Hey hey heeeey, wasa wasa wasa what's up Fury Family!😎🤘
Yes hello everyone and welcome to a blog I wanted to recreate here on SG. That is my Alt Model Calendar Collection blog. Basically showing off my big Alt Model calendar collection to yous all & talking about it. Especially since it's close to calendar season where Alt Models are releasing calendars. Even SG themselves are in the calendar game too. Which I'll add in my collection.
I thought of this blog when I remember when I had a free Patreon, deleted it ages ago since coming back on SG in May last year. I wrote blogs on there. But tbh I hated blogging on Patreon, hints why I quit there. Also I miss support models on SG, talking to ppl here and all that. Love to create my own site to blog on. But it's not Alt Model related. More about my food since I'm a home cook. One day I will.
But yeah I thought of recreating my Alt Model calendar collection blog for yous lovely people of SG. Since yous been awesome and bearing with me thru my inactivity on here sometimes cause I'm busy in the kitchen & all that. So I'm going to start with the ones I have got the most of....
Also full photography credit goes to EliteOnlineMag, @tripodski etc.
My @keshia collection
Yeah I'm starting with ones I got the most calendars of and one of them is the always lovely @keshia here. Besides @tripodski my favourite Geordie lol. I mean all her work is SOTD material in general you know. A lot of creativity in her work. Love the cosplays, especially most are Nintendo games. But no Animal Crossing cosplay @keshia what the hell lol jk. Miss playing Animal Crossing. It is an relaxing game. Especially since I love to build up my museum since I love to collect as yous notice lol. Definitely adding her in the next patch this year. It has been a while she released a set here. If yous can peeps. Go like/comment on her more recent ones like these below.....
Her set with @nymphae which is called "Waifu For Laifu" which @autumnsky shot of.
Her set with @katherine that is called "Never Turn Your Back On A Spoopy Babe" shot by @tripodski would be a perfect SOTD for Halloween time SGHQ if your reading this. Also a @katherine calendar is something I add in my collection but I don't have enough money. Blame my family and Christmas and birthdays haha. But see what happens. Love to though!
This one is called "Working From Home" Shot by @tripodski sounds like me, working from home. Only I only get paid in benefits thanks to my ASD lol. Still love to have a paid job one day. Maybe as a photographer like @tripodski but I'm not an independent traveller. That's why a food blogger is more my alley. Makes sense right, I cook a lot and I blog too. See what happens.
So yeah please support those sets of @keshia peeps. Their awesome, like her calendars and herself!! 😊👍
My @tink Collection
Here's someone that is missed on this site, especially from me. Even though I support her on OnlyFans. That is the lovely @tink always a favourite of mine. Beautiful both in and out. Love chatting to her and @keshia above. Another one with a lot of awesome cosplays. If yous get the chance. Follow EliteOnlineMag. A regular photographer to the @suicidegirlsuk models and a cool bloke. Just like @tripodski too. Hopefully we'll see more of @tink on SG. Her work is always SOTD and she has a SOTD personality. If that's a phase, idk. Think I just made it up haha. But she is fantastic @tink love our convos and I'm sure she does too. Always a pleasure to chat to her and support her as well. Love to add her in the collection once again like @keshia above.
My @nolajean Collection
Love I have a lot of her Calendars. @nolajean is just a sweetheart and a beautiful soul. Been supporting her for years as yous see. IDK if she is doing another one tbh. Since I think she's took a hiatus from Alt Modelling work. More focus on her cosplays these days and of course if she's doing a SFW Cosplay one. Happy to get that as well. But I do know she is happy with her life right now and if this is the end of her Alt Model journey. It was a pleasure supporting you and still keep in touch. Especially about LOTR @nolajean lol. That's the thing. A few models I support in the past have stopped Alt Modelling but still keep in touch since we are mates you know. I love that about Alt Model support. Sometimes me and models become good friends. And they know they can trust me and just chat to me anytime. Always love hearing from you and see how they are doing. With @nolajean case, doing pretty well. And yeah I wish her nothing but the best. Like all the models I support and the ex models that I still keep in touch with. Like I said, their all awesome. Just like yous are reading this!! 😊👍
My @nayru Collection
She will always be a favourite of mine. I do miss her here and I don't want to talk about what happen or all that since I'm not about drama or stuff like that. But she is a favourite of mine and she is missed on SG. But like @nolajean above she is more focused on cosplays and doing very well. And I am happy for her. She does deserves it. Always hard working and just a strong will woman you know. Like her favourite video game characters. I know she still does cosplay with her mates @beckah @gnomi @nolajean etc and I'm happy for them. If I do bump into them at a comic con. Drinks are on me lol. I do hope she is doing well and she's always a place on my blogs. No matter what. So @nayru hope you are well and we The Fury Family miss you. Keep kicking ass my friend!! 😊👍
My @rubyalexia Collection
Sing it now...
Lol yeah never gets old lol. Yep it is the Elf Queen herself @rubyalexia and this is the one I wish I had more calendars of. I mean me and @rubyalexia go way back before either of us were on SG. Supported her since the beginning and still here. There's so many I have supported over the years and I'm glad their still kept in touch with this guy. I mean I don't have many friends in my IRL life but I'm happy I have many in this crazy online life of ours you know. I'm forever grateful to Ruby. A few models I supported came and gone unfortunately. But I'm glad some are still around like her. So yeah thank you for being a good friend to me Ruby. High fives my Elf Queen. You rock!! 🧝♀️🤘
My @dannikadaisy Collection
One of my all time favourites who is missed on here and love to see more of. That is the beautiful as always @dannikadaisy and as you can see. Got two of her calendars. I know she is a busy lass. Tbh a lot of SG models are busy lassies. @dannikadaisy is a model who I'll support and mention often since she really is a good soul. Do miss chatting to her. Whatever if it's on her IG or her OnlyFans back when it was active. She is not as active as the other models on SG. But for me it doesn't matter. I know she is busy and doing her thing. And I'm glad she is living the good life. @dannikadaisy is just a good person overall. Always up for a chat and a laugh. Cause we all have wicked sense of humour, especially this guy lol. And if she does come back here on SG with a new set. I'll be here, include it in my FSS blog series. Or if she comes back to OnlyFans, I'll support her there once again. Got her back. Love to see a new solo or multi set from her. Some of my favourite sets ever is with @dannikadaisy like her set she did with @tink that EliteOnlineMag shot or her set with @braaa she shot with @tripodski (Also good outtakes too, need to ask Trip about getting outtake pics lol). Also a lot of solo sets she shot for her 2020 calendar are awesome. All shot in that shootfest in 2019, yeah few years ago. Since it was packed with all of favourite UK models. Like @keshia @tink @braaa @jadore @helenjade (Miss her) @alexabstract (Miss her also) and so on (including the next entry). Who knows, maybe she'll be back or she'll do another calendar. Time will tell but happy she has two calendars in my collection. Definitely check her out peeps if yous get the chance!!😊👍
My @zoemarie Collection
Like @dannikadaisy above, @zoemarie is another model that is missed here. Always beautiful in and out. A regular with @tripodski and EliteOnlineMag. I know most of the models are not on here as much but I don't care. Their busy and still favourites of mine and still will support them & mention them in my blogs. Til they tell me to stop lol. @zoemarie is always beautiful and hope she is doing well. Miss chatting to her. Been too long. Always such a nice girl. I do hope she is doing well and think she is. I know I type out hope you are doing well to every model's post, sets, etc but I do care you know. I'm just a caring motherfucker haha. What can I say. But I think she is doing good for herself and more power to @zoemarie you know. And if she is doing a 2024 calendar, I'll add her once again. If yous haven't followed her yet. Do check her out peeps. You won't be disappointed!!
All My Other Collections
I am staying awesome @jasminelouise well hopefully I am haha. Yes it's @jasminelouise and I have her 2022 calendar. And have one part of her 2023 calendar. Her 2023 she was doing something different and failed to get the other months. So sorry @jasminelouise lol. But I can reveal that in my upcoming 2024 calendar collection, she'll be in it since I've pre ordered @jasminelouise calendar and I'm looking forward to it. Always loved @jasminelouise always a great lass and someone else I've supported for years along with @rubyalexia before joining SG in late 2017. Yeah we go back. And she's always a good sport and very supportive. And hopefully we'll see more of her on SG. Maybe an Appreciation Blog for the future. We will see!
Not one but two of @elaena 2022 calendars. Which features pics from her SG sets and all awesome. Just like she is. Hope she is doing well and enjoying life. She is awesome, definitely check her out peeps. Yous won't be disappointed. One of my all time favourites from the @suicidegirlsfrance side of SG along with @marlene @kitsu @mist @mandeelou @nikitaray @jupiter @ronnie @eveowl etc.
Yeah I have a Erica Fett calendar from 2021. And glad she is in my calendar collection. She is a legend as a lot of yous know. Just a beautiful soul. Missed on here but yeah doing well for herself and who knows. May get her 2024 calendar. See what happens. She is a true legend in the Alt Modelling industry and deserves all the success!!
Another one I wish I had more calendars of and that is the lovely @jadore I have her 2021 calendar. As always all beautiful, like she is both in and out. I'm sure she'll have a 2024 calendar in the works maybe. Be cool to add her in the collection again. Just an awesome lass!!
You know what SG needs, more Scottish people. Like myself and the always bonnie @laikaa here. Also another one I wish I had more calendars of. @laikaa is another one I have supported for a while and is a mate too. Since we live nearby, I'm surprised I haven't bumped into her you know lol. Who knows maybe one day. I'm actually anxious in meeting a SG model in IRL tbh. Since I am a shy and quiet guy in IRL. But I'm sure @laikaa will be like "it's ok Kevin. You're awesome" you know. Also she usually teams up with @keshia & @tink above since their besties. Who knows, maybe @laikaa has a 2024 calendar in the works perhaps. If so, I'll get it for sure. Also SG needs more Scottish models. And don't look at me to recruit, I'm just a blogger lol. Still, it'll be nice!
Here's another model that I have been supporting for years, even before joining SG. That is the lovely and the underrated @leacheyenne here's a fact. She is one of my first followers on this site. She's a great lass. More of her in my next FSS blog & Other blogs in the month of October if I'm not too busy with cooking and in my IRL life. I hope @leacheyenne is doing well and she is pink in my eyes. Happy to include her in my calendar collection!! 😎🤘
Not on SG but I'm including her since it is my blog and my collection. I love to include non SG models too in my Calendar collection. I am non biased. But isn't she beautiful. She's a model I've been following on IG for a while and just thought she was incredibly beautiful. Also I love her post on just being with yourself and your body image, especially to her female followers and fellow female models. Since I don't have body/look standards at all. Shallowness doesn't exist within me. I think all models are beautiful. No matter what you look like or what size you are. You are who you are you know. Think my point is simple. Be happy with who you are and go forward to whatever that'll make you happy. You are your own judge. And I love how she spreads that same message in her post/stories. If you haven't followed her. Definitely check out her socials. Great woman!!
Last but not least in my calendar collection. My 2022 calendar of my good friend and long time favourite @olgakulaga I don't think she needs more introduction. I mean we all know how awesome and beautiful she is. Always supportive and kind to everyone. She is another one I wish I had more than one calendar of. I'm always thankful to her. She truly understands me and bears with me like so many others. I'm lucky that I found people that truly get me and are just awesome friends. Like her. If she has another calendar in the works. I'll happy get it. Also discount please.....haha only joking lol. 😂😉
My Calendar Wishlist
Here's the models I love to get a calendar of one of these days:
@julha @fla @joymermaid @hex @infernum @rare @mimo @gloom @blaizee @sammiii @braaa @alerose @narumi @akiramai @arachnie @demi @ivygehenna @blizzard @thimeow @ravenna @juliju @flareon @meixime @samihain @dawud @truthfairy @eveel @victoriaboness @sophiestonem @katherine @kitsu @marlene @amortentia @gnomi @lioncourt @cheshire_ @missmarilynn @nerwen @shameless @headshot @alexislust @cherrylowe @krissi @nicolelux @eirenne @skies @chalk @aemelia @birdie @jemjem @ivanahyde @seasick @emspokess @sprite @willowneptune @missfernandez and many more!
Yeah it's a lot and it's not a guarantee that I'll get all of them. Since I'll be bankrupt haha. Calendars aren't cheap. Especially these models and photographers work so hard on them you know. Still be cool to see a few of these models do a calendar and be in my collection like the others above me! 😊👍
The Conclusion
So that is all of my calendars in my big Alt Model Calendar Collection. Hope yous all enjoyed it and like my collection. I'll show off what calendars I've gotten for the 2024 patch in a few months time. Which will include @jasminelouise as well as getting the SG one if their doing it this year. I'm sure they are, see what happens and who I'll get.
To the models that I brought calendars from. Thank you so much and I do recommend getting their calendars if their doing one for 2024. Also let me know in the comments below if your doing a calendar SG models or DM me. But no promises I'll buy too many. Try to keep it under ten calendars. Or more if I have extra cash. We'll see what happens you know.
Anyway thank yous all so much in taking up your free time in reading this blog. Means a lot as always Yous are the best!!
So til my next blog. Whatever it maybe. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and remember to support & appreciate your favourite models. More the merrier!! 😊👍
@missy @penny @eirenne @lust