Hey hey heey, wasa what's up Fury Family!!
Welcome to day five of my Love A Hopeful blog mini series. Where each day this week, I'll highlight a favourite Hopeful of mine.....or former Hopefuls since I got good news to share to yous peeps.
My first pick in this blog series @joymermaid is NOW PINK!!!
Yes that was my actual reaction. Makes sense since I'm Scottish lol. So so happy for Joy. Tbh I actually weep a bit with Joy (no pun intended haha). She really deserved it, she works hard and a lot of her sets are well loved enough on here. So it was a matter of time. Also I think SGHQ did it as a gift to me too. Their secret KungFury fans. I see yous lurking HQ. I know yous love me haha. 😉
But all seriousness I am happy for her and other hopefuls that are turned pink recently like @jadestone @cersei etc. As well as many hopefuls that are getting a entry in all the Love A Hopeful blogs on the site atm. And maybe getting shoutouts on social media too. So I'm happy for them.
So if yous missed out my last few days of my Love A Hopeful blogs. It's down below, including Joy's....
Hopefully @asxna @victoriaboness & @ronnie are next on the turn pink timetable. Along with this next entry. You'll see her getting mentioned a lot this week too and even doing her own Love A Hopeful blogs too. She is so deserving too. Been supporting her for a good while. I remember @phianixx introduce me to her in her blog back in 2019 and been a fan of her since. Has been in my FSS blogs a few times. Even shouted her out on my Instagram fan account before I took a hiatus from social media. So more FSS blogs in the future and I'm glad to do a blog about her. I have a list of models I want to blog about in my notes on my phone. She's in it. So now she's got her own blog from yours truly. So today's pick is the lovely @emberstrong
Yeah it is about time I did a blog about Ember here. Always beautiful in and out. Definitely one of my favourite hopefuls from @suicidegirlsuk I usually have writer's block sometimes, run out of ideas. Since I do my best with my blogs. Love to be in good detail and just talk about the model in my own way. Usually I don't what to say about a model I really want to support but idk much of. That's why I do my best to have a chat with them, read their blogs, read their vital stats, etc. Love to make an effect. Maybe that's the workaholic in me lol.
Yeah Ember has been on SG since 2018. Around the same time I really started to write blogs. Before that I was just a lurker and blog without tagging anyone cause I was shy and scared to. Til I took @xheartswornx advice and recommendation about starting my own blog series to support the models. That was the FSS blog series I'm known for and yeah the rest is history. Still gaining followers and more mates. Sure there's bumps on the road but it is extremely rare. I think it is like that with everyone. Gotta have bumps on the road to improve and be better than you were yesterday. So I'm happy with the improvements and the blogs that I've done. Including these Love A Hopeful blogs like this one.
So back to EmberStrong after being off topic (welcome to my blogs haha). She is such an awesome person. Always supportive of others. Definitely check out her own blogs. She has supported fellow hopefuls like @sailorandy @melusine2908 @ashenbelle @cheshire_ and also @jadestone too who is having an awesome week. Still happy for her and now @joymermaid too. Hopefully those hopefuls will get their turn to be pink too. I'm sure they all will. Only a matter of when. Think my blog brother @romous117 said it best, don't give up. If you want to be pink, keep going. Enjoy the community and entries in blogs. Like mine and others. And a lot of them are very grateful & happy to be in blogs like this. So yeah I'm just happy to do it. I know I has in a bad mental state from the pandemic years but I've recovered and still around. Back to be full time now so I can highlight models like @emberstrong who is awesome and love chatting to her. Also thank you for understanding me too.
I remember she said in my profile. More blogs Kevin. Well here you go Ember, can I get that cake now lol jk. So yeah she is fantastic like everyone I tagged on this blog. She is a favourite @suicidegirlsuk model too. Along with @rubyalexia @ivygehenna @nolajean @jasminelouise @keshia @tink (happy birthday btw) @laikaa @sammiii @brizelll @asxna @kaydie @mistress @aemelia @willowneptune @jadore @sophoulla @sophiestonem @blaizee and so on. Seriously I have too many and don't to make this blog a tagfest haha. Even though it is give EmberStrong more attention. Since that's what I do. I give them further support and promotion. Hopefully yous all check her out.
So like the past few days I'm going to highlight my favourite set of hers, her most popular, her most underrated, her cosplay set and some EmberStrong facts. So let's get started shall we.....
Fury's Favourite EmberStrong Set
Shot by @drew
EmberStrong's Most Popular Set
Shot by @amberspice
Number of likes: 2500
EmberStrong's Most Underrated Set
Shot by @valo
Number of likes: 1123
Tbh I think @valo maybe one of SG's most underrated photographer/model. Deserves to be pink too imo!!
EmberStrong's Cosplay Set
Shot by @amberspice
Cosplaying as Harley Quinn
Some EmberStrong Facts
1. Like VictoriaBoness, she is straight edge.
2. She's A Day To Remember fangirl.
3. She's a mother.
4. One for her favourite shows is Red Dwarf. And she's now my best friend haha!
5. Like JoyMermaid, she loves pizza.
6. Her favourite video game is Crash Bandicoot.
7. She's a chocolate addict and refuses help on that, also she wants to go to the land of chocolate...
The Conclusion
Enjoying my Love A Hopeful blogs so far peeps? Got two more to go after this blog. I'm glad yous are enjoying it so far. I'm enjoying writing it. Especially it's about @emberstrong who is so deserving and love to see her pink. She is very active on this site with her blogs, posts and livestreams. I haven't joined her livestreams yet. Usually I'm a shy guy believe me or not. I know I write very detailed blogs but I am still quite shy lol. I do my best though. Did not bad for someone with ASD.
So yeah hope yous all enjoyed it and thank you for taking your time in reading it. Means a lot. That's why yous are the best and why "In Vin Diesel's voice" you are family!! 😎🤘
So tune in tomorrow same Fury Time, same Fury channel for Day Six for my Love A Hopeful blog series. So til tomorrow, hope yous are all well and got awesome plans for the weekend. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and I know yous all love me. Don't be shy like me haha. 😂😉👍