(The opinions stated in this blog is my own and should be taking with a grain of salt. Besides that enjoy the blog)
Well hello there peeps, been a while since I did a big blog like this and welcome to my Spider-Man blog special where I talk/review the Spider-Man films, show Spider-Man themed cosplays of my favourite models and just talk about probably my favourite Superhero Spider-Man.
Last time I did this type of blog was my Fury's Resident Evil Blog Special back in Feb 2019 and was Front Page & thank you @missy @sean & @rambo for that and everyone who liked & left feedback. I do appreciate it. If yous haven't check that blog out, definitely give it a read. Unfortunately I didn't highlight any Resi Cosplay cause their wasn't any I saw on SG atm. Still check it out of your a Resi Fan like myself. I know shameless plug there lol. Still I'm proud of that blog. 😊
Intro To My Fandom to Spider-Man
So why Spider-Man in my first big blog since coming back to SG? Well I wanted to do this blog for a while and I want to do more blogs about my hobbies and interest since my blog series were getting samey and I like to mix it up. I always try to make my blogs feel special to anyone that reads them. I mean you see the same old stuff sometimes and it does wear thin. Like I am a big Pro Wrestling fan but today's doesn't excite me cause theirs way too many shows and their looooong you know. You feel mentally drained. And I know my blogs are big so I don't want to be a burden & many bloggers on here do Alt Model themed blogs here. I always do my thing and focus on the beat of my drum. I love to do my usual Appreciation Blogs, Hopeful Highlight, FSS and Q&A blog series but I like to keep them for ocassions. Everything in moderation. Besides I don't want to be online all the time since it is mentally draining. I am on often cause I have many online mates and I do have a Instagram Alt Model fan account that reached 2K. I like to make my blogs feel special, an attraction. But I am going to be blogging often since people miss my blogs here as they miss me on SG. I do have a following and I'm happy so many love my work over the years. As I keep saying yous are the best!!
So yeah I'm rambling away there lol. So Spider-Man, what make me a Spider-Man fan today? Well it was when I was a kid or wean as we Scots say. My brother and I wanted to get into comics since we were always playing the action figures. So one day I got a Spider-Man comic, forgot which one btw. And yeah I love it. Then we watch Fox Kids since we brought Sky TV here in the UK. And they had Spider-Man: The Animated Series and the rest is history. I was a total Spider-Man fanboy. Even started climbing trees and shit cause I wanted to be Spider-Man haha. Yeah good old Kevin was a wee daredevil son of a bitch lol. No pun intended to Daredevil, another Marvel Superhero as many will know. But yeah Spider-Man has been my jam lol. Played nearly all the video games. My favourite is of course this one........
I mean this game is an all time classic. Like the animated series that I grew up watching. Such an awesome game. Also I loved the Spider-Man games on the PS1 and then Web Of Shadows & Shattered Dimensions were very underrated games imo. They were good too. But this game from Insomniac Games was brilliant. Probably my favourite open world game easily!!
Also I watched all of the Spider-Man films. So as my gift to yous. I have reviewed all the Spider-Man films. Went on a Spider-Man film marathon. My first movie marathon since I did this back in October Fury's Halloween Horror Movie Challenge I did with my good friend @missjcristina while I know @hex was a fan since she's a horror film buff as am I (Will do that one again in October).
So without further ado, here is my reviews of all the Spider-Man films. Enjoy!!!
Fury's Spider-Man Film Reviews
Spider-Man 1
It was 2002 and before this film. Their weren’t many Superhero films. There was X-Men in 2000 but it was mostly, well shite lol. I mean the 90’s was a bad period for superhero films tbh. I mean Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, The Phantom, Steel, etc. Yeah it was not a good time for Superhero films. Even though theirs Blade & X-Men. It wasn’t the best time. I believe it all changed after this film imo.
Since the release of this film. Superhero films got way better as we all know. Now you can’t escape it cause they are successful and rightfully so. Their continuing to produce great superhero films after great superhero film. And it was imo this film that truly started it all.
Blade was awesome but it wasn’t a big success due to not many were ready for a mature superhero film. Same can be said for Batman Returns btw. And X-Men was, well fine. Decent at best. So then here was Spider-Man. Directed by Evil Dead’s Sam Raimi and not many had expectations. When I saw this in the cinema back in the day. I wasn’t looking forward to it. Even though I am a big Spider-Man nerd. I actually thought they were going to fuck it up. But how wrong was I?
Cause this film was so fucking good. Still holds up to this day.
The directing was top notch. Sam Raimi clearly knows how to make shoots look good. And he’s a big comic book fan. Clearly a fan. So he knew what he was doing. The casting was near perfect too. Tobey was awesome as Spider-Man/Peter Parker. He was so good. Had a good balance of having wits and being serious but not too serious or too cereal to quote South Park lol. Also Kirsten Dunst is great too as the love interest. Willem Dafoe was awesome as Green Goblin/Norman Osborn. He was so entertaining and look like he was having a ball playing the role lol. Also JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson… BEST CASTING CHOICE EVER!!! Seriously he stole the scene every time he was on. I usually watch the best of Jameson on YouTube sometimes for a laugh. Cause damn he was brilliant. So yeah in the nutshell the casting is dead on.
The story was great too. Think it still remains the best origin story of Spider-Man so far, well film wise. I like how things are set up and it builds well. A lot of solid build ups. And of course I won’t spoil. I’ll leave it at that.
There’s not many I don’t like in the film. Well their nitpicks. Like some of the extra characters. That bus driver is so unrealistic and bit off putting imo. You know when you watch the movie cause come on, you’ll get fired. It’s just stupid. Also some dialogue can be too cheesy for my taste. And the Green Goblin outfit…yeah it’s silly, maybe too silly. See it’s only nitpicks tbh. Doesn’t really matter.
Overall it is a very good film. So entertaining and a great starting point for the first Spider-Man films. 4/5
Spider-Man 2
So how would the sequel follow. Well as Spinal Tap will say, turn it up to 11 in this sequel.
I remember again cause I was a extremely grumpy teenager. I was going thru a lot and basically being critical for the sake of being critical. I was like, yeah this film isn’t going to be as good as the first. Yeah I’m so glad I grew up being more positive and less critical lol. But I’m glad teenage Fury was wrong.
If you want to see how to do a sequel. This film is it.
Spider-Man 2 maybe one of the best superhero films ever. Still to this day. Luckily my teenage self got out of the cinema with joy. I love it. As an 34 adult man, love it even more.
So this film improved so much from the very good last. But I love how this is more of a mature film than you think. It really deals with the struggles that Peter Parker is going thru. With him balancing being Spider-Man and when he’s not Spider-Man, just plain old Peter Parker. And you see him struggle with keeping a job, always late, his grades is lowing, he struggles with his relationships with MJ, Aunt May, Harry, etc. I mean this film keeps putting him down & down. You do feel for Peter. It definitely has more emotional weight than the last. Cause you truly feel the struggles he is going thru. And I think it’s probably the best superhero build up I’ve seen til the future films (more on that later). But yeah I do feel for Peter and Tobey was excellent as always. Same with the rest of the cast. They all have great build ups & story arks. I actually enjoy Harry’s build up. You see he is going thru struggles himself, and I won’t spoil if you haven’t seen the first. You know why. Also Alfred Molina is brilliant as Doctor Otto. He was a great villain. So well acted and great build up to his ark too. You understand why you know.
There’s a lot of awesome things in this film. It is hard to see what they did wrong but I hate nitpicking or being critical. I’m far from the critical teenager who hates everything I once was. Especially since I’m not getting bullied or being treated like shit these days since I have good positive relationships with ppl. Sure there’s a few rubbles but it’s mostly & always been positive. Like this film.
Seriously this film is fucking awesome. I never get sick and tired of watching this. It is one of the best superhero films. 5/5
Spider-Man 3
So yeah this one is a mixed bag. Oh god 😂 this is the one that is spilt down the middle. You got people who absolutely hate it, some think it’s meh, some think it’s hit & miss and some who actually like/love. Either way, there is no wrong opinion. Like any opinion on films. Like what you like, just don’t be a dick. Unfortunately there are people who are. Best to avoid ppl like that. They just drain you, trust me. I just to be a subscriber on a lot of film critic YouTube channels and trust me, it fucking drains you lol. Best to go with your own opinion. There’s no right or wrong. Same with video games, music, food, etc.
Sorry kinda rambled on there. But yeah everyone has an opinion on Spider-Man 3. Including me cause I want to write a blog on me reviewing every Spider-Man 3. Why? Cause I can lol.
So yeah this movie came out and of course saw it in the cinema. And thought it was ok. Not as awesome as the first two but ok. But my opinion on Spider-Man 3 is usually changing over the years. But one thing is for sure. It is not a bad movie imo. It does have good moments. I do like Harry in this film. His story ark is brilliant and I think they really nailed him. James Franco is on top form imo. Also I dig Sandman. I do think his story ark and understand where he is coming from is also good. I do like the action scenes. CGI is very outdated in places but still ok. And acting is good. Also the one scene with Jameson needing to control his anger, I lmao. Seriously JK as Jameson steals every scene he is in. Love the guy lol.
That’s all the good things I can say about the film.
Unfortunately I have issues with this film, now I won’t spoil the story. But yeah the story isn’t good. It’s really messy and I think it is too many sub stores going on. Like nothing is fully focused. So it’s a bit all over the place. A lot of WTF moments in the film too. Like THAT jazz bar scene….if you saw the film you know the scene. Just…..what 😂 totally out of context. Idk what they were thinking. It was like being in a other film not Spider-Man. Also I love Kristen Dunst but man I hated MJ in this film. She is such a bitch, I’m sorry but hated her. Such a dumbass in distress. She is never happy. Also I don’t like Peter Parker in this one either. He is all over the place since the plot is all over the place. And last but not least Venom in this film fucking suck. Was focused in this film cause the studio wanted it but you can tell that his development was awful. And yeah it was bad. Nothing against Topher Grace but he was miscast in this imo. Just a lot of problems in this one.
I don’t think it’s a bad film. They are good moments and I did like the end fight scene & ending tbf. But yeah it’s a flawed film. Pretty disappointing. If yous like/love the film, good for you and I’m glad you did. But this was a bit of a letdown for me. Not a bad film but it is flawed. 3/5
The Amazing Spider-Man 1
Well I’m come across the Spider-Man film that I like the least. The Amazing Spider-Man films. “Sigh” yeah I’m not a fan. And I tried. I saw this in the cinema and while I was looking forward to it since it’s a reboot. After how disappointing Spider-Man 3 was. Think a reboot was necessary imo. I saw Andrew Garfield is Peter Parker/Spider-Man this time, awesome. He was an awesome actor. Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, awesome actress. And directed by Marc Webb. Who directed 500 Days Of Summer, which is an awesome film. Great I thought. This should be good. But I left that cinema very underwhelmed. Never been more disappointed.
I tried rewatching this film and the other one but I have to be honest. I do my best to be positive but I can’t lie & I need to tell it like it is. I didn’t like this Spider-Man or the sequel (More on that later).
The good things I can say about this film is of course Andrew Garfield is great. I actually do like his take on Peter Parker/Spider-Man. He doesn’t start off as the most confident person. Very socially awkward and unsure of himself or others around him. And I actually like his build up in his story ark. Least you know where he is coming from. And I did like the fight scene in the high school between him & Doctor Lizard. You get an awesome Stan Lee cameo. And Emma Stone is likeable in the role of Gwen Stacy & Her and Andrew have great chemistry together.
And that’s all the good things I can say about the film. Everything else about the film is rubbish tbh with yous. It starts off so slow and boring with an Origin Story of Spider-Man that the Sam Raimi one did so well. Not here, everything is underdeveloped and very dull in tone. Also that’s the problem with this film. It’s waaaaaayyyy too serious. And it’s pretty dull. Everything is dark and I do mean dark. Like you don’t see any colours. Like come on. Also a lot of the characters are underdeveloped or underwhelming at best. Gwen has really no ark. Her Dad has no character other than he’s a strict cop guy, whoopie do. So clique. Also the story ark for Doctor Lizard sucks. He had zero character, outside of developing something to grow his missing right arm. And that’s his story arc. No joke. There’s a plot about him working with Peter’s dad but they forgot that plot. So lazy written this film. So much that characters are missing and the sub plots have so much plot holes that it makes my head hurt. I could go on but the problem is with this film is theirs not much to really talk about other than how dull and forgettable this film this is.
It reminded me a lot of Hulk (2003) which is the most boring film I’ve seen. No joke. This film was badly written and lifeless imo. Andrew Garfield portrayal as Spider-Man/Peter Parker is the only good thing in this film. Everything else is basically dull as fuck imo. 2/5
(was a 1/5 but Andrew Garfield’s performance gives it an extra point)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Well I didn’t like the first Amazing Spider-Man film. So how is my opinion on this one….the same but I really hate this film.
I did see this in the cinema and left without saying anything to whoever I was with. I just nodded & lied that I like this film. Just said it was ok lol. Yeah I’m too nice for my own good lol. But man I hated this film.
Again Andrew Garfield is awesome. He’s a great Spider-Man and I do love a few scenes with him as Spider-Man. But unfortunately it’s small scenes. And the way they handle a death of a character at the end of the film. No spoilers. Was touching & well done. And it’s not gritty & dark looking this film. But that’s when the praises stop.
Everything about this film is awful. I’m sorry. I bloody tried with the Amazing Spider-Man films but I don’t like them, at all. Especially this one. This one is a bad film imo.
The story sucks. It’s trying to setup the sinister six story arc….badly. There is so way sub plots that it is a mess. Black Cat is in the film btw, but you wouldn’t know that. Since she appeared only twice in the as Harry Osborne assistant. That’s it. Rhino is in this film, played by Paul Giamatti who is a great actor. But wtf. He is so hammy in this and not in the good way. Also no development to him. Just there for a two minute chase scene and a few seconds at the end. Also the Harry Osborne in this film is fucking crap & man I miss James Franco haha. So poorly developed and even poorly acted. Nothing against the actor and is a good actor in other films but WTF. Also Jamie Foxx as Electrio is ok. But again he was underdeveloped. See my point? Where’s the plot? This film is all over the place. It’s a total mess.
This is poorly written, produced and directed imo. What was Sony thinking? I feel so sorry for Andrew Garfield & Emma Stone you know. They were doing their best. But man this film sucks. Seriously this is Batman & Robin, Hulk 2003, Daredevil and Fantastic Four bad. No wonder there is no Amazing Spider-Man 3. Cause this one is so bad. Feel for the cast but fuck Sony for this film. It’s crap and yeah I don’t like it.
It doesn’t know what it wanted to be. It didn’t know it wanted to be serious or lightheaded like the Sam Raimi ones. This….is fucking awful. I’m sorry if your fan of this film. Lol no I’m not, your rubbish and so is this film. Nah I’m kidding. Good for you if you do. But yeah I hate it! 1/5
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Well I didn’t like any of the Amazing Spider-Man films lol. But I do like Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man though as yous read above. So I was burnt out from two awful Spider-Man films that I didn’t watch or read anything Spider-Man related for a while. Til Captain America: Civil War. I was loving the MCU films and it was the remedy I needed a lot of times. So when I hear the new Spider-Man was in this film. I actually wasn’t excited. I wanted a hiatus from Spider-Man cause The Amazing Spider-Man films really did pissed me off. Did the same with Resident Evil after watching some of the awful films. Cause I do become a ranty negative montherfucker like the YouTubers out there. But that’s not me, I love being positive and easygoing you know. Hate that side of me. So I just accept Spider-Man being in Civil War. And when I saw him in Civil War….love it. Thought he was awesome and like that I was excited to see his own film.
I didn’t went in with expectations. Especially since I’ve grown up & matured a lot. So I just films as they are and form my own opinion. Like the reviews yous read in this blog.
So went to saw it and thought this was very good. Definitely the best Spider-Man film since Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2 easily.
Tom Holland is brilliant as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. I love how it’s focusing on him as a kid, a teenager. And he was spot on. As someone with teenage nephews himself. He is how teenagers act, trust me from this Uncle haha. But yeah Tom was fantastic. So funny & likeable you know. Even Tom Holland in person is just an awesome bloke you know. Perfect choice imo. And the directing is awesome. Definitely pick the right one this time after Marc Webb fucked it up with Amazing Spider-Man. The side characters are good. The tone is spot on. Tony Shark/Iron Man played by Robert Downey Jr is just awesome, love him. Also Jon Favreau as Happy is great, he was so good and Marisa Tomei as Aunt May was good too. Probably the best ones so far. Even Flash Thompson in this is the perfect shithead haha. It’s the small details but they got it dead on imo.
Speaking of dead on. Vulture played by my boi Michael Keaton. Superb. Best villain since Doctor Otto from Spider-Man 2 easily. He has a good story arc, character and is connected to Spider-Man in a way. I’m glad they nailed Vulture dead on in this film.
This is a really good film. So entertaining, well paced, good build up movie. Like Peter just started as Spider-Man so he is still learning & fully becoming Spider-Man. Which I think is the right move imo. Having Tony Shark as his mentor you know. I mean do we need another Spider-Man origin story arc? No we don’t. Especially it’s been done to death. So I’m glad they went with a brief scene between him & Tony in Civil War. And Peter is under Tony’s wing. Makes sense since Spider-Man is apart of MCU. Why not.
So I’m glad you see Peter just learning the ropes in this reboot. Your more focus on him in high school while seeing him improving to the Spider-Man we know you know.
There’s not much I don’t like in this film. Maybe the love interest isn’t interesting and she was a bit bland. But she does have a purpose in the story. And probably too many references to the MCU films. But really these are silly nitpicks.
I loved this film. Not as awesome as Spider-Man 1 & 2 but it is a great movie and an awesome start to the Tom Holland ones imo. 4/5
Spider-Man: Far From Home
I should warn yous that you really need to watch The Avengers films before watching this one. Since like all the MCU films, it is all connected. So it is necessary.
So after Homecoming restore my faith in Spider-Man films. And Insomniac Games Spider-Man video game restore my faith in the Spider-Man games. Things are looking up for the Spider-Man brand and I am so happy about that. They know that they needed a big change since The Amazing Spider-Man films were not good. Luckily Homecoming was great.
And this film was another great one too. So so good. Directed once again by Joe Watts and Tom Holland is back again is Peter Parker/Spider-Man. As always he is awesome. I think he is the best Spider-Man imo, hands down. Holland can play this role for years if he wants. He is just too good. I knew they cast the right Spider-Man/Peter Parker. And this is a different type of Spider-Man film. This takes place not in NYC for once.
So Peter & his friends go on a Science School trip in Europe. Noice lol. And he is wanting a break from Spider-Man stuff due to the events of Avengers which I won’t spoil. So he is unwinding on this trip and hopefully tell his crush MJ how he feels about her cause he is in love lol. Also MJ played by Zendaya is great in this film and Ned too played by Jacob Batalon. Again all the side characters are good and are entertaining & funny. Especially Martin Starr & J.B. Smoove as the teachers in Peter’s trip, they were so funny lol.
Again acting, directing, pace, tone and story were all good.
Jake Gyllenhall is in this film as Mysterio. And Jake as always is awesome. One of the best actors on the planet imo. Never in a bad role as far as I saw. I haven’t seen every Gyllenhall film so I don’t know. But he was great in this and I think Mysterio was good too. Even though not as good as Vulture but still good. Decent arc and so forth. Also Nick Fury is in this film. Played by motherfucker Samuel Jackson lol. Who interrupts Peter’s vacation so he can stop this threat along with Mysterio. But again no spoilers.
I love the continuing growth of Parker’s character in this film. It’s hard for me to really talk about without spoiling. Since yous all should watch all the MCU films for Tom Holland’s Spider-Man. And that’s one issue I have with this one along with Homecoming. Their not stand alone Spider-Man films since it is required to watch the other MCU films to get what’s going on. But I will say that the end credits scenes. Best setup to a sequel ever. I was fanboying at the end credits but I can’t spoil. But I was like YAAAAASSS!!! 😂
Yeah this is a great film. A lot of great build up to Peter Parker’s character, it’s funny, good story and yeah it is a good time. 4/5
Spider-Man: No Way Home (Contains Spoilers)
Don’t worry they’ll be in a spoiler box. So if yous haven’t seen it, it’ll be in the spoil box. I’ll say when I will talk spoilers.
So yeah the first two Spider-Man films of Tom Holland’s run has been awesome so far. And hopefully they don’t repeat the mistake from the Sam Raimi’s trilogy. First two awesome ones and a disappointing meh it’s ok third one you know….great news, didn’t happen in Tom Holland’s trilogy of Spider-Man films.
Oh it didn’t. In fact they beyond nailed this Spider-Man film. This is imo the best Spider-Man film yet. And even go far in saying that this is the best superhero film of all time. But I’m a big Spider-Man fanboy. This film is everything a Spider-Man fan wants to see in a Spider-Man film. I mean this is a perfect film. I watch it many times and I’m sorry. Cannot find any flaws. So there is no nitpicks.
This film is a masterpiece.
So I can’t talk about this film further without spoilers so if you haven’t seen the film…the hell you waiting for, do it. You won’t regret it. If someone out there actually doesn’t like this film. I don’t understand and hope I never meet you lol. Nah I’m kidding. But please respect I love Spider-Man, mmkay lol.
Anyway spoiler talk, yous be wanted so don’t click the box below til you see the film…
Ok spoiler talk is over. Basically this film is a masterpiece. It maybe one of my favourite films of all time. A true gem in Superhero films and I hope this is not the end of Spider-Man films. Please don’t. We need more lol. But yeah the rating is no surprise!! 5/5
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
Last but not least a little bonus review here. Since I was going to focus on just the Live Action films. But I can’t ignore this one. Yous think Spider-Man 2 & No Way Home is the only 5 out of 5 Spider-Man film?….
Yeah take it from Le Chiffre from Casino Royale (Another 5/5 film btw imo) this film was spectacularly awesome.
So I didn’t know this film was coming out. Two of my oldest nephews knew and want me to go see this with them along with my Sister. And I’m glad they did. This film was fucking awesome. Took me by surprise this film.
So in this film is about the Multiverse opening up by Kingpin this time. And basically it’s a big team up with all the Spider-Mans to stop it & get things back in order. And this film is fully focused on Miles Morales & this is his film. He’s basically the next Spider-Man since Peter Parker is getting older. So Miles is the second Spider-Man. Big in the comics and the video games. And I love the character. He is so good.
In this film, miles could be my favourite Spider-Man but idk Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is probably my favourite so i don’t know. But miles is so awesome in this film. I love how throughout that he is flawed & is learning on the go cause crazy shit is happening. And you see Miles is going thru some shit. But you care & get behind him cause he is so likeable. Miles is an awesome character.
So are the other Spider-Mans. Like a older Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy as Spider-Gwen, Spider-Noir played by my boi Nicolas Cage, An Amine Kawaii Spider-Girl With Her Spider-Bot and of course Spider-Pig haha. Yeah that’s right Spider-Pig, Homer Simpson called it lol. But yeah they were all brilliant and funny.
Yeah that’s the thing about this film. It is funny. It was written by Phil Lord, well he is one of them and he wrote/directed along with Chris Miller on the Jump Street films. So no wonder this film kick ass. The story is funny but has a lot of heart to it. Also I loved the animation. It was so spot on and made it feel like your reading the comic. Really awesome to see on the big screen.
My only nitpick is the villain Kingpin. I do love Kingpin but in this film, he felted underperformed you know. Like there’s not much there. He is in the background basically. But I wouldn’t say that was an issue. It actually makes sense since the Spider-Mans & Miles was the main focus so I forgive that wee flaw.
Overall this film is so awesome and entertaining. And I’m glad their doing more of the Spider-Man animated films. Got two more on the way and I can’t wait. Hopefully they’ll be as awesome as this film. I’m sure it will!! 5/5
Fury's Favourite Spider-Man Cosplays
Here are some of my favourite Spider-Man cosplays from some of my favourite models. Enjoy!!
(From her instagram. Think you find her Spider-Man cosplay in full on her OnlyFans)
(From her set Don't Tell Peter shot by @pisces)
@hilo & @berger
(From their set Forbidden Love shot by @kalincamaki)
(From her set Face It, Tiger shot by @mel_z)
(From her set Waiting For Peter Parker shot by @kasha)
(From her SOTD set Face It, Tiger...)
@mimo & @momoka
(From their SOTD set Into The Spider-Verse)
(From her SOTD set Comics Girlfriend shot by @ridmovies)
(from her Instagram, think one of them was from Comic Con)
@keshia @tink & @laikaa
(You can find their Spider-Man cosplay on their OnlyFans, Photo Credit EliteOnlineMag)
(From her set What's New Pussycat? shot by @chinaski)
(From her set Spider Gwen shot by @coolicio)
(From one of her cosplays, came across it from the search bar here. Don't know if it's from a set. Still it's awesome!!)
(From one of her cosplays, saw it on her Instagram and had to include it)
I love that song and band. Doubt that @tripodski will put it in his playlist in the radio show he does and I join the radio show’s chatroom lol. They don’t like rock or metal….sometimes. If you love the Ska band Madness, then your in heaven haha. God, imagine those guys doing a song for the next Spider-Man soundtrack. That’ll be nuts lol. But nonetheless I love that song from Switchfoot with solid lyrics as always!
Haha never gets old! 😂😂😂
Yep totally agree that comedian’s name I can’t remember and can’t be arsed looking up his name haha. Just kidding it’s Steven Crowder.
@penny @eirenne @yessybear