Hey hey heeeey, what is up Fury Family!!
And welcome to another jam packed edition of my Favourite SG Sets series. A blog series of recent SG sets I love to support along with the models and photographers behind these sets I've selected so yous can check out and hopefully if SGHQ is looking for SOTD picks. My recommendations to yous up there in sunny LA. Lucky yous over there in SGHQ. I'm in Scotland and.....tbh our weather is actually been really good. We have Spain like weather here the last two weeks now. Ain't we lucky for once.
So yeah hope your all doing well out there. I know a lot of times I just blog here and usually too anxious to talk to others. But I have build friendships with some of the models & photographers I've supported over the years, including a few members too as well. I have up and downs in my online life as long time followers will know. I'm usually am a shy guy but I don't shy away from speaking my mind. Since starting this blog series way back in 2018. I have made a lot of mates from it and I am grateful.
Even though I am on SG on ocassions, not every day since I'm busy being a home cook, being a good son, a good uncle, being active with my cooking & walks and just being out & about. But still here. Cause I do love supporting the models & the photographers on this site. As well as in general in their OnlyFans, etc. But I'm not going to lie. It is hard to catch up with everyone online when your active with offline stuff. I definitely don't ignore. I reply back when I'm free and all that. I know models usually apologise to me for being late to reply. But they don't have to. I KNOW how busy the models are. I don't talk to @olgakulaga @rubyalexia @flareon etc (for example) every day but their busy with their lives. Same with photographers too. It is been a while I chatted and catched up with @tripodski who is a mate. But we are busy people me and them. We all understand that it is hard to catch up sometimes but once we do. It's like we never left. That's true friendship to me. And that's the kind of friend I am. There's no drama with me. Any drama & mistakes I had is in the past. If anything it made me better. Sure it's impossible to get along with everyone & that's ok too. Some ppl are not for you. I know that and I quietly move on. I stick to the ones that I get along with. And they know who they are ("cough" @julha "cough") so I focus on them, models/photographers I currently support and new models I want to support like a @nicolelux @zyggdrasilp for examples in my previous FSS blog. Which btw congrats to @zyggdrasilp on turning pink.
That's why I do blogs like this. To highlight these sets and hopefully increase their chances in getting SOTD. Wish it was all my selections but I'm not SGHQ. Just a recommender. I'm sure HQ appreciates my blogs and my recommendations. Also my random humour cause I'm so witty haha.
Yeah life is good with me. Even though I was sick for a few days a few weeks back but quickly recovered. And hope yous are too dear readers. Always wishing all of yous the best!!
So here's sets I think that are the best that came out recently. Starting out is a model I recently wrote a Appreciation Blog of as well as being a good friend too.....
Fury's Favourite Recent SG Sets
Set: Desire
Model: @fla
Photography by @kalincamaki
Yep starting off is the always lovely @fla back with another SOTD worthy set as always. And she is beautiful as always. I think I chat to her the most often along with @julha @joymermaid @akiramai @demi etc. Since I've been an active subscriber of her OnlyFans. I think me and her definitely being more friends over the last year or so. Always catching up and keeping up to date. Also I'm so happy she is a Trusted Non Staff SG Photographer too. She's been so hard working and I'm always grateful she takes up her time in chatting to me. Being such an understand mate to me. Even I know she is a busy bee but makes the time to translate & chats to me in English. Since she wants to improve her English and of course I'm happy to help out. Even though I'm not good at English either haha. But she is a wonderful person. Love catching up with her and just chat away. I have make so many mates down in @suicidegirlsbrasil wish I was close by so we can hang out and have a laugh. Who knows maybe one day by luck. I'm always happy to support her and include her in my blogs. Like right now. Check it out her set here. You know it makes sense. Definitely another SOTD in the bag for Fla, hope it happens. I'm sure it will. And thank you for the chats @fla it really means a lot. Your a good friend. Voce e um verdadeiro amigo e eu te amo!! 😊👍
Set: Devaneio
Model: @anilorac
Photography by @fla
From her modelling to her photography. Another Fla entry but this time as a photographer. To another favourite model/photographer from @suicidegirlsbrasil and it is the always lovely @anilorac being beautiful as always. She kicks ass....literally. Since...
Yeah she is multi talented. Always a Fury Regular good old @anilorac and definitely will write an Appreciation Blog of her one day for sure. In this set, she's got a book but I don't know that one. I actually haven't read much books. Not in a while due to being around a very unquiet neighbourhood and house. So it is tricky with me since I am easily distracted. I take my time with my blogs. I never rush. I may not post much but when I do, I do my best to make my blogs/posts as awesome as I can. Quality over quaintly. Just like @anilorac work and herself as a person. Which is always quality. So go check it out her set. It's an knockout...and no that is not a pun about her taekwondo. Even though she can but choose love people lol jk. 😂😉👍
Set: UV Got The Love
Model: @altamethyst
Photography by @macraephoto
She's got the love and SGHQ needs to see this set thru to their upcoming SOTD file lol. Yes I thought real hard on that Florence + the Machine reference, go me haha. So back in my blogs again is the lovely @altamethyst who stills owes me those Katatonia drum sticks like @tripodski owes me a mug haha (I'm joking no one owes me anything, I'm a jokeaholic lol). This is another SOTD worthy set from her and another one shot by @macraephoto who I hope will do more awesome work for the @suicidegirlsuk side of things. Hopefully this hopeful will be turned pink soon. @altamethyst is a good lass and definitely deserves it. Check her sets out and help her turn pink peeps. More the merrier!
Set: Spider-Sense
Model: @wildlynx
Photography by @mimo
Next is a Spider-Man cosplay. Fitting since Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse is out and hopefully I'll watched it by the time yous read this. Also @wildlynx is one of my favourite newcomers. And last but not least, I'm so excited for Spider-Man 2 in October for the PS5. This is a fantastic set from Wildlynx and of course @mimo being the photographer. Congrats to her being SG Staff Photographer btw. She truly deserves it like Wildlynx deserves another SOTD. So go check it out peeps. You know it makes Spider Sense!! "self high fives cause I think my pun was awesome" 😂😉👍
Set: Gone Fishin'
Model: @jadestone
Photography by @krobertsphotos
I'll let Ron Swanson do a fishing quote...
Yep it's another awesome @jadestone set and as always, she is beautiful. Imo SGHQ should hire her as a member of Staff. If you read any of Jade's blogs. She is helpful and very informal of this site. Definitely a person to follow or talk to if your new on SG. I didn't had a clue when I started on SG. I was just winging it tbh. But I learned from reading @xheartswornx blogs, @phianixx blogs, convos with others, etc. Don't be afraid to ask me advices on starting up your own blogs if yous want. But I think it is best to wing it and you figure out from advices from others. I am a better blogger than I was. Also I'm better with supporting the models, wording things the right way and being better with online stuff mentally. Cause I wasn't. It's why I stop using social media, besides Instagram but I have a fan account there. Cause it did damaged my mental health as most who know me know. I have a bad habit of comparing others to my life. I actually started to mute stories on IG. Especially with people going to the Download Festival. Don't get me wrong, happy for them. But I don't want to compare and feel down cause I've never been to a festival before. It's also why I was sensitive to B/G content in the past. Cause I never had a girlfriend and I get depressed when I see that their in love & I got no partner. In my head I think I must be a loser. But I know I'm not and work really really hard on improving my mental health. It is one of the dangers of the internet. Comparing yourself to others. Trust me, it's not healthy. I learned from that and that's why I've done so much better. And it is really from reading comments, blogs, etc from people like @jadestone here and others on SG & online mates I've made. So yeah a bit of a serious talk here in this entry. But it does mean a lot that so many people who read my blogs and my thoughts understand me & appreciate me being open & honest. I'll talk about it more in my Conclusion. But go support Jade please. More the merrier. She does a lot for the site and she is just awesome. Just like you are. So go check out her recent set.
Set: Cappuccino
Model: @sophiestonem
Photography by @drewpaul
Welcome back to the FSS blog @sophiestonem and welcome aboard @drewpaul in this awesome set for yous to check out. Good to see Drew in SG now. Been a fan of his photography thru Instagram with his work with Sophie here, @jadore and other Alt/Glamour Models here in the uk. Love to see more UK photographers on SG since @tripodski can't do it on his own and of course I'm not a photographer. Just a fan writing blogs and showing support. Even though most have said I should start doing photography. Idk where to begin since I haven't independently travelled on my own or did any photography besides on my phone. Also I don't think members or OF subscribers like myself are allowed to become photographers to the models you know. I maybe wrong but I think I'm right. Tbh doesn't offend me, I know my place and I make sure I don't cross that line you know what I mean. I'm just happy writing blogs and do my support/promoting stuff you know. Still, it would be cool. Be a photographer and go to a shootfest. But I'm happy just writing blogs and promote sets like this one. It is SOTD worthy as always from @sophiestonem go check it out peeps!!
Set: Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon
Model: @zzef
Photography by @andrea_arcore
Well it's SOTD so I believe she is a woman now lol jk. But it is rightfully SOTD and I'll still feature it cause I do love this set. It is an awesome cosplay Mia Wallace set from @zzef with the always talented @andrea_arcore behind the lens. Pulp Fiction is one of my all time favourite films. Can't say much more about than I already did. Other than...wish there was a Big Kahuna Burger in Scotland. Be awesome but I can easily make my own since I'm a home cook. And burgers are my favourite food. May share it in my profile for yous soon my attempt of a Big Kahuna Burger. One of the best things about Pulp Fiction is the soundtrack. Think I still have the CD, not sure. But I do like this cover of Neil Diamond's classic tune. Which is the title of this awesome set....
Tbh Urge Overkill is an underrated band, definitely check them out. Like checking this set out as well as ZZef & Andrea in general. More the merrier!!
Set: Titania
Model: @kiwa
Photography by @gaborcinus
Yep we got another Cosplay set in this entry. Well I do love my cosplay sets since I'm a nerd. Nerds love cosplay ok lol. But also it's the lovely @kiwa too. Who I believe this is the first time I'm featuring her in my FSS blog. Since I've become a big fan of the @suicidegirlsargentina models like @flareon @meixime @missmarilynn @turmalina etc. I love to discover more Argentinians to support and blog about. Kiwa has entered the chat as the kids say lol. But yeah she is beautiful. And this is a great cosplay from her. And I'm a big fan of X-Men. Kinda reminds me to rewatch the Animated Series again. Also best TV theme tune ever. Don't yous agree...
Still gives me goosebumps this theme tune. So badass. I love it. Fox Kids was my childhood. Just watching shows like X-Men, Spiderman: The Animated Series, Batman: The Animated Series, etc. That was my anime at the time, still is. Also I do like the X-Men films....well most of them lol (Don't mention Wolverine Origins lol, although the video game was good tbf). So yeah I'm an X-Men nerd. Wolverine is my boy. So yeah awesome set from @kiwa and hopefully it'll be another SOTD for her. I'm sure it will. Do go check it out peeps!!
Set: Azul Cielo
Model: @juliju
Photography by @cersei
Speaking of favourites from @suicidegirlsargentina here is the winner of the KungFury Weekly's Most Gorgeous Smile award winner @juliju showing Gilderoy Lockhart how it's done. Yeah Juliju is a Fury Regular...
Yes I do make my own memes. I always try to create my own stuff. Like my blog covers. Making it like a picture frame, showcasing who is featured in my blog. Like I said I'm improving. I know models & photographers are in the same boat too since they work hard in making sure their next set is better than the next one. Same with me as a freelance blogger on this site. Love if there was more tools for blogs on SG but I think I like the simple approach I do with my blogs you know. Simplify is best. All you need is the right background and top level photography. This set is it. @juliju is always beautiful like every SG model. And this is another SOTD set from her as well as the always talented @cersei so go check it out. Cause "in Vin Diesel's Voice" Family!! 😎🤘
Set: Sunshine
Model: @victoriaboness
Photography by Smiley Morris
Another winner of the KungFury Most Gorgerous Smile award. It is the criminally overlooked @victoriaboness imo SG's most underrated model. She deserves multi SOTDs by now. Also she's such an cool lass too. I don't understand at all. I mean look at her. So beautiful and has so many great sets here. If I was in SGHQ right now. My first duty would be turning Victoria pink 100%. She works so hard. All I can do is continue supporting her and promote her. That'll never stop as long she continues it. I think she is just happy being apart of the SG community & being a Fury Regular. And yeah it's a great attitude to have. As long as yous are enjoying yourself and love shooting sets for SG or your subscription sites. Then you're already turn pink. Think that's how to word it, idk. Basically this is me saying Victoria is awesome and beautiful in & out. Also she's a good friend too, love chatting to her. So do check out Victoria. Make her underrated no more by like/comment her sets. All of them. Help her turn pink at long last. In fact I have the perfect meme...
My Jedi Mind Trick has worked in the past btw haha. I'm sure Victoria will like that meme lol. But yous should check her out, you'll love her peeps!!
Set: Breakfast In Philly
Model: @cheshire_
Photography by @niffler
This is a FSS debut long overdue and that is the lovely @cheshire_ with this awesome set. Along with Fury Regular @niffler behind the lens doing a great job as always. I'm actually fairly new to her. Discover a few months back. From recommendations and just seeing her around the site. Always seem like a good person and she is after chatting to her. She's a good soul. Mates already lol. Also this is a great set that should be SOTD. Breakfast in Philly is a good idea. I love Philly Cheesesteaks. It's not big here in the uk or here in Scotland. It should be tbh. It's so awesome. We don't have hoogie rolls, provolone cheese slices or cheese whiz here in Scotland. But I love to have a proper one. Always look so god damn tasty lol. Such a foodie I am lol. But yeah yous should check out Cheshire's set here and help her turn pink. She deserves it. Like I deserve ingredients to make authentic Philly Cheesesteak. Lol one day!
Set: Cereal-ously
Model: @aliese
Photography by @thimeow
Next is the newest Fury Regular that is @aliese back with this set shot by long time regular @thimeow and it is no surprise SOTD worthy. I'm sure it will be by the time I write this. I'm actually cutting back on a few things in my diet. And trying to eat more things like cereal for lunch. I actually have it with almond milk. Keeping it healthy and good for my guts. I have problems with acid reflux, indigestion and my immune system. I think I maybe lactose indolent I'm not sure. But I am watching what I eat these days. I do love the changes and I am getting more well from it. Cause I was so bad with chocolate, cheese, sandwiches, etc. Basically I love junk food. Also sodas too. I'm doing my best. That's why I want to cook more asian food, especially fish since the oils you get from them are super good for you. So trying to get into well as being more active with walks. Hopefully go back into swimming too. Since I personally think gyms are boring. More want to do active stuff outside for fitness you know. So yeah I'm looking after myself diet wise. It has helped. Like I hope this blog helps out these models & photographers. Especially @aliese who is just beautiful and deserves more SOTDs. So go check it out peeps!!
Set: A Dash Of Sugar...
Model: @misshollyhell
Photography by @macraephoto
A newcomer in this blog. Here is the lovely @misshollyhell with this awesome set. And hello again @macraephoto with another great job with the photography. Of course it's a kitchen/cooking/baking themed set and since I'm a home cook, it makes sense lol. But it is a great set that is SOTD worthy. I'm sure Holly here will turn pink soon. Hopefully we'll see more and see her turn pink. I'm sure we will. Well I'm happy to include and support her in this blog nonetheless. Definitely not the last time. Especially since she's a metal/rock head like myself. So yeah go check her out and help her turn pink peeps. Who knows she may give you a bit of what she bake in this set. P.S probably not I'm just joking lol but still check out the set, it is awesome. You'll love it. 😊👍
Set: Don't Look Back Into The Sun
Model: @elizadawn
Photography by @tonyhammond
Welcome back to the FSS blog @elizadawn & of course @tonyhammond the Fury Family misses yous guys. Yep Eliza is back with this awesome set that is SOTD worthy. I remember she was in one of my first editions of this blog back in early 2019 I think. Still think she can turn pink and of course she is still beautiful. Hopefully it'll happen. But I'm glad she is back and still support her in these blogs & on my fan account on IG too. Also nice touch naming this set after this ace tune...
Love Indie Rock and The Libertines, still going too. Much like Eliza here. Go check out her set peeps. Make her feel welcome back!!
Set: Morticia
Model: @eirenne
Photography by @aymi
I'm sure only me and @hex will get the reference with this set from Fury Regular @eirenne but I'll let yous guess. Again another SOTD worthy set from Eirenne here and as always she is beautiful. Cool ass bike btw. Wish I could learn to drive a bike but we don't have the biggest roads here in Scotland. I did however drove a Quad Bike once and it was pretty sweet. Love to do that again tbh, it was at this farm park not long where I live. So yeah that was awesome like this set. Definitely a Woman Crush......Wednesday (😉) pick this set. I'm sure most will get the references since I'm a fan and I'm being full dork in this entry haha. What can I say...I'm blinded by such beauty....Eirenne has bewitched me.....Anyway I shouldn't torture myself, that's her job. Seriously I can go all day with these quotes haha. But I think I gave yous a lot of clues. So go check out Eirenne's latest set. I mean look at her, I would die for her, I would kill for her...either way, what bliss.........Ok last quote, I promise lol. 😂😉
Set: I Wanna Be Your Dog
Model: @pistache
Photography by @babu
I know what everyone is thinking.....someone is a Iggy Pop fan. Well can you blame her? I don't, just proves she has awesome music just like me lol. Nevertheless this is another SOTD worthy set from @pistache beautiful as always and of course getting @babu awesome photography work helps too. Also no don't be my dog, be a burger buddy like Babu. Lol yeah I had to talk about food again haven't I lol. Still this is a great set that I hope is SOTD soon. Just like this song kicks ass like yous lot....
So yeah go check out this set ya dogs lol. 😂😉👍
Set: Retrograde
Model: @ivee
Photography by @caustix
This is another FSS blog debut, this time it's the lovely @ivee with this awesome set. She is beautiful and this like all of her sets is SOTD worthy. Luckily she has a few SOTDs. But of course there should be more cause she is awesome. I actually discover her late. Usually am late to the party cause SG is so packed and I'm usually busy. Sometimes I'm not always online. So it is hard to keep with everything. So I do discover models late to the party sometimes. But better late than never. I'm glad I discover her thru @niffler stories on IG. That's why I actually been doing this blog so yous can be introduce to picks of mine and yous go check the models out. No matter how late to the party you are and there's nothing with that btw, online is a very busy jam packed place. It is easy to miss out on stuff. Especially here on SG where they release so many sets here every day. And it's a lot of models to keep up with. Still @ivee is here now and I'm supporting her so yay lol. So yeah go check out her set if yous haven't. Do think it'll be SOTD. Last I check it's over 2400 likes...
Haha me and my memes eh lol. 😂😉
Model: @ultramarie
Photography by @akril
It's the return of @ultramarie in the FSS blog with this awesome set. Imo her best set to date. But all her sets are SOTD worthy. Reason I say it's her best set to date is cause I just love nature, love the setting. Makes me wanna live there you know. Anyway from noisy neighbours that I have. Hints why I don't post blogs all the time. But also I'm either cooking, gaming, walking or sleeping haha. You know who else loves Nature? this guy.....
Told yous there'll be a lot of Ron Swanson. Mostly cause I love Parks & Rec. Love that show. Like I love this set from @ultramarie and of course @akril did a great job with the photography. As he always does. So check it out and fingers crossed it is SOTD cause that'll be awesome. I'm sure it will!!
Set: Ignorance
Model: @pastrypeach
Photography by @valo
Here is one of my favourite newcomers from the @suicidegirlsuk side and that is the lovely @pastrypeach with another SOTD set here. Shot by probably the most underrated photographers on SG that being @valo who is a hopeful too who I thought should be pink too. This is another top notch set from these two. Also naming it after Paramore's famous tune helps since I am a fan of Paramore. Also @sammiii if you are reading this and need a name for your next SG set, name it after a Paramore song. She's a big fan like Pastry is. Can you blame them? Their awesome. Like this tune this set is named after....
So good. If your wondering, this is my favourite Paramore tune....
I just love this band and Hayley Williams is just awesome. What a vocalist. Don't think they had a bad song yet imo. Their all great just like @pastrypeach & @valo here with Pastry's set. Help her turn pink by what else, checking out this set!!
Set: Your New Neighbours
Models: @cabani & @olgakulaga
Photography by @elune
God wouldn't that be awesome if @olgakulaga & @cabani be my neighbours. Finally neighbours that I actually like haha. Yep it's Olga & Cabani back in my FSS blog but together for this awesome multi set. Which @elune shot and well as always. Who is another Fury Regular. Hopefully it is another SOTD for them. They really deserve it. Especially since I know how rough their lives are and I feel for them. Cabani doesn't feel confident anymore about posting sets on here since it's been a while since she had a SOTD. It's a shame really. Since I think all of her sets are SOTD worthy and she's beautiful. Definitely deserves another SOTD and more love. Same with Elune too, she works so hard and deserves more. Then there's Olga. Who is one of the most beloved models on SG and so nice too. Reading her recent blogs is heart breaking. She's been going thru a lot and I wish I was in a position to do more to help out. Same with a lot of the @suicidegirlsrussia models, ever since the war. It has been hard for them. I know their good people and same with yous too reading this. They deserve better. Wish I can give them all a big hug you know. It is rough times. But least I can do is feature them in my blogs and keep supporting them. I do hope things get better for @olgakulaga @cabani @elune @lisaberry @rare @nerwen @alenagzhel @ultramarie @akril @natalia_randle @krissi @avrora @shameless and so forth. Their good people and they deserve good things in life. Always got their backs and entries in my blogs for sure. I do hope this set is SOTD soon. I'm sure it will be. Check it out, more the merrier. And yous are more than welcome in Scotland to be my neighbours. First round is on me!! 🍻
Set: Heathen
Model: @blizzard
Photography by ...well @blizzard lol
Yeah so last but not least in this edition of the FSS blog is one of my all time favourites. That is the lovely @blizzard with her own self shot set that she shot in SGHQ. Yep retro bath and everything lol. Great self shot set this that I know will be SOTD soon. I mean it's Blizzard, who's a SG legend imo. I do chat with her a lot and it's always a good convo. Always so kind and also nerdy like me. She is definitely an Appreciation Blog entry waiting to happen and it will happen down the road. And I'll enjoy writing that blog since her work is brilliant. Like her awesome cosplays. She definitely works hard. She truly deserves all the success she has gotten and I know there is more SOTDs for her in the near future. So go check her out if yous somehow haven't but I think yous already have. Still love featuring her here in this blog and supporting her. Same with her other half @msilveira too, one of my favourite photographers. Who's probably anxiously waiting to play Final Fantasy 16 lol. Don't worry dude, so am I lol. Anyway check Blizzard and everyone above out peeps. More the merrier!!
My Recent Blogs to Check Out (optional)
(Featuring my favourite duo/multi sets from the likes of @alenagzhel @olgakulaga @marlene @mimo @jemjem @braaa @keshia @pimenta @julha @rubyalexia @elaena @sammiii @asxna @juliju @meixime @akiramai @arachnie and many more)
My Appreciation Blog of @gloom
(My 31st edition of the blog series, next one will be published soon)
(Featuring awesome SOTD worthy sets from the likes of @belladona @nerwen @knives @truthfairy @katherine @fairy @zyggdrasilp @nicolelux @ali @narumi @ninaq @pink @alerose @bittersweet_ @mailinya @helenarae @svetlanna and many more)
The Conclusion
Yeah me too Ron, me too lol!!
So that is another FSS blog done and dusted. Thank you very much for taking up your free time in reading it peeps. Means a lot!
Like I said in the @jadestone entry, it does mean a lot. I know I ain't the most active member but I always do my best with the blogs I write & my Alt Model/SW support in general. I'm grateful to so many who understand me and appreciate me. Honestly it does mean the world. In the past I was so used to people misunderstanding me, especially since I have ASD. So it does mean a lot.
Sorry I do take a while to post blogs and that. Just been busy with life you know. Being a son, home cook, uncle, brother and a gamer. You don't spend time online a lot. That's why I am not on livestreams much. I did join @ravenna livestream and it was such a good catch up and chat with her. I know she is going thru mental health battles herself so want to give @ravenna a shoutout cause she is awesome.
Same with @ivygehenna @rubyalexia @narumi @nerwen @demi @hex @julha @fla @juliju @flareon and @akiramai too who are all awesome and proud to support them on their sites. Always good chats!
Last I want to give shoutouts to fellow members @fredhincanada @metalfreak @arroezze @adam_bovary @basseshigh @cerebus666 @diddy_dave_uk and so on too. Yous dudes rock!!
Good to do shoutouts at the end cause I do notice all the support & love I get. It means so much. So thank you peeps once again. Yous are the best!!
This blog series is nearly 5 years old, still going strong. Still more to come. So til then, hope yous have a good time til the next one comes out or hope things do get better. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and remember models/photographers....
@missy @penny @lust @sean