Hello peeps, how are yous all and welcome to another jam packed edition of the FSS blog series by myself. I hope yous are all doing ok and hanging in there. It is good to be back doing regular blogs for yous again.
By the way, I will work on my Blog Archives very soon so yous can check out my past blogs if yous want. No pressure.
So yeah I hope things are good in your life guys. I know it has been a long year or so, but yous are all doing great and keep doing what makes yous happy. I'm doing my best myself and sometimes I struggle too. But I'm happy that I got a lot of support on here and in my fan accounts. I was close to leaving the site after some fallouts over a year ago. Just like recently I quit Discord & thinking of Twitch for the same reason. But the level of support I get here and the friends I've made on here is insane. I lot of yous have kept me sane in these rough times. I got something to say before I do show off my favourite sets recently here on SG.
I know I thank yous a lot and that. That's cause, honestly you don't have any idea how much it means to me. I usually struggle with people in general due to my mental health & ASD since I'm an emotional sensitive guy. But I'm not ashamed about it, it is who I am. I do know I ain't going to win everyone over and that's fine. I think in this day in age. I stick to the ones who want to stick by me as I with them. And I've done great, I've made lots of friends. Over 400 of them which are you my followers.
All because they want to, not cause they have to. Sure I may tag a lot of people in my blogs but it's up to them. I tag so they know that they are getting supported and appreciated. Up to themselves & yourselves. I don't get paid, have sponsors or anything. And I never will. At this point in my life. I just do my thing. Writing blogs does make me happy and supporting alt models does to. I help out whatever they like it or not but tbh all of them like it so no drama there. Even though I always got the fear. But I'm getting better at it.
I mean I don't ask anyone to follow me, like my stuff, gift me, put my blog on Front Page, etc. People on SG do that cause they want to cause people like me for who I am. Not because I just support Alt Models. I appreciate yous. And it's a lot of yous.
Whatever if it's @chroi @kitsu @julha @svetlanna @niallpatterson @phianixx @missjcristina @seasick @rare @bronsonquick @agent_easy @diddy_dave_uk @25901jfm @basseshigh and the ones that are featured today's blog as well as many many others. I do thank yous and I love yous all.
I had a rough a year and a half. So that's why if yous been following me for a while know I'm not hiding my mental health issues. When I wrote this blog Click Here I was basically feeling so bad, I didn't slept at all. My folks notice that I was so down, that they helped me out and I saw all of yous replied to me & I was surprised people still cared about me personally. They know I was depressed too and alone. Was so bad, suicidal thoughts happened after I left social media briefly around the Dec 2019/Jan 2020 but I talk about it to my folks & my mates. Also the recommendations from @eirenne @gnomi @bronsonquick etc helped. So basically what I'm saying this writing these blogs & joining SG has saved my life & improved my mental health for the better.
Nothing beats my time helping out Alt Model with my blogs & my Instagram fan account. Doing this came to me when I needed it the most. So I'm fully indented to this site and the many mates I've made on here. I have improved so much and it's made me a better person & continues to do so. I am chatting to people more. I'm breaking out my shell more and so forth. I never thought in a million year, a Alt Modelling site would be the place that has helped me the most personally but it has. I am getting there and it's all thanks to yous for being awesome to me. So I just want to say that. Not as KungFury but as plain old Kevin.
So yeah the FSS blog series is fully back and I'll do my best to keep doing it since it does definitely help. When @charmed told me that it has helped me, I reflected on what she said in my head and went she is right. I know it is obvious, sometimes I do need to remind myself of the positives in my life. Sometimes the negative thoughts take over too much and also I do need to listen to my own advices lol. Even in @phianixx recent blogs, has made me think of remembering the good things in life. Writing blogs is one of mine. I love helping people out and why not Alt Models & photographers as I thought to myself back in 2018 when I first started the FSS blog series. And it has. I got so much feedback and all of them are awesome. In all of my blog series and blogs in general. So it does mean a lot. I'm not the best, yous are. You give me motivation to continue on and yeah I'm not stopping. I will continue writing blogs & support models/photographers on here and my Instagram fan account. It's what I do best.
So yeah let's get this show on the road. Starting with a model who has made her long awaited return to SG.....
My Recent Favourite Sets
Model: @jasminelouise
Photographer: @tripodski
Yeah I think this long awaited return to SG does matter. Welcome back @jasminelouise to Suicide Girls in this comeback set that hopefully will turn her pink. Shot by @tripodski awesome job as always from my favourite photographer. Yeah I'm so happy I can finally talk about @jasminelouise in my FSS blog series. Long time coming. I know her from my time on XtremePlaypen. Along with @helenarae @nolajean @blaizee @lilymoonflower @phianixx @rubyalexia (more about her later) @chalk @ravenna etc. And also she is a regular on EliteOnlineMag. So I've been a fan of hers for years now and we chat sometimes too. Always good to chat to. So for those who are new to her. She is a make up artist in her other job when she isn't doing alt modelling. She is also the same stuff as me, again we are all so alike. As you see she is into Metallica too, which is dope. Also she is a fan of Saints Row, Mario, etc too video game wise. Her favourite films are Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, The Dark Knight, etc. Her favourite tv shows South Park, Family Guy, Russell Howard's Good News and Face Off?! you know that's a film right? lol jk. Yeah pretty much we have common interest. As you she, she is very beautiful. Both in & out. She's always been a kind hearted woman and we get along, even though I should talk often. Damn my shyness haha. But I'm getting better at it. @jasminelouise was also one of my MCM/WCW picks on my Instagram fan account. Click Here to see it on the pink text. So yeah that's @jasminelouise who has made her comeback. Hopefully her comeback means she will be pink on SG at long last. Please be the case. Go check it out peeps and make it happen for her. Help her turn pink. Make her feel welcomed back, I know I've done my part. Check it out!!
Model: @joymermaid
Photographer: @vanianini
Yeah I'm starting this FSS blog with hopefuls. Since my goal with my blogs is helping the Hopefuls to turn pink this year. Too many of them aren't pink yet and I think it's awful tbh with you. They deserve it. Especially since their all beautiful and their working their asses off. A lot of them are very engaging with the SG community too. One of those hopefuls is @joymermaid here. Who like fellow Brazilian hopefuls @truthfairy @pimenta etc I love to see turn pink this year. She is so beautiful in & out and hoping she will be. She was one of the models in my Best Of 2020 blog (Click Here) and yeah I'm hoping to write a blog about her one day. She is a wonderful woman and I do hope her dreams of being pink on SG come true. I'm gladly helping her get her dream on my end. She truly deserves it. So go check her out and help her not only to chase the sun but chase that pink status she rightfully deserves. Turn @joymermaid pink!!
Model: @rubyalexia
Photographer: @minuminula
Well here we are. It's another entry for my good friend and fellow Elf warrior. The Elf Queen in my upcoming takeover the UK government like V For Vendetta lol jk. It's @rubyalexia back again with yet another Set Of The Day in the making set. With one of my favourite photographers @minuminula doing an awesome job with the photography as always. Gotta love a good beach shoot. In that pic, I can imagine how uncomfortable sitting on the rock is. As a regular walker that I am, I know how fucking uncomfortable sitting on the rocks on the beach is. So you have my sympathies @rubyalexia all for a great set like this. But it's paid off cause it's awesome and beautiful like @rubyalexia herself who is a long time favourite of mine. And I knew from the beginning before everybody and don't yous forget it peeps lol. Yeah she's always awesome and she will be happy to know that I have finished watching The Mandalorian til the next season and baby yoda is the cutest thing ever lol. Seriously @rubyalexia is a big softie just like yours truly. But yeah we always have a good chat and laugh. We have been online mates for years. Again most of my mates are alt models....
Yeah it is cool, thank you John lol jk. But yeah I think it's cause I help them out, chat to them and hear them out. I do my best to help out and give support like I am with this blog. So check out her new set and help her get another Set Of The Day. Which I have no doubt it will happen for her again!! 😊🧝♀️🤘
Model: @lokia
Photographer: @tripodski
Making her FSS debut is this @suicidegirlsuk hopeful that is the lovely @lokia in this set. Shot by my favourite @tripodski and yeah it's an awesome set that is Set Of The Day written all over it....or is it her tattoos, not sure lol jk. No it is a Set Of The Day set in the making. All the sets in this blog are. @lokia is definitely a hopeful who will be pink in the future. She is beautiful and a Kaiser Chiefs fan I see. If you wondering the name of this set is this tune from them....
Yeah I actually think their pretty good, I actually have the first album on CD "Unemployed" which I am. A lot of SG ppl say I should be getting paid since doing what I do is like a job. I'm like no I'm happy doing this for me. Money isn't everything to me. Also I don't think it will happen. But read on below since I'll talk about my goals are. So yeah this is a good tune from them. But this is my favourite song from Kaiser Chiefs....
So now yous know. Yeah their debut album is great, check it out. So yeah @lokia has good taste in music. I think she was recruited here by @nayru if I'm not mistaking. Well I'm glad she has. I wish I can recruit and help my good friend Scarlet Honey be a hopeful here. Hopefully one day, I'll happily talk about her. Same with other mates I've made who are alt models on Instagram. Just doing my best to help them all out if I can. And hopefully I have done a good job. So go check out @lokia set and help her turn pink. As they say on The Mandalorian. This is the way!!
Model & Photographer: @charmed
Yep it's a self shot set in this entry and it is my good friend @charmed back with this set. And I love a set that means a lot to the model personally. Sometimes you don't have to go full NSFW in your set and still be bloody awesome. I always prefer sets that means a lot to the models and they put so much on it. Like this set of @charmed and all of her sets are awesome. In fact I knew when I put her debut set in my FSS blog back in 2019. Yeah I've known her for longer than I thought but we have been fully engaging in convos & supporting each other for months. She's actually one of the people that help me realise that I should stay on and keep doing what I'm doing since it has helped so many people. And @charmed is one of those people. She is awesome and a good friend of mine. As yous can tell she is a big fan of the TV Show Charmed, hints why she is named @charmed makes sense. I actually haven't watched the show but like to one of these days. I do hear it is quite good. You see she is wearing the T Shirt and got all of the mechs & that. Being a super fan, like I am for Resident Evil lol. Still it's a well shot self shot set (try saying that three times lol) and hope it'll be Set Of The Day for her. She deserves to be pink. Hopefully she will be this year. Check it out and make it happen!!
Model: @rapturex
Photographer: @acsebo
Another favourite photographer of mine is @acsebo who is always on top form with his work. This set is one of his masterpiece. This is of course the lovely @rapturex here. Another hopeful for you that should be pink on this site. She is very beautiful. Also she love video gaming, anime and cosplay. Like all of the fellow Spanish SG models like @gloom @mimo @kaegune @heiwa @manson @riia @momoka @livay (happy belated birthday btw) and so on. Her favourite video games are the Bioshock games, Metroid, Until Dawn, Zelda, the Pokémon games and so on. Yeah that's a good list of games. I have completed all the Bioshock games and it is brilliant. If you love them and if yous all got a PS3 or an Xbox 360. I highly recommend Singularity...
Seriously this is such an hidden gem and a must play for Bioshock fans like @rapturex here. It is so awesome. So go play that and help @rapturex here turn pink. It is an awesome set and awesome work from @acsebo as usual. Anyway check out @rapturex set and help her turn pink.
Model: @nerwen
Photographer: @a_popenko
It is one of my favourite models & people on this site next. It's FSS regular @nerwen back with another awesome set. Shot by @a_popenko who is awesome as always with his photography work. The name is the title is my favourite song cause I think it is a Bob Marley song since she is wearing the shirt. I don't know actually. I probably do but I forgot. I should know since @nerwen is a friend but I don't I'm afraid. No doubt she'll tell me in the comments lol. But nevertheless it is another awesome set from her and I'm sure she'll get another Set Of The Day soon. So check it out and make it happen. Btw if you want to know my favourite song is, here it is.....
Yeah it is this gem. It is so badass. I'm actually doing a 30 day music challenge on my Instagram stories and this is the song I pick that automatically makes me happy. Cause I imagine myself being a WWE wrestler and kicking everybody's ass with right hands a plenty & standing tall with the WWE gold haha. Yeah I'm that nerdy haha. Also it was my old pen pal's favourite song back in the day when I was on the wrestling forums. Been addicted to the song since and it is one of my favourites. So a little story there.
Model: @karanlit
Photographer: @darishka
As many of my long time readers know. My anime knowledge isn't the best but I have been watching Studio Ghibli films and I am enjoying them. My personal favourite so far is Castle In The Sky & Pom Poko. This here is a cosplay set from one of Studio Ghibli's most popular film, Princess Mononoke. I am going to watch it soon btw. And it is another awesome set for FSS regular here @karanlit who is beautiful as always. I will finally watch all the Studio Ghibli films. Not rushing it. But I am enjoying the ones that I have watched so far. That's the thing about me I usually watch films at the cinema, since I spend most of my free time gaming or watching TV shows. Films not so much except for the cinema but I have been watching more films this day in age and I am getting into anime & I think for a beginner like myself. Studio Ghibli is the best way to start watching anime. I mean I do watch animation stuff but it's never like anime stuff you know. Usually it was Marvel animation shows like Spiderman and DC animated shows like Batman The Animated Series. But I will eventually get there and start watching good anime like the rest of yous here on Suicide Girls. I know, my oldest nephew bugs me about it. "Uncle Kevin why haven't you start watching this & that?" that's him on my case about it. No excuses but I have watched the first season of Tokyo Ghoul so there. I'm sure @nayru would be proud haha. BTW my xmas gift to my oldest nephew was a Funko Pop of one of the characters from Tokyo Ghoul. Which is pretty cool looking. Yeah I need to start watching anime more. Luckily I noted down a list from recommendations from @evoke and @gloom lol. Part of my new year's resolution haha. Anyway do check out this set from @karanlit and help her get another Set Of The Day. I'm sure it will be!!
Model: @fla
Photographer: @kasha
Well she does love the colour blue and she is always beautiful as always. It is a regular pick of mine, it's @fla with her new set here. And it's a Set Of The Day set written all over it as always. She always shots the best sets. As yous know I love the Brazilians here. Their some of the most friendliest passionate people I have supported in my time doing these blogs and on my fan account. It's amazing how many of them they are and growing. I'm sure we will see more after the covid is finally all done and dealt with. And I'm sure we'll see more awesome sets from them. Like with @fla here. She definitely loves the colour blue. Blue hair, blue eyes (just like me), blue dresses and probably this is her favourite song....
You thought I was going for blue daba de daa-ee song didn't yous lol. Nah too easy. So I went with this tune from one of my favourite bands ever, The Birthday Massacre. Their so awesome. Like @fla herself. She is always beautiful and if I can fully speak Portuguese. I would have convos with her since I know her English is limited. It's one of my goals is to learn Portuguese. We do have things in common and I know she appreciates my support & appreciation like nearly everyone else. And hopefully one day I'll write a appreciation blog about her. @fla deserves it. Must like another Set Of The Day so check it out. Linda como sempre meu amigo!!!
Model: @sinnful
Photographer: @leemalee
Here is the recently turned pink @sinnful making her FSS blog debut with this awesome set. Which is named after this awesome song from The Misfits......
Yeah good old Misfits. This is probably my favourite song from them. So @sinnful has good taste. Gotta love that we are all into the same music eh lol. But yeah this is an awesome set from @sinnful and hopefully will be another Set Of The Day. So go check it out. Speaking of, theirs another SG Model who is a Misfits fan and named her set after one of their tunes and that's........
Model: @infernum
Photographer: Felipe Alberto
......of this one from long time favourite @infernum in this awesome set. Yeah it is named after this song from Misfits....
Yeah a lot of love for this band in this blog and site atm. Hell there's a topic called Misfits Fiend Club in the Gothic Culture group here. So yeah there's big fans of Misfits like @sinnful above and @infernum here. Pretty cool stuff. I haven't listen to them much but I love Dig Up Her Bones and this song/video....
I love this music video and song. You know it was directed by George Romero (RIP). Yeah it's so dope and it's actually one of my favourite music videos ever. I love zombie films and video games as yous long time readers know. One of my favourite films of all time is 28 Days Later. And also Resident Evil is my video game franchise. Btw I can't wait for Resi 8: Village. Just wish I had a PS5 to play the demo but the damn scalpers atm are taking every units thru hacking bots. Twats. But I know I'll get one eventually and same with yous too peeps. But at least these sets will cheer yous up. Like this one of @infernum who is beautiful as always, so go check it out and help her get another Set Of the Day once again!!
Model: @pukka
Photographer: @minuminula
Making her FSS blog debut is this beautiful woman @pukka and this set is definitely a Set Of The Day in the making. @minuminula as usual did a great job with the photography as always. Also why would anyone splash @pukka on the ground, no way. She deserves more love, especially on this site. But of course she is referring to the pool, not the ground. Since this is a pool shoot and a very good one. I miss the summer now, now I understand my mate @niallpatterson pain lol. I hope I can go to Spain this year. Was meant to last year but of course the covid happened and that plan was cancelled. Shame really since it was for a wedding. So hoping it's over by the time Summer arrives. I love the pool, always been an awesome swimmer and do miss swimming you know. So hope it happens this year. Just like I hope @pukka gets another Set Of The Day. So go check her set out and make it happen peeps!!
Model: @ransom
Photographer: @lady
Well this is a cool set. This is from @ransom who is beautiful and a hopeful on here. And @lady as always did a great job with the photography. This is such a good set. Inspired by the Anna Nicole Smith Playboy Feb 1994 cover. Makes me think that Suicide Girls should do a mag like Playboy. Be even better. Of course I'll have my own bit. Be called Fury's Corner, my column. Where I highlight my favourite model for the month. Similar to what I do with my Appreciation & Hopeful Highlight blog series. That'll be awesome if it was true but I don't think people buy mags anymore. Since we got the internet, no point. Even though I do miss the lads mags we had here in the UK like Front, Nuts, Zoo Weekly, etc. Good times. But yeah this is such an awesome set from @ransom and I hope it turns her pink soon, she deserves it. And thank you @ransom for telling me about it, it's great. Hopefully it will be Set Of The Day, so go check it out and help her turn pink peeps.
Model: @pink
Photographer: @fishball
It's an all Italian affair in this entry. And it's this awesome set from @pink back in my FSS blog. Who is beautiful as always. @pink is never in a bad set. But in SG there is no bad sets. I would put them all in this blog but it's impossible & I'm only human lol. But still there is no bad sets. @pink always has brilliant sets, she's been a regular on my blog for a while now and it ain't stopping anytime. Also it's another awesome job from @fishball as always, who is an awesome photographer and model herself. But I think everyone knows who @fishball is. Probably one of the most popular and successful SG models of all time along with @riae @jessicalou my good mate @marlene and so forth. Yeah I'm happy she is doing well for herself. Just like @pink here, who is a multi time regular on Front Page. And I'm sure this set will be another Set Of The Day for @pink here. So go check it out!!
Model: @silky
Photographer: @leemalee
It's the recently turned pink @silky in this awesome set next. I'm so happy for her. She truly deserves it and hoping this is another Set Of The Day for her. Shot by @leemalee and as usual, she is brilliant. As a photographer and in general. I'm happy for @silky she is beautiful and I knew she will be pink one day. Glad to see she is. She is always been supportive and caring for everyone on here. I do notice her support to me too and I will never forget that. I'm glad I have supported her for a while. So hopefully the ball keeps going for her and this set is another Set Of The Day for her. Go check it out and make it happen for her peeps. More SOTD & support in general for @silky here, the better!!
Model: @alerose
Photographer: @r_girardi
I will say this, finding SFW images for this set was hard. So you know it'll be popular soon and rightfully so since this is another awesome set from @alerose here. Well I do my best to keep my blogs as SFW as I can, since it's one of the keys to get blogs on Front Page and my blogs are aim to help out the models so that's why. But I did ok right? I think also I have that mindset on keeping it SFW since I have a Instagram fan account and I don't want my account to close since I'm doing well on there. Anyway I'm rambling on lol. This set is excellent but that's no surprise since @alerose always has brilliant sets. She is a multi time regular on the Front Page with Sets Of The Day for a reason. Awesome sets and she is so beautiful. Her sets definitely heals the soul and this set is too different. And as always @r_girardi done a great job as always with the photography. His work is always top notch. Hopefully it is another Set Of The Day for @alerose here and I'm sure it will be. Check it out peeps, you won't be disappointed. 😊👍
Model: @lovia
Photographer: @fromlimbo
Well here's a model that should've been in my FSS blogs for a while. But glad I am feature her in my FSS blog now. That being this French model that is the lovely @lovia in this awesome set. And of course @fromlimbo did a great job with her photography work, as always. Yeah I'm kicking myself not putting @lovia in my blog series in the past. That's a thing, I usually discover a model later on sometimes since this site is so packed. Lots of models to choose from but that's what makes it awesome, you never run out. But yeah I'm glad to be writing about @lovia now and she is so beautiful. She's one of the many awesome French model we got on this site. Along with @marlene @jupiter @kitsu @ozzora @veelana @gladyce @mist @merryjane @nikitaray @mandeelou @miyumiyu and so on. So yeah a lot of beautiful models from France and @lovia is one of them. I'm sure I'll be featuring her in the future blogs now since I'm a fan. Hopefully this is yet another Set Of the Day for her. So go check it out and make it happen for her again. I'm sure it will for @lovia here, fingers crossed!!
Model: @evoke
Photographer: GaaraOfTheFunk
Last but not least. Probably one of my favourites of all time and one of my best mates in the SG community. It is @evoke with another hopefully soon to be Set Of The Day set from her. I'm so happy how far she has come. I remember when she was used to be ShesUseless (former username) that's how long I've known her since she made her debut around the time I started this blog series in late 2018. And our friendship has been growing since. We have always been chatting away and it wasn't for people like her being so kind, caring and supportive to me. I would've left SG ages ago. She has stuck by me. Like @chroi @phianixx @missjcristina @kitsu @rubyalexia @blaizee @nolajean @seasick @sammiii @asxna @brizelll @julha @babu @reznoritis @tripodski @niallpatterson @bronsonquick @agent_easy @diddy_dave_uk @25901jfm @justones @annaedelrid @marlene @gnomi @dannikadaisy @helenarae @helenjade and so many more. I am grateful I have made so many friends here. Just from writing blogs like this. It does mean a lot and I do love yous all. Like yourself @evoke your a mate for life. Just thank you for everything for chatting to me and being a good friend to me. You're an awesome person. In fact her passion for photography is actually why I want to do photography myself in the future. I think in my time doing blogs and researching thru sets on here, profiles, reading blogs, etc. I've gained a lot for respect and passion for photography myself. And seeing a lot of @evoke work on here, Instagram and her OnlyFans makes me want to do photography myself. I'm not saying I'll do what @tripodski @coolicio @niallpatterson @penny @leemalee etc does. Who knows maybe one day I'll give alt model photography a go but I love to do outdoor photography like shooting pics of places here in Scotland. Even shoot pics of animals. Not weddings, I prefer a quiet job you know. Like doing these blogs. Since I'm always a behind the scenes fella. So it's an goal for myself. Since I really need to get myself out there, been a shut in for too long and I'm sick of it you know. I want to travel and also if I can, I'll shot sets for models for here in the future. Who knows, the future is unpredictable at times but it'll be cool. Shooting sets and further helping out the models here. But I'm a blogger for now and I'm happy writing blogs for yous all. And talking about how awesome and wonderful @evoke is, cause she truly is. I love her. She is a good friend. And I will bake her a carrot cake one day. See what happens, never say never right. But yeah I hope she does get another Set Of The Day soon. I'm sure she will be. So go check it out. She truly deserves it. One of the best!!
Classic SG Sets shoutouts
Model: @suzylee
Photographer: @r_girardi
I got three sets in my classic set shoutouts bit. A new feature in my FSS blog to give a shout outs to sets that I liked her from SG's past and tbh I want to give these models/photographers shoutouts. Like this Set Of The Day set from @suzylee who is beautiful as always. And a great lass in general. Good to chat to. A video gamer like myself. Right now she is currently playing Zelda The Ocarina Of Time atm. Awesome game. I love Zelda. So good choice Suzy. And good choice turning this set SOTD. Happy that she's pink, hopefully she'll get more SOTD honours in the near future. If yous missed out. Check it out!!
Model: @helenjade
Photographer: @coolicio
Since @coolicio is one of my favourite photographers on the site. I wanted to feature one of her works. This of one of my favourite models, @helenjade here. Who is beautiful as always. She's been a great lass to talk to, I saw in her stories not long ago about her talking about her past and how she struggled with mental health issues. Usually I talk to people who are open about their mental health since I know what it's like. It's not good but I'm happy theirs people like @helenjade that are open to talk about it. She has been awesome to talk to and want to support her more so hints why she's here and also this is an awesome set too. Like all of her sets. So go check it out and help her get another Set Of The Day once again peeps!! 👍
Model: @missjcristina
Photographer: @gemmaedwardsuk
Well this takes me back to my first ever FSS blog. And this is one of the first sets I've talked about. Yeah I've been doing this for three years now and hoping that this set would be Set Of The Day by now. Hope it still has a chance since @missjcristina overwhelmingly deserves to be turned pink on this site ages ago. Not only one of my favourites but like @evoke she has been one of my best mates on here and in general. We chat daily and hoping to support her on Twitch once she gets started. She has joined my Live Chats there. Along with @phianixx @charmed @soraiya @reuben @tripodski and I think that's it. Speaking off, I need to join your live chat on Twitch @gemmaedwardsuk I do hear it's awesome. Like your work here with @missjcristina I'm honestly surprised it ain't Set Of The Day yet. It has 2069 likes by the time I wrote this. Help her turn pink and check it out peeps. More the merrier!!
The Conclusion
So that's another edition of the FSS blog done and dusted.
Hope you all enjoyed it and liked all my picks. If you missed out some of my recent blogs. It's down below.....
@diamant Hopeful Highlight blog #17
No pressure at all but it's there if yous want to check them out peeps.
So yeah thank you very much for checking this blog out. So good to be back to doing this again. I do miss it and I will do it often as I can. I do love writing this for yous all and I know a lot of yous enjoy it. I enjoy supporting the alt models and the photographers. It's great to do this and for this long. Even though there was times I wanted to give up but I've done so much. So it'll be silly for me to give up. Like John Cena will say, don't give up and I shouldn't. This site has been great to me. Sure technically I am a member but I do work hard on my blogs and on my fan accounts to help out Alt Models. It definitely has helped me personally too and made me a better person than I first started here. Sure I had rough spots now & then in the past but I've learned and improved. Long time readers will see how far I've come. And I'm proud of my work. It has helped and entertained, hopefully lol. But no pressure, I just enjoy supporting alt models and help them on my end.
So thank yous all once again peeps. Yous are the best!!!!
So til the next blog this is Kevin saying thank you again for reading, be kind to each other and take care. Also if you do have TikTok, good for you. More power to yous. My FSS blog titles are usually my random sense of humour for yous lol.
@missy @sean @penny @eirenne @lust @lemon @yessybear @mickey