(In case no one gets the reference to my blog title haha)
Hello there peeps, it's been a while since I've done a Q&A Blog. Well I have been busy with my blog series and fan account on Instagram. While also doing Live Chats on Twitch which only @missjcristina & @tripodski showed up. Except for that one time @phianixx raided my live Unboxing for my Cyberpunk 2077 collector's edition. I was thinking of quitting Twitch but I should keep it and slowly but surely grow it. Since I do need a break from all the typing and research for blogs, post & stories. But I do love to work.
So yeah I hope yous are doing ok out there. It has been a while since I've done a Q&A. Mostly cause I don't get nominated and also I sometimes to forget to do one since I'm focus on my blog series. P.S the Appreciation Blog is next!! ๐
So my good friend @chroi nominated me to do this Q&A blog. I almost forgot about it until I look at her profile and went "shit, I forgot she nominated me" you know. So that's why I keep saying to the models that forget to follow me, it's cool. I'm forgettable too cause I'm too busy supporting yous lot haha. So yeah no worries, no pressure, no drama. Just plenty of positive vibes, banter/jokes, good times and noodle salad with yer boi here.
So let's begin......
1. Pick one, a comedy movie or a horror movie?
Probably pick Horror since to me Comedy films can be hit and miss. While Horror is always trying something new if you know where to look. Also I love Zombie flicks, it's my jam since Zombies is my jam. I also love Psychological stuff too. For me some comedies are more annoying and I get angry when a comedy film is awful. Like Game Over, Man for example. I wish all those characters got killed cause they were sooooooo annoying. Seriously I'm usually a level headed guy but in that film I was raging. One of the worst films I've watched. Hated every fucking minute of it. Honestly don't watch it and if you do like it well I'm not sorry. Probably don't talk to me.....haha I'm joking of course. You like what you like. I personally can't stand it and most comedy films. It gets samey. Sure Horror gets samey too but at least I can watch it and see theirs good ideas. Although the Remake of Black Christmas I'm avoiding like the Covid. It's mostly a for the Twitter audience film, no thanks.
I know I'm sounding like a movie critic here but I know what I like and yeah some comedies are too samey to me. Same with horror too at times but I love horror more. I'm more of an action, thriller, superhero, drama, etc bloke when it comes to films you know.
2. Pick one, cats or dogs?
Easy, that will be dogs. I love dogs. I'm a big dog person!! ๐๐
3. Pick one, chatting or phone call?
Well I prefer chatting face to face. I know I type a lot but tbh I am not the best talker. You'll see on my Twitch. Also I hate phone calls, luckily I just text when on the phone. But I love being face to face and having a proper convo. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy the convos I have in my DMs. But I'm always a face to face person.
4. Pick one, cheat or be cheated on?
Either one. No one should ever cheat or be cheated on. I have been betrayed before but I rather not talk about my college days again since it brings up bad memories. Hints why I have been a shut in for years and I'm doing my best to forget that part of my past. So yeah cheating & being cheated on sucks!!!
5. Pick one, chicken or beef?
I love both but I'll go for beef since I love my burgers. @babu will know that lol.
6. Pick one, Coke or Pepsi?
Either, I hate both. I want some of that Purple Stuff (Grape Juice) either that or coffee or water or Alcohol Free Beers. Also @chinaski saving one for you mate!
7. Pick one, exceptional strength or intelligence?
Intelligence is the true strength.
8. Pick one, forgiveness or vengeance?
Yeah I'm always saying that I am not perfect but nobody is. I have had fallouts and said my sorrys so many times. But usually the other side of the fallouts don't forgive. Even though they think they have done nothing wrong but those people I just move on from. No time for people like that. I have had fallouts and we said sorry & forgive each other too. But yeah I'm willing to forgive, just that the other person needs to be willing to squash the beef back. If not, best to move on otherwise it'll drain you. I've learned that a few times. But in a way, I am thankful cause it's motivated me and give me a kick I needed.
Vengeance is for the weak. Best to leave them be and let them be on their way. That's what I have done with ppl I have falling out with and it's for the best I think.
9. Pick one, free health care or free education?
Free health care, and it should be!!!
10. Pick one, Halloween or Valentineโs Day
Halloween 100%. There is no valentine's day. Only Self Appreciation Day as @kettle will say. I totally agree. I'll be baking a cake, have a McDonalds and watch shit loads of movies. Think that's my Self Appreciation Day plans lol.
11. Pick one, IOS or Android?
IOS, I never liked Android phones. So confusing to me. Prefer the IPhone.
12. Pick one, kill or be killed?
Can I pick either. Since I want to live and I don't want to kill. I'm a lover, not a fighter!! ๐๐
13. Pick one, meat or fish?
Meat since I hate seafood & fish. True story, I personally don't like seafood.
14. Pick one, monopoly or chess?
Monopoly, only cause I never played chess and don't think I ever will.
15. Pick one, Nike or Adidas?
16. Pick one, stripes or Polka dot?
17. Pick one, summer or winter?
Finally something I do care about haha. I do enjoy the winter pre Covid but I love the summer more now.
18. Pick one, vanilla or chocolate?
I love chocolate more. So good!!
19. Pick one, sweet or salty?
I prefer things sweet since I have a sweet tooth so that. Although I do like salty as well but much prefer sweet overall!!
The Conclusion
So yeah that's my Q&A blog done til I get nominated for another one. Thank you @chroi for the nominating.
I'll nominate the following (no pressure at all in doing it or don't do it if yous already done it)............
@missjcristina @evoke @blaizee @niallpatterson @tripodski @kitsu @sammiii @bronsonquick @diddy_dave_uk @25901jfm @annaedelrid @julha @svetlanna @peachie_ @chinaski @marlene @peachynorth @phianixx @agent_easy @justones @nolajean @reznoritis @bluenicorn @autumnsky @keshia @hex @rubyalexia @gnomi @mist and so on.
Again no pressure at all, up to yous. Either way hope yous enjoy my Q&A blog. I do enjoy doing these when I can. I need to do a better job at remembering. Usually a busy bee. But I do my best.
Anyway til the next time I get nominated for a Q&A blog. This is Kevin saying thank you for reading, take care. Also thank you for the love and support in my recent blogs. Means a lot. My blogs take a lot of work and I'm so happy that a lot of yous appreciate it. So thank you, wouldn't continue or go back doing it if it wasn't for everyone's support so cheers!!
@missy @sean @penny @lust @eirenne @lemon @yessybear @mickey @rambo