(You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter and you can subscribe to her OnlyFans)
Hello there peeps, hope you are all well and good. And welcome to another edition of my Appreciation Blog series. Where I show my appreciation and love to some of my favourite ppl on SG.
In case yous are new, missed out, revisit my past entries. As always there in the archives below....
Appreciation Blogs Archives
My @tripodski one (CLICK HERE)
My @sammiii one (CLICK HERE)
My @keshia one (CLICK HERE)
My @blaizee one (CLICK HERE)
My @missjcristina one (CLICK HERE)
My @phianixx one (CLICK HERE)
My @nolajean one (CLICK HERE)
My @rubyalexia one (CLICK HERE)
My @nayru one (CLICK HERE)
My @evoke one (CLICK HERE)
My @tink one (CLICK HERE)
My @stephanie one (CLICK HERE) Remake
My @dannikadaisy one (CLICK HERE)
My @coolicio one (CLICK HERE)
My @brizelll one (CLICK HERE)
My @chroi one (CLICK HERE)
My @kitsu one (CLICK HERE)
My @marlene one (CLICK HERE)
My @olgakulaga one (CLICK HERE)
My @penny one (CLICK HERE)
My @mariajupiter one (CLICK HERE)
My @hex one (CLICK HERE)
In my life, I'm usually unlucky. Not all the time. Sometimes I am lucky. I'm lucky that I have a good supportive family, I'm lucky to be healthy physically, I'm luckily that my ASD/mental health hasn't hold me back, I'm lucky that I've made improvements, I'm lucky that I have made amends with ppl I had a falling out with in the past. But I'm most lucky that I am good mates with many models. Like yeah I'm friends with these beautiful ladies. Me. What the hell but it is true. I've made so many friends in my time on SG blogging about models and photographers. It's mad. Some gift me stuff, some give me shoutouts, some wrote blogs about me, some have done a video about me (looking at you @evoke & @diamant), some join my Twitch streams and some are always there to chat to me.
I am lucky that so many of my online mates are the models that I've tag in this blog and it does mean a lot. As many ppl know who have read my In General blogs & post. I deal with mental health issues and loneliness in my personal life. Sometimes I need to take a break from it all. Seriously yous all are so understanding and course of yous. You have kept me keep faith in humanity. Your all so kind to me. Basically like what you say to me cause I always get those feedbacks. Seriously I'm always feel surreal anyone would say cool things about me. I'm used to being ignored, get overtalked, being put down, etc. So I'm not used to the positivity that my online life the last few years that this community has giving me. It's why I do say that yous have no idea how much it means to me.
I'm so lucky that a lot of yous have been good friends to me over the years I've been on here and even more before I started on SG. Like with today's pick.
She has been an online mate to me and one of my favourite Alt Models for a few years. We both have common interest, we usually chat to each other and someone who is always been so supportive to me.
Today's Appreciation Blog entry is none other than @helenarae ....
This pic is from her early days in her Alt Modelling career.
I have met Helena before both of us started on SG and we always had a good chat before we both joined here in 2017. We have been good mates since.
We always have common interest. Like our music taste. It's always rock and metal. In fact sometimes you will see me talking to her on her livestreams here. She is very active with the livestreams here. She is definitely one of my favourites to go to. Like @evoke @julha @missjcristina @blaizee @joymermaid @fla and even recently on @olgakulaga @alenagzhel one. It is a good place to chat to the models. So many of them love to chat to me. You'll know when I pop on. Like when I go on Evoke's stream, she always go FUUURRYY with her adorable wee smile that warms my sad heart with happiness. Helena is a HEY. While Julha is MATE haha. I do love to see their reactions when I'm on, it's like "there he is, our boi" you know haha. Even on @marlene & @kitsu one, their overjoyed I'm on. That's why I want to do my best to show up and chat. Cause I know they understand when I say I feel alone in my personal life. They may feel the same too. I know some have been struggling with their issues too and I'm always there to chat, hear and help them out. To the public it may mean nothing, what I do. But it feels like I am making a difference and hopefully I have improved things. I know that @victoriaboness says that if she turned pink, it was cause of me. Since I do my best to promote her so she can turn pink. Also please help her turn pink.
Luckily Helena is already pink and rightfully so. She does deserve it, she is a beautiful soul and just beautiful in general. I'm so happy she has been one of the first models I supported here, along with ladies like @blaizee @nolajean @mimi @lilymoonflower @phianixx @leacheyenne and @reallifepirate she was one of my first. Also she has worked with some of them. Including another who was one of the first models I supported....
Yeah she has done multis with @rubyalexia a bunch of times. The last two are their more recent one. Hopefully one day they'll do a multi on this site. Be awesome if they did. Definitely a Set Of The Day in the making.
So yeah so that's just an example on how awesome and beautiful Helena is, in and out.
But I know yous all want me to show yous to her sets to see for yourself and also me talking about it like I usually do right? Of course that is a yes. I mean my blogs usually go on Front Page so must be doing something right. So yeah here it is, my favourite Helena's sets on SG so far (besides the ones that are archived)
Fury's Favourite @helenarae Sets
Photography by @niallpatterson
One of the things I love about her is that she is into old school rock music. If you ever been on her livestreams, she usually has them on. Whatever if it's AC/DC, Motorhead, Led Zeppelin, Def Leppard, Black Sabbath, etc. She'll have it on and be dancing about. This set is named after Led Zeppelin's famous tune....
I won't lie, I don't listen to Led that much but I do like them. Their a front stage act like Helena Rae is. Hopefully this set will be another Set Of The Day for her. She truly deserves it as always. Not cause of her music taste, cause she is beautiful and it is a well shot set. Which is common since it's from Niall, one of my favourite photographers & top mate too. So yeah check it out. Don't deny it like Wayne's World....
Photography by @niallpatterson
Yep it's another set Helena did with good old Niall again. But this time. It is Set Of The Day, woohoo lol. Yeah I'm glad it is. It is a kick ass set cause they kick ass and chew bubblegum....and I believe their was no bubblegum so they decided to shoot a set instead haha. But yeah jokes aside it is an awesome set as always.
Yeah their mates too just like I'm mates with them. I'm glad they work together on this set and Helena's recent set above. More from this team in the future. But yeah if yous missed out on this set, do check it out. Also I think this set is named after this song from Arctic Monkeys. Hope I got it right, not like Helena will complain. It'll probably be played in her livestream probably when you read this. She is a daily streamer here like @phianixx is on Twitch. So yeah enjoy, it is a kick ass song. Love it and the band. Also love those two & this set. Trust me, it's awesome!!
Photography by @chinaski
Yeah I've been there, lost in the woods. As an active walker, I have gotten lost but I do find my way back on the path. Right now this set is lost in the woods too. It is 2766 likes but lost on it's track to be Set Of The Day. Luckily it's found it's way to this blog and hopefully it will follow to pink brick road. Yeah I know that description isn't my best, kinda suck but it's also funny....I'm leaving it in haha. But jokes aside this is a fantastic set that yous should check out. Shot by one of my good mates Chinaski. It is an awesome set from Helena, but they all are. So go check this one out. Also hopefully this set bumps into this music video...
Well I love Breaking Benjamin so that's my excuse. Also wood themed music video. It makes sense and yous know it!! 😎🤘
Photography by @msilveira
This one is a basic set and that's why I love it. It's no bullshit, just Helena looking beautiful and naked...I was trying hard to post a gif of Tom Green saying "Naked,Really Naked" from the film Road Trip but SG doesn't like gifs anymore. Probably cause I overuse them and probably crash the site servers. Oh well. Still back to my point. Point I'm trying to make. Usually the best sets are always the most simple ones. Just have a nice location and get naked, like that shite Tommy Lee tune but only there's nothing shite about a woman being naked. It celebrates the female beauty and it's sexy. You'll be surprise how it offends people but lets be honest, those ppl are morons. Probably Piers Morgan fans lol (If no one knows who Piers Morgan is.....good!!). So yeah ladies, if you want to be naked. Be naked. Your all beautiful and yeah it's your body, your choice. For me it is sexy but also it's art. I think it celebrates female independence to do whatever the fuck they want. I love that and I'm glad they know that too. I do always say to them, you do you. You control your life and you should do what makes you happy. I actually had this convo one time when one of my support workers in the past had a problem that I buy Lads Mags (which had naked models too). Told him the same, he was this posh twat. Full of himself. And said to him. Girls love it too as much as us guys. He was like no. I'm like yeah cause most are bisexual/pansexual. It's very common. I never had problems with people being who they are. Be you. I only care if your a good person. I'm simple, like this set and that's awesome. Like Helena and MSilveira. Check it out. Also the title reminds me of this song.....
Also speaking of MSilveira.....
Other Models are: @blizzard @eveel @turmalina @leelou @luxes @numa @penny @lovia @adeli & @erloria
Photography by @msilveira
Well this is a big multi set. So wild, I love it. All I can say, MSilveira...your one lucky bastard haha jk. Nah all I can say is wow, MSilveira is a talented photographer, shooting this set with so many models. It takes real talent to shoot this multi so well. I remember at my Brother's wedding. Their were looots of people, you can imagine how I felt. Having bad social anxiety and being the best man. No lie, I was happy when it was over. I personally didn't enjoy it. It was the most nervous I have ever been in my life. I didn't enjoy it. Too many for my liking. Wouldn't complain if the wedding was just these models and MSilveira. Be a good wee time haha. Yeah if only my life was that lucky. Still this is an awesome set and I'm happy Helena is in there too. I'm sure it was a wild party. Haven't been to many tbh. My life is just nothing but video games, working out, cooking, writing and going to the cinemas. Tbh never get the opportunities to go to the parties @penny went to. I mean an actual orgy goth party. I can't see myself in those parties. Be too freaked out haha. Unless I borrow weed from Helena haha. Anyway do check this classic multi set out if yous haven't. Take a trip to the wild side...
Photography by @msilveira
Here is another set that Helena did with MSilveira. Again simple but awesome. Much like Italian food. It maybe basic but it's always the best food imo. Like I can eat pastas, pizzas and Tiramisu for life. But I need to include burgers, Orange Chicken, curries, BBQ food, etc. Also simple but that's the best. Everyone tries too hard to be fancy and they take it too far. Especially when it comes to food. Trust me I had food in restaurants that were style but no substance. Like yeah it's awesome to look at but tasted like cardboard haha. Simplify is best. Just this set here of Helena. Check it out and also this song too. Since it is a Helena Rae Appreciation Blog. Got to have the music, I know she'll love that.....
Photography by @tripodski
Of course she'll have a set with the man, the myth and the legend that is Tripodski. My favourite photographer and good friend too. Also does radio too. Since he shows up on my Twitch streams to support my socially awkward ass like @evoke @phianixx @missjcristina and even @keshia too, no joke. Even Evoke give me a raid, also Phianixx too. Hopefully one day Helena will join us on Twitch and stream there herself. Be cool to help her turn Affiliate there (I'm close to it, just need the views). But yeah this is probably my favourite set of Helena's so far and I love all of her sets. Maybe I'm a biased to Tripodski, who knows. But it is an awesome set to check out and should be Set Of The Day. Why isn't it SOTD, I'll never know. Anyway check it out and if it is coming to be SOTD. You'll hear me Bark At The Moon.....
Yeah I know, nice pun Fury haha. Gotta love my Dad Jokes lol.
Photography by @cersei
It's another awesome set from Helena Rae and she is beautiful as always. Not much to say since I don't know what Aigue-Marine is. But I know it's a shower themed set and that's good enough for me to post this music video of Iron Maiden's Rainmaker. Cause it's Iron freaking Maiden lol.....
Photography by @fromlimbo
Good news about this set is that it is Set Of The Day. Yeah I'm so happy that she has gotten multi SOTDs here. Always knew she would. She does deserve it. Especially this set shot by FromLimbo, who is awesome. Always love her photography work. Like I love Helena's modelling work & her in general. I know the models try to tease me to say stuff like "Oh I'll lay with you anytime" but no, Fury doesn't do chat up lines. I do jokes but I'm Scottish, it's by default haha. I'm polite and also still anxious to say anything about sex, kinks, fetishes, sexy tease talk, etc. I'm always a gentleman and also I know the models aren't dumb. They know what's up you know. I don't have to say anything about it and thank god cause I am a nervous wreak when the topic of sex comes up. Feel like I may say something that will be taking the wrong way you know. Unless they ask me and insure me that it's cool. Then I'll be happy to talk about sex. I want my interactions with the models to be cool & easygoing. They can rely and trust me. And know that their safe with me. I think I have and I know with Helena, she is one of them. So yeah go check out this SOTD of her. Also since I love metal and also Machine Head. I'll share this tune cause it is badass!!
Photography by @sobelle
Last but not least. Here is the set that turned her pink on the site. Unfortunately her SG Debut is archived but that's ok. Again it's their decision. But I do love her sets that are missing. Like I said, Helena never shoot in bad sets (No such thing as a bad set). I'm so happy she is a multi time SOTDer. She truly deserves it. Great woman, beautiful in & out. Definitely go check out her sets and support her peeps. She's one of the best from the @suicidegirlsuk side. More the merrier. Also I'll leave this tune from Chase & Status. Love this tune so much!!!
The Conclusion
Lmao such a funny meme. Pretty much me and Helena Rae in the nutshell. Pop music is the real devil's music haha. Nah I'm kidding, I don't mind some tbh. You get some good pop tunes.
So yeah that is some of Helena's sets on SG. I didn't pick all of her sets but yous should check out all of her sets. She really does deserve all the love. She is a great lass and a true friend to me.
I've actually lost count on how many friends I've made on here. I got 480 followers here and more on my fan accounts. I'm forever grateful to this site and the model's I am long time mates with like Helena. Always happy to see her do well and hope that continues which I know it will. She definitely is a top lass. I love her like all my SG fam.
So thank you very much for reading as always peeps. It means a lot, especially since sometimes I'm down and unhappy with my personal life. But yous give me a reason to smile. Love talking to yous and blogging about yous. It will continue like this blog series. I ain't going to stop.
So until my next edition in this blog series. Spoiler alert, it's a long time favourite from @suicidegirlsaustralia and not @evoke @coolicio or @mariajupiter since they had an entry (Check Above In The Appreciation Blog Archives). So looking forward to that one.
Once again thank you. Yous are the best. This is Kevin aka KungFury saying take care, much love and 🎶Pour Some Sugar On Me🎶 Sorry still listening to Helena's playlist haha, cya!!
@missy @sean @penny @eirenne @lust @lemon @yessybear @mickey