Hey hey heey, what is up Fury Family!!
Welcome all to day 12 now of my Halloween Watchlist. Where I review a Horror/Chiller or a Halloween themed film, shoutout a favourite SG cosplay set and give a Cosplay Shoutout to, to celebrate the month of Halloween!!
Don't worry if your new to this and you feel like you missed out. That's why I have my past days link all below to catch up:
I am really am having the most fun time as a blogger here on SG. Love this daily blog of mine and seems yous are too so far or hopefully soon will be for newcomers.
I see my good friend and one of my favourite models @juliju tagged me in one of those Q&A thingies lol. I will do that in tomorrow's blog. As an extra for yous all. And I do see people doing their Halloween Q&A blogs too. Really you won't be bothering me at all. Love to do it in these daily blogs I'm doing. Got free time to do it. So tag away if yous want peeps. Thought I'll address that since I know people do Q&As here on SG sometimes. I may do the blogs I've got tagged in in early November. Since I am focused on these daily blogs. See what happens. But thank yous if you did and thank you @juliju for the tag. Also I will reply to the comments & DMs too. Sorry I am usually late to reply. But I know yous understand as well. We are all busy bee aren't we haha.
So today's film I watched is another hidden gem for yous all. Maybe more well known here in the UK. But everyone else, it's a hidden gem.
Ghostwatch Review
Like I said this one is more well known here in the UK. Since this is a made for TV film that aired in Halloween 1992 on the BBC. Which is setup to be like a proper reality tv news broadcast. Using actual real TV presenters like the legendary Michael Parkinson (RIP), Sarah Greene, Mike Smith (Also RIP) and Craig Charles. So basically. This is a Horror Mockumentary. First of it's kind and I believe inspired the Found Footage genre later on. Cause it had Found Footage elements and this was in 1992. Way ahead of it's time.
A lot of people here in the UK thought it was a real programme and creepy shit was happening. Especially near the end. But if you are going to watch it. Which I do recommend. There is a lot of talking. Cause it is a lot of interview bits. Remember this is all setup to make it look like an actual news programme but it's not, it's a made for TV film that is way ahead of it's time. So ahead of it's time and people thought this was real. Cause they had phone lines and all of that. Real actual TV presenters and so forth. It is very realistic. But you'll notice that their clearly acting. Especially the mother and the two girls of the haunted house their investigating. If yous watched The Conjuring 2. That was based of a real haunted home. The Enfield Poltergeist. The creation of Ghostwatch was inspired from the supposedly haunted home back in the late 70's.
Ghostwatch cause controversy here in the UK cause people thought it was real, kids got scared & PTSD too from reports, etc. Basically people weren't happy. It is an interesting story. Worth looking up videos on Youtube and articles online about this film.
It is a good watch and ahead of it's time. Definitely recommend it, there's nothing like Ghostwatch. I'll give it a 4/5
It is hard to find but you can find it on Amazon Prime or Vudu if your in the US. Give it a rent. It's an interesting watch and it is a hidden gem. Think yous may like it. If yous do watch it. Let me know about it in the comments or in my DMs. Love to chat about it more. I did my best to not give away too much. But yeah hope yous like this recommendation!!
Fury's Cosplay Set Of The Day
Model: @svetlanna
Photography by @yuuh
Today's Cosplay SOTD is a recent one and goes out to my Caps Lock Queen that is @svetlanna in her Leatherface cosplay set that just came out on Member Review. Shot by long time Hopeful @yuuh who hopefully will turn pink one day. This is an awesome set, which is usual for @svetlanna I mean her work is always SOTD material.
Unfortunately Texas Chainsaw Massacre isn't going to be on my Watchlist this year. Since I am looking for more overlooked and hidden gem films. The more popular ones it's all about, can I talk about them. Also Texas Chainsaw Massacre is been talk about to death. I do enjoy the film, don't get me wrong. Not my personal favourite tbh. But I do like it. If it starred @svetlanna however. I think she'll give Leatherface a run for his money. With her screaming powers, she can blow your head off. Even with her Caps Lock text haha. I kid of course lol. But she would be badass in the film and be a better film!!
She is a good mate and one of my favourites. Go give her set your likes and comments. More the merrier or as she says it. THE MORE THE MERRIER AHHHHH!! Told you she likes her caps lock text haha jk. ๐๐
Fury's Cosplay Shoutout
Today's cosplay shoutout goes out to @joymermaid here of her Jason Voorhees Cosplay she did a while back.
One of my best online friends on SG and in general too. Usually chat to her and it's always a good chat. @joymermaid has many great cosplays and I know we'll get more in the future. Yous are in for a treat. Also she gifted me something but I'll safe that on a later date. Which I'm totally grateful for. She is a true mate to me. Along with @julha @fla @juliju @flareon @infernum @ravenna @rubyalexia @ivygehenna @olgakulaga @alenagzhel @nerwen @rare @mimo and so many others. I'll turn it into a tag fest haha. Which is hard to do btw. Hard sometimes cause I got so many and I've gained more followers in the last few days from doing these daily blogs. I mean I have the who's who following me here. Still can't believe a lot of popular people on SG follow me. Makes me feel so special. When all I do is just write blogs and spend positive vibes. I'm always saying I am grateful to everyone. And I do mean it.
Anyway back onto Joy here. So yes she is got some upcoming stuff on the way. Like the other day she was shooting the likes of @fla @thimeow & @eveel for horror themed cosplay shoots. Shot a few vids on their TikTok and IG. Here's two in the links below:
Check it out, it's pretty funny and look like their having a blast. Just missing me as a Zombie Killing Ninja haha. Idea for an anime btw. And no you may not steal it peeps. It's mine haha jk.
So yeah @joymermaid is a...um well...joy lol. But seriously she is such a good and beautiful soul. Go check her out peeps. Definitely more of her to come in my blogs. As well as the ones I've tagged. ๐๐
The Conclusion
That's day 12 done and dusted. Thank yous for taking up your free time in reading the blog. Means a lot!!
Hope it has been a good week. Mine is a good one so far. Watching some good films for this blog for one. Also I'm enjoying playing Control. And out & about too. I do have a life too and I have the muddy jeans to prove it haha. Since I was out on a walk today along with my dad. Walk in one of the woods we go to, since theirs a nice cafe there too. So did that and shopped a bit for me to cook Lasagne tomorrow with the leftover Ragu in the freezer I made the other day. So looking forward to that.
Glad everyone is enjoying the blog series so far. Got a few who are watching what I put up on my Watchlist. And seriously these feedbacks I get from yous lot. Some of the nicest things everyone outside of my family has said to me. Love yous guys, honestly. It does mean so much. Thank yous all Fury Family. Yous are the best!!
So til day 13 and after having some awesome Lasagne. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and since I've featured @svetlanna in this blog. I'll leave you this song......
Lol sorry couldn't resist!! ๐๐๐
@missy @penny @eirenne @lust