🎶Hey hey heeeeey wasa wasa wasa what's up Fury Family🎶
Hey everyone and welcome back or welcome to my long running blog series, Fury's FSS. Where I support the awesome sets on SG recently and of course supporting the models & photographers cause I'm a neat guy lol.
Yeah still here and still getting better with writing & also my mental health in general. This summer for me has been the total opposite of my summer last year. Even though I had good points. Last year I was up in the Highlands in my country of Scotland enjoying a long weekend or a few days there. But besides that I wasn't in a good place mentally. And even quit SG for a while til I decided to come back since so many miss me and also I don't want to loss an awesome thing that I build thru my blogs. That's the supporters and friends of mine I've made here. And also I want to continue to support the awesome models here and the awesome photographers too. These days I don't think about getting on Front Page or beg for followers or anything like that. Even though I'm forever grateful to when I do get those. I do these blogs of mine cause I know it helps with a lot of the people's mental health and just feel positive you know. I mean I always get awesome feedback and I think I'm just doing my best to just help out on my end. Write positive, meaningful, funny and kind stuff to help the models & photographers feel loved & appreciated by a Scotsman with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, who's a home cook, laidback, dealing with mental health issues and also has an awesome collection of many things. Like video games. Cause I do play video games lol.
Yeah I'm not long back from my vacation over in Spain. Was there for two and a half weeks. Wrote a blog about it, yous will find it in my profile. Totally optional.
Hopefully yous all had a good summer. I'm so happy mine was great. Especially since last year I was down in the dumps but I'm better mentally. Even though I am still working on my mental health & still struggle in crowds cause I have crowd phobia. Which is why I was a shut in for the longest time. So never been travelling on my own or been to many places. But I'm getting there and getting better. I'm sure it'll be the same for yous too if yous feel down in the dumps. I think I stop doing things that made me unhappy and moved on from people who made me unhappy & left them alone. That's what to do. If someone is putting you down, get them out of your lives. You don't deserve that. Yous deserve better. Like the photographers & of course the models....SOTDs. And me, a girlfriend & a photography career!
So let's start up this edition of the FSS blog with this set. Featuring one of my long time favourites and a KungFury regular......
Fury's Favourite Recent SG Sets
Set: Take My Blues Away
Model: @rare
Photography by @akril
Yep I'm starting off with probably one of my longest favourites & good friend of mine. Definitely a member of the Fury Family. That is the always lovely Rare. And as always she is just beautiful. Well one thing that is for sure is that she is taking my breath away like that tune from Top Gun lol. I definitely need to see the new Top Gun, Top Gun Maverick. I do hear it's awesome. Like this set from Rare. But then again all of her sets are awesome and deserve to be SOTD. But I think everyone who follows me and my blogs know that. I mean she truly deserves all the love she gets. She truly does. I remember my Hopeful Highlight blog did well and it is my most successful one since it was on Front Page & of course Rare is popular within the SG community & in the Fury Family. Rightfully so, she is beautiful in & out. Happy to met her and continue to blog & support her. If yous haven't check her out. Go do it. More the merrier. She really does work on great content & sets. Whatever if it's solo or with another beautiful model, like this pic of her & @vandalik
Yeah exactly. I mean who doesn't love G/G content or as I call it Girl Love. Cause I'm classy lol. So when I say more support to the models, the better. It is always great to highlight the models. Especially with Rare. Cause she is active, kind and beautiful all roll up into one awesome sandwich. So go check Rare out and as check out Vandalik too, she's beautiful and deserve more support/love too.
Set: Cui Cui
Model: @marlene
Photography by @penny
Here's another one from the Fury Family. A long time regular to my blogs too and that is the always beautiful Marlene. As always, her sets are incredible & nearly all of them are SOTD in my eyes. As well as many on SG. I mean who doesn't love Marlene? well your reading the wrong blog if are but I don't think that exist and thank fuck lol. Not only she is beautiful, but she's always so kind and supportive herself. I do keep in touch with her & @chinaski even if I'm not around Alt Models/SG/SW/etc. Their IRL friends in my book. I know these days she is busy being a tattoo artist. And she does great work. I would link to her tattoo social media page but I think she wants to keep it private. But it is great work she does with her tattoo career. Like her Alt Modelling career here on SG. My Appreciation Blog of Marlene was a personal blog of mine to write. Cause like me she is into video games and TV shows. She'll be glad to know that I am getting the Life Is Strange remasters on my new Xbox Series X and also I got her & Chinaski into Alan Wake. Also we are Buffy fans and X Files fans. Seriously yous two if your reading this, get your asses to Scotland lol jk. But yeah she is awesome. And Penny did a great job with the photography as always. Another Appreciation Blog entry of mine. So yeah go check her recent set out and help her get another SOTD. She feels she is forgotten, which is not true. We all love Marlette. Hell I still mention Les Marlettes cause it's 4 life. Cause I care, hints why she is in this blog and always will have entries in my blogs. Why.......
Set: Like The Ocean
Photography by @thimeow
Yeah you know I'll feature my favourites from Brazil. And we got an awesome Multi set here. Featuring Felline and long time favourite Fla. Both are beautiful and of course it's Girl Love. I mean this has SOTD written all over it. Cause well both are beautiful and of course my long time favourite photographer/model Thimeow does a great job with the photography as always. Beautiful just like the ocean. I always love going down the beach for my walks. I'm lucky I live at the beach here in Scotland. And it's always breath-taking. One of the things I love to do one day is go out in the ocean on a boat and fish. Cause I'm all about stuff that is relaxing. I'm not aiming for things with crowds since of course I have social anxiety & got crowd phobia. So I look for places where it's more relax and quiet. Even though I am getting in the crowds to overcome my anxieties. I'm fighting it. Like I'm fighting to help these ladies get SOTD/Support from yous peeps. So go and support these two. Also look out for my Fla Appreciation Blog very soon. Long overdue!!
Set: All To Myself
Model: @demi
Photography by @tripodski
Come on yous should know that a Tripodski set is going to be in the FSS blog. Hell a few of them. Since Trip is a mate and my favourite SG photographer. Always going to shoutout and support his top notch work. Like this one of Demi, making her FSS blog debut. And she's an Aussie. I do see her around, working with my favourites like @rubyalexia @ivygehenna @gloom etc along with another Aussie model (Next Entry) and yeah Demi is beautiful. And I'm sure she'll be a regular on the FSS blog series. Definitely making waves this lass from Down Under. And rightfully so. So go check out @demi give her a follow/support and help her get another SOTD. Totally deserves it. And speaking of Tripodski, he also shoot a set with another awesome model from the @suicidegirlsaustralia side of SG........
Set: Pastel Dreams
Model: @peggysue
Photography by @tripodski
Yep my boi Tripodski is busy shooting a lot of sets and of course more on the way. No spoilers, I have seek previews cause I'm special lol. But also cause gives me ideas on who to write and support so it is helpful. Even though I never ask, my friends I've made on SG are so generous lol...and of course thank you. But anyway I'm rambling on like I do lol. Here is the other model that Trip shot of from @suicidegirlsaustralia like @demi above. That being PeggySue. Who is beautiful as always and I think I featured her in my past FSS blog before. But she is in this one along with her bestie Demi so....
Haha yeah got that meme from watching Uncle Roger on Youtube haha. But yeah Peggy is beautiful. Definitely deserves to get SOTD once again along with Demi above. If so, FUIYO. Again Uncle Roger reference. Hey it is helping me cook better egg fried rice so I thank him for that. MSG seasoning on my steaks are ace. Like Peggy is ace, Demi is ace and of course Tripodski is ace. Yous are ace. Ok I'll stop saying ace a lot. So go help PeggySue get another SOTD for this ace set.....fuuck I get it again haha. 😂😉
Sets: Maid In Italy (Set 1)/Limited Edition (Set 2)/Intimacy (Set 3)
Photography by @tripodski (Set 1 & 3) and @niallpatterson (Set 2)
So it's double feature in this entry and it's all about this lovely ladies. That are @braaa & @jemjem two of some of my favourites. As you see we got both awesome solo sets from them each and one awesome duo set of them together. Of course it is shot by Tripodski and it is awesome. I am on and off a backer of Tripodski on his Patreon and one of the things I see is his videos of the models he worked with. Including of both Braaa & Jem here. And it will break the internet if it wasn't private, trust me it is too hot lol. Hopefully I sold you to Tripodski's Patreon. Also it is on Braaa & JemJem's OnlyFans too. Their all brilliant. I have joined both model's onlyfans and it is worth it, trust me. Also I should thank Braaa for those videos I got from her, only she knows. Which involved other models in a hot tub...I'll leave it at that. Again go to Braaa's OnlyFans & ask for it. Also she's awesome, you'll love it like these sets. JemJem is definitely a new favourite of mine, good convos with her and consider her a good friend too. Hey nothing wrong with being mates with models you support. And I do love talking to both the ladies & of course Tripodski too but he knows that. Same with Niall too, he's always a favourite of mine and a mate too. He did a great job as always with Jem's set. So please go support all three of those sets and help all four, being the models & the photographers get SOTD. They all deserve it like me cooking them one of my Italian dishes lol. 😊👍
Set: The Chosen One
Model: @aloy
Photography by @bretema
Here's Aloy with her new set and she is the chosen one alright. I mean she's in this blog & I choose her to be here along with many others lol. But yeah Aloy is always beautiful, both in & out. One of my favourites from @suicidegirlsspain as well as the photographer/model shooting this, Bretema. As always, great work. As you see from the first pic, she's wearing a Sirius Black T Shirt. Which of course. Her being a Harry Potter fan. I mean who isn't? Crazy people that's who lol jk. But yeah I love Harry Potter. I actually enjoy the books more than the films. Don't get me wrong, their good but the books are so much better. I know JK Rowling isn't the best human being these days but she did give us awesome books like Harry Potter. So yeah it is rubbish that. It's like with Joss Wheaton you know. Like I'm the biggest Buffy, Angel & Firefly fan out there & of course love his work on the Marvel films. Even though his work with Justice League was questionable. Since I think we all agree that the Zack Snyder cut is way better. Like I just wish talented people can be awesome people at the same time. Since I do hate hearing that. That's why I do blogs like this and support/show appreciation to models like Aloy here & Bretema too. Cause they are awesome and yous should go and support them. Help Aloy get another SOTD. She is chosen!!
Sets: Sweetest Rainbow (Set 1)/Everybody Wins (Set 2)/We Are The Weirdos (Set 3)/Pet Me (Set 4)
Models: @meixime @missmarilynn @juliju @flareon & @turmalina
Photography by @diamondmachine (Set 1)/@fromlimbo (Set 2)/@kramarenko (Set 3) & @torro (Set 4)
This entry is an all @suicidegirlsargentina special. Since it is hard to separate ones, but it makes sense. Since the Argentinean side of SG is basically like a family. And yous know with me, "Vin Diesel Voice" It's all about family! I don't need to mention their names. You see them and I think their all brilliant & beautiful in and out. But I'll mention their names cause their all awesome ladies. Juliju for example is always so supportive and just a nice lass. Meixime is one of my favourites to talk to. Flareon is one of my long time favourites & good mates on SG. So we got those models who are favourites and members of the Fury Family. Then there's Turmalina & MissMarilynn, ones I will support more since their beautiful & awesome models as well that everyone should go & support. As yous see. All 4 sets are SOTD worthy. Especially The Craft Cosplay one. I'm sure @hex would be a fan of that set too since she's a big fan of the film like I am. I actually wish they were Alt girls in my school but nope. I wasn't lucky, hell there was barely any Alt people in my school days and youth. I was kinda the only Alt dude in my part of Scotland but oh well lol. But it is an awesome set like the other 3. Give all four sets support guys. Help these ladies get SOTD once again. Otherwise they'll put a curse on you if you don't. I'm not joking.......ok I am lol. But still go help them and support them, you'll love them like I do peeps!!
Sets: Love Buzz (Set 1)/No Power In The 'Verse Can Stop Me! (Set 2)
Model: @gnomi
Photography by @gemmaedwardsuk (Set 1) & @autumnsky (Set 2)
Here is one of my favourite people/models & friend back with not one but two sets in this blog cause she's that awesome lol. Yep it's Gnomi. A long time regular visitor in the FSS blog series of mine and of course she's in the Fury Family. We are a big family after all. We have purple stuff, cakes and burgers, don't worry there's vegan burgers too cause I care lol. But anyway, pick two sets of Gnomi since there both recent and why not right. Her sets are SOTD in my eyes. Like her singing. I mean if yous missed out on her cover videos. Look them up on her profile. Here's one example....
Yeah she nails Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill alright. Just like me nailing an Eddie Munson cosplay, oh I can do it lol. Hellfire Club 4 life. Yeah I'm a big Stranger Things fanboy lol. Like I'm a Gnomi fanboy. Both sets are awesome, like the photographers of both. Gemma & Autumn are both awesome. Great work from them as always. So please do help Gnomi get another SOTD once again by checking out both sets. Make it happen peeps!! 😎🤘
Set: Between Her Fingers
Model: @jjade
Photography by @tripodski
Yeah you won't find this on Wolfman Radio haha. Only Tripodski will understand that reference. He'll understand this reference. In between JJade's fingers is ketchup cause Ketchup belongs on a bacon roll. Yeah so to those who don't understand I join the Wolfman Radio chatroom & basically we all have a laugh there. And then the topic goes up on what you add to your Bacon Roll. I go ketchup but everyone gives me shit for it and I'm like dudes come on haha. It is all fun and games over there. But that's Tripodski for you. All fun and games. It's no wonder we are good mates, just jack the lads really lol. But this is another awesome work from him of the always lovely Italian JJade. Who is probably all fun and games too. I'm still new to her. And haven't chat to her much but I'm sure she loves a laugh. I mean who doesn't? Crazy people that's who. But she is very beautiful and I'm sure she'll get another SOTD soon. And I'm sure she'll be a Tripodski regular like she'll be a regular in these blogs of mine. More the merrier. I do love supporting and helping out on my end. While having fun at the same time by doing random humour lol. But yeah go support Jjade. Also it's not ketchup in between her fingers, it's cake. Cause everyone loves cake, I mean who doesn't? crazy people...I'm sure am saying "I mean who doesn't? Crazy people" a lot am I haha. Anyway go support JJade, you'll love her peeps!!
Set: Bedroom Games
Model: @lauretta
Photography by @r_girardi
From one Italian to another here. And it is the always lovely Lauretta. Another favourite from the @suicidegirlsitaly side. Who is up to playing games in the bedroom. Sounds like fun lol. I actually had like a game I play in my bedroom when I was a kid with my brother and it was our own Pillow Boxing league with our mates. Yeah I know it was stupid haha. But hey I kick ass at it. But I'm a kick ass guy lol. Like Lauretta here kicks ass. She is beautiful and I'm sure she'll get another SOTD very soon. Probably by the time you read this. Rightfully so. So go check her set out. Cause that'll kick ass!! 😎🤘
Model: @kitsu
Photography by @tripodski
Yep this blog is Tripodski heavy as always, he works hard and shoots lots of sets. Which is why I do give him appreciation for his incredible work. As well as my good mate Kitsu here. As always she is beautiful and her sets are all SOTD in my eyes. She's one of my all time favourites from this site & love chatting to her. Even though she's very busy. I do hope she is doing ok and I'm sure she is. Probably busy taking care of her horses & studying. Be cool if she was a neighbour of mine. I can finally bake since my folks are not bake fans. But my sister and her family are. Kinda reminds me, need to bake that Chocolate Orange Cake. I'll share that in a blog somepoint. But yeah as always this is an awesome set from Kitsu. And hopefully it'll be another SOTD for her. She always deserves it. So go give her support and help her get SOTD once again peeps!!
Set: A Good Afternoon In The Metropolis
Model: @truthfairy
Photography by @babu
Here we have one of the hopefuls I love to see turn pink in the near future. That is the lovely Truthfairy. Rocking her Poison Ivy cosplay I think or maybe it's Mera from Aquaman. I'm thinking it's Poison Ivy. But yeah as always she is beautiful and deserves to be pink. And of course Babu did a great job with the photography as always. Hopefully this set will be SOTD. Got my fingers crossed as I say in the set comments a lot lol. But yous all should go and support Truthfairy here. More the merrier. And she isn't the only Brazilian to cosplay someone from DC Comics. Which leads to my next entry.......
Set: Gotham Sirens
Models: @eveel @diandra & @blizzard
Photography by @babu
Yep instead of one Brazilian, we got three in this epic Cosplay set. Featuring Eveel, Diandra and Blizzard in this all DC Comic cosplay set. Definitely SOTD material. Their all beautiful and nail their characters. I was apart of Eveel's Camp this year or I should say D'Eveels lol. I wasn't on it much due in general busyness and was on vacation for most of the summer in Spain. I mean it is hard to keep up with SG and just online in general. I do sometimes feel like Batman, overwhelmed with so many villains to fight. Only in my online life, there is no villains lol. But I know people understand. I'm sure it is the same with these three lovely ladies. I mean doing Cosplay isn't easy, it is a lot of work. I know Blizzard has talked about it since I do talk to her and she is awesome. I'm new to Diandra and I'm sure this won't be the last time I'll blog about her, probably be a new regular. And of course I'm a fan of Eveel, her work is awesome and I do thank her for including me into her camp. Never thought I would be in a camp since I'm quite quiet outside my blogs. Mostly cause I am shy and anxious to even talk to people lol. Social anxiety is a real thing but I sometimes do my best & talk. And then after a few convos, boom. We're friends. Kinda like Batman & Robin, or Batman & Nightwing. Or Harley Quinn & her bat haha. I should get back onto the Batman Arkham games again. I loved them. Completed all of them btw. I do recommend it. Like I recommend checking out this awesome Multi set from these awesome ladies. Help them check another SOTD peeps!! 😊👍
Set: Sweet Marshmallows
Models: @nerwen & @shameless
Photography by @akril
Speaking of awesome Multi sets. We got this one of these lovely ladies from the @suicidegirlsrussia side of SG. Of course it's Fury Family member & FSS regular Nerwen and Shameless. Both beautiful as always and of course this set is quite NSFW. It was hard finding a SFW pic but there you go haha. But it is a beautiful set. As usual Akril did a great job with the photography. So I do see this being another SOTD for both ladies. If yous love G/G duo sets then this set is for yous peeps, like the other duo/multi sets in this blog. Also I love to write an Appreciation Blog for both ladies one day. Especially Nerwen, she's been one of my best friends on this site. She's been such a great supporter to me as I am with her. Love our chats and just want to give her a hug. She's so kind. Definitely one of the nicest people I've met on here. Also Shameless is a good lass too. Very supportive too. They both deserve the support, follows and the success they've gotten so far. Hopefully they'll get more. So go and support these two peeps. More the merrier!!
Set: Follow Me
Model: @olgakulaga
Photography by @natalia_randle
So here is one of my all time favourites and good friend Olga back with a new set. I think this maybe her best solo set to date. Olga is like fine wine. She gets more beautiful and beautiful. She's easily one of the best on the site and of course she's apart of the Fury Family. She's been a true friend and supporter to me since I started writing blogs here. I'm lucky that I have made long time friends here. And Olga is one of them. Always supporting everything I do and just awesome to talk to. IMO Olga is why I love writing blogs and also why I came back. I love supporting models who are active, interactive and just plain nice you know. I always say if your in Alt Modelling/SW. You got to love it. You got to love the interaction no matter if your a man or woman. I see a few odd ones that are just not so kind in my years but they don't last long. Cause they quit and move on. That's the thing. You got to be a people person to do Alt Modelling and even blogging about Alt Models. Can't be very introvert with this business imo. Also tbh I can't stand introvert people tbh. I mean I hate my own introvertness you know. I love talking to people and helping them out. I also love being kind, understanding, etc you know what I mean? Life is too short for miserable toxic people. That's why I avoid people like that cause I don't want drama. I'll stick to awesome people like Olga here who is always so friendly and supportive. She is beautiful in and out. She's a good friend and understands me, I know English isn't her first language but she works hard. I do think Olga imo is the standard, much like @keshia imo. Just promote yourself, work hard, be interactive, fan friendly, etc. Have that passion and also be one awesome son of a bitch haha. I do my best too, even though I do say things the wrong way sometimes but we are all human lol. So as her set title says, follow her peeps. Help Olga get another SOTD. She's a true gem on this site. Needs to be more like her. Luckily there is. And speaking of long time favourites......
Set: Tight Squeeze
Model: @rubyalexia
Photography by @writeboy
Yep it's time for....🎶Destination probably back from some Fetish nightclub, Ruby Ruby Ruby Alexia🎶. Yep it's the Elf Queen herself, Ruby Alexia back with this recent set from her. And I believe this will be another SOTD from her. Rightfully so. She's been probably one of the long time models I've supported since I started. Still around and killing it. I think I have said so much about Ruby at this point that she knows what I'll say. I mean I still remember her being an unknown back in 2017 when she started and I just knew she'll be popular. Wasn't I right. Always proud of her and she's still the same kick ass lass that I chat to when she first started. Cause I still remember giving her advice about SG when she first started here along with her model mates. And yeah look at her now. One of SG's Top models. She truly deserves it. Always awesome, beautiful and always will be the Elf Queen. I don't have to tell yous to go support her do I? If not, your crazy lol jk. But yous should, she's awesome!! 😊👍🧝♀️🤘
Set: Shake, Rattle & Roll
Model: @vintage
Photography by @seitan
Well this set sure is vintage, see what I did there lol. Yeah me and my puns haha. But of course this is an awesome set from a hopeful who should be pink and that is Vintage here. She is beautiful. I definitely love the 50's Rock & Roll diner theme to this set. It's pretty dope. I actually always wanted to go to an 50's themed restaurant. Like in Pulp Fiction. Get me that $5 Shake haha. Always loved that scene in that movie. Just making a whole scene about a $5 milkshake sound so awesome. Must be a bloody good milkshake right. As some people know, I'm a big burger fan. I'm sure @babu will know since she's a burger buddy lol. But yeah I'm obsessed with Burgers. In fact and this is true, I actually have a Burger Cookbook. Written by DJBBQ. I recommend it. Like I recommend yous to help Vintage here turn pink. Check her out and make it happen peeps. Now I want that $5 Milkshake lol.
Set: Te Quiero
Model: @mimo
Photography by @mel_z
Te Quiero means I Love You in Spanish, according to my translator app on my phone lol. Well Mimo, I love you too. I love all in the Fury Family. And this is another cracking set from one of my favourites from the @suicidegirlsspain side of SG. Think everyone knows Mimo is awesome and beautiful. Recently back from LA, visiting SGHQ. She shoots sets there too. Of herself and others too since she does photography too. In fact her photography work is the next entry.....
Set: Merigold
Model: @janesinner
Photography by @mimo
Yep here's Mimo's photography work on display in this set. Of an SG legend that is JaneSinner. Who I believe is making her FSS Blog debut. And welcome, definitely not the last time for sure. She is so beautiful as always. And here I believe she is cosplaying Triss Merigold from The Witcher. Man I want to get back on that game lol. The Witcher 3 is one of my favourite video games of all time. And I do love the first season of The Witcher on Netflix. Need to start the second season now I think about it. Also need to start reading the books. One day I will for sure. So yeah this is an awesome set of Jane here and I'm sure there'll be more on the way. Definitely more FSS blog entries for sure. So go check her out and help her get another SOTD. Which no doubt will be soon.
Set: The Secret Garden
Model: @amra
Photography by @thimeow
Next we got one of my favourites from the @suicidegirlsbrasil side of SG. That being the always lovely Amra. Always beautiful and always producing great SOTD worthy sets like this. Amra is definitely a friend. Always supportive, kind and great to chat to. If there's a beer garden in this secret garden of hers, I'm there lol. Yeah gotta love gardens, especially since you can grow your own food. Like in my house, we do our best to grow tomatoes. Also chillies and so forth. Love to grow garlic and herbs in my garden too since it does save money. Also it's better quality too, if you know what your doing. Unfortunately I don't but I do want to learn to do that. Be better for my cooking. But yeah it is always cool to see an nice garden. Much like hearing from Amra, she is a true gem and I'm happy to met her in this site. So go and help her get SOTD once again peeps!!
Set: Scorpio Rising
Model: @missfernandez
Photography by @tripodski
Well it is another Tripodski special here in this entry. And it is from a model that is making her FSS debut. The lovely MissFernandez. Who I guess is a Scorpio right? Like the star sign. I don't really follow Astrology much tbh. Never been interested. I did try to but it's not my thing. I'm in the boat of what happens, happens you know. Everything happens for a reason right. But I'm not putting it down. If yous are interested in Star Signs & Astrology then more power to you. I do see the appeal. But it's never for me. I think I don't being told what to do with my life and what will happen you know what I mean. I like to wing it basically. Trial & error. I think it's best to do your own thing, be your own person. Like I'm not force to write these blogs or force to put MissFernandez to be here. Or even talk about Tripodski a lot. Cause I want to cause I love to help these people out and go.....
Like my boi Dean Winchester haha. Writing blogs is a hobby of mine cause I love to write and help awesome beautiful models like MissFernandez here. That's my Star Sign lol. Anyway do go check her set out and help her get SOTD once again!! 😊👍
Set: Care Bears
Photography by @minuminula
Another awesome Multi set for yous here. And it is of two of my favourites from @suicidegirlsspain that is long time favourites Gloom & Narumi. Being so caring lol. But it is true, they do care. Their awesome ladies. Always so cool to talk to when we can. And Minuminula did a great job with the photography as always. I'm sure this will be another SOTD for them and rightfully so. Both ladies are always in SOTD worthy sets and I'm sure this set will be no different. So if you care and no doubt yous do cause your wonderful people lol. Go check this set out and help these awesome ladies get SOTD once again. Yous know it makes sense!! 😉👍
Set: Fluffy White Clouds
Model: @sprite
Photography by @tripodski
I think Tripodski is being like Sting to me.....
Playing this song while reading this cause he is always around lol. Also he's a fan of The Police so yeah lol. Anyway this is another awesome set of his handiwork. This time of Sprite. Who is always beautiful and awesome in general. Definitely another SOTD set for her, hopefully it is. She sure does deserves it. Also I secretly wish they named this "stroke the furry wall" in reference to Get Him To The Greek. Cause that'll be awesome, also Tripodski if your reading this. Pass that on to the next bunch of models you are working with, thank you lol. Yeah I'm just random lol. Still yous all should go and support Sprite here. She is awesome and deserves more love & of course SOTDs. So go check her out and make it happen for her peeps!! 😊👍
Set: Lavender Town
Model: @dyogenes
Photography by @trisha
Here is another long time favourite of mine back in the FSS blog and that is the always beautiful Dyogenes. With another SOTD worthy set from her. Her Sets are always SOTD in my eyes and this one is no different. She's another one that I love chatting to and support. Especially since she is a fellow metalhead like me. I don't know if I'm correct here but she was at a Black Metal Festival & also @chinaski was there too. That'll be dope to go to since I'm into Black Metal too. Love to see dudes like this preform.....
Yeah these dudes don't fuck around lol. I do have a few Black Metal albums on my IPod. Like Gorgoroth here. Also Mayhem, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Dark Funeral, Watain, etc. Yeah I love it lol. My family don't get why I do but I just fuckin love it. Maybe cause I have devil within me or something , who knows lol. I just like it, I'm not like a Satanist or anything. I just like the music lol. Just like I love this set from Dyogenes as always. So go check her out and help her get SOTD once again. She truly deserves it!! 🤘😎🤘
Set: Pam And Tommy
Model: @katherine
Photography by @tripodski
Last but not least to finish off the FSS blog. Why not finish it off with another Tripodski set. This time of an SG legend and wonderful human that is Rebecca Crow. Who is so beautiful as always and of course her set is always SOTD material. Hopefully it will be. She's one of the best. Definitely a favourite of mine in the @suicidegirlsuk side of SG and in Alt Modelling/SW in general. Always fighting for our right to party lol. I think we all guess the the theme of this set. You know, I have watched porn from my favourites over the years but never saw that tape of Pam & Tommy. Never did. Of course nothing wrong with watching/enjoying porn/SW content. Especially since I pay cause again I love supporting my favourite models and I shouldn't be ashamed in buying content. Especially for single dudes like me, as long as your not a dick about it. Then it's all cool. And tbh most I am friends with cause I have normal convos, support them and respect their boundaries. Nothing wrong with that I think a lot will agree with. Sure some don't do explicit content but that's perfectly cool with me too. Usually with porn I'm super tame anyway lol. You'll see in my Vital Stats bit in my profile. My kink factor is old fashioned. I'm comfortable whatever the models are comfortable with you know. But I know a lot of followers of mine know that, I don't hide who I am. I'm very open and honest about myself and just in general. Just a dude who loves to write blogs and doing his best. I know Katherine is doing her best with her life and of course is doing very well. Still a Tripodski regular and now she's a Fury regular. More of Katherine the better I say. Like a lot of the models in this blog. So go check her out and help her get SOTD once again!!
Other Fury Blogs To Check Out
Appreciation Blog Of @infernum
(Which includes some of her photography work too)
Hopeful Highlight blog of @ronnie
(A favourite from the @suicidegirlsfrance side of SG #helpherturnpink)
FSS Blog #53
(Featuring sets from @seducente @olgakulaga @jelya @bombaboom @ronnie @jjade @bluedette @ollix @wildlynx @gabbymoon @kizar @nerwen @elune @alenagzhel @melina @sophialins @seasick @skies @star @freyja @gloom @sul @thimeow and @bretema)
The Conclusion
Well thank you Doc. I do my best haha!!
So that’s my latest FSS blog done and dusted. Thank you very much for taking your time in reading it and checking out bits of it. I know my blogs are long and I am grateful people read them and no pressure. Just happy to write it and hopefully people enjoy it & my banters lol.
So it is close to Member Appreciation Week on SG. Usually I get mention cause people love my blogs and just me in general. But there really isn’t any pressure with me. I know people say to me I forgot to mention you, follow you, like your blogs, etc to me. I actually get these messages a lot actually. But don’t worry at all peeps. Still love yous haha. As I always say, it is up to yous. You do yous. But I’m happy yous thought of me at all, that means a lot more than a shoutout. I’m just grateful to all the positives I get. It really does mean a lot. Like seriously, people actually reading my big detailed blogs. Seriously it does mean so much. And everyone just understanding me in general means so much. I appreciate all of yous. So truly, thank yous!!!
But I will mention fellow members who are awesome, good mates and deserve to be tag in your Member Appreciation Blogs or post. Guys like @diddy_dave_uk @romous117 @inkedodie @adam_bovary @weedfarmer @silentobjectorx @agent_easy @25901jfm @xheartswornx @gawjusdaniel1992 @metalfreak @leighgabriel @basseshigh @goaspirit61 and so forth. They all deserve your follows too.
So yeah more love and positive vibes the better. No more drama. Who needs it? Well not this guy. People who look for drama should really get a life imo. As she will say…
So thank you again for reading this blog peeps. Yous are the best and I love yous all. Next blog I’m planning on doing is probably another Hopeful highlight and it’s a Aussie model/photographer. So look out for that one. Hope yous are doing well and are afe out there. Until the next blog. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and
@missy @penny @eirenne @kiley @lust @yessybear @rambo

