Hey hey heey, what is up Fury Family!!
Welcome to day 13 of my Halloween Watchlist. Where I review a Horror/Chiller/Halloween Themed film, share a favourite SG Cosplay Set of mine and give a Cosplay Shoutout.
I was going to do a bonus thing on today's blog but I'll save it for tomorrow. And of course if you're new to the Halloween Watchlist of mine. No sweat, my past few days of this blog series is down below for you to catch up. Optional but it is recommended peeps:
So yeah check them out. The blogs and those films too. Their all awesome films. This one today since it's the 13th of Friday. Weeeelllll.....................
Friday The 13th (2009)
I have to admit, that's a cool poster. And that's the probably the only positive thing I'll say in this review of this shitty remake. Honestly this one was bad. So bad.
Now before I go on. I have saw the original film and thought it was ok. Nothing ground-breaking but still it was fine. Watchable. I haven't seen the over billion sequels though lol. But since this is Friday The 13th. I thought I'll watch a Friday The 13th film. And I pick this one since it has Jared Padalecki in it. Who is Sam Winchester in Supernatural. Which is one of my favourite TV Shows as everyone who has followed me for years will know. So I pick this.....and regretted it haha.
This is the first in my Halloween Watchlist that I actually don't like the film. I mean it is lifeless you know. The story, what story. It was just lazy put together. The characters all suck and actually couldn't wait for Jason to slash the motherfuckers. Honestly they were all annoying. Like watching some youtubers or some Twitch streamers you know. Like all they do is act all douchey you know. And I was rooting for Jason throughout. That's when you know they fucked up. It was also badly shot too. A lot of those bloody shaky cam shots I don't like. And it's just dull. Even the kills where dull.
I actually think this is up there with the 1999 remake of The Haunting as one of the worst remakes/reboots...whatever I've seen. Regret watching it. My advice, stick to the original Friday The 13th. It's not perfect or anything special but it is watchable. This remake is a pure dud!! 1/5
Same rating I give to The Purge. So yeah this is a 100% skip!!
Also if yous do like the film. More power to you haha. This is just my opinion. Take it as a grain of salt. I'm just being honest lol. But don't worry we will get back with the positives as always. Just had to rant on that awful film for my own personal therapy haha.
Anyway onto an awesome Cosplay Set yeah?
Fury's Cosplay Set Of The Day
Model: @narumi
Photography by @gloom
Today's Cosplay SOTD is a cosplay from a Horror Themed Anime. Death Note. Which I have watched a bit of and liked it. Usually I'm not much of a anime guy tbh. I have did my best to watch some anime but it's not my type. But I do love some. Like Death Note, also Tokyo Ghoul is another. But my favourite is Castlevania on Netflix. Mostly cause I'm a fan of the video games.
And of course I am a fan of @narumi here who is always beautiful and just a cool lass to chat to. Even though it has been a while. Same with @gloom too who is awesome as always with her photography. I don't know why it isn't SOTD yet but hopefully one day it will.
Definitely go check it out. It is awesome. Just like yous are like they are. Not you Friday The 13th remake/reboot, your still shit lol.
Fury's Cosplay Shoutout
Ok now to positive things about Friday The 13th. A lot of awesome cosplays from awesome ladies here. Since I shouted out @joymermaid Jason Voorhees cosplay yesterday when I watched a good film lol. Tbh my fault, should've watched the original Friday The 13th. Lesson learned me lol.
But these awesome Jason Voorhees cosplays from the likes of @fla @infernum @eveel @thaecos and @thimeow are all awesome. Great stuff from all of them. If these were SG sets. 100% SOTD. But all their sets are SOTD.
So it's a Friday The 13th special today this blog. I did try to find a Jason Voorhees set here on SG can't find one. So I highlighted @narumi Death Note set instead it deserves attention. Like these 5 ladies. Their all wonderful and beautiful. So yeah check them out!!
The Conclusion
So that is day 13 of my Halloween Watchlist done and dusted. Sorry about the rant in my review. I was actually upset that the film was rubbish. Especially since it had my boi Sam Winchester in it. Was pretty pissed. But I'm sure yous don't mind. It's good to get things off your chest. So that review was therapy. But yeah stick to the decent original film peeps.
But besides that it is a good day today. More of Control on my Xbox. As well as cooking today. Made Lasagne today with leftover Ragu & Bechamel I made a few weeks ago.....
Yeah looks good eh. Also cooking like video gaming and blogging is therapy to me. That's why I am a home cook. Love cooking great food like this. I know @julha be like, I want this now lol.
So yeah that's my day. Great food, great game, great models, great cosplays and a shite film, aw well can't win them all hahahaha.
Anyway I hope yous like the blog. And thank yous again for taking up your free time in reading my blog today. And don't worry a good film tomorrow. I promise yous. As well as an extra treat since I got nominated by @juliju for a Q&A thingy. So be on the lookout for that.
And yeah hope yous are all doing well and had a great week. And wish yous all a great weekend. Once again thanks for reading my blog today and as always for most of yous. Yous are all the best!!!
Til tomorrow with a way better film. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and as least Jason does great covers from The Police!!
🎶No Water, no water🎶 😂😉👍
@missy @penny @eirenne @lust