few years now and we become great friends thru online chats. Always talking and catching up. People like her is why I am still here and writing up blogs for yous all. She is just a beautiful soul in & out. As well as @fla as well, another #SGBesties of mine. So this set was going to be featured in here 100%. Call be biased but yeah we can all be like that. Nothing wrong with that. It's great to support your friends and want them to do well. And I always do for them both here. Long before we became friends thru here. Was supporting both in this FSS blog series. Sometimes this is where I form my SG friendships, just from writing blogs and supporting them you know. It's great and I'm just happy to support models & photographers. And yes of course I'll happy take a work break with them. I know if I was writing this blog in Brazil. I'll spend my breaks hanging out with @fla & @julha having ourselves a ramen eating competition. Which I'll win, my appetite is legendary like my Pink Floyd intro haha. But yeah it'll be awesome nonetheless. Eating Asian food, chatting random nonsense, having a laugh, etc. Like what I do by chatting to both ladies. So where that'll be my work break. So yeah this is great set, definitely SOTD worthy. Go check it out peeps!!
Model: @rubyalexia
Photography by @drew
Yep another of Fury's #SGBesties here and you know what time it is if you're a long time reader....
Yep it is my favourite Elf Mistress Queen herself @rubyalexia back with this set that'll heal yous up. I know it did with me, I no longer have a problem down there........on my foot. What else yous thought I mean peeps, dirty minds yous got lol jk. But yeah it is yet another SOTD worthy set from our Elf Mistress Queen. I mean she's been one of the longest models I've support from way back in 2016 I think. Knew her from outside SG and been supporting her in the beginning & she's still rocking. Beautiful than ever with more desires to conquer the world than ever. I'll survive since I will be her personal cook. Cooking the finest vegan meals. Hey as long I can still have my burgers haha. So yeah this set is amazing as always from her. @drew as always did a great job and no doubt will be another SOTD for both. Check it out since yous need the healing from those bloated guts from the holidays. Yous know it makes sense!!
Model: @zyggdrasilp
Photography by @thimeow
I want reconcile the violence in her heart, I want to recognise that her beauty is not just a mask, I want to exorcise the demons from her past and I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in her heart. By helping her get another SOTD with this FSS feature. Lol enjoy the wee bit in the beginning, it's of course from Muse's Undisclosed Desires tune. Which I know will please my good friend @tripodski being Muse's biggest fan. I don't know maybe @zyggdrasilp is giving you competition there Trip. She may have all their Vinyls, been to every Muse gig in Brazil and probably has photos with the boys grimming like this 😁 you know. I'm just guessing, I'm new to her but have feature her on my FSS blog last year and yeah she is one of my favourite newcomers on SG. Beautiful, cool and a fan of Shrek. So yeah she's a beautiful soul, in & out. Just like @thimeow is, which of course did a great job with the photography as always. So yeah do check her sets out and give the lovely @zyggdrasilp a follow. She is awesome, just like yous are. Like @tripodski is and speaking of....
Yeah thought I'll include the tune too but for real......
Model: @braaa
Photography by @tripodski
Yeah you know I got you feature #SGBesties of mine and that is @tripodski no doubt enjoy reading this blog with Muse in the background. Probably from the previous entry lol. My favourite SG photographer is back with this set from long time favourite @braaa and yeah I'll include her in Fury's #SGBesties sounds like a sitcom doesn't it. Fury's #SGBesties coming soon on BBC haha. Known fact, she was reading one of my blogs when this set was shot. Probably going man that Fury 🥰 lol. Yeah I know in my dreams haha. Admit it, that setup to that joke was epic lol. But in truth in my dreams I'll be in that hot tub with @braaa @dannikadaisy @helenjade @alexabstract etc back in that shootfest in 2019. You probably thinking why, well they know why. But also being at a @tripodski shootfest in general. Probably cooking Italian food for @braaa and the other @suicidegirlsuk models. While also having a laugh and join them in the hot tub. And that's just in my dreams. There's other Fury Dreams. Like the ramen eating competition I'll have with @fla @julha @joymermaid, there's one with me with @hex at a horror con while cosplaying as Mike Myers & Laurie and the other one where I am Batman....none to do with the models, I just want to be Batman lol. So yeah those are my Fury Dreams. Also it'll be a dream come true if @braaa gets another SOTD. So go check this set out and make it happen. More the merrier!!
Model: @skies
Photography by LUCIIDVIZUAL
Wow it seems the Pink Floyd theme is strong in this blog isn't it lol. Who knows maybe @skies may like my intro too. Sorry if I'm praising myself but I love that intro I did haha, sometimes I amuse myself. We all do lol. I'm sure with @skies here does that with what she does. Not only modelling but being a nurse and a singer in a band. Thinking to herself "damn girl you're awesome" and yes you are awesome btw. This is another SOTD worthy set from her. Representing us emo scene kids, even though this guy writing is 36 years old lol. You're never old to be emo y'all. It's where the cool cats are. I'm sure this will be another SOTD for @skies she is awesome and do miss our chats. Us busy bees eh. So yeah do check her out and follow her. All her sets are awesome like the woman herself. So if yous haven't followed her yet, you're missing out. Also do check out her band, you'll find them easily thru her Instagram. More the merrier as I always say. Also I'll share the Pink Floyd tune too since I love sharing music videos in this blog series for no reason haha...
Model: @wolf
Photographer by @minuminula
I am usually late to the party. It is hard to follow and keep up with every model. But I do discover some later. Basically it is never too late. I know people will be surprised that I actually recently discovered @wolf a few months back. It was in the Multi Set Red, White, Blue and Pink! that got SOTD for last year's 4th of July, which @penny shot of. She is one of the many models on it. And discovered her there & even had a wee chat in the Mental Health Group here. Sometimes I discover new models by random. And yeah I'm a fan of hers now. Her sets are all SOTD worthy and luckily a lot of them are. I'm sure this one will be another one for her. She is beautiful and I am sorry I'm late to the party. But better late than never right. I'm sure yous will check it out, as yous should it is awesome and of course @minuminula did a great job with the photography as always. One of my favourite SG photographers, also the most hard working one. Pure work horse, like me with these blogs lol. I know their big my blogs. But hey yous enjoy them and I enjoy writing so yeah.😊 Anyway check out @wolf new set, it is awesome. Even though I don't know what Akhlut means. I did look it up on google. Apparently it's a folklore creature that's part Wolf and part Shark. It reminds me of those teddy toys called Wuzzles, remember those? Think it'll be a cool Wuzzle that. Part Wolf and part Shark, someone needs to make that. In case no one knows what the fuck I am talking about, here's one of their old adverts (Warning, the song will be in your head lol)...
Model: @nat
Photography by Cosmequintero
Yes it will be lovely if this hopeful was pink. Hopefully it will one day and I'm sure it will be. I mean look at her, isn't she beautiful. And of course the answer is yes. This here is the lovely @nat and I'm sure she'll have multi SOTDs. She does deserves them. Like me needing to watch Pretty In Pink, probably the only John Hughes film I haven't watched. I don't know why either. Also pink is @nat favourite colour. As for her music artist, is it Pink? maybe. Is her favourite SG model @pink ? Maybe. Probably in her many favourites cause Pink the artist and @pink the model are awesome, just like Nat is and yous are. And she will be pink one day, only one way. Support support support. More the merrier peeps. Go check it out and give @nat a follow. Yous will love her. Help her turn pink, cause that will be lovely like she is! 😊
Model: @tihomirova
Photography by @natalia_randle
A newcomer to the FSS blog with this entry. And it's with the lovely Russian @tihomirova with this awesome set. A latest discovery since I see her on the SG Front Page a lot and she is drop dead gorgeous. Also probably knows how to jam on the guitar. I need to get back to learning the guitar myself tbh. I did had guitar lessons back years ago, since I want to form a gothic emo band. Still do lol. Especially since I can write songs since I can write, yous noticed lol. Who knows maybe one day with the right ppl. Like I know one day @tihomirova will get another SOTD for this awesome set. So dreamy, I love it. I never really talk about the settlings of the sets but I love this is in the field somewhere and looks dreamy. Quite calming viewing it you know. And of course it helps that @natalia_randle did the photography, one of the best on SG. Her photography is always SOTD material. Like this set is. So check it out my brothers and sisters of the Fury Family. You know it makes sense. Like @tihomirova starting her folk rock career lol. Frank Turner, eat your heart out haha. 😂😉👍
Model: @alenagzhel
Photography by @timr_r
Speaking of lovely and beautiful Russian models. My good friend @alenagzhel is back on the FSS Blog with this set. Just beautiful as always. Both in and out. Yeah she is a good mate of mine too, do need to chat her more often. Always so kind. Also a fan of my food pics lol. And yeah I consider her a Fury #SGBestie too along with other SG Russia friends @nerwen @olgakulaga @rare and so on. I know it is been a rough time the last two years for the @suicidegirlsrussia as well as the @suicidegirlsukraine models. But I'm glad a lot of them are still around and of course I got their back. Their wonderful people and always stick up for them. No matter what country your from, you get good people everywhere as well as assholes but don't give up on good people. As Samwise from LOTR said "There is good in this earth and it's worth fighting for!". I'm always going to stick up for the models and the photographers. Writing blogs like this give me a purpose in my life and I do enjoy writing them. Especially highlighting awesome people above and below. As well as @alenagzhel who is a delight. Love following her, always posting with her adorable dog (I forgot his/her name, sorry Alena lol).....
So adorable aren't they? It's like my sister and her dog Dexter. Yeah I'm a dog person lol. And I'm sure from this entry, yous will be a @alenagzhel person. Check out her set and help her get SOTD once again!!
Model: @elune
Photography by @natalia_randle
Another favourite of mine from @suicidegirlsrussia here. That is the always lovely @elune back here on the FSS blog series with a modelling set that hopefully will be another SOTD for her. I have been supporting her awesome photography work here too and their all SOTD worthy like her modelling sets like this one. Beautiful as always, both in & out. Like a true Geisha. Japanese culture is so awesome isn't it. I need to get back watching shows from the NHK World. Which is a channel here in the UK which is all about Japan. It's so cool. My Dad is always watching and recommending it to me. Especially since I'm learning about Japanese Food and want to get better at Japanese Cooking. So yeah that's something I need to get on to. Like all of yous supporting @elune here as well as @natalia_randle awesome photography. Do check this set and help it get SOTD honours it rightfully deserves! 😊👍
Model: @krissi
Photography by @natalia_randle
Truer words spoken in this set's title. This is the lovely @krissi back in the FSS blog with yet another SOTD worthy set from her. Sharing her greatest joy in life and also mine too. Video games. Yeah can't beat video games, it is the best. I'm always gaming away when I'm not blogging or cooking lol. Right now I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077 expansion Phantom Liberty atm and it is awesome. But I'm ready for a new game. Taking forever to complete Cyberpunk 2077, just cause I love it like all of @krissi work and herself in general. Even though we haven't chatted...yet. I'm sure we'll get along like a house on fire. Which I knew what her favourite games are. Maybe I'll write about it in the next set of her in a future FSS blog. She is a FSS regular now so I'll talk about it too. She may talk about it in a blog. But I haven't seen it. Like I said, it is haaarrrd to keep up with SG. But I do my best. But yeah do check out her set and her in general. She deserves all the SOTDs. Also what are your favourite games if you are reading this Krissi?
Model: @arrow
Photography by @mimo
🎶And iiiIIIIIIII want this set to be, and iiiIIIIIII want this set to be....SOTD🎶
Man I'm really turning this blog into a musical am I haha. But anyway here we have yet another SOTD worthy set from the lovely @arrow who is beautiful as always. This was shot at a place that probably won't invite me since I am a member and SG members are too disgusting, we are we are monsters haha only joking. Jokes aside, this was shot at the famous SGHQ in......
Yeah I'm being random as always lol. Do check out @arrow seriously, she's beautiful. Like the person doing the photography. Which is segwaying to the next entry....
Model: @mimo
Photography by @minuminula
Which is another Fury #SGBesties and that is @mimo who is one of the most beautiful models ever. Yeah I'm saying it. She's in my top ten of best SG Models. Yep high praise from yours truly. Also got something to show yous peeps....
Yep I got @mimo calendar. Got other calendars in the door too but I'll show that off in my next In General blog. So do give me a follow if you haven't if you like my blog and me in general, I don't bite.....hard lol. Love the wee message there for me. Don't worry @mimo I ain't going nowhere. More blogs from your mate, never fear. Love your work both as model and photographer. And of course we have convos so still be chatting to ya. So yeah I think she may have a few calendars left but I'm not sure. If yous do, grab one. As well as helping her get another SOTD with this awesome set here that @minuminula shot of, as always brilliant work. So do check it out peeps!!
Model: @gloom
Photography by @aymi
We are back at SGHQ with this set and it is another Fury #SGBesties I have a lot of SG Besties lol. That is the lovely @gloom who has been a FSS regular since day one back when I started in 2018. Look at us now, still here and still beautiful...well @gloom is, I'm beautiful from the inside only haha jk. Yeah through light and shadow (See what I did there hehehe lol) we are around still. I also like to thank @gloom since our chats help me out with my own insecurities with online stuff, which is between us. She knows what. She's so understanding and kind to me. Which is truly all I wanted, especially since I have ASD & struggle with my words or struggle to get my head around things fast since my brain takes time for me to progress things you know. It is why I am usually slow to reply or not fully engage in comments, etc. Do deal with insecurities & anxiety. I don't hide it, always upfront with it. But people like @gloom truly understands and is just awesome in general. Cause usually I'm shy to chat to models and I know their the same too, well some of them. So yeah we got each other's backs. Like @gloom has my back and I have hers. She's a good friend and yeah I'm sure she'll get another SOTD for this awesome set that @aymi shot of her. Do check it out peeps!! 😊👍
Photography by @thimeow
Well if this was a Xmas or a birthday gift to me, I'll be in heaven lol. My birthday was 8 days before Xmas Day so lucky me lol. But yeah you can say @fla @diandra and @thimeow are a dream gift. One thing is I actually got more people to cook for and I'm sure we'll have a laugh. That'll be us in my wee house in Scotland. Good times, noodle salad lol. Also gaming marathons. Yeah you can tell it is a dream gift for Fury here lol. This is an awesome SOTD set here by both ladies with @thimeow doing a great job with the photography as always. I'm sure @diandra will enjoy my company and I definitely know @fla will since she is one of my good friends as well as @thimeow too. Tbh I get along with all from @suicidegirlsbrasil since their all beautiful in & out. We don't make that a secret lol. So yeah do check out this awesome multi of @fla & @diandra you'll love it peeps!!
Model: @satan
Photography by @andrea_arcore
Yep SG is all about love and I love yous all, no it's not one of my lame random jokes lol. It is true, love yous all. "In Vin Diesel's Voice" Yous are all family!! 😎🤘
But yeah I'm glad to be writing big blogs, featuring my favourite sets from favourite models of mine. Like @satan here and favourite photographers like @andrea_arcore here. I just enjoy this and yous lot seem to be enjoying my blogs too so that's why I am still here. It's not been perfect but nothing is. It's been nothing but a positive ride my time on SG, seriously I do thank yous if you are reading thru my blogs. I know their big and even sometimes go "keep it short Kevin geez" haha. But yous enjoy it and I enjoy entertaining yous and supporting people like @satan here. Yous know what to do, check her set out and all that. She does deserve it as well as @andrea_arcore who's one of the best SG photographers. SG is love and The Fury Family is forever!! 😎🤘
Model: @jeeh
Photography by @thimeow
Yeah sunny, the opposite of Scotland atm cause it's cold, rainy and cloudy a lot sine it's winter here. While in South America where the lovely @jeeh here is from, it is sunny cause it's the summertime there. Even in the summer, we Scots are lucky to even have the sun lol. Tbf we did had a pretty warm summer last year, thank you climate change lol jk. Hopefully it will be the same again since I love a BBQ and love to have BBQ weather for it you know. But yeah this set is awesome, like all of @jeeh sets are. Beautiful as always. I think this is her first FSS entry and not the last. I could be wrong, I have a memory of a goldfish sometimes haha. I do see her over in LA from the feeds here and IG. Gogo dancing over in Bar Sinister, doing multi sets at SGHQ and meeting other models like @mimo in this video...
Yeah she's living the good life and good for her, she deserves it. Like another SOTD for this set which @thimeow once again did a great job with the photography. Do check it out peeps!! 😊👍
Model: @marjo
Photography by @thimeow
I'm featuring @thimeow photography work a lot am I? Well right fully so, she is one of the best. This is just another example of her genius. That is this catwoman cosplay of the always lovely @marjo in this SOTD worthy set. Who's a model I have featured before in the FSS blog series. Definitely be more entries for @marjo she is beautiful. Also a gamer herself. Lucky I know her favourite games lol. That being Devil May Cry, Horizon Zero Dawn, LOL, Overwatch and Skyrim. Yeah not a bad selection there my friend lol. I do love Skyrim, Devil May Cry and Horizon. Actually just brought Horizon Forbidden West new expansion The Burning Shores. I love to get the Horizon VR Game but I can't afford the PS VR2 atm. One day I will. That thing is too pricey. Think Sony is too greedy these days. My advice, just get PS Plus & Game Pass. Saves money you know. Video games are getting way too deer but never mind my video game rant there lol. Do check out @marjo here and give her a follow. She does deserves it! 🐱👤🤘
Model: @biatrois
Photography by @msilveira
Next we got this spicy set from a spicy girl. Who probably likes spicy food, who knows. I'm just guessing like I usually do lol. This here is @biatrois and she is beautiful, like all the ladies in this FSS blog series. And of course long time favourite photographer of mine @msilveira did the photography for it and as always it is.....
Yeah I know, I'm a lean meme machine am I haha. Also Bill and Ted is.....well excellent "guitar sound". Like this set is, excellent "guitar sound". So go check out this set, support/follow both @biatrois & @msilveira cause that'll be excellent "guitar sound". Ok I'll stop that now haha!! 😂😉😎🤘
Model: @livay
Photography by @gloom
Yeah here in the Fury Family, we belong to no one. We are individuals. Like the always lovely @livay here in this SOTD worthy set remembering the old school, the old fashioned and celebrate it. Kinda like me and my blogs in general. I do my own blogs. I rarely do Blog Homework cause I march to the beat of my own drum. And yeah I prefer to do my own blogs. Makes me stand out and be original you know. Be authentic you know. I mean you used to see other members do lengthy blogs like @xheartswornx @ojtheviking @nickstone @hiptobes etc back when I first started. And a lot of people say I'm one of the OG's here. Which is nice of them to say. I just write blogs for fun. I don't do it for rewards or anything. Except for a things. People to be entertained & to feel good about themselves and to support the models/photographers of this great site. Rooting for them to do well and hopefully convince anyone reading this to go help these models/photographers, increase their chances to be SOTD or just positive things about them in general. Basically yous all see that everyone is sick of social media of being toxic, negative and all of that? I am not doing any of that. I'm just a guy want every SG Model, photographer, member and staff to do well. No catch, that's it. So yeah I know where @livay belongs, on SOTD. So help her now to help her get that, as well as @gloom who did a great job with the photography as always. And since I want to end this entry with my silly random sense of humour, here we go....
"KungFury doing a stupid dance" 😁
Set 1: Read My Mind Set 2: High With You
Models: (Set 1&2) @juliju (Set 2) @meixime
Photography by @kramarenko (Both Sets)
Last but not least it's a double feature in this one. Both featuring my good friend @juliju who is a Fury #SGBesties as well as @meixime in set two only. You probably thinking why a double feature to finish up this section of the blog. Well both ladies are SGBesties, always doing reels, livestreams, content, sets and probably having dinner together. Which I know it'll be a veggie one, @juliju demands it lol. And I like to show appreciation to people who I believe is what SG is all about. It is about friendship, caring for each other, looking out for each other, support each other and the most important of all...
Yes it's about family lol. I think yous all know what to do Fury Family!! 😎🤘
My Recent Blogs To Check out Also (Optional)
Well I have only one blog in this section.
(Featuring sets from the likes of @olgakulaga @aliese @louannajasmin @asloke @nicolelux @seducente @lisaberry @missmarilynn @liaju @biatrois @eveel @ladaniess @gloom @eirenne @saria @missfernandez @sprite @campomar @flareon @turmalina @meixime @diandra @akiramai @alerose @alexislust & @fla)
The Conclusion
Well there's Comfortably Numb in @skies entry, Wish You Were Here and Echoes. See I win cause I raised the bar y'all lol. 😂😉🤘
So that is another FSS blog done and dusted. Hope yous all enjoyed it as always and thank yous for taking up your free time in reading it. I know these blogs are big and yous are busy bees so means a lot. Even if you are reading one section of this blog, it means a lot. It does take time making this blog as always. Usually takes a week or so. But I managed lol. So yeah thank yous all so much. Yous are the best!!
Keeping this conclusion bit nice and sweet since I want to catch up with everyone and this site in general. I'm usually behind on things here lol. Also want to write another blog soon, which one? You'll see eventually peeps.
Anyway thank yous again peeps. Have a great 2024. I know I will, I'm seeing Foo Fighters live, woohoo lol. Not exactly Pink Floyd but sure haha. So til the next overly big blog from me this is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and....ok one more time.........
🎶We need more SOTDs on SG🎶
🎶We need more hopefuls turning pink🎶
🎶Hope HQ makes it rain SOTDs this year🎶
🎶Fury please write more blogs🎶 🎶HEY FURY PLEASE WRITE MORE BLOGS🎶
🎶All in all we are the Fury Family!🎶 🎶All in all we are the Fury Family!🎶
🎶We need more love to the models of SG🎶
🎶We need hopefuls to turn pink more🎶
🎶Everyone should thank @joymermaid for another year of Fury🎶