Hello again peeps and welcome to a new edition of my Favourite SG Sets blog, edition number 46.
Hope your all doing well out there. I'm up and down tbh with yous. And I have talked to many models & photographers too and their the same too. I think it is cause things are coming back to normal and we don't know what to make of it. As someone who has been a shut in, I remember going out after being indoors for so long. It is scary. That's why I am usually anxious going outside since I'm mostly been indoors. It's not good for the head. Sometimes indoors is great. Like for example playing video games. But you don't want to be indoors 24/7 since it's not healthy for you. Doing something too much is bad for you. Same with people who make you feel awful. Like for example I had to unfollowed one of the more popular models on SG (Without mentioning names). That's the thing about me. If I don't like someone's personality then I'm not bothering with that person at all. Leave them be. And that's what I did. Since I disagree with her lifestyle. Binge drinking imo is a gateway to alcoholism & drugs since I've seen it myself. I had three of my Uncles passed away from alcoholism. They had a binge and never got off it. One of them was recent since he was missing thru my entire life. He run away when I was a newborn. We found out he was living in France and died in 2019. We only found out back in February. Due to a big police fuck up. So that news along with my unhappiness with Twitch and my personal life being so lonely. I've been dealing with all of that. And I'm not shying away on what I feel about glamourizing binge drinking. Everything in moderation.
So yeah I do unfollow ppl but on rare occasions. If we had a falling out or I just don't like the person in general. Since I want to support people who are beautiful both in & out. Basically your all beautiful, just don't be a dick you know. I think I'm fed up with negative attitudes online, since you can get away with it. Not in my world. I have deleted blogs before of people I used to support since I'm done with supporting them for personal reasons. It is important to stick to the ones who are not only beautiful but are just good people in general and want to be around you.
Like with @olgakulaga for example. Always here and always kind to others. Same with @phianixx @chroi @joymermaid and many many others. And their not faking it, they are generally good people. Who just like/love me for who I am.
I think it's that I'm 33 years old and I'm too old & bored of toxic negative sarcastic people tbh with yous peeps. If they want to be like that and don't care. Well guess what, I won't be following people like that. I leave them be. They can live in their toxic world all they want, I'm out.
That's why I love when people be kind to others and help each other out. And not put others down. The whole cancel culture thing online going on is stupid. I'm not cancelling people, since who knows. One day they'll say sorry, make amends, want to let bygones be bygones, etc and all is forgiven. Everyone makes mistakes and have a bad spell in life. I don't believe in cancel culture. I believe in leaving them be til they want to be redeemed & make amends. It's basic common sense. I think it is best to go away from people you had a fallout with or don't like very much. Leave them be cause they can change. People do change for the better.
Luckily it's rare in my case since I get along with everyone. It's why I made a mini blog about why I'm off livestreams since I generally don't like all the sex talk and puts me off it. Also I had a bad time lately with livestreams, with my Twitch being an example. So I'm leaving that be cause I will come back. Cause I did had a few good livestreams. Like when @phianixx give me a raid back in December when I was unboxing Cyberpunk 2077 collector's edition. That was cool. So I will be back. And she has helped me with learning about Twitch too. Since I never used Twitch before December last year so I'm still a rookie to it all.
I'm still developing with everything. It is all about doing what you want to do and be happy. Know what makes you happy. Like unfollowing people that make you feel down, don't be afraid to do it. In fact mute them. I mute a lot too. Since a lot of them use annoying TikTok videos that get on my nerves. Like Vine all over again (Remember Vine?) so I just ignore it. Like it was funny the first time til a lot of people keep posting the same shite over & over. Tbh my fan account can be the same over & over at times. I do my best to mix it up, like my blogs on here. Since I like to keep it fresh. Without changing too much since so many people love my post and stories anyway. I left a lot of them in my story highlights so you can look at them anytime. I think it is cause I say no pressure. Cause there really isn't.
You know a lot of models and photographers keep saying to me. "Sorry I haven't chatted to you or not following you yet, IDK why Fury since I love your blogs and I appreciate what you do." You really don't have to explain people. I understand. You're busy and focusing on your problems, life, job, etc. I actually get surprised when they say that to me but I go no pressure. Yous can trust me and yous chat to me whenever you like. Doesn't have to be everyday. I'm around. Seriously there is no drama with me. Sure I have my thoughts and do talk about things. Whatever is on my mind, I talk about it since I love to keep it real & not give you any bullshit peeps. And tbh a lot of yous agree with me anyway. I get those comments a lot too.
That's why I keep saying yous are the best for a reason peeps. Cause yous are!!
So anyway. Let's talk and support these sets that is featured in this edition of my FSS blog. Starting with a SGUK hopeful that will be pink soon and should be (BTW congrats on @birdie turning pink)........
Fury's Favourite SG Sets
Model: @luna_lou
Photography by @niallpatterson
So to start off this FSS blog, is one of my favourite Hopefuls atm and that is Luna Lou. Who is beautiful, awesome, loves metal music, loves South Park, Loves Video Games with Zombies, Is a foodie, is a great person to talk to and a mother. Just like me being an uncle of 4. My niece turned one so it wasn't just my Instagram fan account that was one. My niece too. Which is nice. Much like this set from Luna, it's nice or if your Jake Peralta from Brooklyn Nine Nine it's noice haha. Yeah I've been a fan of her work for a while now and I enjoy chatting to her too. Good mate and keep meaning to join her partner's Twitch. That's the reason why I say to people who say sorry I haven't chatted to you for a while. You forget and I know a lot of yous don't mean to. It happens, I forget a lot all the time. Like I forget to reply back since you got so much things on your mind due to how busy and stressful life can be sometimes. So I understand. It ain't easy being beautiful like us haha. Also I forget to get myself a tattoo. I am tattooless. But one day I will. Who knows, definitely want a Resident Evil tattoo. So yeah basically yous should go and support Luna. She is beautiful and deserves to be pink on this site. Also great work as always from my mate Niall behind the lens as always. Check it out and help Luna turn pink peeps!!
Model: @enrapture
Photography by @sobelle
In the last FSS blog she was in, she was in a multi with @vyne called Turning Tables which was shot by @adkc and went Set Of The Day. This time, Enrapture is like Jason Derulo. Riding it solo in this set here. As always she is beautiful and I'm sure it'll be another Set Of The Day for her. She was one of the many models I've pick in my MCM/WCW post I do on my Instagram fan account, which is a year old now and 1k already, it's mad to think about since I never except a following but I have. I'm so grateful. All from supporting my favourite models like Enrapture here. It's awesome like the models I support, they are awesome as well as beautiful. So check out Enrapture latest set, I'm sure it'll be Set Of The Day. All of her sets have been, so I don't see this being any different!!
Model: @heiwa
Photography by @gloom
Here is someone that definitely deserves to be pink this year or ASAP. That being the always lovely Heiwa. She's been a regular on these FSS blogs and one day will get her own blog. She is always beautiful and a good woman. Like many of yous models, she love her Anime but also she loves her video games, like myself. I am planning to watch some Anime. Thanks to the recommendations @kitsu @evoke as well as Gloom has suggested to me. May do a free trial on Crunchyroll. I know my oldest nephew, who's a teenager now keeps going to me "Come on uncle get tae watching" haha. I have watched Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note and of course Studio Ghibli films. I'm also planning to watch Ghost In The Shell, the original. So I will be binge watching some anime. Probably after yous have read this. Since I'm planning on watching Demon Slayer and more Studio Ghibli films. So yeah I'll get there my friends. Cause I enjoyed the animes I've watched so far. Just like I know yous will like all of Heiwa sets. She deserves more love and of course she deserves to be pink on here. Especially since her first two sets (Game Over shot by @davidrc) (Pink Panther shot by @bretema) are over 2000 likes. She should be and hopefully she will be. She deserves it. So check her out and help her turn pink. Also Gloom did an awesome job with the photography as always, her work is always awesome like Heiwa's. Fingers crossed!!
Model: @zen
Photography by @cygnet
So here is her SG modelling debut. It is Zen, this time in front of the lens instead of behind it. She's a regular in my blogs since I always cover her photography work here. She shot the likes of @nayru @niffler @kaliva @stark @lorettarose @reznoritis @ellie @poshallen @vulgxr @verrin @leemalee @chalk @phianixx and of course Cygnet's sets a few times. She shot a lot of awesome sets which I've covered and will continue to since Zen is an awesome photographer. As well as model too as yous see here. She is beautiful and a ACDC fan. Can't beat a bit of ACDC. Especially that tune....
Which was also in the Iron Man films. Cause why not. In fact they did a soundtrack to a Stephen King film. Did yous know that? Guess the film in the comments. I like to do that sometimes to see if people read my blogs lol. I know there's people do. So yeah leave your guess in the comments below. But yeah ACDC are awesome just like Zen. So help her turn pink, she truly deserves it for all the hard work she put in her photography work. But also she is beautiful and this is a great set in general. So check it out and help her reach pink status!!
Model: @paigerose
Photography by @autumnsky
Finally PaigeRose has come back to the FSS blogs. To quote The Rock. Yeah and it's another awesome set from her as always. Shot by my good mate AutumnSky, who did a great job with the photography as always. And I was actually close to writing a Hopeful Highlight about Paige, true story. But she turned pink. So it'll be an Appreciation Blog since why not. She is always beautiful and easygoing too, I know she was going thru a rough patch last year with her mental health. Tbh I think we all were and I think sometimes being online a lot does affect the mental health a bit. That's why it's good to have a balance. I am known for taking breaks, since it gets too much online. Since like I said above, sometimes I mute the whole tiktok stuff. Since I do find them annoying. I know people love that and good for yous, more power to yous. For me it gets on my nerves but then again I'm 33 so I'm quite mature for that stuff. It's like that with trends with me, it gets old to me. Like Game Of Thrones, everyone keeps saying it's the best ever. And it got on my nerves since people were in your face about it you know. Drived me nuts lol. So I block it out by watching Supernatural lol. But since the final season aired, it died out. Since many were disappointed at the final season. Now yous know how I felt about the final season of Heroes lol. Yeah I just try to ignore trends and take it with a pinch of salt. But sometimes ppl get too down your throat about stuff. That's why I don't post about mental health too much in my Instagram stories, I like to mix it up. Sometimes I'll have a meme and sometimes it's a tune I'm listening to or who is my MCM/WCW pick. Depends. I do my best not to be political since tbh I don't like talking about it. Rather talk about my favourite models, movies, tv shows, music, share a funny meme and share something about mental health. Basically I'm being myself. I do my best not to upset anymore since that is never my intention at all. Since I have in the past and I do apologise for that. I do fuck up sometimes but I don't do excuses, I've learned & got better. That's it, that's what to do. Just get better and learn the lesson. Like for example, I will get to Paige's blog. Since she is a good soul. I do talk to her and it's never any problems. She is understandable and I think like her bestie @phianixx wants everyone to get along and party haha. As long it is not a tiktok party then I'm there haha. But anyway. I love that she named her set One Hour Photo. I think it's from the Robin Williams film back in 2004. Which is brilliant btw, great film. Just like this is yet another awesome set from PaigeRose. Check it out and help her get another Set Of The Day once again.
Model: @tink
Photography by @r_girardi
Speaking of someone who deserves another Set Of The Day. Here is Tink's latest set. Shot by one of my favourites R_Girardi who did a great job as always. And this is yet another awesome set from Tink. Nothing but great work from her. I do feature her in my blogs a lot and in my Instagram post a lot too. She's such a good soul. I loved written up her Appreciation Blog think last year I think. And she's also another person that I'm grateful for, since I was feeling down one time and saw her DMing me. Checking up on me, yeah checking up on me. I couldn't believe it since I never thought I'll get any responses at all. I started supporting models for fun and didn't except much from it but three years past. I have made so many mates from my time supporting models like Tink here. Think everyone appreciates my support and just helping out the models/Photographers in general with convos. Since I'm always helping out and hate everyone feeling like shit. Since I definitely know how that feels. I remember seeing her stories on Instagram of her talking about her anxiety and made a Appreciation Post for her there. IMO it's my most underrated post. I know she's a busy bee so for her and any of the models to check up on me, I'm grateful for. It speaks about there character and she's a good soul. You see her helping others too. You see in her stories, she is helping out this fella with Downs Syndrome and it's wonderful to see her helping out the fella out. Quite heart-warming. Since it reminded me back at the end of my school years, I was at a Special Needs school. And since I was not special needs, I helped out and few of them were guys who had Downs Symdrome too. They were good lads. One was a massive WWE fan lol. And helping out special needs kids help me too. Since the reason I went there, they thought I had special needs but it turned out I had ASD. Also I was suicidal at the time cause I was extremely bullied in school. So yeah going to that Special Needs school saved my life and I'm forever grateful to them. Like this site too. I'm helping out the models & photographers since I do see they feel stressed or down from their own problems. So I do my best. Even though online at times makes me feel like quitting but like John Cena says, never give up. Rise above hate. I actually like reading John Cena's tweets since it's all motivational stuff. I recommend it. And I'm doing my best to be that with blogs like this & my Instagram fan account. Seems to be working lol. Anyway go check out Tink's latest set and help her get Set Of The Day once again. She is beautiful in & out. I mean look at that smile. Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award 2021 confirmed lol.😂😉
Models: @ravenna & @amy
Photography by @amy
You Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers indeed. Here we have this awesome duo set here. Shot & model by Amy, along with long time favourite Ravenna. This is an awesome multi set and hopefully will be another Set Of The Day for the Brazilians here. This is the first time I've featured Amy, I'm actually new to her but she is beautiful. I have now liked all of her sets since I love to talk more about her in the future since she is new to me. Ravenna however is a long time favourite of mine. A FSS Regular who I love to write an Appreciation Blog of one day. Always beautiful and a good lass in general. I have chatted to her but obviously English is not her first language so it's only small talk. It's like that with some Brazilian models since my Portuguese is not there when I don't have my translator. I do talk to @julha @amra @babu @joymermaid @haub @infernum @svetlanna etc no problem since their English is good. But I am willing to learn Portuguese so I can talk to them all properly since some of them have learned English. And their good mates. Their all into the same stuff as me. Like with Ravenna, she's a big metalhead like myself and she likes her video games too I think. Still she is awesome and beautiful. Like Amy here, who did a great job with the photography here. Multi talented lady there. I'm always been a fan of Power Rangers. Anyone saw the last Power Ranger movie? You should, it is awesome. Like this set, so check it out and help them get another Set Of The Day once again. And rock out to the theme tune before seeing the next entry, yous need a break if your reading my blogs so go ahead lol....
Cats Girls Are Ruining My Life
Model: @elorafawn
Photography by @valo
Not in my case. Their saving mine lol. So next up is one of my favourite hopefuls from the @suicidegirlsuk side of SG. That being the lovely Elora here. Another hopeful I love to see turn pink on the site. Along with @asxna @ladyfirefox @ashena @midnightpoison @syrinn @skittlepop @nolajean (more about her later) @missjcristina @peachie_ @peachynorth etc. They and Elora deserve the pink status. Like @birdie & @kittenblue recently. I do consider Elora a good friend to me too, we chat and it's always nice. She's another one who has a love for horses. I do think her, @kitsu and @syrinn would be besties. I'm lucky that down the road where I live, I have a countryside walk. Where you see horses and the stables. Since I live in Ayr and we have a racecourse. I walk pass there all the time. It is nice, when there's no crowds that is lol. But I prefer going to the countryside fields and just see horses being free tbh. It's relaxing. I'm fortunate that I have that near me for one of my walks. Since as most of yous who know me know that I love my walks. It's one of my self medications. Usually with my mates, my family but I kinda like it when it's just me. It's peaceful and relaxing. I strongly recommend it if your feeling down. Since I get down sometimes and have off days where I have no motivation. Just force yourself to go for a walk. Feel a lot better, trust me. Also supporting models that deserves support helps to. So go help Elora turn pink and check out her awesome set. Great work as always from Valo. One of my favourites. You won't be disappointed!!
Model: @vitoria
I am thirsty, always thirsty.....for Purple Stuff (Grape Juice) but of course for Vitoria too. Who is always beautiful and lovely. This is her recent set here and she's another Brazilian that is a regular on my FSS blog series. She's always in great sets like this one and some of them were Set Of The Day too. Hopefully like this one. Yeah as yous know my favourite drink is the Purple Stuff, which is grape juice. But I'm also a coffee lover too. Another one to leave in the comments, what's your favourite drink peeps? Leave them in the comments. As yous know, I do read them and reply back. Cause yous who leave me feedback deserve my replies. And yeah this is another awesome set from Vitoria. Since her favourite actor is Keanu Reeves and I love the man. My message to her and all the models here is this.......
Yeah yous know I love my Keanu Reeves. My Boi lol. So yeah go help Vitoria get another Set Of The Day. That'll be breathtaking!!
Model: @junipr
Next up we got this awesome set from the lovely Junipr. I don't know what is a Agua Dulce, but I know Dulce De Leche and I love Dulce De Leche. Since it's caramel mostly. And I'm a man who loves caramel. Get me a pool of caramel and in that pool like no tomorrow lol. So yeah this is an awesome set and Jupipr is beautiful. Hopefully it'll be another Set Of The Day for this LA lass. I always wanted to go to LA. Who knows maybe next time either @evoke or @phianixx goes, buy me a ticket lol jk. But yeah I love to go there one day and check out the beach, the restaurants and that. Be cool and also the good weather. Our weather here in Scotland is so mix up. Always ever changing our weather here lol. I think this is also the first entry of Junpir on my FSS blog series. I could be wrong. She is a Resident Evil fan too. BTW.....
I got my copy of Resident Evil Village, wooooooohoooooo. Yeah I can't wait. Be cool to see the witches in the game since I know there's some cosplay ideas for yous models reading this. Anyone who has read my blogs know I always say more Resident Evil cosplays. I'm being a Resi fanboy lol. So yeah I can't wait to start this game. Hopefully we'll see Junipr with another Set Of The Day for this set once again. So go check it out and make it happen peeps!!
Model: @penny
Photography by @writeboy
So next up is one of my favourites of all time. That is my good mate Penny, who I wrote about in my recent Appreciation Blog about. It was a long time coming and thank everyone that liked it. Also thank you @olgakulaga @chinaski @chroi @rare (next entry) @cocorita @midnight @annaedelrid and @skin for the feedback. It does mean a lot and I enjoy writing Penny's blog up cause she has been a favourite of mine before she was staff here. Or as should say one of the SG team leaders since there is no staff. We are a team. According to them. Yeah I'm in a team haha. But jokes aside, she and others at SGHQ do a great job and love writing up blogs on the site. Also thank you for letting me & others write blogs. Your all beautiful people (I was going to post the Marilyn Manson music video for his song "The Beautiful People" but I don't want drama lol) and happy to write blogs here. So yeah what else to say than if yous haven't check out Penny, your missing out. So go do it, lucky a lot of yous do. More the merrier!!
Model: @rare
Photography by @skopintseva
Last but not least. It's one of my favourites of all time and a very good friend to me. It is Rare with this awesome set. Rare finally pink, so happy to finally see her pink. It was this very FSS blog series that we became friends. That's why I don't think I'll ever give up writing the FSS blogs. It has gotten me friends for life like with Rare here. Who has been a supporter since day one and I'll never forget that. She's been such an awesome person to me and I'm grateful to her. Like I am with all my loyal followers/supporters. Yous are the best. It's cause of people like Rare that kept me going and keep writing blogs like this and I am forever grateful. So thank you rare and I love you mate. Hopefully this set is another Set Of The Day for her. I hope so, she deserves all the Set Of The Days. So go check it out and help her make it happen. More the merrier. And hopefully one day I'll catch one of her burlesque shows & cheer her on from a distance since I'm too shy for the front row haha.
Classic Sets Shoutouts
Model: @nolajean
Photography by @darkmoonmedia
So for this classic set shoutouts goes to these four from @suicidegirlsuk first up is this awesome set from one of my favourites of all time. Who is somehow still a hopeful. That being Nolajean. I mean she has sets like this set that are over 2000 likes and somehow still a Hopeful. I do hope she will be pink this year somepoint. She is so kind and just an awesome lass, got a good sense of humour too. I always enjoy her Lord Of The Rings memes she posts on her stories. And we do talk a lot too. I mean she's been a mate for years now. And I'm always happy to keep supporting her, even after she is turned pink. IMO she should be a multi time SOTDer by now. I hope she does turn pink this year. Check her out and help her turn pink. She deserves it and here's a LOTR meme for you Nola cause why the fuck not right lol, it's a classic one.....
Model: @blaizee
Photography by @jimmymild
Probably one of the models that I've featured the most is my good friend Blaizee here. I think regular readers of mine will know that she's one of my favourite models of all time. Yes of all time. She's always so beautiful. Both in & out. I mean we always kept in touch and she's such an awesome person. Always got her back as she has mine. Unfortunately she's been feeling rough and down to pressure of her life atm. Hate seeing that, since she has no bad bone in her. It's one of the reasons why I have supported her for such a long time. Since she is such a kind soul. We are alike in so many ways, we do our best to be kind and not cause any drama. And we both love our walks, like she takes her dogs for walks and their adorable. I know things are tough but I like her to know that she is awesome and she deserves another Set Of The Day. Like this set, which is over 2000 likes. I love to see it SOTD. Not only cause it's an awesome set but cause Blaizee is a wonderful person that deserves the good things in life. She's has my back as I have hers. I'm loyal to those who are and we've been mates for a good while. She's a fan of my food too. Hopefully one day I'll cook you one of my dishes or your favourite dish. Since what are friends for. You're one of the best Blaizee, you're a legend. Remember that. So yeah go support this woman, more the merrier!!
Model: @dannikadaisy
Photography by @tripodski
Another legend in this next classic set shoutout goes to Dannika. IMO one of the nicest people I supported. So the set's title is exactly Dannika in a nutshell. Sweet intentions, like me. And also Trip too cause it won't be a FSS blog without Tripodski lol. But yeah this set is still not Set Of The Day and it is over 2000 likes. I love to see it SOTD. It has been a while since Dannika had one and love to see her on Front Page once again. I usually share my food pics to her since she's another fan of my cooking. Yeah I have been a home cook for years and I love it. Another part of my self medication routines and it definitely helps. I do keep forgetting to post my food pics though. That's what happens when you're busy, you forget and you don't mean to. I think we all have been there. But I am getting better at it. Since I do remember the models I support, like Dannika here. I always like seeing her stories with her dog Hugo (I think that's her dog's name) since it reminds me when I go for my walk with my mate & his dog Kiki. He got married recently so congrats to him. I would be at the wedding but of course restrictions so it was family members only. Still I hear it was a great day for them. But yeah his dog Kiki is a sweetheart. Always jumping on me since she's happy to see me. Think my easygoing kindest is my superpower. Like Dannika's since she post nothing but positive vibes. I'm always in agreement since it's the same memes I share in my stories. Since I know a lot love my mental health quotes and I do like doing that. Basically doing my part to make online a better place. So yeah I'm motivated in keep doing that. So with all that said. Go check out Dannika's set and help her get Set Of The Day once again. She truly deserves it!!
Model: @helenarae
Photography by @tripodski
Last but not least in my classic sets shoutouts is another long time favourite model of mine and good friend too. It is Helena Rae. This set she did with Tripodski is over 2500 likes and not Set Of The Day too. This is why I have this classic sets shoutout bit cause I do want to highlight these sets/models/photographers that deserve a chance to get on Set Of The Day. Another SOTD for Helena would be brilliant. As most of yous know, I'm not a fan of the livestreams. I think some of the convos on there made me uncomfortable so I don't think I'll join one again. Which is a shame cause I generally did enjoy Helena's one. Who's always happy to see me and hear from me. I just think she's brilliant. It's the same with @evoke too but I prefer keeping it one to one my convos. Since I don't like the other ppl that join livestreams. Always the "great ass" etc people which gets on my bloody nerve. I know it does with the models too. I think these comments get old and annoying. So that's why I won't bother. I know there'll be people may think I'm a hypocrite saying that since I write blogs and run a alt modelling fan account on Instagram. But guess what, do I say things like nice ass, nice tits, etc? No I don't. Seriously, I never say stuff like that at all. Cause imo I think it is rude. I do say you are beautiful and you're awesome. But that's cause it is true. The only times I say about ass, boobs, etc is making a point like this. You know, it just bugs me. I think it is cause I have become mates with them and we talk a lot that I get annoyed too. I understand they have to deal with it since it's their job and all. But even they are sick of those comments. I love having real convos with them. If yous want to know why I get so many shoutouts on their instagram and a lot of them following cause they choose to. There you go. I treat them with kindest, respect and just decency in general. Not hard. So yeah that's why Helena Rae here as well as others appreciate me being me. Keeping it real but also helping them out as well as having a good banter. Also we are into the same stuff like our music. So yeah if you missed out on her set here, check it out and help her get another Set Of The Day!!
The Conclusion
Yeah pretty much me. I keep it real but with kindness haha.
Anyway that's another FSS blog done and dusted. I do hope you enjoy that I wrote and like the picks. I do my best and I am trying to blog more often. Since I love being here doing this. And I appreciate all of yous. Even the pricks lol jk. No yous are all good folk.
If yous missed out on my recent blogs, check these out below.
My Instagram 1st Anniversary Blog
Hopeful Highlight blog @joymermaid
My previous FSS blog (featuring sets from the likes of @nolajean @midnight @seasick @dollyd @niffler @mandeelou @chillism @nerwen @kaydie @kitsu and so on)
You can follow my Instagram fan account page at kungfurysg , my in general/gaming Twitter at FuryGaming87 and my Twitch at FuryGaming87
So that's it. I hope yous all enjoyed that edition of my FSS blog. I do apprecate it and I am grateful to yous all. Yous are the best!!
So until my next blog, take care of yourselves and hope you're all good & things will be good for yous all. I do mean it. Anyway this this Kevin aka KungFury saying care, much love and Mass Effect Legendary Edition is close. So if I disappear, that's why. Too busy on those games again lol. Anyway take everyone, cheers!!
@missy @sean @penny @eirenne @lust @lemon @yessybear @mickey