Hey hey heey, what is up Fury Family!
Had a few days to myself but back with the Halloween Watchlist. Sorry I missed the last few days. Need to unwind. Was feeling a bit down and needing it. I know yous understand. And thank yous peeps. I'm better now, I'm fine. It is hard doing these blogs daily, especially when you had a bad day that gets you down. But I rather move on and watch films. Also luckily there's a mental health group here which I commented and also awesome online friends. As well as my awesome family too. So I'm good.
To keep it short, it was a misunderstanding but I'm sure it'll be under the rainbow. Since there is no hard feelings and let bygones be bygones. Like missing out days for this blog series of mine. 4 days to be exact. So I'll give yous four reviews today to make it up to yous Fury Family.
Also if your new. Welcome and yous can play catch up down below:
Day 13: Friday The 13th (2009)
So let's stick to the positives, unlike the Friday The 13th remake (I don't recommend that film, stick to the original peeps!). Let's review 4 awesome films!!
Coraline Review
So first review is this one. It is the first time I watched this one. From the same director of The Nightmare Before Christmas. It is Coraline. And it is great, so great!!
It was highly recommended a lot and I actually wanted to watch more light hearted halloween films like this one. And I don't regret that decision since I watched this one. Like I said it is so good. It's about Coraline (obviously Kevin lol) who is moved to a new home with her Mum & Dad. She's not happy with her life or her relationship with her parents or anyone tbh. Til one day she discovered a different dimension from the tunnel in one of the rooms. And it's a better world with better versions of her parents.....OR IS IT?
Well go watch the film lol. But yous should, it is a great story and the voice acting is top notch. Especially Dakota Fanning, who is awesome as Coraline Jones. Also the stop motion animation is so fantastic, so well made. You don't really get films like this these days. It could made a comeback tbh. But I am a fan of The Nightmare Before Christmas as well as Wallace & Gromit. Also Chicken Run too. Seriously I love to see more stop motion animation. But I know it does take a lot of work. It is hard work to put it off. Same with muppets too, took Team America ages to film. So maybe that's why we don't see many. But then it happens, it's awesome like this film. Also the soundtrack is so awesome too. I'm definitely getting the score on my Apple Music lol.
So yeah I am such a fan of this film. Highly recommended, even if you're not a Halloween person. Yous should check it out. 5/5
The Silence Of The Lambs Review
A census taker once tried to make me watch The Purge again, so I eat his liver with some burgers and my glass of Purple Stuff haha jk.
Yep back on the chillers the next day. And why not this great film. So quotable and of course the elephant in the room. Anthony Hopkins performance as Hannibal Lecter. So legendary his portrayal of Lecter. Definitely steals the film. The film overall is very good but I don't think it is as 5/5 as everyone says imo. There is flaws, not many or anything major. Like I do think the story does jump around a bit and imo it feels like theirs places or situations that is missing. I don't know if any of yous fully played and completed Final Fantasy 15. Like it was a good game but the story itself was fine but it was missing a lot to fully tell the story. Like you feel like you missed out on something you know. For me in this film, it was around the middle. And don't worry, no spoilers here. But if yous watched it, it is basically one person is moved to one location to another and I feel like it was rushed & missed out on a certain plot.
I know this film is based on a book and I'm sure it is explain a lot better. Also some of the side characters, I don't even care for tbh. Again trying not to spoil the film to the ones who haven't seen this film. It is still very good tbh. The story is decent and of course everytime Hannibal Lecter is on the screen it is 5/5. Because Anthony is soooo damn awesome as Lecter. I do like the film and still will watch it again. It is very good. Definitely give it a watch. 4/5
My opinion, Red Dragon & Manhunter are better Hannibal Lecter films. But at least Silence Of The Lambs is waaaaaaay better than Hannibal, the 2001 film. That film was so meh. But do check out Manhunter, Red Dragon and Silence Of The Lambs. Yous will love them!!
The Addams Family (1991) & Addams Family Values (1994) Review
I joined both of these Halloween Classics into one. Since my opinion on these two is equal. I love both of them. I grew up watching these films. And still rewatch them. Just timeless.
If yous are wondering, no I haven't watched Wednesday on Netflix. Since I'm not really interested in high school stuff tbh. I'm very hard to please when it comes to shows set in High School or Films set in High School. Trust me, took me a while to watch Buffy. Now it is one of my favourite TV shows. I start watching it about 3 years after the final season ended. I have got better with being more open to TV shows/films set in High School. If yous are wondering why, I was bullied in high school or Secondary School as we call it in the UK. But like I said I have gotten better. So I will watch Wednesday somepoint. I know a bit off topic there lol.
These films are just timeless classics like I said. Quotable, well acted, good pace and it's just fun you know. Miss films when it just has fun and not be about anything that resembles anything with reality. Just old plain fun. And that's what these films are. I love the acting and Paul Julia, I miss that man the more I watch him in films starring him. Gone too soon. Love how he always gives it his all. Also Christopher Lloyd as Uncle Fester is great. Christina Ricci as Wednesday is iconic. Their both Halloween Classics. Always enjoy these films every time I watch them. Both are 5/5
Both still hold up today. Also I do need to check out the recent animated films. Do hear some like them, some love them, well others think it is alright. So I will watch those, one of these days along with the Wednesday show on Netflix. That's the problem with me. So many films and TV Shows, so little time haha.
Fury's Cosplay Set Of The Day
Photography by @msilveira
So for my cosplay SOTD we got this awesome Multi from both @blizzard & @eveel here along with the always talented @msilveira behind the lens. Cosplaying The Bride Of Chucky. A film I haven't watched yet. I only saw Child's Play, both the original & remake. Tbh unlike Friday The 13th. I like both original & remake. Sure the remake has flaws but it is still an decent flick imo. I should watch the other Chuck films. Do hear from my horror loving mates that their good enough films. So yeah one of these days lol. As for this set, it got SOTD and no surprise. It is awesome but @eveel @blizzard & @msilveira are always having SOTD worthy sets so yeah no surprise. Go check it out if yous somehow haven't.
Model: @matoushka
Photography by @chinaski
As a bonus Cosplay SOTD for yous all. We got a Coraline cosplay set. This one is shot by my good mate @chinaski of the lovely @matoushka and this was from looking for a Coraline cosplay to shoutout in this blog and found this. Like all of @chinaski work, it is SOTD worthy. Hopefully it still has a chance to be SOTD one of these days. This is a great set of Coraline. Do check it out peeps!! 😊👍
Fury's Cosplay Shoutout
My Cosplay Shoutout goes out to @mimo here as a vampire. Since I mentioned Buffy above and any excuse to shoutout @mimo here lol. She is lovely as always.
Before I had my few days to myself. Was on @gloom livestream and it was straight after my Friday The 13th blog. It was a good wee chat. Was talking about horror anime and learn that @mimo isn't into it. Which is a shame since I know she likes horror flicks. Or did she. I could be wrong btw, don't quote me haha. Still if I had an army of Vampires, @mimo will be in it. @gloom too but I'll include @fla @joymermaid @julha @rare @olgakulaga @juliju @nerwen @infernum @ravenna @flareon @gnomi @samihain @thimeow @akiramai @geekyfox @metalfreak @sdawg74 @romous117 @kaptaine @diddy_dave_uk @fredhincanada @tripodski @keshia @tink @laikaa @rubyalexia @jasminelouise @annaedelrid and the rest of the Fury Family as we devour the human race haha jk.
Btw the next film I'll review for my next Halloween Watchlist is a vampire film. One of my all time favourites too. Cause some motherfuckers always have to ice skate uphill....it's a quote from that film. Leave your guesses below peeps!!
The Conclusion
So that's my Halloween Watchlist blog done and dusted. Hope yous enjoyed it and I am sorry I have missed out on the last few days but got it all in the this blog to make it up to yous lot.
You can rely on films to make you feel good again. Especially those awesome films I reviewed. Tbh I blame being a bit down on that Friday The 13th remake, that motherfucker that is Jason.....well he is close to his mother haha jk. I know dark joke haha. Please don't cancel me lol. 😂😉
Anyway hope yous all enjoyed the blog and thank you for taking up your free time in reading this blog. Means a lot. Just thank yous for bearing with me and still reading my blogs. Or whatever I write. Trust me, I am grateful to yous lot. Yous make me feel special. That's why yous are the best!!
So I'm back on the regular daily Halloween Watchlist schedule so yeah keep your eyes open peeps. Til the next one, this is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and as a tribute to the late great Raul Julia. My favourite scene from the second film, enjoy!!