🎶Hey hey heeey, wasa wasa what's up Fury Family!🎶
Hello everyone, how are yous today. It is day three of my Halloween Watchlist daily blog. If yous missed out on the last two days. Check them out below...
Basically I review a horror/halloween themed film I watch, highlight a favourite Cosplay Set on SG and give a Cosplay Shoutout. So if you want to give me a horror/halloween themed film recommendations or want to be featured on the Cosplay Shoutout bit. Let me know in the comments or my DMs. So let's get started with today's entry...again I don't spoilers so no worries!!
Train To Busan Review
..........Man....I'm still feeling the feels after watching this movie. And I write these blogs after the film. But "taking a deep breath" this one will hurt you in the feels. Yeah a Zombie film. Goes to show South Korean films are the best.
So this film has got a lot of people talking about and saying it is the best zombie film ever. And I think their right. This film is so amazing. Honestly it is that damn good. It is such an awesome film and it has such an emotional impact. Honestly I am not giving out much, since yous should see this film peeps. Especially if your into Zombie films and video games like myself. Everything about it is brilliant. This is not a long review cause I'm still reeling from the emotional moments of the film. Still feeling it after watching it as I type this.
Do yourself a favour, add this film into your Horror/Halloween Watchlist peeps. You won't regret it. Sorry I can't say much about it but I like yous to get into it with no knowledge about it other than enjoy the film. This is soon going to be a Blu Ray entry in my Blu Ray collection. One of the best zombie films ever made, I'm not kidding. 5/5
Fury’s Cosplay Set Of The Day
Model: @rare
Photography by @ivylina
So today's pick is celebrating her birthday today so happy birthday @rare as you are Fury's Cosplay SOTD. This is her cosplay of Triss from The Witcher. Always love The Witcher like I love @rare here. Hope you had a great birthday and sorry I missed out on your live. I do miss out on livestreams a lot. Mostly for a few things. I'm busy either cooking, gaming or out & about as you do. Also I'm shy around other members on the chat. Usually prefer one on one DM convos. But that's my ASD for you lol. I'm sure it was a good stream and @rare had a great birthday. Also @ivylina we miss you but we know she's doing well on Twitch and that. Good for her. Do appreciate her giving me a shoutout on her Twitch when I was on it. Same with @phianixx @evoke @fatal and that as well but Twitch wasn't for me. Even in at the start, I was so clueless and lost with it. Wasn't meant to be. But I've learned and adjust. More focus on my cooking and my blogs now. So at the end, it was the right path. My blogs I think are better than ever before. So many of yous enjoy it and I do love writing them out. I may not have a big audience but that's not the point. I do have an audience and "in Vin Diesel's Voice" they are family!! We are all one!! 😎🤘
@rare is a part of the Fury Family and she's just awesome. Love to see her get more SOTDs but she has plenty of SOTDs in my eyes. And hey she's got a SOTD from me with this entry. Consider it a birthday gift to you @rare so happy birthday mate. Do check her sets out and follow her on her socials. More the merrier.
Fury’s Cosplay Shoutout
So today's cosplay shoutout goes out to @jadestone
Getting close to the release of Spider-Man 2 on the PS5. I'm so hyped and I love the Spiderman cosplays of @jadestone so I'm giving her a shoutout and also she's one the best people to follow on SG. Always active. Unlike me. Even though I am doing these daily blogs so I will be. Hopefully these daily blogs doesn't annoy people too much haha. Sometimes I am anxious being active you know. But I am usually but I am a lot better. All thanks to awesome ppl like @jadestone here as well as @rare above. So she is my cosplay shoutout today. Do check out her cosplay work, it is awesome. Just like her and yous!!
The Conclusion
That's Day 3 of my Halloween Watchlist. Hope yous enjoyed it. Sorry that I wasn't my full detail self with my review. I'm still feeling the feels. Think anyone who has saw the film know exactly what I'm talking about. What I need is a Whose Line Is It Anyway Scenes From A Hat binge on Youtube hahaha.
I can imagine the old fella will be like @julha @fla @joymermaid @infernum @flareon @juliju etc to me haha. But I am good honestly. Just a emotionally impactful film you know.
Besides watching that film. Same as yesterday. Played Ghostwire Tokyo and almost there. 56 hours into it atm. It is great but I am ready to move on to upcoming games like Spider-Man 2 like I mentioned, as well as Alan Wake 2. So we shall see. Also I had a good Chicken Fried Rice for dinner today that my Mum made.
Think a more cheerful Halloween themed film tomorrow for tomorrow's entry is in order haha.
Anyway thank yous for taking up your free time reading this blog and my other Halloween Watchlist blogs so far. Means a lot and also thank you for the follow @alenagzhel your a good soul. 😊👍
So til tomorrow. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and this is me after Train To Busan...
Haha got to end this with a bit comedy lol, but do check the film out. It is so awesome honestly!! 😁