🎶Hey hey heeeey, wasa wasa wasa WHAT'S UP FURY FAMILY!!🎶
Hello everyone, hope your doing ok and welcome to the 55th edition of my long running blog series. Where I select my favourite SG sets from here recently that I want to share to yous peeps, show support and just talk about it. Yeah pretty much that.
To think it's been going on for a while. But here I am still doing it and I do enjoy writing these blogs up. Sure I had bumps on the road but I'm still around to support my favourites and just give positive vibes with my words & of course there's some jokes & serious talks. But I do my best to balance that out.
Also I am going to be blogging often since Instagram has been awful. And my fan account there is always in shadow ban. Even though I have awesome loyal supporters/friends from here having my back. That's why yous are the best. Always hate when you see your favourite model's accounts get closed down cause of some bullshit reason. Like what happen to @rubyalexia and @flareon @amortentia etc a few times. Like leave them the fuck alone. Trust me I get pissed off about it. I'm pissed off for the Alt Models/Sex Workers you know. They all work hard and it's harmless. Just don't get this generation, beginning to sound like an old man lol. But I really don't understand or want to of these people want to cancel & censor everything cause their snowflakes & miserable bastards. Like walk away and move on. I mean I had falling outs but I don't name & shame them cause I hate name & shaming. It's toxic and just harms mental health. Like come on. Yeah it is a headache and I respect the Alt Models that still keep going. Inspires me to keep going with supporting and promoting them all. That's why I came back and still dedicated to write these big blogs.
Instagram may hate Alt Models but I love yous. And so does everyone in the Fury Family/SG Community/Alt Model Community. And this blog series is me showing these models positive vibes, support and love from this Scotsman. Cause....
Lol yeah I know, pure randomness lol
Hopefully that Europop tune got you in the mood to read and hopefully yous all to go support/follow these ladies down below. They all deserve SOTDs and hopefully SGHQ agrees if they come across this blog. Going "Yep Fury is right, let's pink these girls". Don't worry their not throwing pink paint over yous. It's a metaphor for getting yous models down below a SOTD. Maybe another one or a first timer. Let's hope they all get them badges of honour!!
So to start off, we are starting in South America in Brazil. She is a favourite and also probably one of my best friends on this site......
Fury's Selections For Yous To Go & Support!!
Set: Selfie Sweater
Model: @julha
Photographer: @hilo
I couldn't start of this blog better than her. Easily one of my favourite people. It is Julha with her recent set here and of course she is beautiful. All of her sets are SOTD in my eyes. I know I'm biased sometimes but with Julha, no regrets. She deserves all the rewards she deserves. I talk to her daily. Always a banter between us. I know we have each other backs. She is a true IRL mate. I'm grateful I have made many mates on here. Of course I can't please everyone and that is true knowing how much I talk in my blogs haha. But at least I'm honest and being myself. Luckily I have met more good people online thru blogging and doing my Alt Modelling support/promote stuff like I am now. And Julha is one of those people. She is just one of the best. And of course she is a fellow Phantom Thief lol. We are nerds for Persona 5. As most who talk to me or read my blogs for a while now it is one of my all time video games. And I want to play it again. I'm so excited for Persona 3 & 4 coming out on the Xbox Series X/PS5/Switch soon. I have played 4 on my PS Vita ages ago but haven't completed it. 5 I competed twice and got the Platinum Trophy on my PSN to proof my nerdiness haha. But hey we are all nerds and that's dope. Your dope and so is Julha. Love to meet her in a Jazz Bar while slow dance to this...
Then go to some gay bar while dress up like Drag Queens cause we are fabulous darling haha. Yeah I'm being a goof but that's why yous enjoy my blogs. For myself and the models I pick. So check Julha's new set out. Help her get another SOTD. More of Hilo down below btw!!
Set: Metaverse And Y2K Aesthetics
Model: @hilo
Photographer: @ivanfilho
Yeah her entry is next, you thought it was going to be later on down below but nope it's here cause why not. And as always it's SOTD material and Hilo is beautiful as always. I'll avoid the topic of Metaverse & NFTs. Since I don't have nice things to say about it. I don't like it. So I don't want to get into a rant you know. I actually hate ranting tbh. Sometimes I do but I try to keep it now & then and if it's a big deal you know. With the Metaverse/NFT phase going on, I just don't like the idea. Think with tech like everything really. Less is more. TV, Internet & Phones is enough you know. But then again I'm old fashioned. Need to be convinced you know. But I'm convinced that Hilo needs another SOTD. We can all agree on that. Cause she is beautiful in & out. Awesome model, awesome photographer, awesome person....and has an awesome figure collection. Well her partner does but still.....
Yous all should get her out in the livestream. She is a good lass. No doubt will dig the South Park joke, I'm sure others will. I know @julha above will cause she's my homegirl haha. Anyway check out Hilo's set and help her get SOTD once again. Cause that'll be....noice!! 😎🤘
Set: To Be Titled
Model: @svetlanna
Photographer: @eveel
So lately SG did a competition on sets that are remakes of old school sets here on this site. Think of it as the remake of Resident Evil 2 but luckily not the new god awful Netflix show (hopefully no one watched lol jk). Love the Resi 2 remake, probably one of the best ever imo. So this set won the competition so well done long time favourite @svetlanna & @eveel from my SG Camp this year. And of course it is SOTD. Rightfully so. But still check it out. And hopefully we'll see more SOTD from the Caps Lock Queen herself lol. 😂😉👍
Sets: Let Us In (set 1)/Mother Of Dragons (set 2)
Models: @amelieweed (Set 1 only) & @rare (both sets)
Photographers: @ultramarie (set 1) & @elune (set 2)
So it's a double feature in this entry and both involving one of my favourites from this site & just in general. That is Rare. With a solo cosplay and a multi cosplay with Amelieweed. Who is as equally as beautiful as Rare. I mean all the models here are. Even the photographers too UltraMarie & Elune. Who are beautiful models too but show that their photography skills is top notch. Both sets are SOTD and hopefully it will be. Think all of Rare's sets are SOTD. And Amelieweed too, I'm new to her so I'm sure she'll be a regular in this blog series. Yous should go check them out. And looking at Rare's GOT cosplay set. She isn't the only one who did a Mother Of Dragons cosplay set.......
Model: @nerwen
Photographer: @akril
See here's another one and another beautiful Russian too. That is long time favourite Nerwen. Who is always drop dead gorgeous. Both in & out. She's a queen to me. Always such a lovely follower, supporter and friend to me. And of course like Rare above, she is apart of the Fury Family. I've never been the biggest GOT fan tbh, just never got into it. Even though it looks awesome. Just didn't like the story and characters. But I know others love it and I can see why. It's beautiful. Like Nerwen, only with Nerwen. She is beautiful but she's a good character & probably has a better story too. I know her SG career is a good story for sure. She started from the bottom and now she's here, a multi SOTDer. Rightfully so. She deserves it. She's a wonderful woman and this set really deserve to be SOTD. It's pure art. If I was shooting models like Nerwen, it'll be like this. Of course Akril did a great job as always. Always one of my favourite photographers on the site. And I'm sure this will be SOTD. So go ahead peeps, make it happen!!
Set: Allure
Model: @sierhaus
Photographer: @caustix
Here's a model that I should feature more. Here is the always lovely Sierhaus back in the FSS with this set. Yeah like I said I should feature her more. In my blogs and in my post on my Instagram fan account. She is beautiful and definitely deserves of the love & SOTDs. I'm sure this one will be another one. While checking out her recent post here. She is a keen hiker/walker too. I haven't hike in a while myself. I'm usually a walker you know. But I love it too. Good for my mental health. It definitely helped me out a lot last year when I was a wreak. Got better and it really was cause I was doing a lot of walking but also doing a lot of cooking too. Those things definitely helps. Especially since with my ASD. You have to really look after yourself mentally cause most people in the Autistic folk are sensitive & emotional. Luckily I'm on the spectrum, I'm not really in the Autistic tree but I have bits of it. Hope that makes sense. But I'm in control of my emotions since I've improve thru getting help and just learn. That's how to grow as a person. And going for walks/hikes is good for the soul. Love looking at Sierhaus's hiking pics. Hopefully see more. Since it's always cool that it's more than just sets here of beautiful ladies well naked lol. You see that their awesome people in general too. And I do my best to represent that in my blogs and have been doing it for a few years now. Feels like yesterday haha. Anyway do go check her out and help her get SOTD once again. 😊👍
Set: Sailor Scout
Model: @victoriaboness
Photographer: Smiley Morris
Here's another model that is a keen hiker herself. That is Victoria Bones. And also a hopeful that I don't know why she is overlooked. IMO should be pink. But I'm always saying it everytime she is in my blogs & posts. I mean look at her. She's beautiful and she's super nice too. I don't understand. But hey I do want every model pink so there you go. But she should be. Still has one of the best smiles ever. She's just an awesome lass in general. Like I said, loves to hike too and always love seeing her adventures in her own blogs here. Also a fellow metalhead too. I do hope that day will come that Victoria Bones is pink on SG. Still be mentioning it. I do remember HQ front page my Hopeful Highlight blog of her. Tbh I rather see the models I support get front page with a SOTD. I mean I'm grateful for the front page treatment but I love it if models like Victoria get the SOTD treatment. It's why I still write these blogs. But even if their not on SOTD. Least their in the FSS blog series and getting supported by the Fury Family (my followers). And even people that are tagged in this blog. Since a lot of my feedbacks say my blogs are important & everyone is very grateful & appreciate these blogs of mine. So hopefully one day Victoria turns pink. Hopefully I convince yous dear readers to help her turn pink. I know fellow SG members are reading. Please do. More the merrier. Victoria truly deserves it like the rest of the models here in this edition. So go check her out and help her turn pink at long last!!
Set: Boogie Down
Model: @samihain
Photographer: @samihain
Finally we have the lovely Samihain in the FSS blog. I believe this is her FSS blog debut. Not sure but she's on this one. I'm glad since me & her have been having awesome convos for a while and she's a top supporter to me. And of course her sets are all SOTD material too. Like this self shot set she did for the Set Competition SG was hosting. Which @svetlanna won as mentioned above. But this set here from Samihain should be SOTD too as well. As always she is beautiful & last I checked. She is close to 2000, the magic number. Hopefully that is the case. She truly deserves it. She is an awesome lass. Love talking to her. We're into the same stuff. And also is a fellow ASD person like myself. Over the years I've been blogging about models. I discover that most are in the same spectrum as myself. Of course I won't mention all of them since one, it'll take me long & second, they want to keep it to themselves. But I'm always happy to hear and meet ppl in the Autistic Spectrum. Makes me feel unalone. But we are not alone. We got each other in the Fury Family/SG community. As we should be. I know there was drama at the beginning of the year. But it's always better to keep supporting, make amends, talk it over, solve the problem, squash the beef, etc rather than ghost people & eventually eat your mental health up. Trust me, been there and done that years ago. It brings in more misery, trust me. Luckily I get along with nearly everyone and I have zero beef or hard feelings to anyone. We all get emotional and say things out of context. Especially online since people welcome drama. It is easy to react back to it. We all been there. But it's actually best to leave it alone and just focus on the positives. You don't want drama. It's why I left Twitch. It was a dumpster fire to me so I left. And I'm doing a lot better now. Back on my blogs and supporting awesome people like Samihain here. Who is great and beautiful. Definitely deserves SOTD once again. So go check it out and get down with the boogie. Speaking of boogie.....
Set: Dreams DO Come True!
Models: @janesinner & @katherine
Photographer: @tripodski
Hi Tripodski, how you doin? Yep it's my disco loving favourite photographer Tripodski time of the FSS blog. I think we all know he's a regular. "In Vin Diesel's voice" he is family after all! 😎 So here is one of his awesome works. This of which I believe is a lot of SG members/models/staff/photographer dream multi set. That is of two SG legends that are Katherine & JaneSinner. Both beautiful as always and of course it'll be SOTD for sure. How can it not. It is a match made in the Alt Model heaven lol. But it is an awesome set. Taking in one of Tripodski's many shootfests he does along with EliteOnlineMag. Always working with my favourite models and these two are up there as favourites for sure. I mean I think their favourites of so many on the site & beyond. Their legends. Some people say I'm a legend in my feedback. But I just write blogs. The models & the awesome photographers are the true legends. They all work hard to create sets/vids aka content for our entertainment and deserve the appreciation like my blogs & support. But hey if people say "You are a legend Fury!!" I'm taking it. Who knows may rename myself as The Legend Of Fury haha. But nah I'm just happy to write blogs and support yous lovely people who are alt models & the photographers. So yous know what to do. Go support them and help them get SOTD once again. Now that will be a dream come true. Like seeing @victoriaboness above finally turning pink!!
Set: A Single Second
Model: @seasick
Photographer: @tripodski
You think I was done with Tripodski's work in this blog?
(BTW side note I miss posting gifs, idk why I can't do it now thru my laptop now..odd!)
No we are having another Tripodski special. This time it's a hopeful like Victoria Bones who is long overdue to be turned pink on this site. That is the always lovely Seasick. Who's another favourite of mine and just a cool lass in general. She's just a cool cat. If only everyone took a second to go support and help Seasick turn pink. The better. She truly deserves it. I don't think I have to tell you what you need to do. Yous are smart. Be awesome if Seasick gets turned pink soon. Be so awesome. Just an awesome emo wrestling loving lass and so am I lol jk I'm a fella. But joking aside she should get SOTD. Her sets are awesome and this one should be one of them. So check it out my dudes & my dudettes!! 😎🤘
Set: A Different Meeting
Model: @heiwa
Photographer: @gloom
Now here's a hopeful I've been supporting for a while and that is the lovely Heiwa. From the @suicidegirlsspain side of SG. With FSS regular Gloom doing the photography and as always. It is fantastic. Heiwa is like Seasick above, a hopeful that I love to do a Hopeful Highlight blog of one day. She truly deserves it but hopefully she'll be pink soon. She truly deserves it. I know I say that a lot but it's also true. Heiwa is always beautiful. Both in & out. But I'll save most details for that Hopeful Highlight blog. Or an Appreciation Blog if she is turned pink. I wish I could tell you how yous can turn pink Hopefuls. But the best to my knowledge. It's up to SGHQ. Least I can do is convince the people reading this to go support and follow Heiwa here. You won't regret it. She's a Zelda fan, an Anime fan and of course she's beautiful. Hope the day when Heiwa turns pink comes sooner than later. Check her out peeps. You know it makes sense!!
Set: Softer Side
Model: @alicii
Photographer: @anilorac
Here's a model that I've discovered while reviewing the Members Review for sets to support on this blog. As well as the models & photographers too. That is Alicii here. Who is so beautiful. And of course Anilorac is awesome as always. No matter what she does. Modelling or photography, it's always SOTD material with Anilorac or Carolina. She's someone I should write an Appreciation Blog of. Making a note of it. Yeah I have notes on potential next Appreciation & Hopeful Highlight blog entries. Carolina is one of them. I'm sure Alicii will be the same one day too. She's already pink and I do think she'll have lots of SOTDs in the future for sure. Like I hope this set is SOTD. If yous feel the same, go support & follow Alicii here. More the merrier.
Set: Sin City
Model: @satan
Photographer: @andrea_arcore
Yeah created a meme, I actually am going to try creating my own memes since it is hard to find video quotes these days. Thanks youtube for your unfair copyright BS lol. But anyway here is this recent set from a new favourite of mine. Satan. Not the devil. This lovely Italian model that I love her to become a regular in my blog series. She is beautiful and hopefully will be a multi SOTDer. I don't know if she's a fan of the film or the graphic novel. But I am. Love the first Sin City film. So badass. I do love noir stuff. Wish I see more in films & tv shows today. I think there's animes that do that but I'm not sure lol. But yeah Sin City is my jam. I would talk about the film further but I don't want to spoil the film for yous lovely people. Yous should go see it. I do recommend it. Like I recommend supporting Satan here and helping her get SOTD once again. She is very beautiful and I think she'll be a popular model on here. Already began and rightfully so. So go check her out. "Girl gets a SOTD, the man continues to write....fair trade!"
Model: @pistache
Photographer: @anilorac
Here we have another set shot by Anilorac or Carolina. Another great work my her. And it's Pistache. Who I believe is making her FSS blog debut. And she is beautiful. No doubt this a radio themed set. Which makes sense since according to her vital stats, loves her music. And everyone who has been my blogs long enough know that I do share music videos on my FSS blogs and in my blogs in general cause I am a music nut too lol. Even still listen to the radio. If your wondering Wolfman Radio is my favourite. Think most from @suicidegirlsuk know why. I do know @tripodski knows why 😉 lol. But yeah it's great. Like this set is great, Anilorac is great, Pistache is great, your great, I'm great and..........
Haha yeah I know I'm a goof sometimes haha. But still yous should go check out Pistache's set and help her get SOTD once again. Cause that'll be grrrrrrreat! 😂😉👍
Set: Chun-Li Fights Like A Girl!
Model: @gravetimes
Photographer: @tripodski
Back again with a sonic boom lol. It's another Tripodski masterwork. This time with Gravetimes. Who's another newcomer that is back in the FSS blog with this awesome cosplay set. Which will make people say..Hadwowken...get it....instead of hadouken they said hadwowken...right?...right?
Lol yeah it's a bad joke haha. No promise that this entry will not have street fighter puns. So let me Guile you into Ryu should help Gravetimes turn pink (somewhere @jasminelouise is loving these puns lol). Lol yeah I know I'm being a goof in this entry haha. But you can tell from my awful puns that I'm a fan of Street Fighter too (give a minute to think of that ingenious pun there lol). In all seriousness I do love the games. Last one I played was the Street Fighter vs Tekken game on the PS Vita & PS3. Haven't played much of the newer ones but I do hear their good. Also the new one is coming out soon, Street Fighter 6. Should be a good one. Like this set from Gravetimes. Who is beautiful as always. And truly deserves to be pink. So go help her turn pink. Follow/Support her. If not I might Tiger Uppercut yous or Yoga Flame jk. I don't Ken those moves....ok I'll stop haha. Even saying in my head as I'm typing "stop these bloody puns Kevin" lol. But truthfully go check Gravetimes out, you'll like her!! 😊👍
Set: Sun Daze
Model: @nesty
Photographer: @mimo
So here's a favourite of mine from @suicidegirlsitaly and that is Nesty. Shot by a favourite of mine from @suicidegirlsspain Mimo. With that combo, equals this should be SOTD set. It is awesome and beautiful like the two ladies. I do talk about Mimo a lot, even wrote a Appreciation Blog of her. Check that out in my past blog highlights below. Now let's talk about Nesty. Who is beautiful and a multi SOTDer. Rightfully so btw. Love her work and I'm sure this set will be another SOTD in the bag. Be her 15th SOTD if that happens and wow, 14 SOTDs. Nesty is a SG legend which I'm sure everyone will agree. No doubt this one will be her 15th. Just a matter of time. Like a new Tomb Raider, just a matter of time in getting a new one. Also Nesty is fan of Tomb Raider as well as Resident Evil & Crash. Think she stole my heart lol. Always cool to hear and read in this case cause I always look at the vital stats in profiles here on this site. Helps me write more than she is beautiful & all of that. Shows that I read, pay attention and of course give a damn. Cause with SG is more than Alt Modelling. And I love showcasing the model's interest and them as the awesome people they are. Along with making jokes, etc lol. But I do love supporting the models. Even if no one reads, still support them. And I know people are supporting Nesty & rightfully so. Keep doing it. She does deserve it. And who knows, I'll write an Appreciation Blog about her in the near future. Like @mimo who is proving to be a great photographer herself. Yeah just an awesome set as always from Nesty. I'm sure it'll be SOTD soon. Check it out if yous haven't.
Set: Goddess Of The Moon
Model: @juliju
Photographer: @kramarenko
🎶Now we are flying to the moon and back if yous please, if you please help Juliju get another SOTD yeaaah🎶 Sorry I was rewriting lyrics from this song...
But nevertheless here is the latest set from one of my favourites. Got nothing but love for Juliju. Definitely one of the favourites of mine. She is a FSS regular now and of course apart of the Fury Family. She's just awesome and the set title is true, she is a goddess. Always love hearing from her. Definitely a beloved person in the SG community. And rightfully so. Always nice and supportive to everyone. Love seeing her cosplay work. And I'm kicking myself that I didn't feature her Multi Set with @meixime when they cosplayed Johnny & Daniel San from Cobra Kai. A TV Show that I need to start watching soon. Especially since I'm a fan of Karate Kid. So that's in my watchlist. Just like this set should be on your Sets To Support list. So go help Juliju here get another SOTD. 🎶Got A Ticket to an auto SOTD which she deserves, so would you please help her yeaaahh🎶
Set: Love Is Love
Model: @krissi
Photographer: @elune
Next up we got the lovely Krissi here with this set with a message. And shot by FSS regular Elune, who's just been awesome as photographer like her modelling. And this is another top notch job she did doing the photography for Krissi's set here. Love is love indeed. I'm glad there's more acceptance towards people's sexuality choices. I mean you are who you are, there's nothing wrong with that. And I'm glad there's more LGBTQ+ acceptance. I mean I'm straight but I have friends who are gay, Bisexual/Pansexual and Lesbian. I remember my gay friend was heavily bullied in school cause of it and it is fucking awful. I just never get the hate. Some people do create problems when theirs no problem at all. And it just not right. But I'm glad theirs more acceptance these days. It's like there's more awareness on Autism and being on the spectrum like myself. Cause trust me, I know what getting bullied is like and it is bad. That's why I love writing blogs like this since I do know it helps many and also makes people feel not alone. Luckily for LGBTQ+ people out there, you're not alone. Your welcome in the Fury Family. No discrimination here. Be who you are and do what makes you happy. Be around awesome people who choose love over BS drama. Like Krissi here. Who choose to be with @elune @olgakulaga @shameless etc and seems more happy. Good for her and them also. Wish them all the best. And also wish for Krissi to get SOTD once again. So go check her new set. Choose love peeps!! 😎🤘❤
Set: Pure Desire
Model: @lisaberry
Photographer: @akril
So here is another favourite newcomer of mine. Here is the lovely Lisaberry. Looking beautiful as always in this Akril masterworked set. Definitely a SOTD in the making. Hopefully it will be. I'm sure it will. I mean it is a no brainier. She is very beautiful. This is her second set on SG and already pink. Rightfully so. She's actually got recruited here by FSS regular & a proud member of the Fury Family @olgakulaga and already popular. Good for her and I do hope there is more SOTDs for her, like with this set. Reading her vital stats, I see she is a fan of Aerosmith. Same, in fact this song was the last song I listened to while typing this entry.....
This is probably my favourite tune from them besides Dream On. Love it tackles a serious subject and make awareness on it. Also it's a top tune. Just like this set is a top notch set. So go check it out and help Lisa get another SOTD!! 😎🤘
Set: Vortex Of Fate
Model: @kettle
Photographer: @mipha
Here is someone who's been a FSS regular for a good while and that is the always lovely Kettle. Back with another top notch cosplay set. Not only an awesome model and she's also a fellow SG blogger like yours truly. Always writing blogs to support the awesome models in @suicidegirlsaustralia so it's great to read too. Yous should check those blogs out and discover some @suicidegirlsaustralia models that deserve your support peeps. Always love to highlight that everytime I get to talk about Kettle here. As well as her sets are SOTD material. Like this one. I love The Witcher, think it's awesome. The Witcher 3 is one of my all time favourite video games and of course they have beautiful ladies in the game too. Like Triss, in which Kettle is cosplaying. I remember it was a hard pick to choose either be in a relationship with Triss or Yenniffer. If your wondering I pick Yenniffer but I'm thinking in my next playthrough, go with Triss like in the first two games. I love The Witcher before it was cool to. I played the first Witcher game on the PC back in 2007 and was really good. Still have that copy in my house somewhere lol. I don't have the books yet but will one day. I know Kettle be like "what? you don't have the books, how dare you" lol jk. Definitely will one day for sure. Like I hope this set will be another SOTD for Kettle. She always deserves it. So go check it out peeps. That is your quest!! 😉👍
Set: Eat Your Heart Out, Gwendolyn!
Model: @nolajean
Photographer: @tripodski
🎶Guess who's back, back again? Tripodski is back, with NolaJean🎶 Yep it's another Tripodski special. This time with NolaJean, one of my all time favourites. Always in my FSS blogs and just a regular of my support work. She's awesome and beautiful in & out. And also it's a Spider-Man cosplay. And yous should know by now that I am a Spider-man fanboy. Like I'm a fanboy of Nola and Tripodski of course lol. Yeah move aside Gwen Stacy, MJ is here. Or should I say NJ. Cause Nola is a superhero. Always taking a stand of what it's right and she is just a badass. Think Insomniac Games should put NolaJean in Spider-Man 2 and kicking everyone's ass lol. Hell put me in too, I have superpowers too. Where's yous think I got these writing skills, cause I'm accceee haha. But jokes aside she is beautiful as always. This set was taking from Tripodski's shootfest earlier in the year. And hopefully this is another SOTD for Nola. She always deserves it. So go check it out peeps....."In Vin Diesel's Voice" She's family! 😎🤘
Set: S.H.I.E.L.D
Model: @riia
Photographer: @chascoby
Last but not least for this edition of the FSS blog is probably one of my favourite cosplay sets. This is from the always lovely Riia, back on the FSS blog. Or as Agent Smith from the Matrix would say...
Dude it's Riia, not Mr Anderson ya idiot lol. But yeah she is back on the FSS blog and she's been missed. And she is back with this awesome cosplay set from fellow Las Marlettes Chascoby. As always, great job with the photography. I mean who doesn't love Marvel? Also Black Widow is awesome. Still yet to she Black Widow's film. I should though. Needed a break from watching all the Marvel stuff cause there is so many of them. Especially since No Way Home is so epic. But think I will get back onto them after writing this blog. So when your reading this. Be watching films, giving my fingers a rest. As yous all go support these sets in this blog. Especially this one. Riia is beautiful as always. Love to see her get SOTD once again for this incredible cosplay set. So yous knows what to do. Go check it out and help her get SOTD once again!!
A Selection Of Fury's Past Blogs!
(As mentioned in @nesty entry)
My Appreciation Blog of @infernum
(About my holiday in Spain, SG Exclusive)
(The topic was What Makes Me Happy, SG Exclusive)
(My first food blog. Check it out if you want a good pasta dish to cook)
Fury's Spider-Man blog special
(That @nolajean set would be on there too)
Hopeful Highlight blog of @ronnie
Hopeful Highlight blog of @sookysins
(My most recent one and a long overdue one)
(Featuring sets from @nerwen @shameless @jemjem @braaa @rare @katherine @marlene @rubyalexia @amra @missfernandez @gloom @narumi @sprite @dyogenes @janesinner @mimo @vintage @olgakulaga @eveel @diandra @blizzard @truthfairy @kitsu @lauretta @jjade @gnomi @meixime @juliju @flareon @turmalina @aloy @peggysue @demi @fla and @felline)
The Conclusion
Yep all done random baby haha!
So that is the end of my FSS blog today. Thank you so much for taking up your free time in reading it peeps. It means a lot. Especially since I make my blogs big. But hope yous enjoyed it and hopefully check out these sets I pick. They all deserve the SOTD treatment!!
Life has been good at my end. Just been keeping busy with my cooking and of course blogging. Been playing a lot of video games. Mostly Saints Row games like Saints Row The Third and the Fourth one. But not the new one since it looks so awful and doesn't look like fun. Looks dead boring tbh with you. So I just playing the one ones instead. Also Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is pretty solid too. Also I'm rewatching Buffy again. Love Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I still go out to the shops for ingredients for my dishes and of course as I mentioned in my @sierhaus & @victoriaboness enteries, love to go for walks too. I'm lucky that I live in Scotland. Many walks here. So things are actually good in my end. 😊👍
Also I can't thank all of yous enough for following me and chatting to me. So many of yous are so kind to me. I am grateful to all the friends I've made on here and are still following me. Means a lot. Hope yous all enjoy my blogs and I know many do. I know it looks like a lot of work but tbh it's not really. I take my time with my blogs. No rush here. Also I've been listen to very chill out LoFi music, thanks to @rare for the recommendation. So it's pretty therapeutic for me. Hopefully it is therapeutic to read if you overlook my random jokes haha. 😂😉
A big thank you goes to @blaizee for giving me HelloFresh vouchers the other week. Had good meals from that lot and all thanks to Blaizee friend voucher. She didn't had to but she did it anyway cause what are friends for. If that's not proof that I've made friends here, I don't what will. But I know that I have great online mates from my blogs and support in general. Just cause I buy Sex Work content, doesn't mean I can be friends with them. Nothing wrong with that. I don't force it, it is up to them but I do know I have friends for life and all that. So I'm forever grateful. And that's why I do what I do. Basically I'm this meme in the nutshell....
So thank you again for reading my long ass blog as always peeps lol. I do appreciate it and thank you. Yous are the best!!
Next blog will be an Appreciation Blog. And it's a model from @suicidegirlsuk so hope yous join me and be on the lookout for that. Until then hope yous are ok out there and your all doing well in your personal lives. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and ok one more Street Fighter pun...
@missy @penny @eirenne @lust @kiley @rambo @sean